#art school  .. time consuming
willczek-art · 9 months
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The real nightmare of Nightmare Time is that there's so little of it
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thatthirstyweirdo · 1 year
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OH MY GOD! Is that- AN ACTUAL REFERENCE FOR MAVERICK?? God bless me and my lazy ass I’m finally doing smt
YIPPEE SO HERE’S MAVERICK MIC!! I might as well tell y’all a bit more about him, since…I don’t talk about him as much as I should…As I mentioned before, Maverick is Welcome Home’s one and only radio host! But before that he used to be an actor, and a very successful one at that. But unfortunately a freak accident occurred during filming (one of the actors got shot 💀) which led to lots and lots controversy. Maverick’s career was… kinda in shambles so he decided to leave it all behind and move to Home where he got himself his own radio station!!
I feel like in the show he would be more of a background character. Since he’s always on the station his voice can be heard on the radio 24/7. And even when he’s not his voice is STILL heard on the radio. It’s just a funky thing he does. After all what kind of radio host would he be if he left his audience waiting? Not a good one that’s for sure. So it became common knowledge among the neighbors that Maverick’s always around!!
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I think Maverick over all is quite a charismatic character. I like to think that he’s a rather chill guy but if he were to spend time with his neighbors he would act like a sort of dad friend trying to keep everyone out of trouble as much as he can. But since that doesn’t happen often the neighbors see Maverick as kinda mysterious. I mean the guy talks a lot about anything but himself. He doesn’t bring up his past or really anything related to him. And when he does he doesn’t go into detail. He’s just kinda like that. But he does like telling fun stories from his actor days!
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vioblu-star · 2 months
Hero & Villain
A retired hero went back to their city because an anonymous letter mentioning an urgent matter happened in the city. And when they came, the City isn't what it used to be.
"So you came."
A familiar voice spoke behind them, Hero turned around to see their good ol' nemesis who they fought each other for a long time.
"...What happened here?" The hero asked, The city is not the same as they remember.
"Lots of things happened. Where have you been?"
"I put down my uniform for a while, I never expected this would happen."
"Did you not know that many people mourned you when you disappeared? Did you not know that many people were desperate to be saved by you when the city's hope had fallen? Did you not realize that you left your People and your CITY at the hands of the Supervillain?"
"I wasn't the only hero, Villain. Surely other heroes could have dealt with it so stop saying like I was a chosen one!"
"That is where you are wrong. Ever since you have left, many criminals have become stronger, most heroes were struggling to keep the city in peace. Slowly, heroes were dying one by one until nothing was left. The supervillain rised up and took over the city."
They couldn't grasp what Villain just said, 'the heroes failed? Supervillain took over?' how did that happen so fast? The city that they work so hard to protect was all in vain.
"What happened to everyone else?"
"Some people went on hiding, most of them were forced to work tirelessly. Or if they're lucky enough, manage to escape and flee out of this place." Villain stated.
"What about the other heroes?"
"Like I said, Hero. They died trying to save the city."
Hero went silent. There's no way that the Villain is telling the truth, most heroes are stronger than them, but not strong enough to keep the Supervillain in line? Now he holds the city and everyone who lives in it.
"People hoped for your salvation Hero..." Villain continues. You were the one who they believed, even other heroes talked about you. You were the brightest hero among heroes who now have fallen."
The hero looked down out of defeat, they knew that the Villain was right, they left everyone and the city... But they aren't some sort of main character that is destined to defeat Supervillain, they have their own life too. Sometimes bad things were bound to happen anyway, Villain keeps insisting as if that was their fault—
"Well hero?" Villain interrupts
"What am I going to do? I can't just go to Supervillain's domain and straight up fight him."
"Then why don't we make a truce?"
Hero meets an eye at them, confused.
"... Excuse me?"
"If we work together, we can take down Supervillain and bring back the city's hope."
"Teaming up with you is the least thing I would do." They spat.
"It is beneficial for both sides, I know you want to save the city and so do I"
Hero thought the audacity that Villain was blaming them for not saving the city in time and now Villain wants to help them?! They're not buying that one.
"Why should I trust you? You're on the criminal side. I thought you were here just to gloat at me leaving everyone at the Supervillain's mercy?" Hero's face stiffens, trying their best not to burst their emotions out.
"I am indeed on Supervillain's side, but his intentions for the city are far more cruel than he- we originally planned. We have plans to fix the city for a better change but my boss has other ideas."
Hero must have misheard what they said. The criminals plan to change the city for the better? The villains? That doesn't sound right.
"..so you're helping me because Supervillain intentions are not according to your plan?"
"Well said, Hero."
Hero raises an eye brow, uncertain to the criminal's claim "I don't know, Villain. Your idea for the city change doesn't sound good either. Might as well be better if I worked alone."
"Oh Hero, we both know how strong Supervillain is capable of. I know everything that he's planning for the city and where his location is. If you deny my help..." The villain smirks, tauntingly. "then good luck facing him."
Hero thought to consider. If they refuse Villain's offer then they would have to plan this out to go to Supervillain's lair alone without getting caught by the villains or the master criminal himself. If they accept the offer, chances of having to betray Hero and getting captured is much more likely. After all, they work for Supervillain, who in their right mind would a villain backstab their superior?
Then again it's not like they have any other choice, both options aren't good. Accepting Villain's help would be easier to track Supervillain and maybe rescue the captured heroes if they were even captured, if things didn't go well then they just have to ditch the heroic mission and leave the city for good.
"Fine... only because I couldn't do it alone" I'm probably going to regret this later, they thought.
Villain's expression shifts in an odd grin. "Good choice, hero."
Hero still doubts Villain's intentions, everything they have said earlier seems fabricated, though there's one thing "You wanted to save the city from Supervillain. Right? Why didn't you do it before?"
Villain silently flinches, they never thought Hero would ask that. "Same reason as you. If I did it alone, he would have killed me on the spot." They lied
"...So where should we start?"
"There is this place not too far away from here, we will discuss our plans there."
if only Hero knows better that the supervillain is waiting for them at the exact place.
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ambyandony · 8 months
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(Flashbangs you) Fugo wake up. I just saw a really cool frog on Wikipedia. Look.
2024 version
old versions below
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bogkeep · 1 year
it was always a strange dichotomy. every middle school classmate i had told me i'd be a millionaire when i grew up, a Famouse Artisté. it's easy enough to imagine as a teen, i suppose: skill equals fame equals money. i was doubtful about this prophecy, not because i wasn't confident in my ability to draw, but because it was hard to imagine a world where i'd be paid for it.
it was an ice breaker game at summer camp. horrible one, really - everyone in a group were given a character profile. now we had to imagine that it was the zombie apocalypse, and the helicopter to safety was two seats short and we had argue why we deserved a spot. the character i got was an asshole doctor of some kind. i don't remember if i argued my way into the helicopter or not, but i do remember the feeling that's been hanging over me my entire life - if the apocalypse happens right now, i have nothing to contribute.
there's something really painful about it. i have cultivated a skill for my whole life, i can make art and tell stories that are entirely unique to me, there is no way to get someone else to create in the exact same way i can, and yet - i've contributed more to capitalist society by sitting in an empty hotel reception for eight hours a day.
which made me develop anxiety, to boot.
i illustrated two children's books. they're some of my best work. the contract i signed was industry standard and the indie author who had hired me was incredibly kind... but even after stock sold out i had earnt little more than some pocket change.
in high school we had an outing to dig our own snow caves that we would spend the night in. in teams, thankfully. i have so little physical strength to speak of, most i could do to help was clear away the snow rubble and toss it outside. i know, i know, my classmates reassured me it was an important job to do, i was an invaluable member of the group, sure - but it's that feeling, you know?
what would my task be in the communist solarpunk commune?
a person cannot be useless. it's a human being. they just exist, no ifs and buts about it. one can only be useless in the eyes of an ableist, capitalist society that sees no value in being alive beyond production and profit.
sometimes i receive messages from internet strangers to tell me something i said - often several years ago - was helpful to them. maybe it was a throwaway comment on a forum. maybe it was replying to a question they could've googled the answer to. maybe it was an encouraging reply to someone's artwork. turns out it mattered to someone. huh.
of course you can learn new skills. i have learnt plenty over the years! i have also learnt that there are limitations to what i can do. that some of the obstacles i face are not in fact obstacles everyone faces. it's not that i can't break tasks into smaller steps, it's more that half of those steps are going to be "rinse your hands because you Touched a Thing and now you're going to have to touch Another Thing." i wonder if that's adding to my cognitive load or something.
i was never raised to be a man, so by all accounts i do not understand why i'm so haunted by the spectre of toxic masculinity - what would i do if i was a medieval peasant and a war broke out? what if i was in a pre-historic hunter gatherer society and i was expected to hunt? what if i was a humble farm boy discovering the sword of the chosen one and the world depended on my non-existing courage to face certain death?
look, it's stupid. these are not scenarios i will find myself in. besides, pre-historic humans depended on community and taking care of each other. that's how we survive.
i'm not useless and i decided to make peace with being useless anyway.
we're surrounded by digital clocks. we can't really escape them. do we need watchmakers? would they save me a spot in the zombie apocalypse helicopter? no, don't answer that. i'm just happy i found something that requires a light touch and an observant eye.
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lilacmuffins · 1 year
;; "please forgive me for whatever i do" (art)
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i sketched this on mspaint at 3:00am if it looks bad LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
anyway i've been thinking about one of the most devastating adoptive father-daughter duos ever recently, especially with fionna and cake coming out and me rewatching AT and all that. simon and marcy make me SAD!!! (no words ver. and sketch under the cut)
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my sketches are nearly incomprehensible to everyone but me (especially the mspaint ones)
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karnaca78 · 1 year
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Inktober Day 26: Remove
FULL PICTURE UNDER THE CUT (slightly gore + disturbing eye imagery)
Fanart for the fanfic In Ictu Oculi by @wikipedianna. The idea came to me after reading a very memorable scene. Style-wise, I was seeking to emulate 19th century scientific illustrations, such as those you could find in a textbook, but with an additional horrific and surreal touch to it.
(All the hatching has been done by hand, but no wrist has been harmed during the process.)
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(click for higher resolution I guess)
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
if you’ve sent me a doodle request in my inbox i promise i’m not ignoring you i want nothing else but to do all of my little goofy dc comics drawings but unfortunately i go to college and have two jobs and have to build my 3d generalist portfolio and apply for internships and learn maya and nuke and premier and photoshop and substance painter for school and also somehow sleep and eat
if i respond to your ask in 6 months know that i have even freed
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ruddigerspawss · 15 days
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been playing around w watercolors heres a muno painting my mom requested :]
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cinemacrypt · 4 months
So so so fucking angry tonight
#mars says stuff#EVERYTHING IN MY PERSONAL LIFE IS LEGIT FINE I PROMMY#IM JUST SO SICK OF THE ZIONIST MISINFORMATION AND MILQUETOAST APATHETIC DEMOCRAT BULLSHIT THAT#I FEEL COMPLICIT IN BC I WORK FOR A RADIO STATION AND I HAVE TO PUMP OUT NEWS PROMOS#AND ITS THE ONLY JOB I HAVENT BEEN FIRED FROM#AND IM SO FUCKING SICK OF THE RAMPANT TRANSPHOBIA AND ESPECIALLY TRANSMISOGYNY#EVERYWHERE I FUCKING GO AND TO HAVE OTHER TMASC PPL BE LIKE 'LMAO THATS NOT REAL AND IF IT IS ITS NOT THAT BAD THESE CRAZY BITCHES'#WHEN I SEE IT ONLINE AND IN PERSON EVERY FUCKING DAY AND IM NOT EVEN THE ONE IT EFFECTS#AND I TRY TO ENGAGE IN MY COMMUNITY. THERES A JUNETTENTH EVENT IM GOING TO TMR TO TRY AND SCOUT OUT SOME LOCAL ORGS#I CAN VOLUNTEER FOR TO TRY TO MAKE THINGS BETTER IN MY COMMUNITY#but tonight i just feel shitty and small and ineffectual and hypocritical and angry and cowardly#AND EVERYONES LIKE OH DEAL WITH THAT ANGER CONSTRUCTIVELY THATLL HELP#MOTHERFUCKER I USE IT AS FUEL TO MAKE ART. TO PLAY MUSIC. TO TRY NOT TO FLUNK OUT OF A SCHOOL THAT I HATE BC OF THE INSTITUTIONS IT UPHOLDS#and i never have enough after my bills are paid to donate to all the gofundmes both here and in palestine i want to help out#im just so fucking mad. but im also 5'3“ and awkward and chubby and I cant fight and all of my friends tease me for it and it comes from a#place of love and im not mad at them. i just wish i could kick someones ass tonight. some fucking bigot i could put all my rage behind#and just keep hitting and hitting until the fucker stopped moving. but i cant do that. both not physically and also bc i Might Lose Everythi#ng#ill delete this tomorrow#time to watch some shitty youtube videos and eat something and get high enough that i dont feel so fucking mad#just consume my way out of it lmao
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icterid-rubus · 5 months
Tonight’s breakdown comes from finding my old drawing supplies in their handmade pouches that I’d put away after graduating and haven’t touched in six years. I’d spent 20 years of my life fine tuning my selection, carefully decided what goes where and why. Then I got burnt out and put it away. I can’t believe I forgot about them. I don’t remember why I used these particular pens. I’ve never felt more like I’ve wasted my life.
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
I NEEED to go back to making art that makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that theres something wrong with my brain BUT NOT in a cool or stylishly interesting way. i need to do it in a way that makes people say "hm." and walk away
#sowwy ive been kinda going through it in my fine arts major rn can u tell HJKSDHKFd#ive been feeling like. scared. and paralyzed by marketability and branding.#i cant stop thinking about how other people will see my art. but not like in a good way#when i was younger i thought about it in a good way. like hee hee hoo hoo the act of looking connected us hee hee#but rn i keep thinking about it in like this wretched like consumer product mindset? ouhhghhhhh el problema es el capitalismo#and like maybe this works for some people. to think like this. to make art like this. its what my professors push me towards#not intentionally. they dont say it out loud at least. im not sure if they know or not some of the irony#my professors are nice and pretty smart and talented and i like em. but sometimes i wonder like. the push for us as students to make like#marketable 'avant garde'? stuff thats safe but pretending to be weird and out there#i dont mean to sound pretentious. in general i play it too safe myself (spent too much time as an edgy 10 year old with my#parents freaking out over my shoulder because they think the fact that i drew an anime character frowning means something serious LOL)#but i dunno man. my least interesting art with the least amount of care thought or effort always gets so much more attention in school#nowhere else oddly. online? people like my more passionate but seemingly frivolous art (oc art etc. not frivolous to me but yknow how it is#same with irl artists and other industry people outside my school. whats going on in my school LOL#i know from experience i cant push myself into a supposedly marketable brand. if i try to make something sell it will not.#i dont know why. maybe theres an invisible essence buyers can tell when i didnt care jkfsldjdfrds#but my teachers LOOOOVE the stuff i put no passion in its so bizarre orz but i gotta relearn how to ignore half of their advice#i used to be better at it. but i also only used to ignore like a quarter of their advice. maybe i need to amp up how much im ignoring#that sounds mean. they have plenty of good advice. but also plenty of advice thats clouded by their own biases#and i gotta relearn how to sort out this stuff again. i forget every few months for some reason#you know i always think ouuhhhhh i act so neurotypical ouhhhhhhhhh im outgoing i talk to strangers all the time i seem confident#im so masked IM SO MASKED but then i go a couple weeks where every conversation i have has people looking at me like#i have two heads and neither of them are speaking their language. and then i descend into madness like this HJKLDSHJDS#i'll be fine i'll figure it out. i need to stop trying to get a good grade in being a 'cutting edge' conventional artist <3#i need to just. draw my cartoon characters in peace 😔😔😔
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fayehartz · 1 year
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becca-alexa · 7 months
this may just be nitpicking but i feel like the quality of the feedback i've been getting from professors is just... not helpful whatsoever
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bilestat · 7 months
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assuming that the boomers, en masse, have some wealth as they establish their estate planning, do you bet that a fair amount will look at how many years left and look at their money and in their quest to mentally deal with death, spend a fair bit on their education in their days of retirement?
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