Dubito Ergo Sum
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 2 months ago
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To doubt also means to think. To form your own opinion. Doubting is freedom.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 5 months ago
"If, in observing those who have gained rights or who enjoy rights, you feel envy, anger, resentment, and wish for those rights to disappear, instead of working to obtain them for yourself, then you have a problem. And you are the perfect pawns for the chess players of chaos."
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 5 months ago
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"Safety, health, and education are the three pillars that should never be touched, or rather undermined, in a serious state. In the Italy of recent decades, however, they have been continuously chipped away. Honestly, I can't believe that all of this isn't done on purpose. And I am amazed when I meet people who don't realize this programmed destruction."
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 5 months ago
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The famous "invisible hand" that was supposed to guide the free market, ultimately bringing well-being to everyone, has, as if by magic, led us to a world where 1% of the population holds 99% of the wealth. Could it be that this hand is called "invisible" because it is nothing more than a hidden force wielded by a minority of men to the detriment of everyone else?
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
- Braveheart
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
To doubt also means to think. To form one's own opinion. Doubting is freedom.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
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"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long".
- Blade Runner
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
In England, the first classrooms without teachers, with students entrusted to AI. This is only the beginning. Entrusting education to machines that will teach inhumanity, removing every trace of social interaction and understanding. Then we will be treated by robot-doctors who will analyze us based on parameters and algorithms, perhaps selecting those with a higher chance of survival and discarding those who would require resources for slim odds. There will be no shortage of robot-police, capable only of repressing in strict obedience to orders from above.
Any technological progress without ethics must be considered a regression.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
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Wake up early, get angry in traffic, endure at work, gobble down food during a brief break, more underpaid work, more traffic to get back home, see your loved ones for a few minutes a day, destroy your brain in front of the TV, collapse from sleep. Then start over and over again, every day. And tell yourself that this is the best possible world, while those who really run things don't even perceive your existence.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
"September 1st, the true New Year"
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
Politicians have done and continue to do all sorts of things, there is no doubt about that. But I ask, is the people really being held hostage? I wouldn't say so, or at least not completely. Many people live well within this political system, they thrive in it, they benefit from its shady dealings. Moreover, it must be said that many citizens are not any better than those who govern them or have governed them. If this were not the case, probably, the consciences of the healthy majority would have avoided supporting certain characters or accepting certain decisions. Politics is also our mirror, our reflection.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
"Legal" does not necessarily mean "moral."
The vast gap between the super-rich and the poor has often been created legally, but in a deeply immoral way.
The truly powerful are masters at manipulating reality for their own convenience, but unfortunately, they often do so without breaking any laws.
However, this does not mean that it is right. On the contrary, where the law bends to immorality, nothing can truly be considered just anymore.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
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Young people have been told they are coddled, picky, inept, unwilling to leave home, and lazy, not wanting to work. They have been advised to marry the children of the rich to live well or to sell themselves short without following their dreams. Nothing has been done to prevent their lives from becoming precarious, yet we wonder why many of them get lost, give up, or commit seemingly senseless acts. We judge those living in the present based on past standards, even though—unlike the previous generation—they see the future almost as a nightmare.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
Una recente sentenza della Cassazione ha stabilito che è lecito tagliare i fondi per l'assistenza scolastica agli alunni con disabilità se il Comune non ha abbastanza risorse.
Questo è il risultato per aver trasformato in azienda tutto ciò che dovrebbe essere pubblico. Lasciare indietro chi è in difficoltà perché bisogna far quadrare i bilanci, un messaggio chiaro e preciso: se non puoi permetterti di essere aiutato, allora vedi di non averne bisogno.
Come distruggere la società, come distruggere la civiltà.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
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If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
- Emily Dickinson
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
In Botswana, a diamond of nearly 2,500 carats, one of the largest ever extracted, has been found. The president of the Canadian company managing the mine expressed great satisfaction, praising the innovative X-ray technology used to identify the precious stones.
There will be new wealth for Canada (18th on the HDI, 9th in GDP globally), while little or nothing will be granted to Botswana (114th on the HDI, 117th in GDP; though it is one of the fastest-growing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa).
It is worth noting the use of cutting-edge technology to extract diamonds in a country where there is only one real hospital, with AIDS and malaria still widely spread.
Then we wonder why certain dynamics occur on a global level: mass migrations, uprisings, wars, famines, etc. Perhaps we should ask ourselves why so few of these happen, given the world we have created.
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dubito-ergo-sum-666 · 6 months ago
Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States):
"Behind the visible government sits an invisible government, without allegiance and without responsibility to the people."
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