33 posts
I'm a story teller just trying to tell my tales
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dramallamasdraws · 2 months ago
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Dorian roasting gods is never not funny to me. For reference this is the sketch my brain kept thinking of when I wrote this
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dramallamasdraws · 2 months ago
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Quick sketch of the scene I’m currently writing. Dorian gets to meet a new goddess in this book 🤭
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dramallamasdraws · 2 months ago
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My friend showed me this and I had to draw them. It was a peck on the cheek but Nolan will take what he can get
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dramallamasdraws · 2 months ago
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I’ve been listening to Yaelokre on repeat the entire day so I sketched Dorian in a similar vibe because it is eating my brain whole.
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dramallamasdraws · 2 months ago
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A scene from the second Ruins book I’m working on rn.
I love the little frog face
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dramallamasdraws · 2 months ago
Made some shirt logo designs for soup night with my friends
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dramallamasdraws · 2 months ago
Exciting news!!! Today I’m going to be meeting with a professional editor for Ruins of a Fantasy!! So I can get the ball rolling, the goal is to get it published by this year!
If you want to help me out with costs I’ll link my online store with art and stickers you can buy. Or just following along and helping me spread the word and build some hype :)
I’m so excited!!
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
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The war claimed thousands of lives while Dorian got to grow up away from it all. Something he will never forgive himself for. He carries the guilt with him, it haunts him evey day.
Dorian does not deserve to be going through what he does. At the start of the series he is only 13 years old.
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
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"CK walked into the doorway leaning against it. They were dressed down in some loose PJs that had cogs and wrenches decorating the pants. They looked cute."
I had to draw them, this isn't the scene I just need to see CK cuddling their robot Crox after a long day in shop. They're just cuddling taking a well deserved nap.
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
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An minor fun fact Dorian plays soccer! It shows up a little bit in the start of the book but he's been playing since he was very little.
He's actually one of the best players on the team, and was appointed captain once based solely on skill but he quickly cracked under the pressure and gave it up. He much prefers to just focus on play than getting any kind of fame.
(also depicted is Vincent, we don't like Vincent)
What human would bully this sweet child
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
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Dorian and Nolan my beloveds 🤧 they’re so little at the start of everything I’m so excited so show them growing up!
It’s easy to fall in love when the water carries your emotions, making it impossible to hide them. It also helps when you have gods meddling in your life.
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
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Don’t Sleep has been aggressively taking over my brain. So have a photo of Al. I LOVE the line art but not the biggest fan of blending between the two characters. I haven’t introduced the ghost yet but she plays a major role in the story. >:) but it’s Christmas Eve so I’ll save if for another day.
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
Ha, anyone got tips on how to render? I wanna try something a bit more painterly, but my usual style is heavy in the line art which is like the opposite of painting.
If you have any tips please let me know :0 I’m gonna be testing my skills here.
My main concern is the blending between the two characters.
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
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Let’s meet the clowns!! You already know Roxy Johnathan helps her do her make up for every performance. She’s still getting used to doing it, and Johnny is a pro!
Johnathan likes to hang around with the clowns even tho he’s not allowed to perform. They let him listen to the radio and he LOVES the radio.
Jack-o is the grumpy looking fella by the clothes. They’re about to go on and he’s still not dressed yet. He likes to wait till the last second because it makes Boxer angry. Jack-o is one of the oldest members of the circus and while he’s a grump he still hangs around.
Boxer is the self proclaimed leader of the clowns. It’s his job to make sure the clown know their routine, and make it on stage at the correct time. Which is always a challenge with Jack-o around.
Since Johnathan isn’t allowed to perform he spends a lot of time in his trailer which he shared with Oscar.
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Their trailer is a good size for the two of them. Oscar used to live in it by himself but when he got Johnathan he made the back section into Jonathan’s room. Oscar sleeps on the kitchen table, it transforms into a bed, sometimes he’ll just sleep how it is cus he’s so tried.
Oscar is a great dad, and he teaches himself ASL so that way he could also teach Johnathan. Since they’re always on the road and moving place to place Oscar can’t send Johnathan to school, so he homeschools him. I love them :)
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
I’m going to talk about the darker side of Johnathan’s story. So fair warning there is going to be some blood and darker imagery in some of these photos.
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Welcome to Johnathan’s room, it’s in the back of the trailer. It where Johnny likes to hide when he gets scared or has nightmares.
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Johnathan has nightmares usually involving this clown, who is nothing at all like the clowns at Delights.
Part of the reason he is mute is because of his nightmares. That has more to do with game play. I would want the nightmare segments to have something to do with sound. I’m not sure how I would implement that since I don’t want it to be that complex of a game. STORY WISE however, anytime Johnathan gets caught it’s because of noise.
Even though it’s just a nightmare kids are funny. Also the nightmares are pretty traumatizing.
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The clown isn’t the only reoccurring character in his nightmares. There is also this girl. He doesn’t know her name, and the dreams don’t always start at nightmares. But they never end well.
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Next time I’ll introduce you to some nice clowns! I don’t have my box to show off the other Delights crew Buuuuut! I do have drawing for the Moonlight cast!
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
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Some more of our good ol’ Johnny boy because I love him. After every opening night the crew dresses up nice and fancy and have a nice meal together.
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Here’s some sketches of him getting ready and taking a nap with his dad DAWWWW
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One of the fun things about living with Johnny is he likes to pick up the phone. But he’s selectively mute so he can’t answer the phone. Some people have gotten used to this and after a few moments of silence will ask if Johnathan answered. He has a few ways of responding, usually the sound of his hat spinning. Those who don’t catch on will just hang up and call again later!
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Johnny is a silly little goober and I love him lots! I’ll let you decided what I should talk about next! Should I introduce more of the cast or should I show you the darker side to his story? Hmmmm? I’ll leave it up to you!
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dramallamasdraws · 3 months ago
I said I would give you the clown so here he is! I was trying to design his colors
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Johnathan's story is broken up into three parts this is the first part. Where he lives in The Grand Circus of Delights. He was adopted by Oscar the owner of the circus.
In the first part of the story is when Johnny is the youngest and he doesn't speak. He isn't deaf, but he does sometimes use sign language and cards to communicate, but is also very good ad expressing via body language.
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His favorite food is pancakes, and he is never not without his makeup. He only takes it off right before bed and puts it on as soon as he wakes up. There is a reason for this but Johnathan doesn't know what it is.
Here's some more sketches and him WITH HIS DAD BAHAHAAA. Oscar is hands down the best dad that I have ever created in any of my stories.
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And a couple more character sheets. Roxy is one of Johnathan's friends. She's a clown as well.
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Fun fact about this story it was created entirely because I wanted to practice line of action and body language and thus Johnathan was born and then everything pilled on after!
(he also was low key based after the paleta payaso candy cus I love that lil clown)
Anyway I love him. He will undergo many horrors but I love him
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