#(rhea looks at byeth and sees sothis) y eah ?
enlighth · 5 years
kingdom hearts verse  /  spoilers in relation to byleth , rhea , and sothis below
byleth is a man made nobody created by rhea , for the sole purpose of creating a vessel for sothis to bring her back to life.  she had tried to place sothis’s heart in previous vessel but all resulted in failure
byleth is kind of like xion in the case that he is created from parts of sothis and doesnt originally really have . a set face / form 
after ‘byleth’ existed for some time rhea put the heart of sothis within byleth  . . .  but it seemed like she resulted in yet another failure !  
IF I WANT JERALT IN ALL THIS , he probably worked under rhea and they met somewhere along the line and he decided to devote himself to her for some reason but once he found out what she was doing and this child was created to basically not , have any chance of having a life of its own he took it and left (but this doesnt necessarily need to be part of it. im indecisive)
EITHER WAY, ‘byleth’ does leave
eventually he does develop his own face , the face of byleth, and tries to live some kind of a life
in regards to sothis
im still iffy on her exact origin but i was considering her being related 2 kingdom hearts somehow since she is the goddess in 3h
she was a keyblade master in the age of fairy tales & i guess the children of the goddess in 3h would be her disciples ?  & actual children. or i guess just rhea could be. idk. whatever WORKS anyway
bc of some reason her heart was separated from her body  & then she lost her body  . and all rhea was able to recover was her heart
and then basically rhea was hellbent on bringing her back just like the game
and then rhea traveled to the future or something eventually probably and started doing her experiments ! wack
anyway back to byleth
so bc of this byleth is able to wield sothis’s keyblade which no one has seen in a  LONG ass time , basically sword of the creator equivalent 
also after some time byleth is able to speak with sothis  since sothis’s heart is also within them
byleth and sothis become friends like in the game bc sothis also doesnt know what the fuck is going on
byleth decides he wants to help sothis get her own body  or try to at least
byleth still doesnt have a heartbeat in this verse
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