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“You are on the floor crying, and you have been on the floor crying for days. And that is you being brave. That is you getting through it as best you know how. No one else can decide What your tough looks like.”
— Clementine von Radics (via wordsnquotes)
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If you break someone and they still wish you the best, you’ve lost the greatest thing for you
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i’m so done with the way girls in twenties are treated. i’m so done with people who literally create timetable for us. 20- 24  find a guy, 24-26 make him propose to you, 27-29 get married. i’m so done. i’m do not want to get 2 a.m texts from my best friend who is freaking out that she is gonna die alone. i do not want see my 20 years old friend wasting her time on some guys who are not even interested in her. i do not want see us falling for every nice guy who does not look creepy. i do not want to see girls get sad or paranoid just bcos they do not fill in the schedule. you are ok. you should enjoy your life at its fullest and one day you will find 10/10 so do not pursue 6 just because you do not want to be single. it is ok and one day you will find someone. do not split your love with people who does not deserve it. keep it for yourself and when time will come you will know. i know it hurts. i know you wish u could just open part of yourself and release the buzzing love. but not every kind of love is romantic. show it to your family, friends, plants, yourself.
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Here’s the hard part: you don’t ever stop loving him. You move on and you grow and you change, but it doesn’t ever stop, this feeling. And when you see him five years from now, all uptight in his fancy new job and wearing a suit that makes him look like a big deal, when he smiles in that easy way and says,“Hey, you. It’s been a while,” your stomach will still trip over itself. Your hollow hands will still want to reach out and mess up his tie. His hair. Trace the skin of his back until he sighs. And you’ll still wonder why. Why it didn’t work. Why it couldn’t now. Oh, God. No, you’re never going to stop loving him. Your heart just doesn’t know how.
(via yourhandwrittenletter)
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I love sitting by an open window and just listening to the sounds of earth. The birds in the distant or right outside my window. The sound of a car wheel driving on the gravel of the street. The noises they make as they pass by. The creeks of some cars. The different types of music that blasts out the windows as they drive. The construction just across the street. The conversations people have while on a long morning stroll. The dogs barking. The excitement they have for Spring weather arriving after a long and cold Winter. The people so eager to be outside soaking up every bit of sun and breathing in every refreshing, warm breeze. These are the quiet, simple moments I enjoy on a sunny Spring morning. Taking in every sound I hear of earth welcoming the new season. Let the bitter Winter pass and the sunny Spring arrive in full bloom.
Excerpt from a book I’ll never write
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My desire Burns like fire
By @ediblenotes (via ediblenotes)
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I do a damn good job of fucking things up before they even start.
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It’s like you look at this person and see a whole future with them. You see that first date, how awkward the two of you will be because it’s a new step in your relationship. You’ll see that first kiss after waiting so long. The butterflies in your stomach flutter through your lips to his in one sweet motion. The touch of his hand brushing down your arm while the other caresses your cheek. You see the years with him. All the adventures you’ll take. All the world you’ll see: together. You see it all. From that first date to that future wedding you have. The home you’ll call your own. You see it all in his eyes at that first glance, and you think, he will be mine forever. And than all of sudden that future is shattered. You realize he’s not the one you’ll wake up to every morning and laugh with every night. He won’t be there to hold you every time you cry or go on midnight walks through the neighborhood when you can’t sleep. You won’t be laying in his arms under the stars talking about what you’ll name your kids or where you want to visit next. That whole future you saw with him at the start, it was nothing but a hope; a fantasy. His eyes drew you in like a black hole and you fell deeper than ever. Those eyes made you believe that this was real; that he was really made just for you. You dreamed it was him but reality knew it was never going to be him to hold your hand until your last breathe.
Excerpt from a book I’ll never write
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“"I don’t want to spend all this time avoiding whatever it is that’s between us and never get our chance.”      She swallowed and asked, “But what if we ruin it?"       "I know,” he said. “But what if we don’t?”
excerpt from a book I’ll never write (via yourhandwrittenletter)
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Don’t you ever shy away from something because you love it too much. I don’t care if it’s a person, or a passion, or a dream. We’re too afraid of our own hearts these days, too worried that we might wreck ourselves. But we were never born to hide from the things that could make us the happiest. So take the job, kiss the girl, pour your heart out. Make mistakes, big mistakes, and live so fully that you know what it feels like to be in pain. To be in love. To be anything at all.
(via yourhandwrittenletter)
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She sat on the kitchen floor with broken stars in her eyes and burnt promises on her tongue, and she told him, “Your life would be so much easier without me.”      So he sat by her side, close enough that their arms and hips and legs touched, and he said, “But not better.”
excerpt from a book I’ll never write (via yourhandwrittenletter)
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People break. Like glass and waves and bone. So much sits on our shoulders, so much that we must learn to spare a few cracks. To let the sunlight seep to our souls and grow skin a little thicker. Because bad times and good times aren’t bad or good at all. They just are. So we break and are breaking, but do not think we are broken. In the wake of it all, we become something else entirely. Somehow, the breaking makes us more.
(via yourhandwrittenletter)
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“It’s terrifying, isn’t it?”      "What?“ he asked.      "That we’re all so small,“ she said, turning her face to the stars. "And that we live such complicated lives. Do you ever think about that? The fact that every person in rush hour traffic has a first kiss and a favorite person and something that makes them cry on the spot. I mean, there’s billions of us on this one little speck overthinking what the hell we’re doing with our lives. Constantly planning and worrying and discovering. Knowing all along we’re just a dot in the universe. A tiny little crumb. Practically invisible.”      She paused to take a breath, her lungs expanding until she could hold no more, and then she whispered, “It’s terrifying to me that we can be so small and so enormous at the same time.
excerpt from a book I’ll never write // 27 (via yourhandwrittenletter)
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Some people take your breath away from the very start. Loud and wild and incredibly alive. Sometimes you fall hard with on the spot, and it lasts, but here’s the thing about love: mostly it grows. Mostly it’s seeing her in class and wondering what she's thinking. Watching her write her name at the top of her paper in loopy cursive. When you ask her out for the first time, your palms are sweaty. God, you think. Get a grip. But then she says yes, and you stop thinking altogether.      And it’s quiet, this love. Shimming it’s way into your life. You learn that she’s funny. She likes bad reality TV and drinks coffee by the gallon. When you compliment her, she tucks her chin in embarrassment. She’s kind to people. Generous. And here’s the other thing about love: mostly you don’t see it coming.      One day in the middle of winter she takes your hand and presses close and says, “You’re so warm. God. I wish I could wear you like a sweater.” And that’s it. The shy girl in English with big eyes. Loopy cursive. This girl. This is it, you think. This is what it’s all about. You tell her that you love her one day, many months later, and maybe she says it back. Maybe she smiles wide with all of her teeth and says, “it took you long enough. ” Maybe you marry her or maybe she starts asking for space. Maybe it’s too much, this love. Or maybe you break her heart and she never forgives you. Maybe love just doesn’t cut it this time. Maybe all of this. None of it. Something else entirely. I mean, that’s the thing about love: mostly it doesn’t make any sense at all.
(via yourhandwrittenletter)
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Sometimes your forever is someone else’s for now. You’ve been through this before. I can see it in your eyes. It happens like this: you plan your life around a person who doesn’t know what he’s doing next month or next week or for the next twenty minutes. And when it comes to wandering souls, even all the love in the world can’t make them stay.       Or this: you give without being asked, handful after handful of yourself. He takes with big hands and hardly ever spends the night, but you blindly hope it will grow into something more. Something wonderful. It must, you think. It has to. But when his pockets are full and a new soul is calling, when the world tilts into clarity and he finds himself awake in the middle of the night, you’ll learn more than your fair share about heartbreak.      And I know, I know, it’s hard to try again. To give and plan and hope without worrying about the burn. It’s hard, yes, but you have to. You just have to. Because one day, I promise, your forevers will align. Listen to me. One day, someone will teach you how to love again.
(via yourhandwrittenletter)
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