Nathan Hayes
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The name is Nate. I'm a surgeon at the local hospital. Currently engaged to the wonderful Sophia Anderson and father to Addison Anderson, Isabella Hayes & Jamie Anderson. If you hurt my family there will be hell to pay.
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
“Yes, highly doubtful. I’m not ready for another baby. Hell, i’m still dealing with Jamie and all the issues I had with him. I just don’t think my body could do it right now.” She shook her head. “Nate we get married soon. We have to figure something out.” She sighed. She grabbed her phone and went upstairs to the bathroom. She grabbed a pregnancy test and sat down. She was far from ready for a new baby. 
Nate knew that everything Sophia was saying was one hundred percent right. Hell he wasn’t ready for another baby either. He nodded his head and then smiled at the kids, watching her go upstairs before following her up to their bedroom “We’ll figure it out Soph, okay? No matter what happens, together.” He sighed as he saw the test in her hands. It was like they did this too often and he knew it. Nate sat down on the edge of the bed while he waited for her to take the test and then come back out of the bathroom. “Listen, whatever it says it’s going to be okay. We’ll figure it out.. Even if you are pregnant.”
Oh, wow. Again? ||Sophan
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
I dunno, so I can pretend I didn’t do have the shit I’ve done?
Why? Is the shit you’ve done so bad that you need to repent?
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
What are you talking about? Why would you want to do that?
Can I re-virginize myself…?  Is that still a thing, because I feel like it was a thing for a while there.
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
Nate looked down as Sophia practically shoved the phone in his face. When he noticed what he was looking at his his widened and then he looked at his fiancé. “Okay, well it could just be late.” He said as she ran over to take the food off the stove. Even though he knew the possibly of it being a month and half late, Nate really hoped that it just was in fact late. They weren’t ready for another baby, Jamie wasn’t even two yet and they were still dealing with the aftermath of when he was born. “We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry okay?” Nate whispered as he walked over to where Sophia was standing
Oh, wow. Again? ||Sophan
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
Nate had just finished a long day at work and boy was he exhausted. He had back to back surgeries it seemed like or emergencies just kept coming into the ER. Finally he was home and as he walked into the door, he smiled as Bella ran up to him. “Hey my sweet angel. How was your day?” Nate picked her up and then walked back over to the table where everybody else was sitting putting her back down so she could finishing eating. “Hi Addie. Hi Jamie.” Nate said and then went over to kiss the top of Sophia’s head. “How’s everyone?”
Oh, wow. Again? ||Sophan
Sophia was so busy finishing up the wedding planning. For the wedding coming up soon. She was waiting for Nate to get home as she cooked dinner for the kids. She was as also working on confirming a couple of last minute items as she made food. She finished making food for the kids and called them to the table. Sophia sat down their food on the table and put Jamie in his high chair. She walked over to finish the food for her and Nate. Sophia picked up her phone to finish her last things she was doing. As she set her phone down she got a reminder to refill her prescription for her birth control. She froze and realized she hasn’t had her period in almost a month and a half. As she had this realizing Nate walked in the door. 
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
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 Me too, I just need to get out of here to tend to my family, before whatever insane force of nature decides to butt in and screw things up the second they start to improve.  I mean, someone has to hold down the fort at home.  It shouldn’t have to be just Blaine.
I hope you do to Kurt, but there’s no need to rush. You should leave the hospital before you’re ready you know? The doctors have reasons for keeping you here, they aren’t just keeping you here because they like your company.
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
That they certainly aren’t. I hope she does too, I can’t help but feel bad for her.
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Well, it wouldn’t be frostbite, but a sick two year old, and there are days I wonder which would be worse.
Of course, she’s your kid. All you want is for her to be up and jumping around healthy again.
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That’s very true, sick two year olds aren’t much fun. Hopefully, with the warmer weather approaching she’ll start to feel better. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
Sophia laughed and shook her head. “I mean nothing is really special per say. It’s just really pretty.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I just went with ones that I knew had good food and looked nice. So we will see how it goes.” 
“Well, good food is important.” Nate joked as he drove to their first venue to check out. Honestly, Nate was kind of excited to check these places out but if he was being one hundred percent honest he just wanted to wedding to be planned and to happen already. He wanted to be married to Sophia more than anything in the world at this point in time and he felt like it was taking forever. “Okay, we’ll first up.” Nate said pulling into the parking lot of the first venue and smiled. “It’s looking nice so far.”
Wedding Planning || Sophan
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
No, just your future brother-in-law finally no-longer delirious but trying not to hack out a lung.  This flu season is killer.  
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Well, I’m glad you’re feeling so-what better Kurt. Flu season is horrendous this year, trust me I know. I hope that you immune system kicks it out soon for you. 
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
I have very little plans involving leaving my bed, much less my house. This weather is crazy.
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Not leaving the house seems like a wonderful plan to me. You’re right about the weather, it seems to be going up and down. Mother nature sure seems to throw us all through a loop.
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
I, thankfully, shouldn’t have to leave my apartment, as long as my kid doesn’t get sicker but then I guess I’d be in the ER for different reasons…
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Ah, sick kids are never fun. I hope the little one feels better. 
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And what would those different reasons be?
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
I hope everybody has a happy and healthy new year! Make sure to stay inside for the next few days and if you go outside wear gloves, I don’t need to see any of you in my ER with frostbite.
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
Sophia laughed. “Okay, we are going to five venues to be exact. The first one is, 1 Hanover Square.” She smiled at him and handed him the gps with the directions.
Nate shook his head looking at his fiance and just started driving. “Okay, thank god for the gps.” He smiled and took it in his hand. “So, what’s special about this venue?” Nate asked as he stopped at a red light and stuck the gps up on the dashboard. To be honest, Nate was excited to see all the venues and get married to Sophia. He loved her more than anything in this world and it had been a long time coming. 
Wedding Planning || Sophan
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
Okay, thank you. I can’t even imagine what Sophia must be going through knowing that her brother is sick. And you’re right, just being there for them is greatest thing I could do right now.
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I think she’s taking it okay, but you know it’s never easy. Exactly and with the holidays coming around it’s not going to be easy being in the hospital. I’m hoping Kurt improves soon. I’ll have to go talk to his doctors.
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
“Where do you think we are going first.” Sophia smiled at him and she continued to shiver a bit from the cold. Once the heat started working she put her hands up to the vents and began to get feeling back. Sophia didn’t necessarily hate the cold the cold just didn’t like her. 
“Babe, don’t do this to me.” Nate said looking over at her and then shaking his head with a smile. “I know we’re going to some venues, but I have no idea which one we are going to first.” He said as he pulled out on to the road and turned up the heat a little. It was winter time in New York and to Nate, it kept seeming like it was getting colder and colder. 
Wedding Planning || Sophan
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
Yes. Blaine’s recovering from acute renal failure. Kurt’s cancer is kicking his ass and he needed a blood transfusion. My best friend’s are falling apart, Nathan and I don’t know what to do.
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I’ll have to go check up on them and make sure Sophia’s doing alright. Hey, it’s going to be okay. Recovering is a good thing and hopefully the blood transfusion helps Kurt out. All you can do is be there for them and hope for the best. 
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drnathanhayes · 7 years ago
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I love you. Oh, oh my god. That just came flying out of my face like it was some kind of…I love you. I just…god. Did it again. I love you. I do. I just…I love you. And I have been trying not to say it, I have been trying so hard to just mash it down and ignore it and not say it.
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