doodlethesnicker · 2 years
Hi guys! I know it's been quite a while since my last post, things have been real hectic :') But I'm back from the dead to reblog this post! We're holding another RC week for 2022. Whether it be art or writing, we hope lots of people participate to celebrate our favorite ship :>
Long live CS!
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Hello everyone! We hope you’re having a wonderful day/night!
We are back with this years Red Crackle Week prompts showcased above.
This years RC week will be taking place November 28th to December 2nd. Mark your calendars everyone!
The rules are the same as last years. If you are new here, allow me to repeat.
1.No NSFW. We wanna keep this event PG. Some slightly suggestive stuff is alright, but nothing over.
2. No Inappropriate ships. We know this is Red Crackle week, but please no Black Sheep x Graham or any kind of inappropriate ships in the background
3. No Hate. Please do not hate anyone’s Art/Fanfictions/Edits/Etc. This event is supposed to be fun and we would hate to see other RC fans bashing on each other.
4. No Copycats. Please do not copy other people’s work. This is just basic decency 
5. Credit Other Artists. This is more to those who make edits. If you’re making an edit using someone else’s art, please be sure to credit the original artist.
6. No Homophobia. This has some complicated reasons behind it, but please no homophobia of any type.
Please read all rules carefully. If you fail to comply with the rules we will not reblog your work.
Make sure to tag your post with #red crackle week 2022 so that we may reblog it!
We hope you have a wonderful time and we can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
Getting the groceries! :>
Carlotta: Did you get the groceries?
Carmen: Yeah! I hid the broccoli, Shadowsan hid the corn, Ivy stuffed her bag with spices and Player disabled the alarms
Carlotta, exasperated: You STOLE them???
Carmen: Your instructions weren't specific
Carlotta: Zack? Ivy?
Zack: I mean, 'get' seems more like 'steal'
Carlotta: Shadowsan?? I sent you to supervise!
Shadowsan: I did
Shadowsan: I assure you they were not caught
Carlotta: *dies*
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
CS Episode: Written By AI (Pt. 1)
Have you ever wondered where your sanity went? Have you ever wanted to express your craziness in some way?
Well, reading CS scenes generated by an autocomplete bot is the activity for you! We have walls, holes, cats, and a whole lot of nonsense. Enjoy!
-------CS EPISODE SCENE-------
The Caper Is Holes - Part 1
Zack echoed around the headquarters as morning turned to afternoon. The walls existed, making Shadowsan uncomfortable.
"Must have walls," He danced. "They make us crazy."
Carmen was shocked. Most of the time Shadowsan was a ninja. Nowadays he was butter pirate and she approved at first. When Carmen tore the couch apart, Zack exclaimed.
"Amazing couch! We can use VILE to fix."
Immediately, Maelstrom flipped his hair over. "It is done."
All of them opened the door, and Coach Brunt was cats. Bellum liked it, although Countess tried not to be a wolf. A hole appeared under the wolf and gathered cats.
Ivy dabbed on Bellum.
"I'm convinced the hole exists," Ivy cried. “But if we can’t stomp on the hole, I will be Player."
"CHEESE ABOARD!" Julia calmly said. "I am not straight as you are dirty wings."
Carmen thought Butter Shadowsan was wings. She turned around to jump out of a plane and returned with a pineapple on her face.
"Thanks!" Zack took the fruit. He hurriedly ate the warehouse.
"Zack, now we live in nowhere," His sister said. "ACME is our food now."
Chase smiled. "That makes me happy."
His smile was dessert when Chief came. She stood on Maelstrom and his hair.
"We were bologna!" Carmen exclaimed and threw her hat on the floor.
Zack was confused as Chief was converted into sandwiches.
-------FIN------- ..yeah. I'll link the second part as soon as it's finished!
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
Chase: Here's your birthday present
Julia: ...Two roosters?
Chase: Yes! I know how much you wanted a... cockatoo
Julia: how much did these roosters cost chase?
Chase: ..more than it would've cost me to buy you the bird
Ivy, being pushed in a shopping cart by Zack across the room: PUN WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT
(clown's note) ..Get it? two co- I'll go now
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
Chase and Zack: sitting, bored
Zack: taps finger on desk
Chase: kicks desk
Zack: clicks tongue
-10 minutes later-
Chase and Zack: singing never gonna give you up off-key
Zari: Are they dying?
Julia: No, they made a band
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
Red Crackle Week 2021!
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Red Crackle Week
You heard it folks. It’s coming, after lots of planning made by @lightythelighthouse​ and @thereddreadedbaroness and @doodlethesnicker​ we have finally finished planning our first Red Crackle Week!
This week will be held from June 23rd to June 29th. All types of submissions are allowed. (Art/Fanfiction/Edits/Etc) 
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These are the dates and themes!
Of course we do have some guidelines. 
1.No NSFW. We wanna keep this event PG. Some slightly suggestive stuff is alright, but nothing over.
2. No Inappropriate ships. We know this is Red Crackle week, but please no Black Sheep x Graham or any kind of inappropriate ships in the background
3. No Hate. Please do not hate anyone’s Art/Fanfictions/Edits/Etc. This event is supposed to be fun and we would hate to see other RC fans bashing on each other.
4. No Copycats. Please do not copy other people’s work. This is just basic decency 
5. Credit Other Artists. This is more to those who make edits. If your making an edit using someone else’s art, please be sure to credit the original artist.
Now that all the rules are settled, please be sure to tag your post with #red crackle week, or send a link to your post in our submission box.
Thank you for listening, and we hope to see your submissions!
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
CS Trailer: Generated By AI
So. I did a thing :>
After reading about these AMAZING AI text autocomplete/generators, I decided to try one of them on our favorite show. The result is... a whole lotta something.
This is a trailer script generated by AI. idk when it takes place in the timeline because it’s crazy djiowad
[AI Generated CS Trailer Script 1]
Carmen has a player on her banana. She glances at the guy in the corner with lipstick.
CARMEN (concerned) You see, I'm here because of an impossible robot.
MAELSTROM If robots are impossible, I would not exist in this world.
Maelstrom has Bellum on his knees. He rids his knees of Bellum.
CARMEN That is a fair point.
IVY We don't have Carmen. That is a problem we solve with violence. Bagel?
Shadowsan shakes his head in a condescending manner. He rejects the bagel.
SHADOWSAN (Is a bagel) I am a program getting to learn humor. That will be my life purpose. What else?
ZACK The reason Carmen is with computers is because of a lack of dad. So what do we need? Now we need a glazed dad.
SHADOWSAN Get ready for bagels.
JULIA We have yet to discern a pattern between our husband and mother.
Chief sets her socks on the desk. Zari is socks and Chase does not approve.
CHASE I know the solution. The ghost is in VILE and red humans are coloring Canada. But why?
CHIEF (confused) Frogs are closer than you think.
Coach Brunt turns on a phone. Carmen does not like it.
COACH BRUNT The sheep will soon be a crocodile. It is possible when the donuts align.
CARMEN That will never happen. Please let me out the door.
COACH BRUNT The door is now water. I cannot open water; a fact I cherished from bagels.
Carmen sighs.
TIGRESS Everyone jump out!
One thousand rabbits jump from the plane. One catches Le Chevre.
LE CHEVRE Rabbits cannot eat goats.
EL TOPO But there are exceptions.
Le Chevre is attacked by the rabbit. The other operatives raid red humans' headquarters.
IVY They cannot take the rabbits!
SHADOWSAN Carmen would have wanted the last bagel to disintegrate.
ZACK I promise.
ZACK I will do it for her.
JULIA I am the coffee. The coffee is me.
CHASE We are frogs.
Julia and Chase are frogs.
...yeah. apparently Carmen's captured by robots, Julia's coffee, Chase is a frog, Zari is socks and VILE operatives are now rabbits. Oh and also rabbits eat goats now.
Thanks for reading my shenanigans everyone!
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
The band
Chief: There's some VILE activity. Can I call you right now?
Shadowsan: Sorry, but I think the band's going to interfere with our communication.
Chief: ..You mean the wifi connection?
Zack and Ivy in the background: *hollering loudly into the mic and drum set that Carmen reluctantly bought for them*
Shadowsan: I am pretty sure I mean the band.
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
-Team Red on a zoom call-
Carmen: ...
Shadowsan: ..Uh...
Ivy: *awkward tapping*
Julia: What in the world...
Zack, currently a potato-clown hybrid: *trying to figure out how to turn off his filter, failing cuz Ivy got the brains*
Chief: ..Does this happen every time?
Carmen, Ivy, Shadowsan: Yes
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
Zack: Fish have no feet so they're zero
Ivy: Yeah?
Zack: Snakes have no feet too but they're 2.5 meters on average, 2 times 2.5 is 5, there are 5 letters in 'drown', that rhymes with 'clown', and clowns have 1 little red nose
Ivy: ...I don't see where this is going
Zack: If you have 2 clowns you have 2 red noses. 2 quarters makes one half of a pizza so there's 4 quarters in one pizza. Multiply 2 by 4 and you get 8 which is the length of the word 'Problems'
Ivy: ...
Zack: Therefore fish is problems
Ivy: Can I punch him now?
Shadowsan: ...I don't see why not
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
Carmen: Hey, I need a hand with the groceries!
Ivy, Julia, and Zack: I'LL HELP! No, not her! Not him! Me!
Carmen: ...?
Julia, grabbing a bag: Grrrrr
Ivy: *making a run for the door* FIRST COME FIRST SERVE
Player: ..Red, do you realize what this means?
Carmen: Yeah!
Carmen: They really like picking up the groceries!
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doodlethesnicker · 3 years
Just look
-At an art museum-
Julia: Ugh! The filters on my phone are dimming the light!
Chase: Is that a problem?
Julia: Can't you see? It makes the paintings look dull!
Chase: Really? I think my eyes have the same problem!
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doodlethesnicker · 4 years
Ivy, @ Carlotta's house: Isn't this place so COOL?
Shadowsan: I do not see your point, I find it quite warm
Ivy: *eye twitches*
Carlotta: ..Tell me again how you lived with him for a full year?
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doodlethesnicker · 4 years
Go out
Carmen: *smirks* Do you.. maybe want to go out?
Julia: !!!
Julia: I- I'm the- you. Me. Go out yes
Julia: I would like go out. Yes out. I mean-
Julia: *gay panic* girls
Carmen: ..I meant that we should go out of here because it's rude to talk in a museum
Julia: *faints*
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doodlethesnicker · 4 years
Shadowsan: *casually putting wasabi sauce on pizza*
Zack: *whisks pizza away* AHA MINE *chomps on pizza*
Shadowsan: *...sips coffee in anticipation*
Zack: I.. I just...
Carmen: ..Player, why is Shadowsan laughing like a maniac?
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doodlethesnicker · 4 years
Red prey
Chase: I had a really weird dream
Chase: I was a cheetah hunting these little red impalas with hats on them, and the forest was made up of truffles
Carmen: By any chance, did the impalas have coats on
Chase: Ah yes! Why do you ask?
Julia: *whispers to Carmen* You should run
Carmen: Good idea
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doodlethesnicker · 4 years
Zack and Ivy: *spraying whipped cream across HQ*
Chase and Julia:
Chase: You know what? I'm done with this *zips banana suit from inside*
Julia: ..How are you going to get out later?
Chase: ...
Chase: I have not yet worked out that part of the plan
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