#but im here now to answer starters!!
vahrutasgrace · 9 months
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Who says magic has rules? Part 2
Part 1 here
Cinder finds herself in a plain white space all alone.
Cinder: Hello? Where am I? Did I actually die?
Phyrra: Hello again
Cinder: What! But, oh Im really dead this time?
Phyrra: Not exactly, I mean you're close. Its nice to see you.
Cinder: What? So if Im not dead why the hell am I seeing you?
Phyrra: Well its complicated. You took the maiden powers when you weren't supposed to. so there are some bits left over.
Cinder: Bits what bits?
Phyrra: Well me for starters
Cinder: So if Im not dead then what the hell! I can't just stay here, he's out there trying to heal me and its going to get him killed!
Phyrra: Calm down, time moves different here.
Cinder: Don't you tell me to be calm, that fool is going to get himself killed over me and I will NOT allow that!
Phyrra: Well that answers a few of my questions. *starts laugh warmly*
Cinder: What questions! What are you talking about.
Phyrra: Take good care of him for me okay? Oh and you're going to have to teach him how to use the maiden powers... or hm, what should we call it?
Cinder: Wait, so, I was right? *Smugly smiling*
Phyrra: Eh... fifty-fifty
Cinder: Wait what does THAT mean? Stop being so vague!
Phyrra: Sorry, thats all Im really allowed to say. Just be gentle with his heart okay? He's going to need you.
Cinder: *Wakes up taking a harsh breath before coughing*
Jaune: Firelight! Oh you're okay, I though I lost you for a minute.
Cinder: I think you did... *still coughing roughly trying to catch her breath*
Jaune: I'm just glad you're okay.
Cinder: You have Phyrra to thank for that... and this....
Jaune: Wait you saw her!? And for wha- Mrph!
Cinder: *Kissing him hard slipping the man a little tongue before pulling away slowly* That.
Jaune: Oh... wow, okay... wait why do I feel, weird?
Cinder: *Smiling smugly* Turns out I WAS right, or in a manner. Turns out maidens are supposed to have guardians. I just made you mine.
Jaune: Wait! What does that even mean?
Cinder: It means that you can use the same power I can, as long as Im alive that is.
Jaune: Why didn't Ozpin ever say anything about that? Seems like a huge oversight!
Cinder: Ask the old man once we're out of here. Right now *starts to stand looking at where her wound used to be* We should go, there is a passage not far from here.
Jaune: Alright but you're going to have to tell me how these powers work... its not like you gave me a user manual with that kiss.
Cinder: You're clever, you'll figure it out.
Jaune: Uh huh... so anything else I should know about being your guardian knight?
Cinder: No idea, but if I come close to dying again Ill ask Phyrra to explain it.
Jaune: Just great.
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squidthoughts · 1 year
why doesn't shin leave?
that's the question, right? there are secondary ones, of course – why didn't she kill sabine/was she sandbagging their duel/did she intentionally perform a nonfatal stabbing/was she sent there to interact with sabine at all, or just for the map.... but really, my question at the end of ep1 was:
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why is she waiting here at all?
"we've been looking for this," shin says, and that's what, an accusation? conversation-starter? she's here to talk? maybe, okay – except she's actively thieving, so what can she be expecting by sticking around but a fight? so she secures the map and she waits for sabine. to fight her. but the question is still why and in my unqualified opinion i think the answer is found back here:
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"ahsoka tano's former apprentice is on lothal."
what do we know about baylan? he was a jedi, once. he witnessed the purge of his order and adapted to a life of survival – he maintains certain jedi traditions, he passes these traditions to his padawan: the braid, the traditional construction of the lightsaber, if not the crystal inside (standing mystery, though). he is nostalgic but not melancholy, connected perhaps to the more elegant and noble history of the jedi but evidently strongly opposed to assuming that title at present.
what do we know about shin? well...almost nothing. except that when baylan speaks, shin listens. she obeys unquestioningly. when morgan speaks, shin watches baylan. they are close; there is mutual trust, though clearly more dependency on shin's side. and she is likely – though not certainly – born after order 66.
i'm confident answers will be forthcoming about shin's past, but in the meantime, working with the (very!!) little we have, assuming the subtle intricacies of the shot direction and ivanna's acting are all intentional, and with the full disclaimer that im brainrotty for wolfwren......i want to answer my original question.
shin has never seen another apprentice before. beyond baylan and inquisitors (apparently), she has probably never seen another lightsaber-wielder before. and yet – her master, while scorning the label of jedi, is steeped in jedi history. he seems to be training her according to some traditional jedi principles (though...what with the mass-murder and the mercenary work, of course we don't yet know the extent of those principles), and it would follow that he would have imparted the history of the jedi as well.
baylan skoll is not a jedi. but ahsoka tano is. or, was. but the antagonist squad refers to her as a jedi, so from shin's perspective it's not just "ahsoka tano's apprentice" on lothal. she is being told there is a real, live jedi apprentice on lothal.
and the jedi are extinct.
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we're into the rampant speculation part of the meta now, because what is shin thinking in this moment?
there's a green lightsaber before her – a jedi apprentice before her – or at least the former-apprentice-of-a-jedi, but shin is the apprentice-of-a-former-jedi, and at some point the semantics get in the way of the exhilaration. this is probably (again, this whole thing could get disproven in the next episode or something) the first lightsaber battle shin has ever had with someone who might actually kill her. (i assume baylan wouldn't engage in prolicide while sparring.)
this is, i think, shin at her most excited. on the one hand – it's another apprentice! it's another member of an order (her order??) that was supposed to be wiped out! this is proof of concept maybe, that shin isn't so alone! and on the other hand – this is a test, no? like, the first real test of shin's full abilities, assuming she's never dueled before? again, i wish we knew more about her motivations, but it stands to reason a padawan that powerful and devoted would constantly be looking for ways to both prove and improve herself, right?
and then. sabine. sucks.
she's sloppy and weak and doesn't use the force. she's untrained and undisciplined and slow and gets tired too quickly.
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shin starts blocking with one hand. she starts sidestepping sabine's wild swings. there's no way she's is trying to kill her at this point; shin is playing with her food.
i just...think she's disappointed?? like, she was probably expecting so much more from a proper jedi's apprentice, and i think we'd need more information about her to extrapolate what exactly she wants in this scene, but i'd be willing to bet it wasn't this sub-par, former-apprentice bitch-ass fight. (love to sabine but like. she did get her clock cleaned. obviously.)
regardless, i am excited to see how this experience influences the forestfight™ we know is on the way...and also if sabine, like, feels...anything....about being skewered like a county fair corn dog?? i mean trauma or anger or fear or drive or?? bc we know shin wasn't actually trying to kill her, (this is my official stance and im sticking to it) but sabine sure doesn't!!
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sylenth-l · 4 months
Im sure you answered this question but I cant find it on the ask tab as theres a lot.
What kind of ink do you use or recommend as a starter?
I use a lot of different inks and have no specific brand recommendations, only that all of them are fountain pen inks. Maybe only for waterproof inks - I use Tramol inks for linework all the time, and I'm quite happy with them. It's not easy to find nice waterproof inks and in a wide range of colors too.
(Also I got a similar question just now too, so here's a link to that post as well)
If you just wanna try out inks as a medium and see some of its unique qualities, I think I can safely recommend one of these 4, whatever colour seems more appealing to you. All of them are very well-behaved, easy to get, have some great chromatography and reaction to bleach. The ornament on top is done with a bleach (any household liquid bleach will do) and the paper here is Baohong S8 grain satin.
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If I had to pick a personal favorite, that would be Parker Quink Black hands down, it's my favorite ink of all time. I use it absolutely always, either in mixes or on its own.
BUT I must warn you, because I barely see it mentioned anywhere - Quink Black also has a washable version. It's written on the packaging with a small font. Washable Black is also a gorgeous color, but it's significantly lighter and warmer than the regular Quink Black, almost olive in tone.
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And the regular ink also seems to have some little variation in colour - this is my second bottle of Quink Black, and the first one, which I bought a few years ago, is a bit bluer and has a little less chromatography. The difference isn't too drastic, but still noticeable. 
Inks are also extremely sensitive to the paper used, much more than the watercolour or other similar mediums. Paper can change the ink's tone and behavior quite drastically. Here's an example of the very same ink swatched on 4 different papers:
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So my suggestion is to test whatever paper you have in your possession to see what works the best for you. 
I'm so cheering for you to play with some inks, it's fun even if you don't draw anything in particular. Just wet the paper, add a few drops of ink on it and see the magic happen!
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lizsos · 6 months
Chapter 6
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Bad Girl
TW!: chapter contains extreme violence, disturbing, blood , gore , death , not real . (MDNI) .
(Enemies to lovers)
(Yandere bada)
You've been warned....
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"Of course! What do you want?" Nana questions , fear laced in her voice . Bada chuckles. "Isn't it obvious? I want Y/n to work for me from now on "
"What?!" She stands and slams her hands on her desk "she works for me! There's no way in hell I'll hand her over to you just like that!" She yells. Fear no longer in her voice .
"There's no need to yell . Now sit back down " Badas voice deepens . She sits back down in fear knowing she'll be next to have a bullet go through her head if she didn't control herself.
"Listen you old hag...." Nana glares at Bada . "This bitch!" She angrily through. "I'll make this short and simple . Y/n works for me , I'll give you anything you wish for. Money....drugs..... power......Anything." Bada's smirk widens .
Nana hesitates , remaining silent . She sighs . "Im sorry but I am not going to do that " Bada frowns but her frown sonn turns into a smirk. "Afraid?" Nana look at Bada with a confused look . "Afriad of what ?" She answers confused .
"That you'll lose your most prized possession?"
Her eyes widen. " I...I don't know what you're talking about" she stutters . "Without y/n your clan would be nothing. You'd be nothing...you're weak and we both know that ? You'd lose all your business and money.
Nana begins to violently shale . "You see, y/n , in your terms is ' a thing' for you to use ofr your own selfish needs ." Bada glares at Nana . She continues to tremble in fear .
"I don't see her in that way though....so what do you say?" Bada asks "what if I refuse?" She crosses her arms . "Then that's your call. I'm just warning you if you refuse , ill ruin your status, your business and dealing. " Bada chuckles. "You.... you wouldn't!" " ill maybe consider y/n continuing to come here and seeing you or the others."
Bada was right about everything . Your boss never cared once for you . She only wanted money , power and fame so she used you in order to get what she wanted .
"So what do you say?" She smirks . 'If I give y/n to her I won't have any business ruined . If this bitch considers it , she'll still come here but so often anymore...' Nana think . She looks down to her feet and nods .
"Y/n let's go..." Kristen places her hand on your shoulder but you only shake your head . You refused to let go of Finn . "We need to go" Kristen says .
"You can go! Just leave me alone with him.." you cried . "I'll be waiting i-" Kristen stops talking as you both heard footsteps coming your way .
Kristen stand in front of you , hands in her pocket. Ready to pull her gun out and shoot the ones coming toward you.
Bada appears in of of Kristen with Nana behind her . You didn't bother looking up , you could care less about them . " I though I told you to le-" Nana stops talking as she sees you clutching on a dead body.....
Finn's lifeless body....
Bada starters at your broken state . She tries to approach you but Kristen didn't allow it . "Step aside." "Make me" Kristen snaps back . Bada glares. "Don't worry were about to leave." She responds to Nana .
"Jusg leave him y/n . Ill take care of Finn's-" you cut her off. " as if I'd leave him with you.....all you're gonna do is ditch his body somewhere and let it rot. I don't think so . I won't allow it !" You yell . Glaring at the boss with tears in your eyes . Taken by your words , she glares back .
She pulls her gun right at you . Both Kristen and Bada's eye's widen . Bada's blood boils with anger . She pulls out her own weapon , pointing it directly at Nana ? Her eyes widen in shock .
"Put the gun down"
Nana doesn't hesitate. She drops the gun and kicks it away . " you two leave , I want to have a private conversation with y/n" Bada ordered .
"No way i wo-" you interrupt Kristen . " I'll be fine Kristen , just go" you sigh quietly. She sighs back in defeat and nods . Both of them wait outside .
"Sorry for your loss" "cut the crap , what do you want ?! "She sighs and kneels down to your level , her hand reaching towards you . You glare and hold Finn's body closer to you .
"Im not going to do anything plea-" " you order your men to kill them!" Yu look down at Finn . Your tears landing on his face ."your order caused his death....." .
Memories begin to flood your mind . The first time you've met , the time he saved u his money to buy you a rose necklace for your birthday. You hah to admit , that was the nicest things someone has ever given to you. You promised him that you'll take good care of the necklace . You ever once took it off.
You've always enjoyed his energy, his courge , his kindness , his warm hugs....his smile...
His wamth was no longer there . His body was now cold and limp . No life left in him....
The image of him smiling brightly...
The time he'd run up to you and give you the biggest , warmest hugs right after you came from your job matter what time of the day was it .
You've always enjoyed it .
The image in your head of him smiling fading away . More tears start to steam down your eyes . Landing on Finn
You snap out of your thought as you feel a warm hand on your cheek . Bada's hand . She wipes away your tears .
"So warm , so soft "she says to herself . "Enough with the tears doll .I'm truly sorry for hurting you . I apologise for what I've done . Let me make it up to you " .
"There's nothing you can do to make it up... its already too late to him him...he's gone" you whisper " you didn't let me finish"
"I'll give him a proper burial . I won't allow that old women to ditch a child out of nowhere. I won't let her do such a thing . I can tell you two were close " you only nod
"A proper burial?" You quietly ask . She nods . "Yeah that would be nice.." you look down at Finn. You lace your hand on his eyes , closing them "I'll give you money if you wan-" .
"I don't want your money d rather you give it to his family . They need it the most... she once again nods and smiles this time.
"As you wish my doll " .
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haileybeehappy · 1 year
Between The Pages
Harry Styles AU
Summary : You are a temp that gets a job as a personal assistant for a semi-reclusive author named Harry Styles. While his regular assistant gives birth and going on maternity leave.
Word Count : 3k
Warnings : I have no idea what being a temp is like so im winging it, older harry, idk, just the starter chapter
Series Masterlist
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Being a temp was not where you thought you would be at twenty three years old but here you were in a small office that smelled of copier toner and stale coffee. In an office chair with springs that dug into the backs of your thighs and a cubical neighbor who hummed the most annoying songs very out of tune. So when an email comes across your laptop for a personal assistant position for six weeks you apply immediately. You daydream of getting coffees for fashion designers and picking up celebrities dry cleaning.
So when you get a call to come in for an interview for a semi reclusive writer who was going to need an assistant while his went on maternity leave. Your dreams were a bit crushed, but you went anyways. Anything has to be better than this busy work hell. The interview is at some big office building packed full of important people.
You pulled down the skirt you were wearing to conceal your knees. Feeling cold in the A/C pumped white walled room. The walls lined with old chairs, the fabric sagging and wrinkled. Ancient faded magazines sat on dented coffee tables. The door connected to the room opens and out steps a very pregnant woman. Your name falling from her mouth. You stand and she motions for you to follow.
“So I’m going to be honest,” she says nervously. “You are the only one that has responded to the application that is qualified for it and I don’t have much time,” she tells you as you follow her waddling form down the hallway. “The job is yours if you want it,” she pauses and looks down the left and right sides of the hallways. Contemplating for an second before going right. “We can up it 200 more a week on salary,” she then stops at a door and opens it. You trail her and sit down at a table that is stacked with papers. You sit for a moment and the two of you look at each other. “So?” She asks. Slightly out of breath.
“Oh um,” you ramble. “Do I have to answer now?”
“No but if you do,” she pauses and looks down. Taking a deep breath. “We can do fifteen hundred a week on salary,” she then lets out a small groan and covers it with a cough. “I know it’s a big waving glowing red flag to hire on the spot but not much I can do from here,” her hands grasping at the handles of her chair. The skin on her knuckles stretched white.
“That’s a lot more than advertised,” is all you can think to say.
“Yeah well circumstances have changed and you would need to start tomorrow, maybe today?” She then slowly stands up. Your eyes snap open as she begins to breath heavily.
“Are you in labor?” You pop to a standing position and dash to her side. She shakes her head, pauses then shrugs.
“I don’t know I’ve never been in labor,” she groans. “And I can’t be in labor because I’m not due for another,” a scream like noise escapes her lips as she grasps onto your arm. “Two weeks. And I still have to train youuuu..” her words stretch out to a wail.
“Okay, okay, okay, well I think you are most definitely in labor. We are gonna get you to the hospital and then we can worry about this job stuff okay?” You speak calmly and she nods her head along with your words. The two of you make your way down the lobby passing many New Yorkers who don’t even then to look at the woman groaning and borderline screaming. You hail a cab and clamber into the germ infested back seat. Your hand used as her squeeze toy, your fingers pinched blue and purple and loosing feeling at the ends. “You got this,” we got this, you think. As the cab comes to a stop in front of a hospital you get out and she’s on the phone. Quickly giving you instructions and tasks and rules and people and numbers and emails and everything. Not catching all the information between the contractions. The cab driver seemingly unfazed as you tuck thirty dollars into his hand.
“And I will email you all this stuff once this is over, if it’s ever over,” she groans as she lays in the hospital bed. You are awaiting the arrival of her husband, not wanting to leave her alone. Even if she’s a stranger. “And it’s, it’s a lot. But you can do it. Hell you’re helping me through this. Which you will be paid for,” she laughs. “He is really a nice guy. Just. A little reclusive. He leaves his building, he just doesn’t leave the block. He goes to the Chinese food place and corner store on his block. And occasionally the hot dog stand on the other side of the street. But he needs help with the other stuff. Picking up dry cleaning. Running copies to the office and things like that,” she lets out quickly in two long breaths.
“Okay, okay, okay,” you nod your head. Her hands squeezing yours.
“And if you need anything. Text me. Call me. Um, i probably won’t be getting much sleep anyways,” she chuckles. You nod. “And, and, um, I need you to bring him that envelope in my bag once my husband gets here. He needs that today!” She yells out. And as she lets out a scream the door bursts open and in comes a tall man, long hair tied back into a pony tail.
“Sarah oh my god I’m so sorry,” he rushes to her side. “Baby, I promise I was as fast I could,” she grasps onto him as he comes close enough. You take a step back and wait while they hold each other for a moment. She then turns to you and points the the envelope.
“Take that to the address for Harry Styles, that’s who you will be assisting. I guess you should know that,” she smiles. “It’s in the email I sent you. He knows your coming. Take then red key ring from my bag. Those are for the building and the door. I think that’s it for now. I will call you in the morning okay?” She asks. You nod. You turn and grab the envelope before looking back at her and speak.
“Good luck,” she smiles at you.
“Thank you,” and you turn and leave. You take a long breath and stand for a moment. Processing as much of the information that you can remember. Then scrolling through your phone and find the address for Mr. Styles building. Once you find it in the Email you travel back to the lobby and hail a cab. You fidget with the envelope the entire ride. You pay the fare with the card sara gave you right before you left the hospital room, the name ‘H Styles’ written in gold letters across the black card. You hop out the cab and slowly make your way to the door. Sifting through keys as you go to open the lock. Finally finding the key it clicks open the door. Once on the elevator you take it to the top floor, it opens to a hallway and you step out with uneven footsteps. Nerves flooding your veins. No ideas how this is going to go. You have the key to open the door but you don’t know if you should use it. So you stand there a second, thinking. You raise your hand and knock three times. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi. Four Mississippi. Five Mississippi. Then a tumble and a crash. Footsteps towards the door. A lock slides and the door opens.
“Hello,” an accented voice speaks as the man comes into view.
“Hey,” you introduce yourself and hold out the envelope. “Sarah said that you needed this today and um so yeah,” you say as you wave around the yellow paper.
“Thank you,” he smiles as he takes the envelope from your hand. “Come in, come in,” he opens the door and moves out of the way so you could come into the apartment. You nod awkwardly and shuffle past him, “I’m Harry it’s nice to meet you,” his hand reaches out to shake yours. His hand grips around yours, large fingers cover your smaller ones. Rings cold against your skin, tattoos speckled on his hands and for arms as far as you can see.
“Nice to meet you,” an uncomfortable smile on your face.
“How is Sarah doing?” He asks as he walks further into his apartment. You follow meekly behind him.
“As okay as she can be I guess,” you shrug. “She’s gonna call me in the morning to talk more,” another awkward shrug. You don’t know what to do with your body. Your arms curled towards yourself oddly. Shifting on your feet back and forth.
“Good, good, would you like some tea? Coffee? Water?” He asks while he floats through his kitchen. You shake your head.
“No thanks I’m okay,” he looks at you blankly, thinking for a second.
“Well Sarah said that she had some stuff to give you if you could wait here just a minute,” he then disappears into the hallways behind him. You stand awkwardly and wait. Something brushes against your leg and you let out a yelp. Looking down there was a small orange cat.
“Oh hey,” you whisper down to the small feline. “You scared me little one,” you said as you reached down to let him smell you. Your hands running through his fur as he purred at you. Harry came around the corner with a large binder amount other books and papers.
“Hey honey,” you look at him, eyebrow crooked. “The cat,” he smirks at you. You nod. A smile playing at your lips. Cute.
“Hey honey,” you whimper to the cat as he rubs against your leg. “How are you? Huh?” He continues to purr while rubbing against your leg.
“He’s a grumpy old man,” Harry says dropping the large pile of papers on the counter before lowering himself to the ground and scooping Honey onto his folded legs. “Sixteen years old,” his large frame wraps around the cat like a shield as he babbles to the cat. His curly hair is lightly speckled with grays, his green eyes sparkle as he talks to the cat. Fingers scratching under his chin. “My little old man, so stink huh? Such a stink man huh?” he talks the the cat. You feel as if you’re invading their space.
“So I’m gonna take these then?” You ask as you bring yourself back to your feet. Plopping your hand on top of the stack. “What do I do with them?”
“Read them,” he looks up at you. “I’m honestly not all sure what’s all in there. That’s just what she’s been gathering up these last few weeks?” His hands still petting Honey. He looks so meek and small curled up on the floor with the large orange cat.
“Oh..” the stack seems to grow. “I guess I should get on that,” you slip your fingers under the stack before trying to lift up the papers but they are too heavy. “Oh shit,” you gasp as you fling the binders and papers and books over the edge. He is up and standing. Hands overtop yours and brings it back up to the counter.
“Let me get some bags,” he whispers into your ear as he catches you. You just nod.
“Oh. Okay,” you freeze. His disconnect from your frame sends goosebumps over your arms. Feeling cold without his contact. He walks back into the area he got the books from. You suspect it’s the hall that leads to the bedrooms of the very spacious apartment. When you heard reclusive writer you were expecting an much older man who had books stacked to the ceiling and smelled of coffee and whiskey. Not an attractive British man who baby talks to his cat. Your eyes skim the kitchen and the small sitting room attached. Picture frames covered the walls of the apartment. All the frames different shades of gold, brown and random accents of color. The photos in them range from people to places and animals. Quite a few pictures of the beautiful orange cat that has now perched himself on the counter next you and is purring as your hands mindlessly scratch at his head.
“I’ll help you carry them down yeah?” He asks, startling you. A squeak like noise leaves your throat. Your hand flying over your chest. Like you’re trying to capture the heart that seems to be beating out of your chest. “Sorry love,” he smiles. “Didn’t mean to scare you,” you shake you’re head in response.
“It’s okay I just scare easy,” you reach to grab the two reusable bags from him. “And I can carry them it’s okay,” he shrugs.
“I have to go down to get some new pens from the corner store so it’s okay,” you shrug.
“I guess I won’t fight you on it,” a light smile etched onto your features.
“You wouldn’t have won anyways,” he then guides you out of the apartment. You opening doors for him and pressing elevator buttons as he holds the two very heavy bags. For you they would have been anyways. But he carry’s them with ease, the muscles under is sage green cardigan slightly bulging. “Um,” he starts. Pulling his lips into his mouth quickly as if to think of what to say. “Thank you so much for taking this on,” his fingers fidgeting with the steps on the bag. “I really appreciate it and hope that we can make this run smoothly until sara is ready to come back,” he rambles as you finally make it to the ground floor
“Of course it’s hopefully going to be a little bit more exciting than data entry and customer service,” he lets out a small laugh.
“I hope so,” he guides you out the door and a black SUV pulls up to the curb. “Here’s your ride,” you look at him with wide eyes.
“Huh?” You ask and a small older lady comes around the side and walks in front of you. Reaching out and grasping your hand in hers.
“Hi I’m Elaine and I am Mr.Styles driver,” she says with a large smile. “Though he doesn’t go anywhere so I am your driver,” her voice is airy and happy.
“Oh um,” you can’t seem to get nah words out. Shocked. Harry introduces you to her as your brain is still running behind. A driver for a personal assistant is kind of a lot.
“There’s lots of driving in this position and cabs can get expensive,” he moves to put the binders and folders in the back seat. Leaving you room to sit behind the passenger seat. “And there’s some things that I’ll need to bring to the office and back that I just don’t trust to be transported by subway or bus,” he says nervously. Sarah has mentioned he is a very paranoid man who hides it easily, until it comes to his writing. Along with other things, hence why he doesn’t venture more than a street from his apartment building.
“Oh okay,” you then nod at him. “I will see you tomorrow?” You ask trying not to sound too nervous.
“You know where to find me,” he lets out a shy laugh. You just smile at him and pull the door closed. You give Elaine your address and she sits in thought for a second. Before signaling to merge onto the road.
“Isn’t he handsome?” Elaine speaks as she pulls out into traffic. The question startling you. Her small frame is placed atop a cushion that gives her a few inches to see past the steering wheel.
“Oh yeah I guess,” you shrug.
“It’s okay honey you can tell me the truth,” she smiles mischievously through the rear view mirror. Why is she asking you this. It seems unprofessional considering you two are basically co-workers.
“He is a little too old for me,” you tell her click open your phone. Finding the email again and trying to read through and memorize as much information as you can.
“Not at all! You seem like a mature young lady. And very beautiful,”
“Thank you Elaine but Mr.Styles is my boss and I’m a little uncomfortable with this conversation to be honest,” your voice trailing off quietly. Hoping not to offend the older woman.
“Oh of course I’m so sorry,” she shakes her head. “I won’t ask again,” she waits a few seconds before looking back to me again. “So what made you take the job?” She ask’s curiously.
“The money pays well. Sarah seemed really nice and it’s definitely better than the dead end office jobs I’ve been finding,” you shrug. “Even though it’s a temporary thing it’ll be nice to get some experience,” she nods along with your words.
“Oh good reasons,” she laughs as you pull into a spot in front of your apartment building. “Here we are,” she sighs. Turning to look at you face to face. “Right?”
“Yes ma’am,” you respond opening the door and shuffling off the seat and pulling the bags with you. Your arms straining to carry the large heavy bags. ‘Wow I really need to go back to the gym,’ you think to yourself as you make your way to the door.
“Just call me Elaine,” she smiles at you from her now open window. “And I will be here tomorrow at seven so that we can do Mr.Styles morning errands,” you Jude nod and wave. Quickly making your way into the building.
"What did I just get myself into?" you whisper to yourself as you stop onto your elevator. Elaines words running through your head. Did you think he was attractive? I mean he wasn't unattracrive? Why was that her question about him for you? Was she trying to play cupid? Weird way to start out her first day at work. "Whatever he has in store for me tomorrow better not be nearly as exciting. Today was too much,"
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scinglives · 8 months
open starter: sofia im sick so sofia is sick and your muse is coming to take care of them
sofia was not someone who took sick days, but as soon as he got in to work she was sent back. notoriously doctors didn't make great patients, but she had to admit all she wanted right now was someone to hold her and play with her hair and make her feel better. "what are you doing here?" sofia asked as she answered the door, her favourite blanket wrapped around her as she saw the other standing in her doorway with warm soup.
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emrystheblue · 24 days
Hello! Could we perhaps get a list of your top 10 favourite fanfics? I’m in desperate need of recommendations, ESPECIALLY moon and sun related
How in the heckity heck did tumblr hide this from me for over a year?!?!? IM SO SORRY gosh I feel like its pointless to even answer now since its been so long, but I'll chuck a few of my favs here anyway just in case. Biting tumblr violently
Line break so its not super long with the links - edit why did all but 2 of the links break tumblr why
Okay so for starters- gotta drop my friends fics that I love (feat Sun/Moon. These two are my FAVS but honestly check all their fics I love all of them) Though be warned! NSFW features in these so skedadle from the NSFW ones if you aren't up for that or are a minor! Not all of them are NSFW, but most of them are
Next we have some mer ones I really like! Subnautica AUs to be specific!
Mer au!
and lastly! This one! Heavily NSFW though so shoo if thats not your jam or youre a minor!
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surshica · 2 years
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TWENTY - cheater
masterlist <3
A/N : to be far none of y’all were close to it. IT WAS SO SIMPLE SO SIMPLE but only one person understood it HAHAH, im a marketing genius 🥸 — a little bit of a mess but it’s okay <3
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
yn has never felt so many butterflies before; the kiss made her feel so undeniable happy. chishiya had his arm wrapped around her waist, this kiss was a slow yet soft. the way his lips matched the rhythm of hers; the way his lips glided against hers. she’s felt so many butterflies in just those two kisses.
the way his hands rested around her waist; it wasn’t too touchy but it wasn’t inappropriate either; it was the perfect position. chishiya had tightened the grip around yn’s waist pulling her closer to him. the kitchen living room was silent but mira cleared her throat. she was leaning against her bedroom door, “im so happy for the both of you but how about we take it somewhere else!!” a cheery sarcasm tone was evident.
chishiya had broken off the kiss when mira cleared her throat; “first arisu now you? i really cant do anything~” his voice was a low yet melodic tone. yn had whipped her head to where mira was. more blush was formed apon her face; clearing her throat. “hi mira!” you waved at the long black haired women, she waved back at you with a grin.
“like i said yall can take it to her room or even better you can take it to his room!” she said making her way to the fridge to grab a caprisun, “it wasn’t like that mira trust! he was just talking to me about the topics on the mid terms..!” “oh really? because from what i saw was that his and your lips were attached togetherrrr~” she even looked at your waist pointing at chishiya’s arm wrapped around it; chuckled she grabbed two more caprisuns before heading back to her dorm.
“you two have a mid term tomorrow make sure to study..not suck off eachothers faces.” she mumbled the last part but chishiya laughed. yn stared at chishiya, he had some soft features; it kinda looked very angelic. “you must really love my face features; you always seem to be staring at them..” chishiya inhaled moving his arm from around her waist to resting it on his side.
“yeah because they are very soft..it contradicts your cold ass personality.” yn pushed strands of hair from her face. chishiya simply just hummed. “this is kinda embarrassing.” “how so?” “well for starters, im in a eevee shirt and spandex..my hair is a mess too” yn fixed her wrinkled shirt, chishiya shrugged “there is nothing wrong with it. its cute.”
yn wanted to kick her feet i mean he literally called her cute, she just smiled using his shoulders to get down from the countertop, as her feet touched the ground she fixed her shirt—she held onto chishiya’s arm tugging him next to her, “well since you’re here, you can help me with my studying..!” she didn’t give him time to answer and just dragged him to her room,
“you know this out of context looks interesting.” chishiya laughed lightly, “shut up.” she smiled shutting the door behind her, “you are going to help me! i dont care if this helps you, i want to pass this with high marks.” she unhooked her arm from his going over to her desk grabbing her tablet and notebook. chishiya looked around her room—walking over to her bed sitting down near the bed frame/pillows.
“i mean i havent studied so this will help me too i guess..” he watched as yn walked from the desk over to the bed sitting down near him. yn started asking questions about medications and different viruses. chishiya wasn’t very responsive which made yn look at him with a slight frown, “chishiya?? earth to chishiya?? are you uncomfortable?” she moved a little farther from him.
he just grabbed her by the waist pulling her back over to him in-between his legs, “this is better, i just felt as if something was missing.” he smiled, yn felt a smile form on her lips—“well i guess this is one way for you tutoring me” a small laugh rumbled from chishiya. “as you were saying..” he started to point at what was important.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
yn hadn’t realized how much long her and chishiya had been hanging out together well been in eachothers presence but it was already the ass crack of the morning, the sun was beaming through the curtains, the suns brightness made her not want to sleep anymore; groaning she opened her eyes rolling over to an empty side, a confused frown appeared on her lips.
she thought chishiya was next to her; she just sighed sitting up checking her phone. she had about an hour before her class started—with some procrastination she actually got ready for her mid terms. even with mid terms she still had to wear their stupid beige uniforms.
mira was already gone for her midterms so she were alone and it was kind of scary, but she just shrugged it off leaving the dorm. yn still had about thirty minutes before class started so she made her way to the campuses cafe, by the time she got there—there wasn’t a long line.
she was deciding what she should get so she just got herself a milk tea; “what did you get?” a rasp husk like voice asked behind her, it startled her a little turning around to see chishiya. “i got a milk tea..did you get anything?” she smiled at the blondie, he shook his head with his hands on his blazer pockets.
“large milk tea for yn!” was called from one of the workers, yn went to go grab it leaving chishiya alone for not even a full second; turning around there were girls swarming him. she had forgotten chishiya is one of those bachelor’s at this school. rolling her eyes she put a straw in her drink take sips, her lip gloss stains were evident on her straw.
chishiya whom had always hated the attention had dreaded this kind of interactions; he walked over to yn ignoring the girls that were trying to get his attention, “you should try it! this is the best” “are you advertising a drink to me?” “well you do it all the time cookies so it was worth a shot..” yn shrugged walking towards the direction of the classroom. “chishiyaaa do you like her?” one of the girls tried to hold his arm but he moved it before they could, “nah i don’t like her, i think it’s more than that.”
he was walking behind yn, “you seem very confident for the midterm..it’s scary” chishiya had caught up to the bust girl drinking milk tea, yn looked at him and smiled “im confident that i’m going to beat you.” chishiya slowly nodded his head, “i didn’t even study so there is a chance you can beat me..” “bullshit you studied with me” “and you assume i was paying attention to the notes and not you?” “that was smooth.”
chishiya let out a soft chuckle, “i feel as if you are still going to beat me.” yn groaned, “its almost as if you are a cheater.” chishiya put his hand over his heart, “ouch.” yn smiled at him before heading over to her seat which was in the middle of the classroom. chishiya sat in the back so he was chilling.
a wave of nervousness started to pour in as the time itches closer and closer and closer. looking at the time stressed her so she just looked down playing with her drinks straw. the mid term was on computer so that made yn’s life easier, taking out your laptop she looked around to see some confident students but most were nervous.
opening up the test she were reading the question in her head; rereading she realized how easy this was. she has felt such a surge of confidence go over her like a wave. a small grin formed on her lips grabbing her drink taking a sip.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
since it was an electronic test you got the answers back as soon as she submitted it. a bright smile beamed on her face seeing the 45/45. people had already finished and it looked like some were disappointed and some were happy, looking at the screens next to her those people got no higher then a 35-39.
looking back her can see chishiya staring into your skull, i mean she already finished so she got up and left. chishiya followed from behind—his cool uncared demeanor would make you think he aced it as well. throwing away the empty plastic cup, yn waited for chishiya near the door in the hallways.
“well what did you get?” chishiya stood infront of her; her smile was genuine—it made his heart do some flutters. “well since you want to knoww~ i got a 45/45” she crossed her arms resting them on her stomach area. chishiya sighed scratching the back of his head, “damn well this sucks.”
“what did you get??” yn leaned foward towards him, “i got a 42/45..” he sighed looking away, “i messed up on a few questions but that’s all.” he quickly side eyed yn before looking back towards the bush hallway, yn had a big smile on her face.
“so i beat THE chishiya shuntaro?? man. this is a great day!!” a sigh of relief and happiness was washed over her, “you just cheated thats all.” “i did not cheat, you were with me when i was studying!!” she fought back, her hand rested on her hip. “well you cheated because you were distracting me when i wanted to study with you..”
“chishiya you were literally cuddling me to death, you were like a clingy cat.” yn pinched his shoulder as he furrowed his eyebrows. “cheater.” “sore loser.”
yn smiled at him, “well…since i won it seems fair that you take me on a proper date.” chishiya looked at her with a smirk like expression, “a date?” yn nodded excitedly, “well i mean..” he looked at his phone and it was barely 1 pm, he nodded his head looking back at yn, “hmm be ready by 2, i’ll pick you up from your dorm.” chishiya’s lips formed a small smile walking away from yn.
“where are you taking me???” yn questioned the blondie walking away, chishiya turned his heel looking at yn “that is a secret.” he put his finger over his lips turning back around walking away into the crowded hall. yn had a huge ass smile on her face; she was fucking excited.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
as chishiya arrived back at his dorm, he started to undo the tie with his hand turning the key into the door with his other unlocking it; apon entering he saw arisu sitting on the couch on his phone.
“how come you didn’t come home late last night?” arisu questioned chishiya, “i was helping yn study.” “and that meant you coming back at like 3 am??” chishiya nodded as he headed into his room.
“WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING??” arisu got suspicious of the blonde changing out of his school clothes, “i’m going out with someone..” chishiya mumbled as arisu kept pestering him. “WHO? WHO IS SHE?!” arisu shook the topless chishiya, “it’s yn why?” chishiya stood there a little akwardly, “YOURE GOING ON A DATE WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!?” arisu’s eye widened “i mean i expected it but WHATTATATAT”
“can’t believe my pookie bear is cheating on me with MY BEST FRIEND.” arisu started to fake cry as chishiya stood there akward as hell. he tried to pat his back but arisu moved his hand off him
“DONT TOUCH ME CHEATER. im so hurt dont talk to me” arisu laughed a little bit kept up the crying at stoning to his room. chishiya had to blink twice; he was so confused.
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tags !!
pink doesn’t work
@crinklypink @flrtsbin @4pparecium @afckingswiftiebtch @em-asian @saiewithakatana @minyoungieee @eternal-gf @kimtaehussy @theinfaethablefig @elakari @too-many-fandoms666 @lastheavcns @pyrrhicgaze @andreeasancheez @hadesdaughtwr @Iserluver @urgodmoon @nmsl0v3r @lowilaufeyson @dee-dino-man @chiishiiya @444neapolitain @wroophruh @vensworld @starsval @dr3amscap3 @kuinaheartz @bre99 @cheshireshiya @eissaaaa @sollum @conny1111 @luvelyxp @shinobuily @gelliyo @fanfangying1304 @ikon-teen @stay-moa-army @bbyjackie @naegisimp @midlystupid @yvrikoo @chepoyo @luv4kuina @vernon-dursley @itadorim @vseqvt @shigamiryuk @wonswoorld @elisiumnie @abyloxk @asoullessentity @seventeensstrawberry @cupidsaster @bubblycloudy
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littlemoriflower · 4 months
hii im new to mori kei and havent had much luck thrifting atm, do you have any keyword or search ideas to use when looking for skirts? im struggling to find one but i might just be picky .. thank you if you decide to answer 🍀
Heya there, dear! I hope you are having a wonderful day! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
For starters, I am so glad you are trying mori kei out! I welcome you to the community with open arms, and hope you find joy and happiness in mori ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Now, shopping online for mori can be tricky, because all you want to do is search up "mori kei" or "mori girl" and hope for the clothes to magically show up in front of you. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
However, soon you'll see very few people know of the style, let alone tag it, so here's some easy keywords you can use instead:
• Lace/Linen/Cotton/Denim skirt
-> Not all skirts used in mori need to be super convoluted! You can have some basics (and I urge you to do so) that you can use underneath other pieces to create that classic layered look. The fabrics I listed above are the most common in mori, but you can also find corduroy skirts, for example, that would work wonderfully with mori as well!
• Striped/Polka dot/Gingham/Plaid/Scandinavian skirt
-> The patterns I listed above are some of the most common to find in mori kei outfits. But remember: you are not limited to these patterns. Anything with "natural motifs" like animals, flowers, leaves, trees, etc can be and would fit wonderfully with mori! Like I always say, this part always boils down to personal taste, at the end of the day! (*^▽^*)
• Tiered/Layered/Patch work skirt
-> Sure fire way to find those cute, multi layered skirts with a bunch of different fabric and patterns on them! These skirts are usually "statement pieces", which means they are often used as an outside layer. Of course you can layer something else on top of them, like a dress or a tunic, but hiding these often beautiful skirts is a disservice to them. You could use a base cotton skirt underneath this one to create a more fluffy, layered look if so desired, for example!
• Boho skirt
-> This also works wonders if you are trying to find that lacey, often layered look for skirts. The boho style had a big boom some years ago, so there's a lot of variety not only for skirts, but for dresses, tops or tunics!
• Cottagecore/fairycore skirt
-> I know, I know. How dare I mention the Big Bads™, but truth is that mori gets often pilled up with these, and to those who don't really understand the fashion, they will tag these two bad boys in a very cute skirt you wouldn't find otherwise have you not used the tags.
I hope this little list helps you in whatever way possible, and if it didn't I hope I am able to help you even further if you wish! (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
But before I go...
Gentle reminder: Don't expect perfection in the beginning. The initial stage of slowly building up your wardrobe might be a little awkward, but the more you put outfits together, the less you'll want to take them off. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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daegall · 2 years
is Lee Donghyuck drunk?
pairing: enemy/rival!hyuck x reader
genre: college!AU, party!AU, slight enemies to lovers!AU
warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing
word count: 903 words
a/n: hi im on a brainrot after watching the nct dream movie HAHA this was inspired by jeno's lines in dive into you 'I’m jealous even of the wind that grazes through you, Even the moonlight that settles on your cheek is annoying me' !!
there might be a part 2 for this but idk really this is really eh tbh
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy &lt;3
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Is Donghyuck drunk? Perhaps Donghyuck was drunk. He's not sure how many drinks Jaemin passed him, he's not sure about how many he accepted and downed without any thought.
What he is sure, however, is you're drunk. For sure.
You're giggling next to him drunkenly, head bumping against the cushion of his couch. Donghyuck never realized you came to his party, not until you both bumped into each other by the couch.
Your eyes are so droopy, blinking up at your rival, lips lopsided as you pass him a Cheshire smile.
For a moment, you almost seem like the most ethereal person in the room.
"Jaemin's drinks are funny," You murmur, attempting to blink your sleepiness away. You really shouldn't have taken all those drinks.
Donghyuck doesn't answer you, but he is still attentive to your actions, his eyes flitting from your own, to your pursing lips, to your creasing eyebrows when someone bumps into you.
Finally, Donghyuck speaks, his fingers seizing at your wrist gently. "Wanna head outside?"
His voice is soft and velvety, touch caring. Unlike all the times you've wanted to punch his face because of his annoying voice, this time, you think you'd like to listen to it all day. Jesus Christ, what has gotten into you?
A curt nod is all he needs, before the two of you find your way out the entrance of the backyard. There are a few people here and there, 2 dudes passed out on the porch, and a group of people doing skateboard tricks at a corner of the garden.
Donghyuck leads you by the pool lounge chair, despite the pool being empty, it's still there.
You sit there, quiet, taking in all the fresh oxygen after being in a heavy and stuffy environment. Donghyuck's fingers are still encircled around your wrist, tightening softly.
Your head cranes the other way, to face Donghyuck, watching as he does the same. His cheeks are rosy, nose red, and his eyes are just as droopy as yours.
"Jaemin's drinks are too funny. Had too much." Donghyuck mumbles with a small smile. A laugh rumbles through your body, agreeing with him, and his thumb strokes against your palm.
"You okay?"
Donghyuck's question is nothing short of genuine, his voice lightly laced with worry. You quickly nod, shifting closer to him. "I think so." You contemplate a moment after, remembering all the assignments and exams coming up. "I don't think I'll be okay tomorrow, though."
You sigh, eyes glancing down at Donghyuck's hand on yours, the pads of his fingers burning against your skin. You kind of like it. "How about you? You okay?"
Donghyuck is not too sure. For starters, he feels so fucking sick, he feels woozy and dizzy and he has an urge to throw up. Another feeling he has, is the immense swelling of his heart as he observes your every move, and the confusion weighing heavy on his shoulders.
Why is he feeling this way towards you? Why do you look absolutely perfect?
He's so annoyed by you. How can you be so fucking irritating and annoying one day, and be his whole dream the next? Everything about you right now makes him feel weird.
The way you grab his hand and start playing with his fingers, the way the small smile on your lips is absolutely endearing to Donghyuck, even the moonlight that settles on your cheek is annoying him.
And as you start mumbling something about Mark Lee, he feels even more annoyed. Why are you talking about him suddenly? What his so captivating about the way he tutors others or how caring he is? Donghyuck can be caring, goddamn it!
And another realization hits Donghyuck. He's jealous. He's jealous of Mark Lee, he's jealous of how he gets to be someone so close to you, while Donghyuck is nothing but your enemy. He's jealous of everyone and everything that you consider 'nice'. He's jealous even of the wind that grazes through you.
Shit, is he in love with you?
Suddenly, Donghyuck hates everything you like, just because he's not one of them. Is this why he's always seen you so negatively? Is it him just trying to mask his sadness and irritation that you don't feel the same way?
Drunk Donghyuck is willing to change that, he's willing to take whatever risk to get you to like him, al least start shining him in any light other than 'hateful'.
Before he knows it, Donghyuck has plunged forward, his fingers threading between yours, before he tugs you in, and presses his lips sloppily on yours.
You taste of... Jaemin's strange alcohol mixture, and the peach lip balm you use. Your lips are soft, parted lightly with shock. They relax even more, and fit between Donghyuck's lips in a messy kiss.
Something in Donghyuck says to keep going, even when you've pulled away, his lips reaching down again, to capture your lips between his. And again, and again, before Donghyuck pulls away for a breath of air.
Suddenly, he's completely sober.
What the fuck did he just do?
So, to answer some questions, yes, Lee Donghyuck is completely hammered. No, he's not okay, and yeah, he's completely in love with you.
Here's one more question, what will he do now that he's kissed you? What is his decision after basically admitting his feelings towards you?
Drunk Donghyuck decides to run away.
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hypoxiaau · 2 months
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Hypoxia AU
Introduction + Info! 🫧
Hello!!! This is the official page for the OMORI AU: HYPOXIA. Just a disclaimer, this AU is still very much in development! So there will always be new updates to the storyline and AU in general.
As a reminder: this is an AU (Alternate Universe) therefore, how the alternated characters act and react in this universe may not be canon to OMORI. We know. This is fun and whimsy, they aren’t going to be carbon copies!
This account is ran by TWO PEOPLE! Aubrey and Harumi! And it’s only us, therefore please be patient with any new updates or content since we are still people and have our own lives. <3
🌊For starters:
-Fanart/media is allowed! As long as it is SFW ofc, we would love to see what you come up with!!! 🫧🩵
-Adding onto that, any fan media that is NSFW is PROHIBITED. We will not tolerate that!! Considering half of the characters are underage. Don’t be a weirdo, it’s not hard to be normal. (This includes even if you age them up. We would heavily prefer nothing NSFW of our AU, of age or not.)
-There are canon ships in this AU! That includes HeroMari and SunTan! Fanart of said ships is very very welcome. 🩵
-Asks are open! Ask away anything and we will answer to the best of our abilities!!!!! ^_^
🌊Owner Intros:
-Hihi!! I’m Aubrey! :3
-Both a digital/trad artist, my main program I use digitally is IbisPaintX!!!
-Where 2 find me!?: @aaaubr3y
-hello! im harumi ^_^
-also a minor
-im both a digital & traditional artist as well, and the programs i use for digital art are ibispaintx and occasionally procreate pocket.
-personal account: @white-sp4ce
That is all for now!!!! Sea you soon.🫧
! Info here is destined to change and be added to.
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n7punk · 4 days
Lava_Beee (pretty well-known artist who draw she-ra fanart from time to time) is asking on twitter what would Adora and Catra main pokemon be. You're pretty knowledgeable when it comes to pokemon i believe, so what's your take?
hi i love lava_bee's art but here's the thing. i can't fucking answer this question. i can't. there are too many pokemon. and i don't mean this in a "i dont have every single pokemon + most of their shinies and types memorized" kind of way, because I do, i mean it is impossible for me to pick my favorite pokemon, which makes it very hard to have a "main", and even harder to ascribe a main to a character and feel.... idk, confident about it. i could give you 30 different answers and none of them would feel more correct. i've never seen a fan-team for them and went "oh yes this is the Correct answer" it's just an answer. its a little easier if you give me a specific gen and i can either 1) only use pokemon from that gen (so for gen 2 it had to be pokemon 152-251) or 2) only use pokemon from that game's regional pokedex (which includes all pokemon added to that gen and some from previous) as if we're saying okay if adora and catra were kalos trainers what would their team be, but even then, i think i would have a pool of like 20 pokemon i could call their team.
context also matters. are they casual trainers? are they gym leaders and confined by type? are they part of the evil team? are they really competitive and trying to get all the badges, and thus have balanced teams in mind? oh god are stats real in-universe? actually i refuse to acknowledge stats that makes this question a billion times harder, but typing is relevant.
anyway i think if adora was a dedicated trainer she'd care a lot about team balance but get too attached to some favorites and use them more than is logical, and if she isn't a competitive trainer than she's literally out here using her starter, the first three pokemon she befriended, and a fifth+sixth pokemon she saved spots for because she always found them really cool and had to work really hard to get
if catra is a dedicated trainer she'd be ruthless in cultivating a "perfect" team but she would end up falling for her in-universe melog equivalent and become a total softie for it even though it doesnt fit with the team so she only battles with them casually and drills her competitive team but then adora manages to talk her into a change of heart ("its not all about winning, its about the battle and the bond with your team too!") and she ends up putting melog on her final team against the champion/elite four/adora. if she's not a dedicated trainer she would outwardly refuse to learn about "good" pokemon and just pick based purely on vibes and completely ignore adora whining at her about type balance. and then she would be really good at playing around type, revealing she actually knows a lot more than she's pretending to care
and here's a small list of only some of my favorite pokemon to demonstrate what i mean: (Hisuian) Zorua (and Hisuian Zoroark but not regular) (Shiny form also) Slither Wing Torracat (Litten okay, NOT Incineroar at all) Sprigatito Chien-pao Alolan Ninetails Hisui Growlithe/Arcanine Cosmog, Cosmoem, Lunala (Solgaleo) Serperior Vivillion (Ocean, Savanna, Garden, Meadow, Marine, Sun, Elegant, Modern, Continental, Polar, Tundra) Applin (evols are good) Pumpkaboo Wooloo (not the evol) Rowlett (lowkey Dartix and Decidueye) Sinistea (not evol) & Poltchagheist (not the evol) Alcremie (varying by form but theres like 60 im not listeing them) Xerneas Marshadow Leavanny Xurkitree (shiny) Ponyta/Rapidash (kanto) and both galarian Lopunny Eevee(s) (Leafeon, Sylveon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon) Hisuian Typholosion Meowstic shiny Maerenie (and Toxapex) Dwebble Joltik Doublade Minior Mimikyu Galarian Zapdos Yveltal Lunala (esp shiny) shiny Zacian & Zamazenta Jangmo-o (and Kommo-o but not the middle) Tapu Lele Spectrier Galarian Articuno Spinda (for the mechanic) Walking Wake
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mudskip-drabbles · 4 months
send  💬  for  an  angsty  starter . — Soupmates. Coward. :3
oooo im gonna Getcha oooooo~
"Heya Shades, I'm hoooome!" Singsonged with a backwards kick to shut the door as he shucked off his coat. "Beartrap is stayin' over at Trixie's, so it's just you 'n me tonight!" A stumbling pair of thuds as shoes were removed. "Man, you should'a seen her today! She was awesome! We-" Wait.
Something wasn't right.
"Uh...Rick? You home?" Gio knew he was home, his coat and scarf were still hanging by the door. He never went anywhere without them. "Ricky? Buddy?" Nothing. Rick always greeted them at the door no matter how long they'd been gone. "Riiiick?" Not a sound.
Okay, he was starting to panic now.
Giovanni checked every single place a grown man could hide, behind the couch, under the sink, in the bathtub, under the bed...only place left was the closet in their bedroom.
"Ricky? You in there?" Pressing his ear to the door, he was met with the distant, muffled sound of crying. "I'm...I'm gonna open the door now...okay?" No answer.
With the slow squeak of hinges, the door was pulled open, the dim light emitting from the closed curtains across the room revealing the trembling visage of Rick where he was curled up in the corner on the floor.
"...Ricky?" Quiet, scared, worried, met without even a twitch.
Giovanni lowered himself to his knees and shuffled forwards just an inch at a time.
"Buddy? You okay?" Only the barest touch of fingertips against the icy skin of Rick's arm pulled forth a reaction, that being a sudden jolt backwards with a startled shout from the trembling man as his head hit the wall.
"Woah! Woah woah, it's okay! It's just me! It's Giovanni! Your bestest pal!" Hands held up in a placating manner, Giovanni shot his friend a shaky grin as he watched Rick's breathing grow painfully quick, that being the only sound between them for several agonizing minutes. Then, quiet, disbelieving:
"...Giovanni?" Gio didn't get to answer, the air being knocked frm his lungs as he was tackled into a bone crushing hug. "Itwasgoneitwasgone!!! Itwasthereandthenitwasgone!!!!!"
"Wait, hold on-" Any attempt to pull Rick away from his chest was futile with how tightly his arms held on. It's like...he was afraid that if he let Giovanni go, that he'd just...disappear. "Rick, you gotta breathe for me, okay? Can you do that? In and out, try to match mine....there ya go...." Slowly but surely, Rick was able to get a hold on his breathing. He was still overflowing with sobs and half formed words, but it was something. "It's okay, I got you...." Soft reassurances paired with the soothing rub of a hand between shaking shoulders was able to quiet those sobs, at least enough for Rick to get out-
"I thought you were dead!" Everything froze, everything except Rick's sobs now back near full force. "You were there, and then you were gone!"
"You...you thought I was dead?" A nod was pressed into his chest, Gio's mind trying to piece together this puzzle as more tears soaked into his shirt. "Wait...are you talking about our bond? It...you felt me there, and then you...didn't?"
"That's....I was only at Trixie's." They all had made a habit to tell Rick if there was even a chance they'd be going too far for him to feel them, none of them wanting to repeat the incident that happened after the Neo Trio went on a field trip a few towns over.
It had taken hours to calm Rick down.
"You can still feel Trixie, can't you? And Molly?" A pause, Rick holding even his breath until he gave a slow nod in confirmation. "Well then why..." Oh.
"Oh, Shit! Ricky- We...Molly's epithet, we wanted to see if she could dumb down someone else's, s-so I let her dumb down mine. It...it must have...Fuck, I'm so sorry Rick! If I had known I would have-" ...called.
"Rick that...that was hours ago! Have you...you've been sitting here this whole time, thinking I was dead?! Why didn't you just call me?" It was far from accusatory, the question hardly above a whisper.
"I...I DON'T KNOW!" Yelled into Gio's chest, a new wave of tears soaked into his shirt as stuttered apologies tried to break through the sobs. "I-I I'm s-s-sorry! I should have helped! I should have- I-I- I'm sorry, I was t-too scared to- t-t-to leave the cage-"
Everything came to a stop.
"What?" Rick couldn't breath. "What do you..." He was breathing too much. "Rick...look at me?" But he couldn't, his head shaking as he held Gio even tighter. He was afraid if he looked up, his fears would be true.
"Hey...It's okay...Rick, it's okay. I'm right here, I'm not goin' anywhere. You can even hear my heartbeat, see?" Soft spoken as a hand gently carded through dual colored locks, sobs quieted long enough for Rick to press an ear to Gio's chest-
Before crying even louder than before.
Gio didn't push, arms holding Rick tight as he cried himself out, only soft spoken reassurances whispered into the sweat and tear slicked hair stuck to Rick's forehead. Eventually, when wails mellowed out to just hiccups between breathes;
"Rick...what did you mean cage?" A question he regretted as soon as he asked, Rick hands holding onto the back of his shirt so tightly Gio thought it might rip. Before he could take it back, to tell Rick that he didn't have to explain if he didn't want to, Rick...started to talk.
And talk. And talk.
By the end, Giovanni was the one buried into Rick's chest while the wizard pet through pink locks, half sobbed rambling of how they were going to 'overthrow the aquatic government' the only thing he was able to really get out between stuttered hiccups. They stayed on the floor for what felt like hours, simply holding each other tight until tears eventually ceased to flow between the two of them, and breathing was only hitched with the occasional hiccup.
"Hey, we... we gotta redo the pact!" A sudden grasp at normality, a hope to move past all this, but Rick could only respond with a look of pure confusion.
"You...still wish to...but...am I not harmful to your image?" He as broken, pathetic. He'd hid in a closest instead of helping Giovanni in what he thought was his final moments.
He didn't deserve his friendship.
"Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I? You're my minion! A good boss can't go around abandoning his minions for no reason." Said so confidently, like it was indisputable fact. "And you have the most epic supervillain backstory!" A bit of cheer found it's way back into Gio's voice as a palm wiped at his eyes, something that Rick was able to reflect in a shaky smile. "Not to mention you have a bitchin' villain name! Rick Shades! It's awesome!" Even as Rick laughed, he still felt...hollow. Giovanni had said he'd wanted to be his friend, but...nothing had happened.
Did...did he not mean it?
"Think about it! With how strong you are, and how awesome I am, we'll make the most epic team! The wORLD WILL COME TO FEAR US!!" Rick could only blink at first, Giovanni sounded so sincere, but...
"y-Yes! HAHA! EXACTLY!" Grabbing Gio's hand, he held it up between the two of them as he tried to grin back. "All the world will come to know of our names! And with such awe-inspiring POWER at our disposal, none shall be able to decline the mighty hand when extended in FRIENDSHIP!!"
Friendship that Giovanni didn't feel back anymore.
"Hell yeah, Odi! Oh wait, can I call you Odi?" A perplexing question, seeing as Rick Odi had said only his friends tended to call him that.
"Of course! Why wouldn't you-" Cut off by a gasp as an unexpected force gripped at his heart, Gio mirroring the same as they watched that familiar string reconnect between them. "...what just happened."
"What do you mean, 'what just happened'! It's your epithet!" Hadn't this happened several times by now?
"Yes, but...it...has never worked that way before..." The hand not holding Gio's came to rest over his heart, Odi's brows knit tight with confusion.
"Wwwhaaat do you mean? You said you bonded with Bear Trap after she called you Odi, right? Because it meant you were friends? You said I could call you Odi, soooo..." A gesture between the two of them, something that only deepened Odi's confusion.
"But...you asked me." Oh.
"You asked me, and it...I've....never had anyone ask me to be their friend before..." Did...that mean it wasn't just a hollow connection? That...that the 'friendship' had to be mutually felt with those he connected with?
His friends...loved him just as must as he loved them?
"Oh..." More tears, but happy this time, a smile plastering itself to Odi's face as his free hand wiped at his eyes.
"Ooookay, I have no idea what's going on, buuuut I assume it a good thing?" A nod, Odi too busy laughing now as he gave up on drying his cheeks.
"Yes. It is...a very good thing." They all...they all really did care about him...
"Cool! Uh...weee should probably get off the floor, my back's kinda starting to hurt?" He was still pinned to the floor with Odi sprawled on top of him, not that he seemed to mind beyond his aching spine. "We can order something from that pizza place you like? And you can tell me all about this really good thing?" Shifting off of Gio, Odi gave a nod as he held out a hand to help his friend off the floor.
"First you must tell me about this 'special training' Molly partook in. Is she as strong as we believe her to be?" To his surprise, Giovanni took hold of his hand once more as he led them towards the door.
"Even stronger! You should've seen her, Odi! She was like 'Bear Claw'! And my epithet went 'whoosh'!" As he listened to Giovanni retell such a grand tale, neither of them seemed to realize Odi had only grabbed his scarf where it hung by the door. If he put on his coat, he'd have to let go of Giovanni's hand and...
He never wanted to let go. And Giovanni didn't either.
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booksofadventures · 23 days
Hey everyone, sorry for the absence.
Im hoping that over the weekend at least from sunday i should be slowly coming back even if its answering some memes posting some starters and a few replies a bit at a time.
I thank everyone for your patience with me while im going through things. We got a date for things now so that has me feeling a little better about things from my last big update on life here so thats something.
I hope you are all well, sending all the good vibes and smooches to you all ♡
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countlessrealities · 2 months
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Apologies for not having been around much lately. Work has slowed down a tiny bit (so I'm vaguely less busy), but we've been having a heatwave for over two weeks now, so I'm just as exhausted as before.
So, if you don't see me interacting with your posts (as I used to do) it's because I'm rarely on dash, so I just...don't see them. Here I am to renew the invitation to tag me in stuff you want me to see or to drop it in my IMs / Discord.
On the other hand, I've been slowly getting some drafts done. I still owe more than 20 things, but at least the count is no longer over 30. I'm still dying looking at it but nvm that. I'm trying to go through my owed replies chronologically (aside from the few non-queued ones I still have).
If I owe you an answer that dates back to May, the reason is that either I lost it (which is the more unlikely bc I thread-track every interaction) or I'm hoarding it because you're a fast replier and I don't want to get it back too soon while I'm still drowning in drafts ^^" You're welcome to ask me about it, in any case!
My inbox is down to 2 IC asks and 7 HC asks, which....isn't too bad.
Last note, I know that I owe two starters, for @shimmerbeasts and @fizziefactory (to whom I need to reach out first x.x). If I promised a starter / an IC ask to someone else, please lmk because I totally forgot about it -facepalm-
Alright, that's all from me, I'll stop bothering you now. Have good day / night, folks!
- Scotty out!
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