draco-is-gay · 5 years
draco to harry: don’t you fucking touch my easy bake oven
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
hermione, while maintaining eye contact with harry: put a finger down if you’ve ever became so obsessed with someone that you stalked them around the clock and knew their location and you practically forgot about your favourite sport, and you justified all of this by saying that this person (malfoy ahem) was “up to something”.
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Ron: hey you’re Harry Potter right? I’m Ron Weasley!
Harry: hi Ron! I sure hope we become best friends, but I don't hope we have a falling out over a small misunderstanding in our fourth year, leading us to having an intense, emotion heavy, dramatic, argument later on, during which you telegraph your feelings of being overshadowed by me and your five older brothers your entire life.
Ron: yeah, that’d be awful
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Voldemort was the og vsco girl change my mind
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Types of Ravenclaws
The procrastinator
terrible at theory but the best at practical material
doesn’t do shit in class but somehow does really well on tests
lowkey stressed about their grades but studying also makes them stressed
they’re just always stressed
reads to forget about their problems but then finishes the book and feels worse
The minimalist
kinda bad at school but takes really good notes
goody two shoes
very posh™ clothing style
has those wire glasses but has 20/20 vision
always eats breakfast
The conspiracy theorist
sleep? idk her
sugar coffee sugar sugar c a f f e i n e
conspiracy theories
aggresive peace signs
either super bubbly or super tired
The hardcore
cries during every music theory class and test but lowkey loves them
don’t fuck with them they will engage in a full fledge debate, even running on two hours of sleep (especially running on two hours of sleep)
excels at presentations, great public speaker, very sociable™
highkey competitive
has way too many friends and can never find time to hang out with all of them because they’re always busy
The researcher
alchemy theory makes them n u t
researches dark arts and torture methods for funsies and because they find it interesting
loves brain teasers
is probably subscribed to brilliant even though their riddles are “too easy” but ofc they watch their videos anyways
wants to learn latin
watches hour long documentaries on youtube
The softie
reads fanfiction “for the literature”
is known for bringing up random animal facts
their guilty pleasure is kicking people’s asses in chess
always tries their best
“guys you have to stay hydrated! otherwise you’ll get a really bad hangover”
The artsy one
takes the train even when it’s less convenient
buys pretty stationary to motivate themselves to study
ends up watching calligraphy tutorials and bullet journal vlogs for hours on end instead of doing their homework
has an architecture pinterest board
draws and paints while listening to sufjan stevens
a hoe for vintage cameras and photography
The relatable one
always on tumblr or typing something on their phone
probably has both an aesthetics and a shitpost blog
sleeps in till 2pm “by accident”
blasts pop punk music at 4am while having a dance party alone in their room
The aggravating one
the try hard ravenclaw hates them with a burning passion
is great at bullshitting presentations
whips up a project that looks super complicated but actually took them half an hour to do and the teacher always loves it
isn’t into fandoms
only drinks juice boxes
pretends like they don’t care but secretly they do
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Draco: *bends over to pick up book*
Harry: *raises eyebrow*
Draco: *looks over shoulder and smirks*
Harry: *blushes*
Ron: *looks into the camera like on the office*
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
The golden and silver trio’s reactions to Draco dancing to that one caramell song (you know the one):
Ron: *slowly backs away and closes door*
Blaise: what. the. bloody. fuck.
Hermione: ... I’m not even going to ask
Harry: *muffled laughter*
Pansy: you started without me bitch??
Lucius: Draco, what are you doing?!
Draco: Father, I can explain!
Lucius: There’s no need. *hugs Draco* I’m very proud of you, son. I’ve raised you well *wipes tear*
Draco, internally: what the fuck
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
I’m scReamiNG this is absolutely amazing fkdkk
Draco Malfoy as random things I’ve overheard at school
I just don’t give enough fucks to bother
Don’t die.. that’s too much paperwork
As long as we have ice cream and tequila, we’ll be good for the night
Oh look, the peasants are coming
My daddy will destroy you
Ha remember when I thought I was straight?
I understand your point of view, but it’s wrong
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Snape: do you remember me telling you that we are practicing nonverbal spells, potter?
Harry, stiffly: yes
Snape: yes sir
Harry, looking at snape dead in the eyes: ok boomer
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Harry: hey, what’s up babe?
Draco, crying: my socks don’t match and my sheets are untucked and my life is falling apart
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
When your friends ask you what you did last night:
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
“Pet peeves are basically reverse fetishes”
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Draco when Harry says “I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself”:
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Draco when Harry rejects his friendship in year 1:
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Blaise: *does the e-boy eye roll thing*
Ron: *wipes drool*
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Only real ones remember when Neville blew himself up and the golden trio, Dumbledore and Snape all ate his corpse
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draco-is-gay · 5 years
Only real ones remember when Neville blew himself up and the golden trio, Dumbledore and Snape all ate his corpse
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