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elrielhd · 2 hours ago
I’m so obsessed with Elain that I had a dream she was life itself, whereas Nesta is Lady Death, Elain was Lady Life.
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elrielhd · 4 hours ago
How funny, Elriels started with the whole Carranam theory and now they are claiming it đŸ€Ł can they have one original thought?
Besides, how many times do we have to tell them a BC is only that, bonus that does not have a big impact on the overarching plot. And again, without the Bonus Chapter Gwyn/riels have nothing, that’s the only thing they can refer to “validate” their plot.
Gwynriel may not have been the initial plan, but that doesn't mean it can't be endgame. Sarah could have changed her mind in silver flames or the bonus chapter after seeing their chemistry. That's why she showed us how toxic elriel are. How Azriel underestimates her, how overprotective he is, how he's full of self-loathing around her, etc. Sarah writes couples by the seat of her pants. It wouldn't be the first time she changes her mind and switches love interest.
Side note- Azriel's powers reacting to Gwyn's powers, singing and dancing in reaction to her powers only could mean they have a carranam bond. Like Aelin and Rowan.
Listen Anon, I've said this before and I guess I have to say it again.
if you think for one moment that Elain stans or Elriels will be fighting with you over a guys who literally cannot make up his mind about whom he wants to dick down at any given moment, then please HAVE HIM.
We don't want him.
if he is not 1000000000000000000000000% into Elain, body, mind and soul, if she is not his ultimate desire, his prize, his reward, his soul, his heart, his heart mate and if he is tittering on a verge of some ill conceived love triangle, please HAVE HIM.
Take him off our hands. If SJM is going to be writing about a guy who is gagging over Elucien's bond, cant sleep, cant eat for a year, avoiding Elain because of his desire for her, and the moment his High Lord tells him no, he bounces over to his virginal student and starts seducing her--please, enjoy your sloppy thirds.
Elain stans have more self respect than that. We don't want shit like that for ourselves and for the heroines we like.
If this is satisfying to you, if this is what you earnestly desire for Gwyn, hey, you can enjoy your book.
i personally, wouldn't want that to be the arc for my beloved character. I don't want Elain to be rejected by Graysen, then by Azriel, and then settle for Lucien, who may or may not have been sleeping with Vassa all this time.
If you want Gwyn's arc to be with a man who was rejected by Mor, then by Elain, and who having no other option decided on Gwyn, then hey, we are different people. But you enjoy and have fun.
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elrielhd · 16 hours ago
E/lucien and Gwyn/riels only rely on the BC to “end” Elriel đŸ€Ł how many times do we have to say that’s not what Bonus Chapters are for?
How Elain feels about Lucien vs Azriel:
As Lucien took off his jacket, kneeling before Elain. She cringed away from the coat, from him-
Azriel knelt before her.. gently removed the gag from her mouth. “Are you hurt?” She shook her head, devouring the sight of him as if not quite believing it. “You came for me.”  Azriel scooped up Elain, looping her bound arms around his neck. “Hold tight,” he ordered her, “and don’t make a sound.” Elain glanced between us, but did not tremble. Did not cringe.
It was the most uncomfortable thirty minutes I could recall. Lucien and Elain sat in stilted silence. Elain had picked up the teacup, and now sipped from it without so much as looking toward him.
Elain sat silently at one of the wrought-iron tables, a cup of tea before her. Azriel was sprawled on the chaise lounge across the gray stones, sunning his wings and reading what looked to be a stack of reports. Already dressed for the Hewn City—the brutal, beautiful armor so at odds with the lovely garden. And my sister within it.
She just ignored him or barely spoke to him until he got the hint and left.
Elain said to Azriel, perhaps the only two civilized ones here, "Can you truly fly?" He set down his fork, blinking. I might have even called him self-conscious. He said, "Yes. Cassian and I hail from a race of faeries called Illyrians. We’re born hearing the song of the wind. " "That’s very beautiful," she said. "Is it not—frightening, though? To fly so high?" "It is sometimes," Azriel said.
And whether she cared about the bruises on his face, she certainly hadn’t let on.
“It’s for the headaches everyone always gives you. Since you rub your temples so often.” 
I nudged Elain, who blinked at me, then blurted, “You could come to Velaris.” “You’re welcome to stay for the night,” I said, since Elain certainly wasn’t going to. Lucien lowered his hands into his lap and leaned back in the armchair. “Thank you, but I have other plans.” I prayed he didn’t catch the slightly relieved glimmer on Elain’s face. “I don’t think she’ll tolerate two minutes alone with me.” “He brought you a present.” Those doe-brown eyes turned toward me. Sharper than Iïżœïżœïżœd ever seen them. “And that entitles him to my time, my affections?”
“I can help her,” said Azriel, stepping to the table as Elain silently rose. No shadows at his ear, no darkness ringing his fingers as he extended a hand. Nesta monitored him like a hawk, but kept silent as Elain took his hand, and out they went. It was three by the time the others went to bed. Azriel and Elain remained in the sitting room, my sister showing him the plans she’d sketched to expand the garden in the back of the town house, using the seeds and tools my family had given her tonight.
My sister rose to her feet. “I should get refreshments.” Lucien rose as well. “No need to trouble yourself. I’m- ” But she was already out of the room.
"I should go," Elain said, but made no move to leave.  
Her brown eyes were wary. Usually, that look was reserved for Lucien.
She looked up at him, her face so trusting and hopeful and open.
Though the male had brought a gift for Feyre and one for his mate, who barely thanked him after opening the pearl earrings. Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. Elain only shrank further into herself, no trace of that newfound boldness to be seen.
He set her down gently on the foyer carpet, having carried her in through the front door. Azriel smiled faintly. “Would you like me to show you the garden?” But Elain did not balk from him, did not shy away as she nodded—just once. Azriel, graceful as any courtier, offered her an arm. I couldn’t tell if she was looking at his blue Siphon or at his scarred skin beneath as she breathed, “Beautiful.” “It's beautiful," she whispered, lifting it from the box. The golden faelight shone through the little glass facets, setting the charm glowing with hues of red and pink and white. Azriel let his shadows whisk away the box as she said softly, "Put it on me?" 
Elain's actions, words, and body language make it clear to me that Azriel is the one she has strong feelings for. Feelings that she simply can't hide.
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elrielhd · 18 hours ago
It is one thing to enjoy a ship with no canon romantic scenes, no canon foreshadowing and build-up, and that makes zero sense to the overall narrative arc and structure of a series with the *awareness* that you are supporting a crackship.
But what gets me about so many Gwynriels is they seem to genuinely believe Gwynriel could happen?!? They truly seem not to grasp that it’s a crackship?!?
They genuinely don’t get that SJM isn’t going to use a bonus chapter available to only a tiny fraction of readers to “change” ships.
They genuinely don’t understand that the argument that SJM loves to change love interests only makes sense when you are talking about the main protagonist of a series with multiple huge ass books in which to make that change (Feyre, Aelin), vs. Elain who will only have one book.
They genuinely don’t get that the repeating motif of 3s throughout the series is careful foreshadowing for 3 brothers/3 sisters rather than being “cheesy” or “cliche.”
They genuinely think Azriel “only wants Elain for sex” based on one bonus chapter, while ignoring the entire remainder of the series where he treats her with care and kindness time and again.
They genuinely think that a leading man in a romance series could be ordered to stay away from a woman and 
 actually just roll over and obey that order?!? They genuinely don’t grasp Forbidden Romance 101 setup when it’s staring them in the face.
They genuinely think it’s cool if Az is a “creepy incel” so long as he’s a creepy incel who ends up with Glenda.
They genuinely think a stoic, mature 540-year old Illyrian warrior would be interested in an loud, immature friendship-bracelet making enthusiast.
They genuinely don’t see a problem with thinking that Azriel saving Gwyn in Sangravah is the beginning of some epic love story rather than the most awful, traumatic moment of Gwyn’s life.
They genuinely think Azriel being drawn to the library by an unknown force, and then seeing an image of Gwyn in his mind for an unknown reason, is somehow great romance rather than suspect as hell and a HUGE freaking red flag about Gwyn.
They genuinely think in a world with MAGIC that it matters that Elain might not *currently* be able to carry Azriel’s child.
They genuinely think that Azriel, who is shown to be quiet and reserved, would actually find enjoyment in publicly duetting or karaoking with Gwyn, even though his characterization in the book tells us he’d think it was cringey and embarrassing as hell.
They genuinely think that Elain and Lucien’s mating bond is the end all, be all. They genuinely think it means nothing when SJM goes out of her way to have Rhys explain that mating bonds aren’t perfect and can be rejected.
They genuinely think that Lucien “deserves” to be happy and therefore everything Elain might want is irrelevant.
They genuinely don’t think it’s an impediment or red flag when it comes to Elucien that Elain “loses her newfound boldness” around him.
They genuinely think that one (1) man thinking you look bad in the color black means you have to be banished from an entire territory for life.
They genuinely think that Elain, who has been INSIDE the Cauldron and who killed Hybern, “cannot handle Azriel’s darkness.”
They genuinely think that in a series where SJM has bludgeoned us to death about the fact that “Rhys will always give Feyre a choice,” SJM would suddenly no longer care about choice when it comes to Elain getting to choose who to be with.
They genuinely think that Azriel questioned the Cauldron only for the cauldron to be
They genuinely think there’s no significance to Elain being THE ONLY PERSON IN 500 YEARS Azriel entrusted Truth Teller to.
They genuinely think Gwyn and Az are mates even though he didn’t give one sh!t about her personally when she was taken into the Blood Rite, and even though it was *Elain* he stayed with to protect when the library—where Gwyn works and lives!—was attacked in ACOWAR.
They genuinely think “I’m getting her back” / “You came for me” has no romantic significance.
They genuinely think Elain being repeatedly connected to roses and Azriel being connected to an estate named Rosehall is meaningless.
They genuinely think Gwyn saying one or two teasing things to Az (who does not reciprocate) is “romantic banter” and, apparently, they genuinely have never have had a friend, acquaintance, teacher, or mentor in their lives with whom they’ve ever joked without it being “banter” and irrefutable proof of a romantic endgame.
They genuinely think SJM just threw out the couple name “Death and His Lovely Fawn” for 
. sh!ts and giggles, I guess??
They genuinely think 3 brothers/3 sisters is cliche, but that the current state of 2 brothers/2 sisters is a-okay.
They genuinely think 3 brothers/3 sisters is cliche, but that 3 best friends/3 best friends would somehow not be.
They genuinely think Madja saying a mate would know what’s wrong with Elain and then Azriel immediately knowing what was wrong with Elain was
.idk, pure coincidence, I guess!
They genuinely don’t think it’s illogical to say Azriel “only wants Elain for sex” in one breath and then that Elriel “have brother/sister vibes” in the next.
They genuinely think that Nesta observed Azriel’s “secret” but will somehow ship him with Gwyn regardless.
They genuinely don’t grasp that it’s significant that Azriel’s hands are covered in scars and that SJM goes out of her way to have Feyre muse on how Elain must like seeing marks on her own hands from her gardening.
They genuinely think it’s clever to say “I ship Az with therapy.”
They genuinely think we’ll believe that they actually CARE about Elain when they say they want her to “stay single and be empowered,” and not see through the fact that they will use literally any nonsensical argument whatsoever, so long as it keeps Elain away from Azriel.
I could go on for days with this list, but I guess my point with all this is I really wonder sometimes what’s gonna happen with this fandom when Elriel’s book is finally confirmed.
Because, on the one hand, don’t get me wrong: it’s gonna be fun as hell watching all these delusional people utterly melt down over a pairing that was perfectly obvious if only you exercise basic reading comprehension skills and are able to distinguish canon from headcanon.
But on the other hand, I feel like they are all SO far down the Gwynriel delusion rabbit hole that the fandom is going to be pretty unbearable for a long while after the announcement.
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elrielhd · 23 hours ago
Bestie give the Mages of the Wheel series a try!! It literally SAVED me from this exact same situation with not being able to find a compelling fantasy romance book. And the writing is actually really well done.
Thank you! I’ll download the saga and give them a try đŸ«¶đŸ» I don’t know why lately no romantasy is compelling for me, I feel like they’re trying to fit into a “trope” and it loses sense, they all follow the same patterns đŸ˜«
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elrielhd · 23 hours ago
I read the first book of The Serpent and the Wings of Night and I cannot past the betrayal at the end, I’m 13% on the second book and I’m still hurt đŸ€Ł
I’ve seen the other books in booktok but I don’t trust TikTok reviews, I’ll give them a chance since the recommendations are coming from you and I trust you! đŸ«¶đŸ»
I don’t know what book to read đŸ˜« I used to read books for the vibes now it’s hard for a book to catch my attention, it must have a really good plot and story building.
I tried reading A City of Gods and Monsters and I DNF at 37% the dialogue was Wattpad worthy 😱
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elrielhd · 24 hours ago
I don’t know what book to read đŸ˜« I used to read books for the vibes, now it’s hard for a book to catch my attention, it must have a really good plot and story building.
I tried reading A City of Gods and Monsters and I DNF at 37% the dialogue was Wattpad worthy 😱
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elrielhd · 1 day ago
If you don't mind me asking how come you haven't read acosf, and why do you ship elriel?
Tried reading acosf. Last part I read was the chapter Az and Cass sparred in front of Nesta and I’m not sure what came after it but that was it. SJM’s writing isn’t for me; I only read acomaf and acowar because I’d already bought the copies and didn’t want my money to have been spent in vain. I actually liked the first book the most. And the reviews about acosf don’t make me feel like I’m missing out on much— Nessian is general doesn’t make me feel anything at all and I’m not a shipper.
And why wouldn’t anyone ship Elriel? I feel like they’re the only two characters in the entire series who just make sense.
Elriel has so. Much. Potential. So much. They practically write themselves/unfold in your head on their own. As an author, they’re the perfect characters to make a story out of and as a reader, they check all the best tropes in fiction. The elriel tag explains it perfectly, all the reasons those two compliment each other.
Elriel is the perfect mix of the two; the fact that they both are mysterious makes it all the more exciting. During my brief reading of the first chapters of acosf, I couldn’t stand reading about Cassian not because he’s a bad character or a bad personality in general— he was just the epitome of boring, read as a 2D character and in fiction, that’s the worst of crimes. He’s strong, he’s loyal, he’s got a heart of gold- the perfect guy. But there isn’t anything about him that makes you want to know him.
Rhys in acotar and acomaf had that question proposed: good guy doing bad things or humanized bad guy with a redemption arc on the way? which made you want to find out all about him and regardless of the way the answer makes you as a reader feel, in the end he checked the fiction trope of a secret/personality being uncovered. You get some form of cerebral stimulation by him. Cassian couldn’t tickle a thought out of you, I was practically brain dead reading the chapters. Nesta was significantly less boring because, you know, there’s a journey for her character— there’s a story about to be told. Even if it was, in the end, the Power of Friendship and Getting The Good Guy.
Elriel is the combination of them both: Rhys’s mystery and Nesta’s story element. We know so little about them, but the blueprint of their characters fit extremely well that if you merge them together or keep them apart, you still get a story. There are so, so many unanswered questions about Az and Elain as individuals. We know they’re different, they’re abnormal, but we don’t know how. A friend of mine here on tumblr pointed out that SJM is keeping Elain under tight wraps because the girl is a walking spoiler and I agree— Elain’s the key to all the next books, and giving anything away about her prematurely takes away the urge readers have to pick up the new books to just find out.
(Which is a brilliant marketing strategy on SJM’s behalf, kudos to her tbh)
But here are some reasons that make my shipper heart go awh, beyond the fact that those two are the perfect couple:
They’re so fucking soft as people. Elain kills the Main Boss in the series who no one else could and then she just went back to her hobbies like it was nothing. Azriel tortures information out of people, is terror personified to his own people and his own family, but he’s gentle and polite around others and he carries traumatized Seer ladies to gardens and sits with them having tea in the sunshine (how is no one else convulsing at this?)
The fact that they’re both INTROVERTS doesn’t just stimulate the very core of your shipper heart? do people not realize how powerful introverts’ love is? How beautiful that shit it?
They’re extremely perceptive and observant. They’re sensitive to the feelings of others around them, they’re aware of people.
They fucking see each other WITHOUT help? Elain notices his headaches (need I remind people that Azriel is famously unreadable? How sharp is Elain’s eyesight for her to notice him rubbing his temples?) and he can read her without his shadows (see: the most controversial POV on the planet) and he knows what she needs/wants without her saying so? Nonverbal communication is their thing and I’m so here for it.
He figured out that nothing was wrong with her. He was the only one from the beginning who was researching Elain’s predicament— people forget sometimes that Azriel didn’t just have an epiphany in that sitting room and realize all of a sudden Elain was a Seer. He was looking into it before that famous moment.
I’m not hyper focused on the small details that everyone has overanalyzed (he went ahead and rescued her, she kissed him, he gave her his knife, she gave him a gift for solstice, he listens to her talk about her plans, she can read him like no one else, he went to find out how she looked like when she was happy, he stays away from his family because of her— all of this fam is without the easy Get-Out-Of-Jail card that’s the mating bond, an insta love feature that plays matchmaker.) but it’s just who they are. It’s not because of the alignment of their powers (though they do align pretty well if i do say so myself) but the alignment of their personality.
And we know Elain values that over anything else. Elain who’s dismissing the most sacred bond in the universe, because he doesn’t know me. Elain who values tradition, who values culture and habits, who put aside her prejudices and her fear for the sake of goodness. Elain’s not boring— she’s just not problematic and I think most people can’t digest a female character that doesn’t swing around a ten-stone sword or lay waste to kingdoms with some Pick-Me-Chosen-Girl powers shit.
That being said— she has a lot of potential. The position of her character puts her at so many crossroads and it’s exciting to think about which one she’ll end up walking and if anyone is going to walk that path with her.
Azriel, too, has so much room for development. I wont say ‘healing’ because man’s 540 yo. If he was going to ‘heal’ or change he would have a long time ago and he’s not suddenly going to just because a cutsey girl (Ginger or Brunette) smiled at him.
That being said, what did he do about the transgressions against him? Cassian killed his mother’s village and his father. Rhys apparently shattered the bones of Az’s brothers but they’re not dead. Does Az work with them? Is his mother alive and if so, what is the nature of his relationship with her? Does he have siblings? He’s a spy, and the boss of the NC spies, what does his job look like? How can he torture people and then be fine with it? Is he fine with it? Will he stop? Will someone (i am totally referring to a Seer) develop ways with him to extract information out of people without the need for violations? What exactly are his powers? What is a shadowsinger?
Him and Elain are similar. They’re the sensible people, the quiet ones who speak only when they know they’ll be listened to, the ones who people don’t know anything about and whatever information about them is known, it’s very faulty. They’re both misunderstood. They have a wicked discreet sense of humor— brilliant roasts and inside jokes. Az’s shadows are a comfort blanket the way Elain’s baking is her comfort zone, and they meet each other halfway. I’m not a fan of people learning to let go of their comfort zones because like
 no. Why would you take that away. I am a supporter of learning to utilize that comfort for develop.
Elriel is just romanticized life. I know Azriel is the perfect dark book boyfriend and that SJM probably sees him as one too but he’s just a soft boy in my head. A soft boy trying to fall in love with the world and there’s a woman who’s trying to do the same and they are literally the equivalent of a peaceful picnic in a meadow of green and earth and just life. Life, horrible and rough and unkind as she is but it’s nature. Mother nature. She’s not evil, she’s not good. She just is. Nature, nonsentience at its best, being exactly who she is. Formidable, scary, unwavering but not evil. Not human. I can’t describe it.
The potential secret dating trope?
I am a woman of the firm opinion that being paid attention is the sexiest thing that can ever be done by man. I don’t care about looks, I don’t care about tropes— when a character just pays the right attention to another person? That they’re conscious of them? They have dedicated their mind and day to them? That shit slaps harder than the oblivious You-Are-In-Love-With-This-Person-Even-If-You-Havent-A-Clue. It’s like hello? You are a sentient being of your own, you are an entire person, and you consciously choose to acknowledge my own person? You are aware of me so keenly? And the best part is that it goes both ways fam. IT GOES BOTH WAYS.
They are iconic. Literally icons of perfect blissful love.
The fucking Hades/Persephone vibes??????
Notice how I frequently say development. Not change. The person Elain was in Chapter 1 of Acotar is not the same as the one in the chapters of Acomaf and is most certainly not the lady in acowar, acofas and acosf. But notice how she’s true to herself? I’ll stop going on about those two anon because I’m not sure this is what you asked for, but yeah. At the start of February 2020 I was a fan of Elriel, now I’m a full on AC blasted 24/7.
Here, have some soft elriel aesthetic so you know what I mean.
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elrielhd · 2 days ago
Rhys Feelings Regarding Elain + Azriel:
It’s so funny when I see people arguing, saying things along the lines of “Rhysand isn’t an Elriel shipper”, “he knows that Azriel only wants to sleep with her and nothing more” when this scene in ACOWAR exists:
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Rhys is, unfortunately, viewing Elain as a political pawn at this moment in the story. If Elain rejects the bond with Lucien to be with Azriel, then there’s nothing holding Lucien to the Night Court and Rhys believes that Lucien will take his talents elsewhere and sell the NC’s secrets to different courts.
So, of course Rhys was freaked out when he saw Elain + Azriel locked in an embrace in the hallway during Solstice. At that time in the story, he thought that he and Feyre were both going to die during Nyx’s birth.
The Night Court would’ve already been in shambles due to the death of both of their High Lords (who didn’t have an heir), add onto that a rogue Lucien selling their secrets to highest bidder and the possibility of a blood duel - it’s chaos. The Night Court would’ve been no more. The combination of these events would’ve been catastrophic and the wonderful, safe, place that Rhys + the IC worked so hard to create and sacrificed so much to acquire would’ve been gone in an instant.
So, of course Rhys lost it at that moment and demanded that Azriel stay away from Elain - his reaction has to do with his own fears and worries regarding the safety of his court and his loved ones - it doesn’t have anything to do with Elain + Azriel’s comparability as a couple.
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elrielhd · 2 days ago
Azriel showing Elain his wingspan:
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elrielhd · 2 days ago
Indifference is the opposite of love.
Hate can easily become love, but not indifference.
Rowan punched Aelin in the face and told her she should’ve died with her parents.
Cassian verbally abused Nesta.
Rhys physically hurt and traumatised Feyre UTM.
And you really think Elain shrinking and losing confidence is the end of Elucien?
Give me a break. This is the tension S.J.M loves and I can’t wait for the angst that is Elucien.
I think Elain’s utter indifference to Lucien is the beginning and end of Elucien. I think Lucien’s greater comfort and ease around others is the beginning and end of Elucien. I think the lack of any tension that has been given book after book to build is the end of Elucien. I think giving Azriel the role of consistently being paired with Elain, saving her, being with her in the garden, etc etc etc is the end of Elucien. I think the repeated questioning of the mating bond being wrong between them is the end of Elucien. None of these pairs you presented ever shrunk or lost boldness around their mate.
I’m confused by the argument you’re making. That abuse is tension-building? That it’s romantic? That it’s set-up? I might disagree with your perception of some of these but you’re literally saying that abuse is tension-building. I also think you’re removing a ton of context to make this work in whatever twisted logic is being employed. It’s a bit of a weird take imo.
With that said, I will read an Elucien book. I’m not mad at Eluciens at all. I get that ship and it’s a valid ship. They’re mates. I get that preference. It is a canon ship. It’s not my preference and I don’t like the dynamics of it, but if others do, that’s fine by me. I’ve never said otherwise. Eluciens and Elriels agree Elain is next and it will be Elain at the center of the book. The only “quarrel” I have with Eluciens is that I believe it will be Elriel and not Elucien. I, personally, think this is the only “shipwar” that should be ongoing.
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elrielhd · 2 days ago
Azriel: *laying on the floor, unconscious*
Feyre: *panicking*he’s not breathing!
Cassian: I'll give him mouth-to-mouth!
Azriel: *opens one eye,* Ew no! Let Elain do it! *Closes eye*
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elrielhd · 3 days ago
I’m going to 7, I’m next to Elain and next to Azriel. I’ll find out the tea between them.
ACOTAR Airplane Seat Game Round 1 of 4
How to play: all you need to do is tell us where you'd sit on the flight by voting in the poll below. Bonus points if you tell us why in comments/reblogs/tags.
And...don't worry these get progressively worse đŸ˜ˆđŸ”„
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elrielhd · 3 days ago
Just watch Gwyn/riels lose their heads when Elriel book gets announced.
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elrielhd · 3 days ago
No, no and no. Gwyn is not the strongest character SJM has ever written.
“You’re the one who’s been in a library for two years,” Emerie said. Gwyn didn’t flinch. “I have. And I am tired of it.” SF.68
Gwyn will leave the library and have her story be told.
Gwyn smiled again, her eyes bright. “Our stories are worth telling.” SF.56
She is the strongest female S.J.M has ever written. I can’t wait for her book to be next. I have been waiting since 2021 and I am tired.
I can’t wait for Gwynriel to happen. Their moments in A.C.O.S.F were the cutest moments ever.
May can’t come quick enough.
strongest character that SJM's ever written?
Stronger than Asterin?
Than Manon?
Than Aelin?
Stronger than Lysandra?
Than Kaltain?
Stronger than Nesta?
Than Feyre?
Stronger than Emerie?
Stronger than Myriam?
Stronger than Lidia?
And Ember?
You make me sad, anon.
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elrielhd · 3 days ago
She literally said I don't want him. She SAID I don't want him. I don't want a mate. I don't want a male.
You say you want what Elain chooses yet she says she doesn’t want a male but you ship her with a male? Get real.
I am real đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïžđŸŒžđŸŠ‡
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elrielhd · 4 days ago
And this is canon
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I have nothing to say.
Art by honeyypears and @cinnibelle
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