feralfilmllc · 1 year
The problem with mediocre acting in a murder mystery:
we can't tell whether the character is faking or the actor just sucks.
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feralfilmllc · 2 years
“nobody knows”
Just because certain news gets little mention or no coverage on American television, that does not mean that "nobody knows what's going on". If everything you "know" comes from TV, than you are the one who doesn't know what's going on.
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feralfilmllc · 2 years
[warning: Ugly cover graphics alert! Do not be afraid.]
This is a re-creation of the flight in 2009 when a novice pilot (who once, long years earlier, learned to fly a simple single engine plane) had to take control of a (much more complex) twin engine turboprop, because the real pilot died (in the seat beside him). It's a very simple production, utilizing the complete air traffic control audio (between the novice pilot and Fort Meyers ATC) with a flight simulator replicating the point of view from the cockpit. In other words, it is just radio dialogue with minimal sound effects and animated graphics. Yet we find the unhurried (43 minutes) true story compelling.
[Oh, and fear not; every part of this video is better looking than that cover image slapped together by its creators. Honest.]
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feralfilmllc · 2 years
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'Bridgerton' (season 2) remains a costumed fantasy winking at a soap opera in the mirror.
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
Between parody and mimicry
a boundary poorly marked.
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
I love serials that will just kill major characters — dead — with no comin’ back from it. Once readers and viewers realize that no character is “safe”, there’s real suspense in all situations.
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
We detest artificial scarcity. We will happily wait as long as it takes for creators to produce a new installment. But if you have finished editing a batch of (say) 12 chapters in a storyline, to now dole them out one at a time over 12 weeks is a crass manipulation of your customers' attention (and subscriptions).
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
Finding the substance, satire and schtick of Don't Look Up (2021) sufficient material for a short film.
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
If you're interested in the creative process, Get Back (2021).
Thank you Jabez Olssen and Peter Jackson!
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
If you can handle darkness and pointless violence, stick with Squid Game for a half dozen episodes.
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
enjoy the show
I’ve abstained from popular media since my teens. At first it was somewhat deliberate, but mostly because i had better things to do and places to be; also because 90% of the media humans produce is junk, and who has time for that? Being oblivious to the junk gets easier with age; it also helps if your closest friends do the same. Experience has shown that anything urgent will come to my attention soon enough, without any special effort on my part; word of mouth is powerful in our species. Meanwhile, i am free to read, watch, taste, smell and listen to the good stuff i care about — or at least to some of it, living as we do in an age of information abundance! Again, who has time for consuming dreck, when there’s so much that is excellent? My wonderful and likeminded friends point me to the best stuff they find; we are each other’s filters. I cannot remember the last time i was bored for more than five minutes, but it was probably while staring at some well known TV network.
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
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Imagining a Tarantino horror film that opens with these two characters, then circles back to them at the end.
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feralfilmllc · 3 years
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Dead Car Drive-In Bombay Beach, California
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feralfilmllc · 4 years
I can’t bear Hollywood film music, because it seems to me it does the most pedestrian and obvious thing: it locates a single emotion in the film and then does its best to exaggerate that.
- Brian Eno
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feralfilmllc · 4 years
The good thing about adapting a very bad book into a movie:
the movie (almost) cannot help but be better.
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feralfilmllc · 4 years
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Leave it to the Russians to make a zombie movie but leave out the zombies. ;) warning: If you are experiencing a pandemic, expect this 2019 mini-series to push anxiety buttons. (Originally titled Epidemic or Эпидемия, Netflix released it as To the Lake in 2020.)
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feralfilmllc · 5 years
24-hour news networks are the punishment for watching them.
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