emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
it hadn’t been that long since blake had arrived to bradford, he’d spent most of the few hours he’d been there just unpacking and organizing everything in his room. eventually, he decided to get out and go scope out the house as well as see if anyone else was up at this late hour. he also was in need of a drink, he made his way through the hallways and checking out the areas he approached to get a feel for the house. stopping in mid-walk, he noticed his reflection in the glass of a picture frame although it was his dilated pupils that caught his attention the most; ( – at least you’re trying, blake. that’s why you’re here ) he shrugged his shoulders to himself before continuing on his journey and it wasn’t long before he found the bar, making his way behind it he began to make a jack and coke for himself. hearing foot steps in the distance, his eyebrow perked up in curiosity and he spoke while continuing to finish his drink, “you can join me, if you’d like. i don’t bite –,” he paused as a smirk crossed his lips, “too hard, at least.”
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Emilia had been wandering around, letting her mind do the same, thinking too much about the things she missed back home. Her bare feet hit the hardwood floors with an easy rhythm as she approached a room she’d never seen before, a voice puled her out of her thoughts. The brunette looked to the man the voice had come from, as he made himself a drink with. She smiled sweetly, that is what one of the girls she met said they liked, “Don’t mind if I do.” She slid onto one of the stools across from him, resting her elbows on the bar. “Care to make another while you’re behind there?”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“You were!” She chuckled, taking a bite of her sandwich and nodding in agreement. “I know that all too well.”
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“I was right then!” You could tell she was happy with her first guess by the bright grin that touched her pink lips. Lifting the sandwich to take a bite she nodded her head as she chewed. “Went to bed kind of late which means sleeping late.” 
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
Emilia nodded approvingly, “Roast beef is a good choice too.” She perked up, happy to finally meet the girl she’d be living with. Like freshman year all over again. “Oh hey, nice to finally meet you too!” She laughed, “I know, figures right? Hope you don’t mind I just chose a bed.”
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“It does sound delicious. Though I’m more of a roast beef kind of girl.” and she was quite happy to have found it on the fridge, though she did go with the cheese and the mustard as the brunette had done. A smile “You’re Emilia?” the name had been sent in the same text were her room had been “I’m your roommate, Lia. It’s nice to meet you.” she started to work on her sandwich “Can’t believe we met in the kitchen and not in the room.”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“No problem.” Emilia smiled, finishing up her sandwich. “Oh, thank you. I’m having turkey and cheese with may and mustard. A favorite of mine.” She picked up everything and put it away, moving around the other side of the counter to make room for her to use the kitchen, even though it was so spacious both of them would have more than fit. “I’m Emilia.” 
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She hadn’t expected to find anyone but the cooks in the kitchen, but apparently Lia hadn’t been the first one to think about getting something to eat. “I’ll make one, but thank you, really.” a pause as she eyed the girl’s sandwich. “What did you use on yours, though? Looks delicious.”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“Good, I look forward to it.” Emilia went from working nonstop to here, where she literally had nothing to do, except find someone to pay her tuition. It was a shock, but also a welcomed vacation. The brunette leaned down, brushing the water with her fingers. “Yeah, it’s my favorite, it’s just incredible. This might sound weird, but I just feel like the ocean has this incredible energy surrounding it, and it’s just so beautiful. I never want to be far from the water. I don’t know what I’d do.” Her cheeks flushed, she never meant to say much, but when the passion for something overcame her, she babbled like a running brook. “Do you?”
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“I definitely will, then!” She laughed and twirled around, letting water fly everywhere as another waved crashed against the sand. It had been an exhausting last few days, but this wasn’t a dream. She was taking it all in. She was just curled up in her bedroom back home, hiding under her blankets and now she was here with her feet in some of the clearest water she’s ever seen on top of the whitest, warmest sand. Looking up at Emilia, she nodded. “We will. Whenever you want, m’love. Like the water?” Her smile was wide and genuine as she watched the girl dance around.
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“Thanks, been in the business a while.” She smiled, “Emilia, it’s a pleasure.” The brunette began to pick up her sandwich supplies, cleaning and putting various things away. “It’s really nice, and yeah, I’m all unpacked. Been down to the water a few times now.”
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“I can tell, making the perfect sandwich takes a lot of practice but you seem to have it down,“ she chuckled. "I’m Ariadne, by the way.” A smile spread on her lips before taking a cautious sip from her glass. “How are you liking it here? Settled in already?”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“The ten year plan. I’m  feeling it.” Emilia shrugged, “Dunno, seems like it wouldn’t be a big deal if they did, everyone’s of age.
“I like it. There’s the goal for the next ten years.” New York…he’d never been and he had no idea if he’d even like it. But it was a plan, which was more than he had a month ago. “Probably. Unless they put guys and girls together?”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
Emilia chuckled quietly at the woman. “It’s fine, Boston, Massachusetts.” She nodded, taking a bite of her own sandwich. “No problem, you just getting up?”
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“I’ve not been to either. Forgive me if I sound dumb for asking this but, Boston is in Massachusetts or Maryland? “ Geography wasn’t her strong place and the fact that she’d never made it to the states either didn’t help matters. Stella laughed at how silly she knew she sounded but shrugged her shoulders. “I’m from London.” Stella murmured. “Thanks a million. I hadn’t eaten yet today.” 
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“You’ll get there.You’ll have a bug named after you and I’ll be working on Broadway.” She smiled, “I’ve only met girl babies, and you, of course. So you’re probably right.”
“I’ll take anything.” His eyes crinkled up as he chuckled, imagining one day going to a museum to see a bug pinned to a card with some form of his name under it. How surreal would that be. “Not yet. I think I’ve only met one other guy who’s a sugar baby, so it’s probably him unless there are others.”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“Emilia. I’ve had worse in my eye, bring it on.” She smiled at the taller woman, moving towards her and the water for the second time that day. The day beckoned her to step out of her comfort zone, dropping the book and fraternizing with strangers seemed to do the trick. “You from the south?”
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The brunette was someone Isla has yet to meet, and yet this did not give her an excuse to not invite her for a swim. It was a beautiful day with the clear water tempting them all in, and she could not let the other just sit with the company of a book. Of course, reading was nice, and Isla did a lot herself, but she also believed in taking advantage of a good day. “Isla.” She simply greets with her accent and honey smile. “I hope you are not one to complain when water gets in your eye.”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“Hey there you go, could be the next cockroach or something.” She joked, nudging him with her arm. “Um, no. I know her name is Lia and someone said that she’s nice, but I’ve yet to meet her. You?”
“Not like that one, but sometimes I think they name like other small species of bugs and stuff after the person who finds them,” he said, trying to remember what he’d read in the dinosaur books he’d got himself in California. “Yeah, that makes sense. Speaking of that, did you meet your roommate?”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
She laughed with him, “Not sure, was someone actually named Tyrannosaurus Rex?” Emilia looked around, puzzled as to where they were. “I don’t know, the doors are a lot more spaced out so I’d assume they’re bigger rooms than ours. Bet they get bigger rooms, cause they can afford it and all.”
“Yeah, I think that would be so cool. What if I got a dinosaur named after me or something? Don’t they do that sometimes?” he said with a laugh, peering down the new hallway. “Is this where the sugar daddies and mamas live?”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
Emilia looked up from her anthology, shading her eyes from the light, she had been ignoring the other presence until now. Another swim felt like a good idea, and the woman sounded nice enough, so what the hell, right? “Um, sure.” She placed the book onto her blanket, in case it got windy, stripped off her dress and began walking towards the woman.
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Home will always be Alabama; a small town forty-five minutes north of Birmingham. Country soil ran deep in her blood, staining her persona and branding her name. Yet, when she moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, the blonde shifted into an explorer to discover who she is. Isla found a new rush to rebel against her father’s religious lifestyle and her mother’s healthy pursuit. She has to be herself, and right now, stripping down to her undergarments to splash into the ocean in the afternoon was what she wanted to do. Looking over her shoulder, she flashed a smile when she spotted the other individual. “Do you want to join me?” Her sweet southern accent ventured.
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“Mm, I’ll try to get in touch with someone about that.” She nodded, taking the water bottle. “Washington D.C. originally, in Boston now. where are you from, exactly?”  Emilia finished off Stella’s sandwich and slid the plate towards her. 
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“Well, maybe we can request some! Someone has to go out to get food anyways.” Her shoulders lift and she pushes the glass away to retrieve a water bottle for the brunette instead. “Oh yeah, the heat will get you. I’m not so used to it either. Back home it was more dreary and rained a lot.” Opening her water she took a long drink and held out the other for Emilia. “Where are you from?”
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“Anytime, just knock on my door.” She splashed some water with her toes and ventured deeper into the warm, clear water. “Oh I’ve got to see that, let’s do it soon.” The water tickled her knees as she let it move around them. 
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“Then you should DEFINITELY come running with me at least once. As long as you don’t mind getting up a little before sunrise. I haven’t seen the sunrise, but considering the sunset was so gorgeous last night…I have an idea about how beautiful it’d be to watch the sun come up.” Rhianon mused and grinned as she danced around. The sound of the waves was so relaxing. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting out a hum.
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emsmurphy-blog · 8 years
“Totally!” Emilia followed right behind, burying her feet in the sand. “I’m always down for a good run.” She moved forward towards the water’s edge, a sigh escaping her as it hit her feet. “Oh, this is so nice. I love the water.” The brunette smiled blissfully, the water soothing her skin.
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She smiled as the girl finally approached and she stood up, fixing the dress she was wearing over her bikini. “Ready?” Rhianon grinned and jumped off of the few stairs there were, landing right in the sand and throwing her arms out. “Sand’s so warm. And soft. I bet it’s a pain in the arse to run in, though. I should probably try that in the morning or something. Running in the sand is a really, really good workout.” She smiled over at Emilia and started moving further down the way, even dipping her toes into the tide as the water moved closer.
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