dusttcdusk · 3 years
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INBAR LAVI via Instagram
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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“the bubbly stuff, huh… yeah. anything for you.”
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  ‘ i knew i could count on you, gio.’ 
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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“we’re out of the white powder, i’m going to have to go out tomorrow.”
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‘ do you think you could also grab some seltzer water while you’re out? ’ 
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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“I’m a house husband.”
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‘ that you are. and i’m so appreciative of your efforts. ’ 
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
"shh, pet, the adults are speaking. stay quiet and you may have your say yet." (just yeets a fae at astrid)
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for once, she is left speechless. it was a rare occurrence for her, often finding herself the one needing to have the last word. but the sheer audacity of the man before her shocks her into stunned silence. unable to do much else, ink black eyes bore hateful gaze into the intruder. the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. something about him, other than just his manners, didn't sit right with the werewolf. he put her on edge for some reason. and she did not like it one bit.
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
"You look beautiful." (Gio to Delia)
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' giovanni ' is all she manages to stammer out. undoubtedly red in the face, dark eyes fall to the floor in search of something else to focus on. she had hoped professor oak wouldn't be long with their drinks, half afraid of ending up in this exact predicament. it was risky on his part, showing his face so shamelessly, as though he was one of many respected gym leaders. then again, that was just like him, shameless and bold. charming his way into every important inner circle of society, playing the part of pokemon philanthropist perfectly. ' what are you doing here? ' she manages to choke out, wishing for anything to help swallow down her nerves.
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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“i’ve been busy, i would hope you pardon my absence.”
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‘ ah yes, enter bastard. don’t you have anything better to do?’ 
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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“And I thank you for giving him the closest to a normal life as he deserves, but you have to understand… It’s not like I abandoned him, and he needs to know this. He needs to know I WANT to be a part of his life, I AM trying.”
Homelander, however, stops his speech as she acknowledges this. a little squint of his eyes at her last words. “… Us?” He follows that one step, though in a less menacing manner, mostly curious. “you mean you and I?”
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     ‘ you are, and i appreciate it. these past nine years, it’s just been the two of us. adding another person into the equation has been an adjustment and will continue to be an adjustment as we all figure out how to build a day to day routine with each other. but you’re trying and i can try harder to co-parent. but that’ll mean we will both need to work as a team. ’ 
     his words halted her right there. she could feel her stomach drop, the rush of blood to her face. anger and embarrassment that she might have implied anything of the sort. eyes drop, not wanting to meet his intense stare. ‘ oh, no. um, not that. i meant as far as exposure. you’re the homelander. that puts a target on your back. that target could extend to us, if the world were to find out about us. ’ 
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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“Now hold on a second, so you can dump all your previous life and play dead ‘for Ryan’s sake’ but I can’t make sacrifices??” He scoffs, trying not to raise his voice.
It was the same argument over and over and he was growing tired of it, taking a step forwards.
“I know you think I’m stupid and stubborn, but so far who’s the one who’s been adapting to YOUR lifestyle without questions??” His jaw clenches as he speaks. “Isn’t it time for you to give in some comfort as well? You think I’m not having trouble with rescheduling my entire life? to try my best??”
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     ‘ can you blame me for being guarded? this is my son, homelander. i want him to have better than i did and i’ve dedicated my life to raising him in a home where he is loved and is growing into a well rounded human being. yes, you are his father. but i am his mother. ’ 
     she can feel the growing tension escalating, just as it always does. instinctively she takes a step back. as though it would make any sort of difference. 
     another deep inhale. ‘ you know what though? you’re right. i recognize that you are trying here and that you seem like you genuinely want to be a part of ryan’s life. i see the efforts you are trying to make and perhaps, yes, i could be more accommodating. i’m just terrified of the doors this will open for us now. ’ 
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
“ i had no idea if that was going to work. “ - micte @ death
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' honestly, your guess is as good as mine at this point. better to try every option until we come to the right choice. at least then we will have done something as opposed to waiting for the inevitable shit to hit the fan.'
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
[leans his head on Death's shoulder] uvu
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initially bristles from the sudden contact, relaxing when he realizes this is a familiar presence. very few he allowed such closeness. but he knew pilli and considered him a close friend. rather than looking up from the book in hand, he kept his pale gaze on the page, leaning head atop the other's. ' well hello to you too. '
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
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Every now and then he got far too comfortable into the setting, like he could fit right into it, as if everything was going smootly, a common understanding… Except for moments like these. Moments that shattered his reality back into the mess it really was…
He still followed Becca outside, standing behind her until the moment she decided to face him, words slapping him worse than those strikes he knew she mentally threw at him sometimes.
“You mean I can’t parent my child all the time? Why? Cause it’s inconvenient to you?” They’ve had this talk before, and each time it was more tiresome than before. There were so many ‘rules’ Homelander had to abide if he wanted to stay here, but this was just too much at times.
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     his presence was an intrusion to the peace she had spent the last nine years building. it had been naive of her to think that the two of them could remain hidden forever, but they had promised that they would be safe from him. yet here he stood. here after spending almost a week under the same roof as her, playing the father he wanted to be. 
     ‘ you’re the leader of the seven. sure, you can fly across continents in a matter of minutes, but life in the suburbs doesn’t seem like something you’d be happy with in the long run. out here away from all the action? wouldn’t you worry about missing potential moments of glory? ’ 
     she wanted him out; it was no secret. he knew it, she made it obvious enough that he was an unwelcome visitor. fact was he still scared her shitless in so many ways. that he could vaporize her in an instant was only one. that he could take her son another. but the moments where he fell into their routines, actually made an effort to help her and try to fit into the life she created with ryan were the worst.  
      ‘ what’s the end game here? you play father and we all play one big happy family? is what you’re doing now what’s best for ryan? i am only looking out for his best interest and i don’t want him to be left disappointed when you get bored and decide being a father isn’t worth the effort. being a parent is a lifelong commitment. are you sure you’re ready for that? ’ 
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
“ i’ve never seen anything like you. “
“ move or you will be moved. “
“ hey, sailor. “
“ is there anything real about you? “
“ nevermind i take it back. “
“ i hate you. “
“ fine! do you want me to drive? “
“ man, shut the hell up. “
“ there’s nothing more horrifying than a miracle. “
“ i’m with you till the end of the line. “
“ you are a hard person to get a hold of. “
“ there’s worse ways to go. “
“ got anything for me? “
“ please, stay. “
“ it’s not your fault. “
“ didn’t see that one coming? “
“ don’t do anything stupid till i get back. “
“ is it me you see? “
“ i adore you. “
“ we don’t want to kill you, but we will. “
“ let’s kick his ass. “
“ i had no idea if that was going to work. “
“ still think you’re the only monster? “
“ i’m not going to fight you. “
“ i’m always picking up after you. “
“ hands off. “
“ he was very hot. “
“ you’re all not worthy. “
“ maybe if you were more attractive it’d be less disturbing. “
“ hey what’s up everybody! “
“ c’mon use your words! “
“ i don’t even know who you are. “
“ what? no smile? “
“ you’re not going to stop. “
“ did i step on your moment? “
“ hows my hair? “
“ no, i didn’t. but i enjoyed it “
“ in my own defense that was last week. “
“ you look taller. “
“ i get in trouble a lot. “
“ it’s a big bunny relax about it! “
“ i’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. “
“ i said kneel! “
“ that tie looks real expensive. “
“ abort mission! “
“ i understood that reference. “
“ did you just nod off? “
“ that wasn’t so bad. “
“ i can’t see into the future i’m not a witch. “
“ all yours. “
“ kind of done with you telling me what to do. “
“ i can get by on my own. “
“ i’m going to miss these little talks of ours. “
“ don’t worry (pronoun)’s got help. “
“ yes, i think it works. “
“ then he stabbed me. “
“ (pronoun) made a different call. “
“ that’s not up to you. “
“ higher further faster baby. “
“ i’m turning into you. it’s a horrible dream. “
“ destiny arrives all the same. “
“ what makes you happy? “
“ you don’t want any part of this. “
“ do you even speak latin? “
“ i guess you go through me. “
“ anyone else? “
“ you and i remember budapest very differently! “
“ looks like you’re giving the orders now. “
“ piss off ghost! “
“ i know my worth. “
“ (pronoun)’s not alone. “
“ varies from moment to moment. “
“ surprise! “
“ i don’t see how that’s a party. “
“ if only (pronoun/name) could see you now. “
“ i thought you were dead. “
“ i retire for what? five minutes and everything goes to shit? “
“ and in return i’m going to let you keep your hand. “
“ you weren’t there. “
“ i like her. “
“ who the hell is ___? “
“ i don’t know if i’m worth all this. “
“ i need the other guy. “
“ i was attacked! “
“ compromise where you can, but where you can’t, don’t. “
“ i don’t feel so good. “
“ that’s not what everyone else sees. “
“ but i knew (pronoun)  “
“ believe it or not, it’s hard to find someone with shared life experience. “
“ do not touch me again. “
“ before you didn’t have me. “
“ i didn’t want you to be alone. “
“ i’m always angry. “
“ okay… that one’s on me. “
“ i’m not asking for permission. “
“ you still owe me a dance. “
“ none of this makes sense!” 
“ don’t take my stuff. “
“ if you stay here you’ll die. “
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dusttcdusk · 3 years
@dusttcdusk· [x]
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“It was still night as far as I can remember… Somewhere around 4?” He hums contently, taking in a deep breath of her scent mixed with the coffee in the air. “Can I have a cup of that?”
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‘ you truly are something else. i dont know how you function with the hours you do.’ head shakes, taking a bite of the scrambled eggs she had made for herself. ‘ help yourself. sounds like you need it a hell of a lot more than i do. ’
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