duckieland7 · 3 years
Here´s my story, I´m doing self promoting :D
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Regulus Black & Black Family, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Bartemius Crouch Jr. & Regulus Black & Evan Rosier, Regulus Black/Original Male Character(s), Regulus Black & Andromeda Black Tonks, Sirius Black & Black Family, Regulus Black & Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black & Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, Bartemius Crouch Jr., Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Petunia Evans Dursley, Portrait Phineas Nigellus Black, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Andromeda Black Tonks, Ted Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, Pandora Lovegood, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Severus Snape, Druella Rosier Black, Wilkes (Harry Potter), Orion Black, Walburga Black, Black Family (Harry Potter), Alphard Black, Arcturus Black III | Sirius Black’s Grandfather, Melania Macmillan Black, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Filius Flitwick Additional Tags: Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Brotherly Love, Sibling Bonding, Protective Sirius Black, Regulus Black Feels, BAMF Regulus Black, BAMF Sirius Black, BAMF Narcissa Black Malfoy, James Potter is a Good Friend, Sirius Black & Lily Evans Potter Friendship, Sirius Black is a Good Sibling, Gay Sirius Black, Bisexual Remus Lupin, Everyone Is Gay, Regulus Black Deserves Better, Seer Regulus Black, Regulus Black Needs a Hug, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Fix-It of Sorts, really - Freeform, am I the only one that TikTok makes want to write shit in the middle of the night?, Regulus and Sirius could have had sooo much potential, I know that canonically, Narcissa is a bitch except at the final battle but lets pretend not, which canon?, Not Canon Compliant, Let the fandom be happy just once :(, I’m not saying Regulus is a Softie here because Idk how to accurately write him as such but I try, Thank you for reading my try at this madness :D, It’s very appreciated, I’ll be adding tags as I write because I have literally no idea what to write till I’m writing Series: Part 1 of Walk the walk, talk the talk Summary:
Regulus Black knew he was fucked the moment Sirius left. He knew his friends may or may not support him but he was not going to be a death eater. fuck no. Regulus also knew that getting drunk was not something he should do, it always lead to shit choices and his mother would have a fit He knew he had to go back to classes and graduate first so that he didn´t die on his own if he didn´t get enough money. Now, getting drunk and having a one night stand with Rabastan Lestrange was not in his plans but when has something gone accord to his plans? He just needed to figure out why Rabastan would not let him alone after the fact and yeah, maybe he could be feeling like throwing a book across to Sirius most days, on top of it all but hey, he was fine.fine.fine.fine Merlin, he was so very done with the world
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duckieland7 · 3 years
Rant number one
Albus Dumbledore is a manipulative, cheating bastard. He not only left harry to be abused by his relatives (which he could have handled better, for fucks sake) but he managed to create an army of soldiers with 17 year olds, sometimes 16 and even 15. In the marauders era I´m certain that he chose the marauders as his to be part of the order at some point between their 5th year to their 7th year. We know Sirius ran away in 1975 to the Potters and honestly, I think as a fandom we decided that the Blacks were way more abusive than they were portraited as, even if mentioned at all. Am I the only one curious as fuck to know if Bellatrix was as insane before Azkaban, if it rooted in what her family could have done to her to indoctrinate her? Nobody can discuss that Bellatrix was one hell of a dueler, there´s a reason besides her blood lust of why she was Voldemort´s second on command. She was insane, yes but she was also smart as fuck, there was no reason for her to live as long as she did without getting arrested before 1981 if she wasn’t clever.
A lot of people think Bellatrix should be in hufflepuff and it´s not that I exactly disagree, it´s just that I think being a hufflepuff is so much more than the loyalty mentioned in the books.
One of the things I´m ranting about here and why tf not, is the sorting. How does that damn hat works?? It just looks inside your soul and then is like “well, you are a ravenclaw” like honestly wtf. Every time a do a test it appears either Ravenclaw or SLytherin, depending on the questions so how does it exactly works? There is a lot more to each house than the stereotypes given by Rowling (who, I must say, can very much go and fuck herself, thank you) but the point is that, beyond the ships that may be the base of a fanfic, the resorting trope makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
I mean, you spend 7 years in a house that may become very well your friends for the rest of your life if you know how to work those friendships into becoming that, friendships. I don´t know if I´m the only one who thinks that a basic example of personalities and how a house may influence them are the Black brothers. Sirius was sorted in Gryffindor when he was eleven and I genuinely don´t think the hat was mistaken with him, I just think that he took his rebellious straw to a next level namely to get a reaction out of his parents while Regulus, who canonically is described by Sirius as “soft enough to believe them” was the perfect son, the preferred one. Also Said by Sirius.
Please tell me what you think but I really think Sirius wasn´t loud and brash since he was a kid. He wasn´t a “slytherin” and really, how could you know what house is a six year old gonna sort? Childhoods can and will change people. But anyway, I think being in Gryffindor didn´t necessarily meant he stopped talking with Regulus or left him behind that exact moment or changed his whole personality from night to day but I do think it changed how he view behaved. I don´t think he was the perfect heir but I think he was responsible enough to know that rebellion would just get him punishment (and please share what you think about the blacks being physically abusive to him, I don´t think they were extreme at the point of Crucios but they were more towards emotional and psychological abuse, in the Order of the Phoenix it is clear that although Sirius hated his parents when he ran away he also kind of found solace on Walburga´s bedroom and why Is that if she was such a bitch?) so, once sorted a lion, I think Sirius needed an outlet and he found It bullying slytherins, Severus Snape, to be specific (who in the marauders era could be redeemable enough but in the golden trio era was just plain abusive, and I´d like to get into that too in another post, maybe) Snape wasn´t a known name, he was a penniless halfblood with no status and Sirius, eventhough never became a death eater, was cruel but smart. A parallel to Bellatrix, if you will.
Sirius became rebellious and his outlet to his fear of rejection and the constant disappointment he was made by his parents (and that Is what I´m talking about when I say psychologically abusive) was Snape, he was portrayed as a bully who messed with the slytherins and while I do not think it was a lie, I don´t think he messed with other, more important slytherins. The pureblooded ones, the ones who came from an old family and had resources. Again, Sirius could be cruel, as proved by the prank (and that is a whole another matter) but he was smart. Gryffindor influenced him to look for freedom because it became a synonym to him of rebelliousness and therefore, of being different to the rest of his family, the death eathers and blood purists.
Now Regulus, I´ve read a lot of fanfiction so I´m biased, I totally accept it but I don´t think it really was easy for him when Sirius became loud, brash and started acting impulsive, specially if they grew up together and him knowing Sirius before Hogwarts and Gryffindor. He was a slytherin and please don´t come at me I don´t say it as something bad or anything but reading Harry Potter as a raverin was so fucking stressing. They were kids, yes and that makes it worse but there was so much more that could have been explored regarding Harry´s personality beyond trying to frame him into the reincarnation one James Potter.
Anyway, Regulus was a slytherin and one thing to notice throughout the series is that in war, a fight is a noble way to die. Which is pretty and all but really, not all react to it the same way. I think he didn´t want to die by being tortured or kidnapped by neither side so he died in his own way, which as a fellow snake, I can understand and respect but also see through. He indeed was the unspoken hero of slytherin but he also went to the cave knowing he was gonna die and nobody can convince me otherwise. He wasn´t and didn´t want to fight anymore if he even fought at all, he was just 18 when he died and that hits hard. Do I think he should have been a ravenclaw? Nah, absolutely no. I think it was a possibility for him but not his choice; Hence, slytherin. Being smart isn´t a synonym of ravenclaw, that´s a stereotype and if you look at it, Regulus retrieved the locket in a most slytherin way. I think ravenclaws and slytherins can be confused because of principles and morals in each one. Is the way of living what decided each one, not a sorting being an eleven year old kid.
I think Slytherin trained more profusely in matters of learning how to survive and cope at the same time, it trained in a way that even if you noticed it became useful to him later in life to learn and be quiet and honestly? Understandable. If I had a brother who liked to argue thinking if they didn´t they weren´t enough of a lion I would like to present myself as soft enough to believe in bulllshit and still keep my image with whoever necessary. Let´s debate this, the guy found out about horocruxes when he was probably 17 if a timeline is to be followed, with what I believe were nor enough meetings with one dark lord. Just Bellatrix fancy on him and random clues from Voldemort´s boasting. He was clever in a quiet way, I do not think he was the blood purist Sirius believed him to be but I am not saying he wasn´t prejudiced. He was indoctrinated at home and school, that is basically 24/7 and even then, he turned without anyone knowing. I believe he wanted to protect his family, Sirius included, when he went alone for the horcrux and it actually worked, which, woah.
IF you disccover a horcrux based on casual boasting and Bellatrix fan case, I refuse to believe he was stupid enough to believe in blood purism any more than he believed his parents were a justified case of parental love. Like, come on.
Back to my first point tho, I think sorting and leaving everyone 7 years in a house is really, really unhealthy for kids in development. Nobody is the same when they were eleven to when they are 14-15 which is why I think a resorting would have made sense in either the marauder or the golden trio era (tell me which house do you think they would be. Hermione is hufflepuff for me, Harry slytherin and Ron would have stayed in Gryffindor. Sirius would have sorted Gryffindor or hufflepuff, James canon Gryffindor, james fanon too but with the chance of hufflepuff, Remus Lupin I have a conflict of emotions regarding him but I´d say Ravenclaw, didn´t see Gryffindor anywhere tbh and Peter was a goddamn Gryffindor too, I´ll explain if you want me to?)
Just imagine the world of possibilities, please imagine the quality content.
Thank you for coming to my ted Talk :D
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duckieland7 · 3 years
Hello :) I'm new here but. But, I like to write a lot and I have a draft of a history that I'm uploading on AO3 so I'm doing self promotion and I'd really like for you to, idk, read it?? I'm gonna be uploading chapters every week, I think
So yeah :D please check it out :( is a slow burn bartylus with jegulus in between and a lot of shit from the black family with naricissa being the badass she is, regulus learning better than prejudice and Sirius being a good sibling and cousin while being a marauder.
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