Drarry Drarry Drarry
92 posts
*Snape Approves* {REQUESTS: OPEN} •Just a blog about Drarry or Harry Potter in general• I love writing and editing so if you have requests, just tell me. I tolerate all ships and as long as they're all respected, I have no problems talking about it, but keep in mind that this is specifically a DRARRY blog. Hate = Block and Report
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Day 6: Puppy
{Day Six Of My Drarry Advent Calendar} [All of those play in a time where Draco and Harry are actually good friends and live together in a small house in the muggle world, but still are little sneaky magicians] "We should get a dog." A sentence that caused Draco sleepless nights. It was like asking him for a baby, something he couldn't agree to. No way in hell. Because Draco had a passion for cats, and there was no way he would ever betray his little kittens. "We'll get a cat." Harry was enraged. Why would you want a cat over a dog?! So both of the boys didn't talk to each other for hours, hiding in their rooms and not attempting to apologize for their childish behaviour. It was in the late afternoon when Harry had enough of it, and went to Draco's room. "Fine, get your stupid cat if you want one so badly!!" "Harry..." "What?!" "Let's get both." "What?" "Let's get a cat and a little puppy. So they can be friends and won't be alone." And with that, they went to the pet store, and got a cat and a little puppy, named Narzissa and James.
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Day 5: Cookies
{Day Five Of My Drarry Advent Calendar} [All of those play in a time where Draco and Harry are actually good friends and live together in a small house in the muggle world, but still are little sneaky magicians] "Potter, stop! Oh my-what are you doing to that egg?!" Draco was currently throwing a fit as he pushed his friend away from the cupboard. "You're doing it all wrong!! When you crack an egg, you're not supposed to get the whole egg in the bowl , if that was the case, you wouldn't even have to crack it!" It was Draco's idea to bake cookies but if he knew that Harry was probably the worst cook in centuries, he wouldn't stand in the kitchen with the Gryffindor right now. Harry was having a hard time trying not to laugh. "And, merlin, how could you even work in this mess?! Ever heard of cleaning up your shit after you, Potter? Oh, how am I supposed to do everything on my own?" As you can see, Draco was a pretty good dramaqueen. The brunette could watch him all day, in his tiny apron, hair falling in his face as he mixed the ingredients; just like back in potions class. "Alright, Malfoy. You bake, I watch. Deal?" "Pff!" Harry sat on a chair as Draco desperately tried to save the cracked eggs, until he gave up and simply let a few new ones appear with his wand. After what seemed like hours of watching, the cookies were finally done and Harry took a big bite out of his first one. And his second, and third, and ninth. "Damn, they're good. Well done, Draco." Draco grinned in a smug way and leaned backwards. "Yeah, I know."
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Day 4: Draco gets tired of Harry's Christmas spree
{Day Four Of My Drarry Advent Calendar} [All of those play in a time where Draco and Harry are actually good friends and live together in a small house in the muggle world, but still are little sneaky magicians] It took four days until the whole house was covered in the most cliche decoration Harry could possibly find. While Draco agreed to get a Christmas tree and maybe, but just if he was in a good mood, get some sfuff on the windows of the living room. But what he definitely didn't agree to was to have a room full of golden glitter and red socks hanging on the wall. "No." "But-" "No! Take it off! What have you done to the room?! To the whole house?!" Draco stormed in his room and grabbed one of the socks to rip it off the wall. "This is ridiculous!!" Then he went for his blankets, that accidentally had some glitter on it. "You will be paying for this!! And this-" Then he went to grab something on his nightstand but stopped when he saw that it was a picture with a little note. It was a picture of them last winter when Draco was just as furious about the decoration, but he laughed and rolled his eyes in a jokingly way. Harry had one arm wrapped around his shoulders and grinned in the camera like he's just won the biggest price of his life. The little note said "I hope you like your room, I spent a lot of time in this and I really wanted to make you smile like that again!" Immediately Draco felt bad, and when he turned to look at Harry, the other boy was gone. Annoyed with himself, the blonde walked down stairs to find his housemate taking off some of the window decoration already. "Hey..." Draco went up to Harry and hugged him from behind. "Put it on again. I actually...I actually really like it. It helps getting through winter depression." Harry turned around and was met with the same smile like his friend had on the picture. "And while we're at it, we should take a picture for the next time I'm gonna freak out."
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Day 3: Snowmen and Snowballs, also two extremely freezing gays
{Day Three Of My Drarry Advent Calendar} [All of those play in a time where Draco and Harry are actually good friends and live together in a small house in the muggle world, but still are little sneaky magicians] The first time the icy ball hit Draco's face, he never felt that close to stabbing someone before. To his luck, he soon discovered that Harry was extremely bad when it came to throwing stuff, so he found it rather amusing how easily the Gryffindor was covered in snow after a few minutes. "Are you serious, Malfoy?" Spoken to laughed and looked at his wand for a second. "Yep, Potter. This is what you get for throwing stuff at me." To keep it short, Harry regretted ever even making that snowball right after Draco took his wand and covered him in snow. And what was even worse, it was the form of a goddamn snowman. "Let me out, for Merlin's sake, it's fucking cold." The blonde snuggled his nose against his green Hogwarts scarf and stepped very closely to Harry, so he could even feel the others hot breath against his cool skin. "And give you the chance to throw balls at me again? Never." "Please? I'll do anything!" Draco raised his eyebrow at that. "Anything?" Now Harry chuckled a bit. "Okay, not anything. But I'll make you that promised hot chocolate from yesterday." "That's a deal." With a swift wand Harry was free again, and he quickly wrapped his ice cold hand around Draco's warm one, as they walked inside, not even daring to let go of each other.
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Day 2: Ice Skating
{Day Two Of My Drarry Advent Calendar} [All of those play in a time where Draco and Harry are actually good friends and live together in a small house in the muggle world, but still are little sneaky magicians] Never in a million years has Draco thought he would end up at this point where he would be holding Harry Potter's hand in order to stand straight. But there he was, his whole body shivering, kids around him as he had to get help because how did one learn how to ice skate? That's right, Harry freaking Potter decided to use the first day of snow to go ice skating. Now, Draco definitely didn't simply agree to do this, in fact he was fooled into the belief that they were just gonna go drink some hot chocolate. When the Slytherin saw the ice skating area, he tried to run with all of his force, but sadly enough Harry was much stronger, so he soon gave up in resisting. Potter though it was absolutely hilarious when Draco landed on his butt the second his ice skating shoes touched the freshly done ice. "You don't fucking walk on ice, that's not how it's supposed to be." Ever once in a while, Harry laughed and helped his friend to get up again, which almost resulted in both of them falling. Twice. When the countdown for the hour of skating stopped, Draco was the first to rush off the place. However, as soon as Harry walked up with his head down, Draco got alarmed. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" "I don't know. I just really hoped you would like this..." Peng, that hurt Draco's heart. "Actually, I wanted to pay for the next round." Almost immediately Harry's head snapped up and his eyes sparkled. "Really?" "Yeah, come on." And with that, Draco got onto the ice and started to chuckle when Harry didn't pay enough attention this time, and fell straight on his ass.
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Day 1: First Snow
{Day One Of My Drarry Advent Calendar} [All of those play in a time where Draco and Harry are actually good friends and live together in a small house in the muggle world, but still are little sneaky magicians] "What the fuck?!" Harry snapped up from his quite comfortable slumber and rubbed his head as he heard Draco yell from the other room. "What?" No answer. Harry rolled his body to the side, unlocking his phone to see the time. It was early in the morning and there was only one reason why Draco would yell at 5 AM in the morning. The young male put on his glasses, a stupid grin spreading on his face as he ran to the other man. And boom, he was right. The open curtains revealed the reason for Draco's horrified scream; the first snowflakes were falling from the sky. "Why the fuck does that shit still happen?" To tell you the truth, Draco wasn't the biggest fan of snow. Harry, however, was, so he pushed Draco back in his bed and stared outside the window. "Oh Merlin, I've been waiting for this the whole year." The blonde male rolled his eyes. "You didn't have to push me away. Besides, why would you get that excited over snow? It's just frozen water, and it's fucking cold." Gasping, Harry planted himself in front of Draco and grabbed him by his shoulders. "Why?! Because it's the most awesome thing ever! There's so much we can do now! Just wait for tomorrow, you're gonna have the time of your life!" "You wish, Potter. I'm not stepping one foot outside the house if the world looks like baby powder." But Harry smiled gently at his housemate and got up. "Good night, Draco. Get your gloves out for tomorrow." All Draco did was mumble a 'no fuck you' before he slowly drifted back to sleep, his dreams filled with white covering the world.
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Drarry Advent Calendar
{I'll post the first three days today!} •Basically a short fic everyday• 1. First snow 2. Ice skating 3. Snowballs and snowmen, also two extremely freezing gays 4. Draco gets tired of Harry's Christmas spree 5. Cookies 6. P u p p y 7. If Draco hears one more Christmas song, he's gonna flip 8. Harry wants to get presents cause obviously he can't do it one day before Christmas 9. Draco feels a fuzzy feeling in his heart as he watches the snowflakes outside his window 10. Dear Santa 11. Close 12. Best friends = cock blocks 13. Frozen fingers 14. Ice is slippery 15. Fireplace 16. Confused 17. Mistletoe 18. The sound of guitar strings late at night 19. Mom, no 20. The Weasleys 21. Things get heated up in the wrong ways 22. A storm is coming 23. Lost 24. Merry Christmas, ...
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Oh my god I love your blog keep doing you baby
💕Made my day
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
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}Tap for HD{ Honestly, I would propose like that😂😭 👉Comment your proposal poem😂😂 Mine would be: Roses are red Violets are not fucking blue And if you agree with me Then I'll belong to you
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
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}tap image for HD{ Draco probably put him as daddy but that would have been awkward as hell.
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Omg your mobile header is so so amazing!! Where did you find it/do you know the artist?
I DON'T KNOW THE ARTIST I'M SORRY BUT I FOUND IT ON GOOGLE (I spend way too much time on there)
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Maybe I will write one on actUAL CHRISTMAS
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Aw sweetie that’s rough! I hope you get through it fast- know that all your tumblr friends love and support you forever
Thank you darling, such sweet words make me smile a lot, haha💕
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Hey guys.
As you may noticed, I've been gone for a while. I had to, once again, sort things out. One of the things I had to decide was to either go to hospital and get help because my mother doesn't want me home (long story) or to don't give two shits and stay.
I hope you all can understand. I'll try to post something again soon.
Lots of love, Jen.
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
What a stupid idea, the young Slytherin thought. What a stupid, stupid idea. Clinging onto the letter in his hands, he ran down the halls of Hogwarts, hoping he would be in the Slytherin common room before everyone got back from lunch. Little Draco Malfoy was currently doing his second year at the school for wizardry, Hogwarts. It was that time of the year where the smell of cookie filled up the rooms, snow covering the whole world in white, leaving people with a feeling you couldn't even describe in words. It was the magical night of Christmas. Most of the students went home to celebrate this special day, but Draco was amongst those that preferred to stay within the castle, that actually was really warm during those cold nights. Now, you see, the Malfoy's never made a big deal out of Christmas. There weren't any family times where everyone came together to eat and unwrap the presents. There's never been decoration, not even a Christmas tree. So, obviously, Draco has never written to Santa before. But this year was different. This year the poor little boy had a wish that came deep from his heart and he wanted, just this one time, to be happy too. After writing his wish down, his next mission was to successfully put his letter on the window without anyone noticing. But the voices that kept getting louder signaled him that he, once again, did not carry luck around with him. Ashamedly he ducked his head and walked faster, until he bumped into someone, his letter slipping out of his hands. Without looking up, Draco ran to the dorms where he luckily was alone, and started to cry because now there was no way his wish would ever come true. What he didn't know was that a very certain boy picked up the letter, reading it once he was alone. It said: "Dear Santa. I don't know if you are real or not, father always said you were nothing but a joke, but I think you really exist. I know I haven't been the best, but I have a wish. Santa, my biggest wish would be to have a proper Christmas. I want a tree, cookies, little songs. I don't even care about the presents, I promise. Everyone is always so happy, and I want to be happy too. -Draco" -------- Time has passed ever since and sooner than anyone may have wanted, 8th year came up. The purpose of the 8th year was to come back together as a school and learn what the war forced everyone to miss out on. A lot of people came back, just not many Slytherin's. In fact, Draco was the only 8th year Slytherin student. He isolated himself ever since and no one really got access to him anymore. Most of his time he would spend his days in the room of requirement, where he studied or just thought about stuff. Harry Potter was the one to talk to him first. It was a few hours before Christmas, and Harry wanted to be alone, so he tried entering the room. But once he did, he saw Malfoy on a sofa, looking rather sad. No idea why, but Harry took place next to him. "So...any wishes for Christmas?" Draco shrugged and Harry sighed. And suddenly, he remembered something. "Hey, I still have this." He pulled out the letter, which was pretty damaged but somehow still readable, and Draco looked shocked as he opened it. With a shaky voice he began to read the cursive letters before closing it again, his eyes focused on the ground. "Wait a second, I'll be right back!" As the Gryffindor left, Draco sighed and stared at the paper. Over these years, all he wished for anymore was just one kiss by Harry Potter, because gosh, he was all over heels for this man and he knew he'd never had a chance with him. Harry came back, hiding something behind his back. When he revealed the small object, Draco could have cried. Inside those firm hands was a little box with cookies in it, still smelling like they just came out of the oven. He placed it on the little table in front of them and suddenly a big Christmas tree was forming, with lights and everything. Overwhelmed by all of this, they started to talk and laugh and Draco finally felt like a big part of his heart was coming back to life. It was until Harry stood up that everything was fine. Because Draco stood up as well, and their eyes met, and when they noticed a little noise above their heads, they realized exactly what the room just did. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were standing right underneath a mistletoe. "Uhm, see, we could ju-" But before Draco could finish his sentence, Harry grabbed his collar and placed his lips on his, and fuck, they were so smooth and soft and full and tasted like chocolate and sweets. They parted but looked at each other with grins on their face, their eyes shining with life before Harry kissed him again. "Merry Christmas, Draco."
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drarryruinsmylife · 7 years ago
Drarry Fluff Cause I Need It Right Now
Whenever I think about my two favorite little dorks, I can clearly see that Draco would be the clingy one in the relationship. Harry surely would love cuddling by the fire, but he would be more of the "romantic random dinners for bae" type. While Draco would be the one that snaps all day long at little things, but when Harry does one of those dinners for him, he just falls in love with his boyfriend all over again. Like, Draco comes home from a very exhausting day at work and kinda just wants to drop on the next comfortable furniture he sees, knowing that Harry still was at work and wouldn't be home too soon. But Harry took a day off and prepared a really cliche but sweet night for him, so when Draco steps on roses the second he opened the door, a deep frown would cross his features. There would be slow music playing in the background, all the lights were dimmed and it smelled amazing. Draco puts his bag down and slowly follows the path of roses, all the way to the kitchen, where he found a little note on the table, saying: "Come Meet Me On The Balcony". So Draco goes there, and there he is. Harry with a very good looking suit, a little smirk on his face, standing in front of a table that was decorated with even more roses and candles and the food caused Draco's mouth to water. Harry would simply slip a "hey babe, how was work" through his lips, taking off Draco's jacket so he could sit down. They would eat and have fun and talk, and Draco's little heart would beat so fast because fuck, he just loved his sweet little angel more than anything in the world, and he couldn't stop but to grin like an idiot for the rest of the night. After dinner they would take a very relaxing bath, which leads to sensitive and loving sex, which again ended up in cuddling each other until they fell asleep. And Draco would hold him so tightly as he said that he loved him, and little did he know, Harry didn't want him to let go anyways.💕
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