Es casi evidente
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My name is Marina 'Torchi' Torchiari and I hoard here all the random things I like from the interwebs (and some of my own stuff too). Enjoy.
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escasievidente · 2 years ago
It is hard to think of another object in our society which is both a medical device that you don’t want and a fashion accessory which you do. Buying them, in my experience anyway, is a fraught, somewhat exciting exercise that starts in a darkened room, where you contemplate the blurred letters and the degeneration of your visual cortex, and ends in a bright, gallery-like space where you enjoy the spry feel of acetate in your fingers, listen to what you are told, pay more than you were expecting to, and look forward to inhabiting a new, slightly sharper version of your existing self.
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escasievidente · 2 years ago
In this bright, shiny new world of 50-plus possibility, I often feel obscurely cheated of the kind of menopause and midlife I internalised from 1980s soaps: silently emptying a bottle of cooking sherry while sitting motionless at the kitchen table, then maybe throwing a casserole at a wall out of the blue under the horrified gaze of my family. I have been waiting to do this for decades – and now you want me to run an ultramarathon, start a wellness empire and launch a podcast instead?
In this bright, shiny new world of 50-plus possibility, I often feel obscurely cheated of the kind of menopause and midlife I internalised from 1980s soaps: silently emptying a bottle of cooking sherry while sitting motionless at the kitchen table, then maybe throwing a casserole at a wall out of the blue under the horrified gaze of my family. I have been waiting to do this for decades – and now you want me to run an ultramarathon, start a wellness empire and launch a podcast instead?
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escasievidente · 2 years ago
Rejecting a programming language outright makes you a poorer technologist. It closes you off to huge, vibrant, diverse communities. The lack of humility causes you to miss the creativity of engaged, practically-minded users. You might never experience the quality of their tools and how good their documentation and onboarding can be. A tool with 200,000 users and 500 contributors will quickly become better than something maintained by 3 people in academia. Beginners who get pull requests on their project in the first week promptly improve their software engineering game.
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escasievidente · 2 years ago
LinkedIn used to be a handy but unexciting online Rolodex. In recent years, however, it has become a cesspit of toxic positivity and a temple to cringe. There is a subreddit called LinkedInLunatics that catalogues “insufferable LinkedIn content”.
The ‘crying CEO’ sacked two people then posted a weeping selfie on LinkedIn. No wonder the backlash was swift | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
Hotel Quilla House
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Como la mayoría de los hoteles “pagables” de Aguas Calientes en Perú, el Quilla House es bastante flojo y no guarda relación con los alojamientos en zonas turísticas de ninguna parte del mundo pero sirve para dormir una noche.
La recepción es pobrísima y la atención es pésima pero está bien ubicado en el centro de todo y la habitación es bastante decente y limpia. Todas las galerías para…
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
Magicpacker Hostel
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El Magicpacker Hostel se encuentra a una cuadra del Mercado Central de San Pedro y a menos de 10 minutos de la Plaza Central de Cusco en Perú.
El frente no dice mucho y no es fácil de encontrar a la distancia pero una vez adentro tiene todas las comodidades de un muy buen hostel: zonas comunes amplias y con buen wi-fi, actividades para todos los días, mesa de ping-pong donde organizan torneos…
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
Casa Falleri Boutique Hotel
Casa Falleri Boutique Hotel
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El Casa Falleri Boutique Hotel está ubicado en la zona de Barranco en Lima, muy cerca de la costanera, de los restaurantes y de las galerías de arte características del barrio.
Esta mansión de principios del siglo XX fue remodelada para adaptarla a uso hotelero respetando tanto la estructura como la decoración de la época, convirtiéndolo en una casa-museo muy acogedora. Desde el mobiliario…
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
How to spot a gaslighter Their apologies are always conditional When someone says, “I’m sorry you feel that way,” that’s not an apology; the other person is not taking responsibility for their behaviour, they’re simply manipulating you. Gaslighters will only apologise if they are trying to get something out of you. They use splitting Gaslighters love to pit people against each other. This is known as splitting. An example would be lying to one friend about another, saying a mutual friend had said something unflattering about them. Gaslighters are the ultimate agitators and instigators The gaslighters will then watch comfortably from the sidelines, the very fight that they caused. They’ll do anything to get in with you Gaslighters are good at buttering people up. As soon as you fulfil their needs, they drop their mask of niceness. Trust your gut. If the friendliness seems phoney, beware.
Abuse prevention: how to turn off the gaslighters | Life and style | The Guardian
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
“There aren’t many ways of interacting that manage to be simultaneously wrong in so many dimensions,” says Abramson. It’s not just the abuse, but the erasure of abuse as it happens. It’s the obliteration of another person’s perspective, insistence that it’s not the action that’s wrong, but their reaction. “If your judgment is ‘irrational’, you can no longer be a source of challenge,”
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
“Conscious uncoupling”, and its counterpart “conscious coupling”, are phrases that suggest the possibility of a certain level of control over the emotionally volatile matters of love, sex and attachment. At its worst, the implication is that, if you are a clever, decent person, you should be able to manage your relationships in such a way as neither to cause, nor suffer, extremes of pain, and to preserve the dignity of both parties at every point in the romantic or sexual encounter.A brief flick through literary history might suggest that this is a tall order, but Shakespeare, Stendhal and the Brontës didn’t know what it was like to contend with the constant, baleful gaze of social media. In the old days people could have tantrums, wreak revenge and die of heartbreak when their love stories didn’t go according to plan. Now it is de rigueur to retain a consistent appearance of sentimental hygiene given that everything you do or say needs to be fed into the like-machine. It’s become a competitive sport. What would people think of you if they knew you felt hurt, rejected, brimming with envy or rage? Perhaps it would seem at odds with your job as guarantor of the possibility of the charmed life.
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
Availability plus overconfidence can be a recipe for trouble in social relationships. Well-intentioned people often do things that look, at least on the surface, not so well-intentioned. These “bad actions” are highly “available,” in that we can easily mull over our own interpretations of them. And overconfidence makes us too sure that these apparently bad actions are indeed “bad.” A downward spiral can easily ensue.
It may seem obvious that relationship problems are driven by such misunderstandings, which in turn are driven by cognitive biases. But in fact, the direct connection of such cognitive biases to anger and relationship problems is not well studied—which is perhaps why Lewis does not make this connection in the book.
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
Hay personas muy creativas que son analistas de datos, que trabajan en marketing, en relaciones públicas, y en los departamentos de medios. La palabra “creatividad” hoy en día es mucho más polifacética que en 1977. Parte de la razón por la cual la industria se metió en algunas dificultades recientemente es porque la creatividad tiene otra definición. No digo que la gran idea no sea importante, sigue siendo el camino. Pero hay que analizar los datos y que la creatividad sea más eficiente. Hoy es todo mucho más complejo.
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
And that is why, to me, Elon Musk has become the id of tech. But his desires and needs are never unconscious or hidden; they are all out there in the brightest Technicolor for all to see.In the oddest of ways, he is transparent, so utterly direct that it is unsettling and even painful at times to those around him.
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escasievidente · 6 years ago
Researchers in the US found that the wingspan of American cliff swallows, which took up the habit of colonising concrete highway bridges in the 1980s, had decreased by about two millimetres a decade since then. Not much, and perhaps not really worth noticing if their measurements on the roadkill had not shown the exact opposite pattern: by the 2010s, the wings of dead birds by the roadside were about half a centimetre longer than those of live birds still happily flapping along. Also, even though the pressure of traffic had remained the same or even increased, the numbers of dead birds declined by almost 90%.
Darwin comes to town: how cities are creating new species | Cities | The Guardian
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escasievidente · 7 years ago
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escasievidente · 7 years ago
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Desde que me dejaste, la ventanita del amor se me cerró #AlpacaTrip🇵🇪 #MachuPicchu #Cusco #Peru #TorchiTrip #LatinAmerica #pintravel (at Machu Picchu, Cusco, Perú)
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escasievidente · 7 years ago
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Ñoquis de calabaza con manteca y salvia, como dice la Biblia #29
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