doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
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“something... that makes me happy?”
itS FINALLY DONE AHHH IM SOBBING- anyways- this is for @memepipboy ‘s 400 follower contest! this scene from their ‘dependent’ comic really hit me haRD so i wanted to redraw it! hopefully youll like it :)
i cant draw kisses so i drew one of them as watching the sunset to try and be romantic but whatever and i also draw nick im sORRY
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
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Should’ve killed you when you were on ice
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
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credit to @minutemens-incorrect-files for the wonderful inspiration. I had to do this one because I had such a powerful mental image of the scene but I’m sure I’ll be doing others too, this was too fun
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
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today’s good dog of the day is rex from fallout: new vegas!
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
wait wait waIT WAIT
You can have multiple companions in Fallout New Vegas???
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
So this happened... Apparently, the Nexus Mod Manager doesn’t like @galoogamelady’s Buttons mod very much... 
I was originally gonna mute the audio because I didn’t know my mic was on in the first place and my laughter is horrendous here, but what the heck
It’s 2019 if I can’t embarrass myself in front of a bunch of random anonymous strangers than what good is the internet anyway?
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
@doodledust2017 and I are the same person, I’m just reblogging because it’s my profile pic and I feel obligated. 
Also, Nick Valentine.
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So… This happened… Thanks to @galoogamelady for this amazing template! 
Although… Admittedly this isn’t exactly an OC… Don’t get me wrong, this is the character I used when I played Fallout 4 for the first time! It just… May or may not have been a self-insert  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
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can i please have your attention
to celebrate 200 followers, i'm drawing your ocs again! but this time for only three people because i am a busy man
follow me (new followers are welcome too, but don't follow just to unfollow when this is over lol)
like and/or reblog this post (like = 1 entry, reblog = 1 entry, so like + reblog = 2 entries. simple math! you may reblog more than once but don't spam please)
your (fallout) ocs
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please note: if you win 1st prize but prefer a full body drawing or you win 2nd prize and prefer a character portrait: that's fine too!
you can enter until november 3rd (next week). winners will be made known on november 4th. keep your dms open, i will contact you there. winners have 48 hours to respond before i move on to the next person on the list!
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
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I downloaded a mod so that I could take all my favorite companions/npc’s on a vacation to Nuka World for my first playthrough and I regret nothing
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doodlesfalloutcraze · 5 years
Here We Go...
Alrighty then, here we go!
This is the first post on my new self-indulgent blog that is completely dedicated to Fallout!
Mainly Fallout 4 at the moment, but I’m currently playing through Fallout New Vegas and I have the other games which I’m planning to play eventually as well!
Anywho, to celebrate, I went through my old Fallout 4 playthroughs and created backstories for all the characters I created! I hope... Somebody enjoys this? haha
(This got out of control really fast, so if you don’t want your dash absolutely destroyed by an info dump then don’t click ‘read more’ I’m so sorry)
All the characters here exist in the same universe and therefore only one of them is the sole survivor because I do what I want
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This is Crystal. She is the character for my very first playthrough and also a self-insert (It helps me feel more immersed in the game okay?).
The sole survivor of Vault 111, Crystal emerged from the vault with very few survival skills. She didn’t know how to shoot a gun, wield a knife, heck, she barely even knew how to boil water. But the love for her son was greater than her fear of the unknown (And Deathclaws what the crap is that about).
While on her journey to find her son, Crystal tried to help as many people as possible and she did join the Minutemen, however, she refused the title of General, as she didn’t think she was in the right mindset to be leading anyone while trying to find her son.
When she first found Nick Valentine, she was immediately intrigued by him and it didn’t take her long to determine that he was just as if not more human than anyone in the commonwealth. In fact, she saw all synths as people who merely needed to be freed of the Institute to become their own people with their own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
Naturally, when she discovered the Railroad, she fit right in and vowed to help them free synths from the Institute. However, her methods are a little different than that of the original game. Rather than blowing up the Insitute, she instead agreed to take charge of it as well as raise Synth Shaun as her son in Sanctuary, but run the Institute differently.
She is still in the process of convincing the Institute to help the Wasteland and treat synths as people, however, it is the first step towards a better future. 
(realistically I know how incredibly difficult this would be, but shhhh let me live my dreams)
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This is Rose. She is my most recent playthrough.
As a teenager, Rose lived in a small settlement with her younger sister. Until one night when her sister was kidnapped by raiders. She was determined to save her sister, even if she had to work for the raiders to do it. In the end, however, the raiders destroyed her settlement, killed her sister, and left her with a facial scar as she barely escaped with her life.
Ever since then, Rose was a drifter, not wanting to get attached to anyone for fear of losing them to her own mistakes. This is when she stumbled across a group of settlers, cornered by raiders in Concord. Maybe she wanted to redeem herself for her past mistakes. Or maybe it was just her hatred for raiders. Either way, she helped the settlers and escorted them to Sanctuary.
Originally, she planned to leave the moment they got to Sanctuary, but... they were so defenseless. And Preston was so nice. Maybe... She could stay... Just until they got settled and some defenses set up... Then she’d be on her way.
A couple of weeks passed, Crystal emerged from the Vault and Rose and Preston helped her get equipped a taught her some survival skills.
Soon Rose realized that she wasn’t going anywhere. And while she had previously denied the title of General, Crystal eventually convinced her to take it and now Rose lives in Sanctuary, traveling often to other settlements across the Commonwealth to help wherever she can.
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This is Blaise.
Blaise was born and raised in the Brotherhood of Steel and was there the day that Danse joined the BoS. Blaise relies on her Strength and Endurance to survive and while she is an attractive woman, growing up in the BoS has given her a rough and rough demeanor that scares most.
She took a liking to Danse and tried to help him adjust to his new life in the Brotherhood. As time went on, she began to have feelings for Danse, however, she had no idea how to deal with them, not to mention elder Maxon’s feelings on ‘work’ relationships.
The day Danse was declared to be an enemy of the Brotherhood, Blaise was shocked, to say the least. She couldn’t believe someone she spent so much time with and trusted so completely could possibly be a synth. After Danse was declared dead, she cut off all her emotions and distanced herself from anyone she was even remotely close to.
Then, while on a mission, she came across Crystal... who was traveling with... Danse? Blaise broke down and all the emotions she had been bottling up exploded. Ever since then, Crystal has been helping Danse and Blaise overcome their prejudices and accept Danse for who he is.
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This is Zetta (I really hate drawing backgrounds)
Zetta grew up in the Institute and therefore was given extreme schooling and very little physical training. Instead of relying on physical attributes, she relies on her mind and charisma as well as a little bit of luck.
Throughout her life at the Institute, she hated her parents, who were nothing special, merely janitors. Instead, she began to admire a man who not only was the best at what he did but additionally held a very important job: Kellogg. The man intrigued her and she saw him as a mentor.
The day the Institute brought back his dead body, she vowed to avenge him and while she was not as strong as him, she is willing to promise anyone anything to get what she wanted. Sometimes she’d follow through with the promise, but most of the time, she wouldn’t. It just depends on how far she needs to go to get what she wants.
Once Crystal took over the Institute, Zetta attempted to murder Crystal, but unfortunately for Zetta, failed. Crystal was forced to banish Zetta and Zetta was then forced to wander the commonwealth. She infiltrated settlements and caravans, sucking them dry of their supplies and slipping away before they even knew what was happening.
Finally, she stumbled into Nuka World, expecting to have to do exactly what she had been, but eventually realized these raiders were much like her, only their methods were much more... cutthroat...
She decided to join the Operators and was quite satisfied there, despite the growing tensions between the groups. That is until one day when a new challenger entered the Gauntlet and Colter was killed. Once again, Zetta’s way of life was being threatened... Crystal... Had become the new Overboss...
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