eveinoz · 5 hours
not every aro person is loveless but everytime someone asks in a concerned and scared way if aro people don't feel love i kind of want to reply 'correct, get scared 👻'
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eveinoz · 5 hours
"Pride month is over"
WRONG! Your pride month is over! Me and all the other disabled queers are having pride month two: disability edition
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eveinoz · 1 day
hey writers- if you're ever working on a story, and you hear a voice telling you to make all your characters aromantic, or polyamorous, or maybe even both, that's an angel talking. and you should listen
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eveinoz · 1 day
An archivist found a long forgotten 8mm film reel in an old metal box, marked "Philippines 1942". Thinking it was lost WWII footage, he sent it in to be restored/digitized. When he got the footage back, he found puppies instead (via)
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eveinoz · 1 day
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Wild horses just make me so emotional man just look at those living cave paintings
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eveinoz · 1 day
*releases pack of dads into home depot* go……be free
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eveinoz · 1 day
hot (bitter) take but getting asked for your pronouns is kind of useless when you use anything but One of the big three. cis people short circuit when you answer with it/its or neopronouns or even just multiple alternating sets
one time a girl asked my pronouns, i told her it/its, she tried ONCE before asking if she could just use they/them. right in front of my salad. like why even ask me at that point
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eveinoz · 1 day
"Are you head over heels" Yeah that's how standing works
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eveinoz · 1 day
I think people who consider aromanticism as "basically straight" underestimate how noticeable absence can be to those around you.
Whether you're a kid in school with classmates who won't take "no one" as an answer to who you have a crush on or an adult whose coworkers have picked up on the fact that you've never mentioned a romantic partner; after enough time, a lack or insufficient amount of romantic interest will raise the antennae of friends, family, coworkers, etc... They will notice and they will speculate and they will ask.
It is impossible to meet the societal bar for straightness through inaction.
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eveinoz · 3 days
i was going to respond to a bad post on my dash and debating "this is genuinely bad and harmful" vs "getting into fights online makes me a worse, less compassionate person" and then i remembered i have actual responsibilities and obligations unrelated to posting so:
the idea that men, or people perceived as men, should accept being preemptively treated as sexual predators (and it's an act of oppression for them to resist), is gender essentialism. when it's targeted towards trans people and/or used to paper over the fact that trans people are overwhelmingly more likely to be the victims of sexual violence than cis people, it's transphobia. this is pretty basic stuff and it's embarrassing to see fellow trans people perpetuating this kind of rhetoric.
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eveinoz · 3 days
One of my least favorite responses to discussions about arophobia in fiction is “That character isn’t aromantic though! They’re just a psychopath/sociopath/narcissist/[insert relevant stigmatized disorder here]”. Being aromantic and having a personality disorder — including ASPD or NPD — are not mutually exclusive. The trope of “This person doesn’t feel love, therefore they are evil” doesn’t stop being arophobic the moment it’s directed towards a character with a personality disorder (yes, even if they have one of the “scary” personality disorders). Ableism and arophobia often intersect in this way, and that doesn’t make the arophobia any less arophobic
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eveinoz · 4 days
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eveinoz · 4 days
the default way for things to taste is good. we know this because "tasty" means something tastes good. conversely, from the words "smelly" and "noisy" we can conclude that the default way for things to smell and sound is bad. interestingly there are no corresponding adjectives for the senses of sight and touch. the inescapable conclusion is that the most ordinary object possible is invisible and intangible, produces a hideous cacophony, smells terrible, but tastes delicious. and yet this description matches no object or phenomenon known to science or human experience. so what the fuck
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eveinoz · 5 days
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eveinoz · 7 days
no but how much audacity and sheer entitlement do you have to have to tell people they need to stop posting their darkfic and porn fic and any other fic you don’t like to ao3 so you can have a safe space when ao3 was literally created as a safe space for writers to post their content without fear of it being randomly wiped out by pro-censorship assholes with an agenda like what has happened to plenty of other fic archives before?
“but a lot of us see ao3 as a safe space to get away from that kind of nasty content” - lol you can see the middle of a busy interstate as a safe space all you want too but that doesn’t mean that you get to walk into the road and scream at all the cars going by that they’re the ones infringing on your safe space either
ao3 is not, has never been, and will never be a site meant for nothing but children’s stories. you can “see it” like that as much as you want but there’s a difference between fiction and reality and that view of what ao3 is like is as fictional as the stories posted on it.
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eveinoz · 7 days
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eveinoz · 10 days
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