born again
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enlighth · 5 years ago
hiatus notice
hi everyone ! im super sad to say this but i have to go on hiatus now that summer has ended and class has started again. i knew that this would happen but now its finally here .. :pensive:  i enjoyed rping with you all so thank you for that ! hopefully i’ll be able to return at some point but its my senior year and im slammed so chances are. slim.   
although you can always follow me on my twitter ! i’m pretty much always there! the link to it is here: yorozuyas_  and if the link doesnt work that is my  @  !
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enlighth · 6 years ago
just a notice that i will have minimal activity for awhile ! we have to evacuate bc of the hurricane and my friends house doesnt have great wifi + i need to start preparing for class  ): you can always ask for my discord though or ask for my twitter !  that is where i will mostly be present 
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enlighth · 6 years ago
my writing brain just isnt here  :pensive:
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enlighth · 6 years ago
kingdom hearts verse  /  spoilers in relation to byleth , rhea , and sothis below
byleth is a man made nobody created by rhea , for the sole purpose of creating a vessel for sothis to bring her back to life.  she had tried to place sothis’s heart in previous vessel but all resulted in failure
byleth is kind of like xion in the case that he is created from parts of sothis and doesnt originally really have . a set face / form 
after ‘byleth’ existed for some time rhea put the heart of sothis within byleth  …  but it seemed like she resulted in yet another failure !  
IF I WANT JERALT IN ALL THIS , he probably worked under rhea and they met somewhere along the line and he decided to devote himself to her for some reason but once he found out what she was doing and this child was created to basically not , have any chance of having a life of its own he took it and left (but this doesnt necessarily need to be part of it. im indecisive)
EITHER WAY, ‘byleth’ does leave
eventually he does develop his own face , the face of byleth, and tries to live some kind of a life
in regards to sothis
im still iffy on her exact origin but i was considering her being related 2 kingdom hearts somehow since she is the goddess in 3h
she was a keyblade master in the age of fairy tales & i guess the children of the goddess in 3h would be her disciples ?  & actual children. or i guess just rhea could be. idk. whatever WORKS anyway
bc of some reason her heart was separated from her body  & then she lost her body  . and all rhea was able to recover was her heart
and then basically rhea was hellbent on bringing her back just like the game
and then rhea traveled to the future or something eventually probably and started doing her experiments ! wack
anyway back to byleth
so bc of this byleth is able to wield sothis’s keyblade which no one has seen in a  LONG ass time , basically sword of the creator equivalent 
also after some time byleth is able to speak with sothis  since sothis’s heart is also within them
byleth and sothis become friends like in the game bc sothis also doesnt know what the fuck is going on
byleth decides he wants to help sothis get her own body  or try to at least
byleth still doesnt have a heartbeat in this verse
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enlighth · 6 years ago
wow glad to know org 13 is all here,
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enlighth · 6 years ago
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          ❛  give me strength!  ❜
well, hi there gamers!  it’s me, sparky, with a brand spanking definitely not new promo for the one and only sora of the kingdom hearts franchise!  you guys already know the drill for these so if you could give this a ♡ and ↺ for me, i’d greatly appreciate it!  thank you!  
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enlighth · 6 years ago
i rp xigbar , but no one needs to know that edit:  i also rp axel   (:
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enlighth · 6 years ago
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             his eyes lost their BRILLIANCE, one that could’ve saved him from his deepest nightmares — even if, it was a FALSE savior. all of this was only HIS to atone, HIS to make wrongs into rights. even now … he thinks, as far as he had gone, there was NO RETURNING for him and his only path is to thread on till he takes his own head at his mission’s end. ❛ i have nothing to say to you, ❜ thus he says, words so ICY COLD, so unwilling to be saved.
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        “ ... ”  to be met with such coldness is expected , though it’s not in byleth’s nature to give up on someone.  dimitri is their friend , after all.  “ i’m sorry i couldn’t have been there for you. ”  they shake their head, wondering if it was useless to say such things now.  as long as the other would let byleth stay, they don’t have any attention of leaving.  the others are worried , but don’t know how to help.  dimitri doesn’t seem to want any help either.
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enlighth · 6 years ago
anyway , gintama aside im not sure i’ll actually be ic today but i’ll get to the rest of my starters & replies soon
unfortunately since this is my last week before school my activity will be declining more but .. thats how it be 
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enlighth · 6 years ago
starsmithed replied to your post: > when u want to rp gintoki but youre too lazy to...
pls dont tempt me i’ve been staring lovingly at hijikata for DAYS
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enlighth · 6 years ago
skycleft replied to your post: i did nothing today
fuck yeah that’s the dream
we watched a silent voice and it was really good and made me emo and then we watched the episodes that introduce stein in se and  wow, i love stein ! thats my mans ! 
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enlighth · 6 years ago
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> when u want to rp gintoki but youre too lazy to sign onto your multi and also who the fuck rps gintama anyway
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enlighth · 6 years ago
i did nothing today
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enlighth · 6 years ago
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claude canonically can’t climb trees so OBVIOUSLY he does handstands to get upside down right 
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enlighth · 6 years ago
ok i did ic stuff i win  .. now i must go to mobile
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enlighth · 6 years ago
kingdom hearts verse  /  spoilers in relation to byleth , rhea , and sothis below
byleth is a man made nobody created by rhea , for the sole purpose of creating a vessel for sothis to bring her back to life.  she had tried to place sothis’s heart in previous vessel but all resulted in failure
byleth is kind of like xion in the case that he is created from parts of sothis and doesnt originally really have . a set face / form 
after ‘byleth’ existed for some time rhea put the heart of sothis within byleth  . . .  but it seemed like she resulted in yet another failure !  
IF I WANT JERALT IN ALL THIS , he probably worked under rhea and they met somewhere along the line and he decided to devote himself to her for some reason but once he found out what she was doing and this child was created to basically not , have any chance of having a life of its own he took it and left (but this doesnt necessarily need to be part of it. im indecisive)
EITHER WAY, ‘byleth’ does leave
eventually he does develop his own face , the face of byleth, and tries to live some kind of a life
in regards to sothis
im still iffy on her exact origin but i was considering her being related 2 kingdom hearts somehow since she is the goddess in 3h
she was a keyblade master in the age of fairy tales & i guess the children of the goddess in 3h would be her disciples ?  & actual children. or i guess just rhea could be. idk. whatever WORKS anyway
bc of some reason her heart was separated from her body  & then she lost her body  . and all rhea was able to recover was her heart
and then basically rhea was hellbent on bringing her back just like the game
and then rhea traveled to the future or something eventually probably and started doing her experiments ! wack
anyway back to byleth
so bc of this byleth is able to wield sothis’s keyblade which no one has seen in a  LONG ass time , basically sword of the creator equivalent 
also after some time byleth is able to speak with sothis  since sothis’s heart is also within them
byleth and sothis become friends like in the game bc sothis also doesnt know what the fuck is going on
byleth decides he wants to help sothis get her own body  or try to at least
byleth still doesnt have a heartbeat in this verse
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enlighth · 6 years ago
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“Professor…”  The words that left him were something that made the songstress feel the stinging sensation in her chest. It wasn’t pleasant. It was saddening, to say the least. As she nodded at his question, her smile became smaller and the gloom appeared in the shining emeralds. “M-Maybe you’re not ticklish? Some people aren’t. I’m sure Hubie is not either. So… You shouldn’t lose hope so easily!” The encouraging words left her faster than she could process them. To see Byleth so sad… No! Arnault couldn’t allow it. “We must start our own mission to find anything that may make you smile. I promise, until the end of this year, I will do my very best to find a solution to this. However… what brought such memory back to your mind, Professor?”
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     not ticklish ... well, that seemed to be clear as day.  but it was true that other people weren’t as well, so ...  they start to drift away in thought until dorothea declares her promise. byleth’s eyes widen at such a thing.  “ oh, well ... ”  a shake of the head.  “ i saw annette threatening to tickle someone earlier, so it made me remember. ” and after that they couldn’t stop thinking about it ...  “ do you think we can actually find something, though? i know i’ve at least smiled before, but ... ”  laughing ? out of the question.  byleth can’t even imagine themself doing a forced laugh. how does one even laugh?  much to think about ...
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