Hm...who do we have here? A wanderer, curious to see the workings of my domain? Or a trespasser, hellbent on destroying a system that's worked so well for so long? In time...we shall see. (Independent Enoch from OFF RP blog. Tracking tag #donttouchthesugar) (M!A status: Accepting)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
(Whoa what the hecking heck where am I what year is it)
(...I really don’t have much more to say. I’m back I guess. It’s been a really long time.)
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Gil didn't know what to react to first...Sucre's reply, or the feel of gritty sugar rubbing against his skin from her nuzzling. He'd managed to control himself for this long so the foreman-rank Elsen found it within himself to keep his composure and not immediately turn his head to lick her cheek like the goddamn junkie he was...and instead he took her hands in his, easily fitting both of them into his palm. "Well, jokes and coronations do look stunning in that new form, if I do say so myself."
The question he held back at the last minute ("Has your father seen you yet?") became too insensitive to say the second he thought of it, and...well, without knowing how else to respond, Gil simply allowed for Sucre to curl up close to him. He'd managed to shut off his sense of smell temporarily for the time being but he knew that the longer she was in here, the more he would get used to it; so even if his nose rebelled now, sooner or later it wouldn't be so bad.
Completely intoxicated from the after party to her coronation dinner, sucre wobbled into Gil's office and sat down besides him. She didnt speak, so much as she leaned her entire body against him. A hiccup and a shiver was the only response, clumbsy fingers taking hold of his shirt.
To say he could smell her coming was an understatement.
Elsen, particularly Zone 3 Elsen, have such an acute sense of smell despite the conditions they live in because being able to smell defects, flaws, and burns in sugar was one of the simplest and most efficient ways Enoch’s factory could continue to produce high-quality product…and Gil had honed his sense so completely due to his time spent as an underling and his own addiction that he could very easily smell even the tiniest nuances even in the stale, tepid environment of Vesper Area 2 where he worked. However, while his smell was more fine-tuned to sugar, Gilgamesh definitely could detect far more than that, and by the time Sucre was close enough to touch him, the sharp scent of alcohol he could smell from the cloud about 500 meters down the hall soon became an overpowering aura that very nearly threatened to knock the medical Elsen out of his seat.
It took every ounce of Gil’s strength to steady himself as he wrapped his arms around Sucre in response, his face set with worry beneath the wrinkling of his nose as he tried to work some sort of communication out of her.
"You look…different…"
Well, that was an understatement. He took in her new form: the crown above her head, the wings floating behind her back, and he inspected them thoroughly, more curious than anything while he tried not to gag in the cloud of booze practically punching him in the face. “I…did…did I miss something…?”
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"I...think 'a little' is an smell like a wine cellar," Gil chuckled, pulling the newly-modified Sucre up into his lap properly. A princess...well. If that didn't tickle him pink he didn't know what did. He wasn't even aware that something like this could happen...but during times like these, Gil has learned not to question the goings-on of the higher-ranking members of Vesper...because all that did to others was get them demoted. And he wasn't about to risk running something like that again. Not when Enoch already had his eyes on him for messing around with Sucre in the first place.
Well. It's not his fault he'd more or less stepped in to care for the child she'd had when his father had left them both behind.
"But...a princess, hm? I suppose that makes me a prince then, doesn't it?" the Elsen joked lightheartedly, pushing away the paperwork he'd been filling out when Sucre had walked in. If Theo came and demanded him to get back on it he would...but he figured after pushing Sucre away in favor of his work for so long, the girl deserved some one on one with him for her persistence. Not to mention her father still wasn't talking to her after...that incident.
Completely intoxicated from the after party to her coronation dinner, sucre wobbled into Gil's office and sat down besides him. She didnt speak, so much as she leaned her entire body against him. A hiccup and a shiver was the only response, clumbsy fingers taking hold of his shirt.
To say he could smell her coming was an understatement.
Elsen, particularly Zone 3 Elsen, have such an acute sense of smell despite the conditions they live in because being able to smell defects, flaws, and burns in sugar was one of the simplest and most efficient ways Enoch’s factory could continue to produce high-quality product…and Gil had honed his sense so completely due to his time spent as an underling and his own addiction that he could very easily smell even the tiniest nuances even in the stale, tepid environment of Vesper Area 2 where he worked. However, while his smell was more fine-tuned to sugar, Gilgamesh definitely could detect far more than that, and by the time Sucre was close enough to touch him, the sharp scent of alcohol he could smell from the cloud about 500 meters down the hall soon became an overpowering aura that very nearly threatened to knock the medical Elsen out of his seat.
It took every ounce of Gil’s strength to steady himself as he wrapped his arms around Sucre in response, his face set with worry beneath the wrinkling of his nose as he tried to work some sort of communication out of her.
"You look…different…"
Well, that was an understatement. He took in her new form: the crown above her head, the wings floating behind her back, and he inspected them thoroughly, more curious than anything while he tried not to gag in the cloud of booze practically punching him in the face. “I…did…did I miss something…?”
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Completely intoxicated from the after party to her coronation dinner, sucre wobbled into Gil's office and sat down besides him. She didnt speak, so much as she leaned her entire body against him. A hiccup and a shiver was the only response, clumbsy fingers taking hold of his shirt.
To say he could smell her coming was an understatement.
Elsen, particularly Zone 3 Elsen, have such an acute sense of smell despite the conditions they live in because being able to smell defects, flaws, and burns in sugar was one of the simplest and most efficient ways Enoch’s factory could continue to produce high-quality product…and Gil had honed his sense so completely due to his time spent as an underling and his own addiction that he could very easily smell even the tiniest nuances even in the stale, tepid environment of Vesper Area 2 where he worked. However, while his smell was more fine-tuned to sugar, Gilgamesh definitely could detect far more than that, and by the time Sucre was close enough to touch him, the sharp scent of alcohol he could smell from the cloud about 500 meters down the hall soon became an overpowering aura that very nearly threatened to knock the medical Elsen out of his seat.
It took every ounce of Gil’s strength to steady himself as he wrapped his arms around Sucre in response, his face set with worry beneath the wrinkling of his nose as he tried to work some sort of communication out of her.
"You look…different…"
Well, that was an understatement. He took in her new form: the crown above her head, the wings floating behind her back, and he inspected them thoroughly, more curious than anything while he tried not to gag in the cloud of booze practically punching him in the face. “I…did…did I miss something…?”
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( No. You stop right fucking there.
I know this is a day old and I don't think your egotisical, throbbing attention whore cock needs yet another stroking, but I'm going to sit here and tell you EXACTLY why you and all the people who are fucking white-knighting you and your shitty blog are in the wrong, using only your own complaints and the complaints brought up by others because you're deciding to tell everyone half-truths and presenting yourself as the victim, because despite you being thirty fucking years old, you want to act like you're twelve. I guess it just goes to show you that some people can't ever mature.
Also for the record, before you hop on my dick about how wrong some words on a fucking relationships page offended you, I'm going to let you know that even Chris said that what they wrote was out of line. You going and making a big scene about it and getting all sorts of people to hate message her (and don't you fucking dare say she did it herself, we have the IP proof that it wasn't her like you claim it was.) just shows how petty you really are.
I'm going to use the quote from Skype that one of your followers put on the bottom of the post.
exactly. it was she who ignored my replies, all of the threads when she was pregnant were depressing as fuck, and once she had the kids she only talked about Linus and totally neglected Viv. seeing her dump Worst and get together with Gil and only rp with Gil and blah blah blah is what stressed me out a whole lot…
It's all a load of bullshit but I'm going to break it down into specifics because I know I need to talk small for a small little child like you. I'll even bullet point it so that you don't have to be confused over which part of the quote I'm referring to.
"it was she who ignored my replies"
After HE (someone who's so fucking gung-ho about gender identity should at least get it right) pestered you for FUCKING MONTHS about this plotline that was ALL YOUR FUCKING IDEA. Of course he would get frustrated and stop talking to someone who was BEING A FLAKY CUNT. I would too! From what I understand Chris tried MULTIPLE TIMES to contact you over Skype and figure out the next course of action, and your replies to him were minimal or nonexistant, and even after he went after you about it, you just tried to turn the blame on him and changed nothing. Then you tried to rush the delivery of the kids after little to no planning. Now, call me old fashioned, but after 6 years of roleplaying multiple scenarios (including couples expecting a child; I've played both the mother and the father and both require the same amount of work because even the guy with the penis has things to prepare for), even pregnancies accelerated to a more reasonable RPing time period so that the RPers don't literally have to wait the typical 9 months at least have SOME planning done for what the actual birth is going to be like. The fact that you put little or no effort into this part of the plot (that, I state again, you offered in the first place) just says that you are lazy and disinterested in doing it in the first place. So, why do it at all? To add to your shooting gallery of monster babies? What does that even accomplish?
"all of the threads when she was pregnant were depressing as fuck"
Oh. Wow. Okay. Let me just remind you of the kind of fandom you're in. OFF is a game about a man sent to purify the world. It's a game about a man who's in a world that is clearly so far gone into madness that literally the only way to help it is to completely erase it. It's a game about three guardians of three of the four Zones of the world that used to be altruistic utopists, but slowly descended into madness as all their old demons returned. It's a game where a man is READY AND WILLING TO KILL HIS WIFE AND CHILD if it means complete and total purification. The list goes on and on, but I'm going to cut right to the chase before I overload you: OFF IS A FUCKING DEPRESSING GAME.
Now as for what actually happens in universe. I read one of the comments on here saying how "oh she plays sucre so innocent and sweet it's so sickening". DID YOU EVEN FUCKING FIGHT THE WOMAN IN THE GAME. HER TALKING QUIRK IS A SMALL GIRL'S LAUGH. THE SPEECH PATTERN IN HER TEXT INDICATES THAT WHILE SUCRE LOOKS LIKE AN ADULT, SHE CLEARLY IS NOT ONE IN HER HEAD. This very same girl is suddenly saddled with a HUGE responsibility, and the ONE PILLAR OF SUPPORT SHE HAS NEARLY KILLS HER AND THEN EXPELS HER FROM HER HOME.
And before you say Worst would have been there for her, that's not the same. Your family comes before your relationships, and if you don't understand that, then you clearly have not had healthy relationships before. If your father basically disowns you and declares that you are no longer a part of the family simply because of your boyfriend, what are you going to be more upset over? The people who raised you abandoning you? Or the fact that he offended your fucking boyfriend?
"once she had the kids she only talked about Linus and totally neglected Viv"
Hey, casual reminder that in the little planning you had done, YOU were supposed to control Viv. What happened to that? Did you just expect her to take both of them and then pick Viv up when you felt like it? So basically, to me, this was turning out to be more of a convenience to you by making Chris do all the hard work, while Worst just sat back and watched his garden of babies grow. Which by the way don't even get me started over how OOC that is for The Batter. That man was not concerned about settling down, spreading his legs for every OC he came across and fathering thousands of babies AFTER HE JUST KILLED HIS OWN IN COLD BLOOD. One would think that it isn't even The Batter you play...he's just some sort of author excuse to RP smut in some random fandom with the skin of a well-known character on top. And don't you say that your blog is AU because I know for a fact it isn't.
"seeing her dump Worst and get together with Gil and only rp with Gil"
First of all, Gil only interacted with Sucre twice. Once to tell her she was pregnant, the other time because he was the fucking doctor who delivered the kids.
OH BUT APPARENTLY THEY'RE IN LOVE-no. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Just because Chris draws it doesn't make it canon, none of that shit is canon, it was just silly stuff we talked about on Skype when I took a hiatus because I got sick of Lizzie pestering me for smut (Oh and by the way, IC Sucre may have had to pry it out of that fucking whore that she even got to suck Enoch's dick, that's not what Chris was talking about. He was talking about how the mun would not just stop telling her all about it). Gil and Sucre's relationship started as a joke, and canonically, GIL STILL DOES NOT LIKE HER THE WAY SHE LIKES HIM.
I'm going to repeat that.
And if you're wondering why Sucre likes him, it's because he's the only Elsen in Zone 3 who HASN'T tried to kill her. NONE of this shit has been changed because I've been gone for MONTHS. And frankly, you all are just proving to me why I should stay away.
TL;DR, you're full of shit. And unlike you, I actually have the balls to say it to your face. So you wanna send your troops after me too? Bring it on, fuckwad.
Your move.)
Literally a dead-beat sperm donor who can’t take responsibility for the two kids he knocked her up with. Was absent for her entire pregnancy, was absent for the birth, would rather het dick up his ass than take responsibility for any of his children, there is at least 10 of them floating around. It is recomended that you speak to them with precaution and as low of expectations as possible. Just as the URL would suggest, the literal worst bad batter you will encounter.
wow fuck you
you’re the reason i wanna quit RPing anyway
i didn’t even do anything to you but yeah fuck you anyway
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(You know we have a lemur enclosure on the campus zoo
And every time a squirrel gets in they start screaming their heads off and jumping at its throat
Why is this relevant?
Because that's what most of you are like right now
You're raising all sorts of hell over what is actually a very minor problem
If you're upset and your entire day is ruined over words on a screen
Then I'm sorry hon but you need to get out more.
Because the real world is never that nice.)
#ooc#seriously this drama is fucking retarded#and this is coming from a RPer of 6 years who's seen lots of shit
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Gil nodded, stepping forward cautiously and extending the hand with the pill bottles in it in exchange for the child she was holding. When she handed him over, he stood there for a few minutes, adjusting his arms so that he was holding the infant securely while Sucre made her way back over to the bed. Gil himself had never been in contact with something so was almost unreal how the baby literally felt like nothing in his arms, yet he still used as much effort as he could, lest he accidentally drop him or squeeze him too hard.
Honestly, he had no idea how to help her either. As a medical worker Gil did know that the majority (if not all) Elsen were cloned, which is why they were all male, with the rare instance of a female once in a blue moon (and seemingly, not in this Zone and possibly not this file). He had no experience with children, and he couldn't for the life of him tell her why this one seemed to be keening endlessly. Only when he noticed something about the it kept reaching up with its little hands to paw at his chest, that Gil thought he had some sort of hunch.
"Well, babies don't seem to need much," he responded, approaching the side of her bed once she'd gotten comfortable. "And in that case, it's best to just try everything. Did you try feeding them yet?"
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For a moment, Sucre could have simply mistaken the door for having opened on its own...spectres in Zone 3 especially loved to pull their pranks at night, and doors opening and closing on their own were one of the signs they were there that could be detected short of them actually revealing themselves. While someone had turned the knob, there was no shadow for a few seconds before Gilgamesh stepped back inside, his big, bulky form blotting out the harsh white of the medical ward outside of Sucre's room before him closing the door eliminated the light altogether, enveloping the room in semi-darkness once again.
First, all he could do was stare at mother and child up and about. Honestly, he thought he would have to come in and take care of things before Sucre could even get to them, what with the birth still being relatively recent. He could imagine she was very, very sore still, even with the medication, and the fact that she was up at all was nothing short of a miracle. He watched her for a moment longer before he realized the baby she was holding was whimpering, and he remembered what he had come in here to tell her.
"...I figured one of them would probably be hungry by now," he finally spoke, still keeping his distance. Seeing her display her strength a few hours prior had instilled a new, instinctive fear of her within the Elsen; needless to say just as he had gotten somewhat comfortable with being around the woman who used to terrorize him and his underlings. "I...I also brought you some medicine. Theo's also going to be coming from his office in Area 4 to look at the babies in a few minutes. But...the stuff I'm giving you's supposed to help with the pain."
He rattled the bottle of pills he was holding in his hand, glancing at Sucre again. He wasn't going to come any closer unless he was positive she wouldn't strike out.
Gil used Helping Hand, It's Super Effective! || Gilgamesh
“I’ll be back in the evening.”
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getting a running start, she jumps and gives him the best hug she can manage.
For a moment, he just stands there.
What does one do in a situation like this? He'd been very firm with his assertions, and yet, still his daughter persisted. She'd barged in here without permission and interrupted his work, and now she was clinging to him like some sort of spectre that simply would not let his old haunt alone.
But...she was his daughter. She belonged completely to him, crafted completely from the element of sugar that he guarded, regulated, and controlled so vigilantly. She was the impersonation of his gift from the Queen...and really, she was right. He couldn't avoid her forever. He may still remain mad at her, but to him, giving her up completely would be giving up a part of him.
So...he hugged her back. He raised his hand and placed it on her backside as he pressed Sucre to his chest as gently as he could, as if she were nothing more than some fragile twig he could snap in an instant. His eyes closed, and he lowered his head, and even though he hadn't been bluffing when he said he had work to do, he knew it could wait for the mere seconds it took to complete the gesture.
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[lies across his desk so he cannot do any work]
As confused as he is about her sudden arrival into his office (much less into Vesper after his outburst with her a few months prior), he had distinctly remembered his decree about not allowing her into his factory until she had straightened things out. Now, here she Vesper, in his Area, and on his desk.
His face was red and his expression hard as he slammed his fist on his desk, but the gesture was more from frustration than one of anger, as it had been with the wall-punching incident.
...I have things to do, Sucre. Please get off my desk.
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"S-Sir Enoch!" The rabbit smiled" I w-wanted you to k-know that I have r-returned to my zone, heh i-isn't it g-great"
Enoch smiles, nodding his head at the fellow guardian.
I take it your trip back was fairly safe?
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You can't keep running from me forever!!!
And you can't keep running back to me thinking that simply because it has been a while, I will relent.
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The Guardian lowers his face into his hands, rubbing at his cheeks as he responds.
Sucre, I do not wish to speak with you. I am busy and do not have the time for this. I meant what I said.
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just because your not in your office doesn't mean I won't find you
I told you I do not wish to speak with you.
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dad dad dad daddadadadaddaddadadadad dad
...Sucre. Enough of this.
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