e1i-neverrests · 3 days
Despite Everything
Originally written 17/09/2024
Glimpses on a dark screen. I see myself, and think "Oh! There you are. I've missed you, where have you been?" This version of me that feels like me. With hair tied so it looks short, wearing my favourite cardigan, holding back a laugh that's just a little too loud.
Glances in a full-length mirror. I see my mother's daughter, and think "Oh! It's you. How long will you keep this up?" This version of me I've maintained well. With long hair, whatever dress she's picked out for the occasion, and a smile that doesn't reach my eyes.
Gazing out a car window. I see a product of my father, and think "Oh! You again. Why couldn't you stay away?" This version of me barely hanging on. With loose hair, the outfit I wore two days ago, and a frown tucked into my palm.
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e1i-neverrests · 3 days
Born to be the mysteriously alluring, pretty stranger in the corner of the library that stays until closing. The one who's always dressed well, in a way that seems just a bit anachronistic. A classic novel in hand, or maybe something just as pretentious. Or maybe something lighthearted or a cutesy romance book to juxtapose the aesthetics. In my other hand would be a cup of something from the nearby café or something from home, for the economic and environmental benefits. Every now and then I'd look out the window to watch the sunset, and think about how the beauty of books reflects the world in which they're published.
Forced to do homework (Except instead I'm on tumblr posting this)
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e1i-neverrests · 3 days
saving this for later <3
May I request dividers relating to the Spade and Heart card suits? My love calls me the Jack of Spades, and I call him the King of Hearts. I would love to have a divider that is reminiscent of that.
Have a lovely day.
hello, and sure! I did a classic red/black set, and then another matching the colors in your blog! thanks for the request! 💖 and thank you, hope you do as well!
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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e1i-neverrests · 3 days
@xeniums @megalomandarin Guys would you be the soup to my bread? (or the bread to my soup idk whatever you like more :3)
mutuals do this!!!!
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e1i-neverrests · 3 days
"Which spices go with which foods" lists are of limited value to me because, like, I have functioning taste buds. What I really need is a "spices that need to be added at the start of the cooking time in order to properly develop versus spices that need to be added in the last five minutes because extended heating fucks up the flavour profile" list – that shit is not intuitive.
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e1i-neverrests · 6 days
Chat I'm done for
I won't have wifi at my house until October apparently! What the heck universe!!
Sorry I've been gone for a bit/posting less than usual —not that I posted much original content anyways— but it's not going to get any better for a while 😔
I'll do my best but I'm posting this on borrowed data
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e1i-neverrests · 8 days
A Rowdy Raven And A Daring Dog
A silly lighthearted drabble for Vesuvia Weekly prompt “Date With Disaster” featuring Lys, Julian, and a little bit of Asra! Takes place post-main game. Alternatively titled “Two idiots walk into a bar”
A/N: The date itself was platonic, because who doesn't like taking your friends out for a few drinks? (I wouldn't know, I'm not allowed to drink yet)
May get a drawing, we’ll have to see
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“What in the world happened to you two?” Asra asks in utter bafflement at the state of his friend and lover, the latter being unceremoniously dropped from the former’s arms and onto the doorstep. One is covered in dirt, the other sustaining a few bruises, and both entirely too drunk.
“Nothing the palace can prove!” Julian pipes up just a bit too loud, his usual roguish grin more askew than it ought to be. The sober magician just stares incredulously. “Is that meant to be reassuring..?”
“No no no, here, if you really want to know, it all starts,,, okay, just- just listen- it all…” The other magician interjecting from his spot on the floor, trailing off as he tries to support himself against the doorframe and hauling himself upright.
Julian interjects Lys’ interjection with his own less slurred speech, jumping into his explanation. “What he means to say is it all started earlier this very eve!”
[OooOoo flashback SFX]
Lys and Julian enter the Rowdy Raven, a sea of unfamiliar and unfriendly faces swivel towards them. Immediately, a pair of dastardly ne'er do wells come up and-
“That’s not what happened, don't listen to him!” Lys sways on his feet, now holding onto the Doctor instead of the door. He pats his hand on the taller man's cheek. “This… This malpracticing fiend embellishes far too much. Here, let- lemme tell you instead!” “Hey, I do not commit malpractice!”
[oOoooO more flashback SFX]
The two walk into the Rowdy Raven, a few of the regulars immediately recognising Julian. They beckon the pair over, immediately posing a challenge. “20 coins says the short one drinks you under the table!” “I'll bet 5 on the magician!” “No way, Devorak will win for sure! 50 coins!”
Never one to back down from a friendly competition, Lys is happy to take the bet. Julian, confident in his own abilities, is also on-board. Soon the whole tavern is circled around the bar, bets placed and breaths held. The count-down begins, and they're off!
“None other than yours truly came out victorious.” Julian beams, as though this were an achievement to be proud of. “Uh huh, but at what cost?” Lys cuts in, snickering. “People were upset I lost —apparently a lot of them bet on me?— so a fight broke out.”
“Those fiends attacked me for winning! The scoundrels! Dare I say… The audacity!” The doctor brings a hand to his chest, turning his head away as if he couldn't bear the memory of it.“That part is true, mhm. Buut, dear Devorak here forgot the most important part where-”
“Where a dashing magician swooped to my rescue!” Julian interrupts, his eye somehow sparkling at the heroic memory. The magician in question just rolls his eyes. “I… Well, I guess, technically yes. But after that, I was having trouble walking and fell, but we… we’re- were being chased, so he picked me up, and, well, uh, here we are!”
Asra cannot believe what they've heard. Actually, no, they entirely believe it, they just wish they didn't. But it sounds like they had fun, and that's what matters most. “So long as you're both okay now. Just… Remind me to never let you two go unsupervised for too long.”
Faust pokes her head out from Asra's collar, leveling herself with Julian. Squeeze? She tilts her head in request. Except, as soon as he sees her purple snake self, he's backing away from the door and out of Lys' reach. Which does cause the shorter man to stumble with his main support being yanked away
“I believe that's my cue! Farewell, friends!” The drunken doctor bows dramatically as he walks backwards away from the shop, nearly tripping over himself in the process. He slips off into the night with as much grace as he can muster. The two magicians and one familiar watch him go with amusement.
“Bye bye Julian!!” Lys waves him off, then turns to his white haired companion, currently holding him upright. “And… Hello you.”
“Hello to you too, sweetheart. Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?”
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e1i-neverrests · 8 days
Reblogging for something I'm working on
PATTERN BANNERS | galaxy 03.
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( requested by → @kisakiskitten )
i went with a mix of forest greens and mint greens. it reminds me of colours from the aurora borealis hehe.
colours : 001 / 002 / 003 / 004 / 005 / 006 / 007 / 008 / 009
feel free to use; please like, reblog, and credit 〜
support me through ko-fi | more dividers →
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e1i-neverrests · 13 days
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e1i-neverrests · 13 days
getting emotional over a hypothetical Minecraft movie in a laundromat parking lot
Why does this single tumblr post have more potential and better writing than the trailer
You know, a Minecraft Movie could have been a literal masterpiece if you had the right mindset to do it, and I'm not joking. I feel like nowadays studios are afraid of being genuine like a teen is afraid of being genuine. If a movie suddenly gets too excited about something, it needs to put it down so it doesn't sound "lame" or "cringe". You cannot be honest, and you cannot show love or absurdity without pointing out that it's stupid because you think OTHERS will believe it's stupid. So please bear with me:
Currently we have only a teaser trailer, it looks bad, it puts itself down, it's afraid of being genuine, it somehow managed to whitewash Steve (again), and I doubt that it will use things like the End Poem or how it feels to play Minecraft for its themes and story. I hope that I'm wrong, but I'm very cynical. So, let's think about it together.
Minecraft Movie. I saw a post suggesting stop-motion animation for it, and, honestly, it feels perfect, just like stylized 3D animation. Live action actors do not work with how Minecraft looks, and that's okay. Let's do an animated movie.
The plot. There's so, so many possibilities, but the beauty of making a Minecraft animated movie is that you won't ever be able to tackle all the possibilities it brings to the table. The community has made so many stories for the game, so we might as well just think of an "official" movie as a homage to the game and its community. We are adapting the way Minecraft feels.
End Poem, one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Let's take that and put it in the movie, simple as that. You can only find it by defeating the Ender Dragon, so this will be how our movie ends. If we want it to end like this, then the objective of our protagonists must be to defeat the dragon.
Let's have Steve as our protagonist - not a whitewashed version, just Steve with his actual skin color left just the way it is. He'll represent us as players for our hypothetical movie. Have him wake up in an unknown world, not knowing why he's there. Just like how the game was all the way back in 2009, he's alone in a very lonely and foggy world. We follow him trying to look for other people, and then he has to survive his first night. This first part is both whimsical and a bit scary, because that's how many players felt when they first started it when they were kids, aallllll the way back.
Steve survives his first night. He's horrified, and then he realizes that he'll have to do it again. He doesn't know the "rules" of this world, but he's figuring them out, and the idea of "rules" and "what to do" will be important. Because, at its core, Minecraft doesn't have that many rules. It has no actual objective. You can do whatever you want, and this will be very (very) important.
Steve ends up building a small base with wood. Survives a bit more, and then, someway, somehow, he finds Alex. While he's more careful around things and very thoughtful on how and what to build, Alex is more of an adventurer, following the little tidbits of personality we see from them during Minecraft trailers. They're happy to know that they aren't alone, and we follow them build a very strong friendship and teach each other new things, just like how it is playing Minecraft in real life. They find a village, and find out that maybe they can leave this world, or at least find some answers, if they defeat the Ender Dragon.
From there, we have a good objective. The two continue progressing, and their base ends up becoming a castle, because who didn't want to build a castle when they were kids? And the world seems progressively more alive thanks to their interference on it, thanks to them helping the villagers, thanks to them being the players that they are. If you want more conflict, just add the pillagers as well.
Eventually, Steve and Alex have an argument about their points of view. They both want to know what's going on, but their way of doing things are different, and they care a LOT about each other, they're best friends, but who is doing things the "right" way? I don't like the idea of them separating because that happens in way too many movies. I want to see these two stick together, but their insistence on trying to do it "correctly" ends up putting them in a lot of trouble because they can't cooperate anymore. Y'know. How people fight and argue about a "correct" way of playing the game. How we as players miss old Minecraft - or do we? Do we miss the simplicity of older times, or do we miss our childhood creativity and willigness to do whatever comes to mind?
Anyways. A good alternative to this conflict would be either Alex or Steve - I'm leaning more towards Steve - being hesitant at completing the End Portal. He doesn't want to end his "dream", he doesn't want answers or to escape this world (aka leave good memories behind), he wants to stay there, but Alex knows that they can't be like this forever, even if she wants to stay. Regardless, they eventually come to a mutual understanding, and, TOGETHER, they go and fight the Ender Dragon. They win, and then the End Poem happens.
The fight against the dragon wasn't the ending; the realization that there are, indeed, no rules to put them down, or that they HAVE to leave everything behind, is the ending. They hear the poem while sitting next to each other. The world changed because of them, and sometimes it was for the worse, and sometimes it was for the better, but it did become much kinder, and they weren't alone. They don't HAVE to be. Just like how it actually happened in the actual game, through the 15 YEARS since it started to exist, and oh my God it's been 15 years already?! Oh my God-
Anyways. Movie ends with Alex and Steve having a lighthearted argument over what to build next. Steve wants another castle, Alex says that she has amazing ideas for something she's calling a "mob farm", and "trust me, it'll make our lives SO MUCH easier". And they're just being silly, because there are no rules.
Anyways thanks for reading this post, feel free to add your own things to it! Just had to get it out of my chest.
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e1i-neverrests · 14 days
Chat I think we gotta gather up a bunch of teenagers to film a cinematic SMP and all collectively watch that instead
Chat they made Minecraft into a silly goofy cringe movie even through Minecraft is actually about life and earth and the universe and tearing meaning out of the ground and molding it with your hands into something that you can be proud of. They made the pink sheep look ugly and funny for a cheap laugh when it should’ve been a beautiful moment where you, age eleven, come across this rarity, this beautiful anomaly and you hold its face in your hands and stare into its chocolate brown eyes and you realize what the whole world is about. Chat they made it into a joke
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e1i-neverrests · 14 days
I would sleep forever if it meant I'd get to dream of him.....
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mortal hypnos
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e1i-neverrests · 14 days
Call me Euclidia because this left me utterly devastated
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My favorite depressed triangle
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e1i-neverrests · 15 days
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e1i-neverrests · 15 days
I have things to say that would not get past the roblox chat filter 😔
Flapper /drag julian my beloved
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Bonus silliness
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e1i-neverrests · 17 days
So excited for this week's prompt!! And next week's is looking like it'll shape up to be fuuuuull of hurt/comfort and bittersweet fluff
Vesuvia Weekly: Prompt for September 4th - 18th
You voted, so here it is!
A Date with Disaster
With that, the "Sleepy Mumblings" prompt is officially closed!
The tags are the usual #vesuvia weekly and for this specific prompt, #date with disaster. The masterlist for all works submitted for this prompt will be under the poll for next week :D
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e1i-neverrests · 18 days
Guys I think my name is Julian Devorak 😔
I'm sorry I couldn't help myself but participate in the quote and poetry angst, here's some for Julian XD:
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And one for Lucio:
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@therowdymagpie oh goodness, these hit hard!!
It's always interesting to deconstruct the different performances each of the M6 assign themselves, but Julian's is heartbreaking in its own unique way :')
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