I needed to read this today... falling into a bit of a relapse.
“This ones for the boys and girls who are weight restored but still battle their jumbled heads and disordered minds. I know how much this is killing you. You think nobody can see your pain anymore but I swear it’s still there, it’s in your eyes. And I want you to know that you’re a brave soldier for continuing on in your new body. I’m sorry you’re still hurting. But please know that your pain can’t be lessened through destroying your body. You’ve already learned that.”
you’ve already learned that // melena steffes (via melenaswritings)
Thank you so much for this post
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eating isn’t shameful. you aren’t ugly just because you’ve gained weight. calories are necessary. treating yourself is okay. please take care of yourself. your body loves you and depends on you to help it function properly.
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Are you “weight restored”?
Weight restored according to what? A minimum healthy BMI? Somewhere you think your body should be? Well, your mind’s idea of weight restored may not be what your body wants.
There are some ways to tell that you are becoming healthy again or are weight restored:
• Return of menstruation
• Clearer thinking and brain function
• Stronger nails and thicker hair
• You do not have to engage in planned exercise to maintain your weight
• Less mental hunger
• Your body seems to remain at the same weight while you genuinely allow yourself to eat whatever you want
You may think you are weight restored because you experience some of these, but you must give yourself full permission to eat and rest in order to truly reach your set point.
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If exercise didn’t burn calories would you still do it?
Exercise is something so many of us struggle with. Here are some tips if you’re feeling lost (TW: mentions calories, restriction, and weight loss talk)
DO NOT exercise if you are in ED recovery. Under no circumstances should you be working out.
If you are FULLY recovered (mentally and physically) you can reintroduce light exercise if you really feel it would be beneficial. But keep your intentions in check, and make sure: you aren’t pushing yourself too hard, you genuinely want to exercise because it feels good, and you aren’t concerned with calorie burning/weight loss.
Don’t set goals through numbers, and try not focus on miles or calories burned.
Make sure you aren’t forcing yourself to workout because your ED is telling you to. When in doubt, sit it out.
Try to stay away from places/things that are triggering. If the gym sounds dreadful, just don’t go. If a certain workout reminds you of old behaviours, find another way to move, or cuddle up on the couch with a nice batch of brownies because you can.
Listen to your hunger and do not ignore it.
Eat more that day to not only fuel your body, but prove once and for all that weight loss has no place in your life.
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I dealt with this for so long, and I was gaining weight on insufficient calories. YOU CAN STILL INCREASE YOUR INTAKE EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU ARE WEIGHT RESTORED! (Side note: if you have only gained to a minimum healthy BMI, you most likely still need to gain more weight). Your body may still be in a caloric deficit especially if you have brittle nails, hair, tiredness, amenorrhea (loss of period), etc. Even without these symptoms, full recovery is something you deserve even if you think you’re at a healthy weight.
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I wrote another thing
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