OOC: Blog Start
Echo Mun: Due to several reasons of which I will not delve into at this moment in time, @themonochromelady and @thecloudyenby are both being shut down. All of their current events are being ended.
Instead, you can find all the Poppets (Poppy, Buttercup, Daisy, Belladonna, Ivy, Zinnia, and any future Poppets) on this blog.
Though they will be opened for asks, the focus of this blog will not be an ask blog. Instead, this will mostly be used for interaction with other characters and for posting content related to the flowers. For the time being, I have no interest in doing solo events or M!As.
So if you want to send asks, all right. If not, that’s cool too. If anything, expect mostly reblogged art and interactions with fat skeletons and skelegators.
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OOC: Not Dead
Echo Mun: It’s been over a month since Poppet has answered an ask. However, this blog is not dead. I simply haven’t gotten any asks in that long. At this point, I’m at a loss as to what to do with this blog. The only event ideas I have are more angsty than I think most people would prefer. With that in mind, I am open to M!As if anyone wishes to send one. Please send them in by Tuesday, 9/12. If no one sends any in, I will make my decision based on what is in the inbox.
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OOC: Not Dead
Echo Mun: It’s been over a month since Poppet has answered an ask. However, this blog is not dead. I simply haven’t gotten any asks in that long. At this point, I’m at a loss as to what to do with this blog. The only event ideas I have are more angsty than I think most people would prefer. With that in mind, I am open to M!As if anyone wishes to send one. Please send them in by Tuesday, 9/12. If no one sends any in, I will make my decision based on what is in the inbox.
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So how's David settling into his new role? Is he officially a lawyer now, or is he looking to work for another legal firm?
“Hello, Undernet! It has been a little while, hasn’t it? David and I got lost in our own little world, I suppose.
“Speaking of David, he most certainly is a lawyer now! From my understand, he was promised a position at the firm he is already working for. Which means his previous position is open. I’m not sure if he’ll be training his replacement before taking on any cases, but I’m simply glad to know that he won’t have to go out on the job market.”
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Say cheese!
From the center, counter-clockwise:
Poppy, Buttercup, Daisy, Belladonna, Ivy, and Zinnia.
Future icon for a future blog?
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So this is a good thing, right? A good time to celebrate again! Especially since this means you two will be more financially stable!
“That is very true! Although we did celebrate all of his hard work and the fact he was able to complete it, we should most certainly celebrate the end result!.
“But we don’t necessarily need to go out and send money to celebrate. I can think of... A few things we can do at home. Now, if you will please excuse us, David and I shall speak to you all tomorrow!”
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Poppy David passed!! I'm sure he already told you, but go hug and kiss him!
[Poppet giggles.]
“He already beat me too it!! Oh golly gosh, I’m so proud of you, my dear! I knew you could do it. All of your hard work paid off at long last!”
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David is lucky to have such a supportive partner.
“You’re too kind, Anonymous! But I do agree with you on the latter.
“I really hope he passes. I’d hate to see him have to wait longer. I feel sad just thinking about the possibility. Though I suppose we will simply have to wait and see, yes? There is no point in worrying about the unknown when I know we will find out soon enough.”
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So how did David feel after he took his exam? Did he feel nervous or confident?
“I think a bit of both. He’s been trying for that exam since before I was even born, so it’s only natural for him to be nervous. It would be sad to hear that he has to wait another 10 years to retake the exam.
“However, I think me being here to help take care of things has given him more time to devote to his studies. He was able to work, work, work until I reminded him it was time to rest and take care of himself. More time to study means more knowledge. With more knowledge comes confidence that he will do better, and hopefully even succeed!
“Whether or not be passed, we still celebrated the fact that he’s still trying after all these years. I don’t think too many monsters would just keep at it decade after decade. He is simply... Dare I say it, he has been determined. His sense of justice has fueled him time and time again. His wanting to help others has been his drive. I couldn’t be more proud of him.”
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Maybe a little blush would look nice if you wanted to try! Just a little color on your cheeks may look nice, or it may not. That's the fun of it!
“Blush...? You think so? I usually blush grey, so would I wear that color? With so many different types of monsters, whose coloration doesn’t always match their magic or other parts of them, it can be rather confusing.
“I am always amazed by the monsters I see who spend so much time making themselves feel beautiful. From their fur, hair, or feathers to their scales, bones, or foliage, it’s simply lovely to see the many ways a monster can accent their self.
“I know that Gaiza, one of... Mica’s co-workers, she wears kohl. She said that she even makes it herself! She learned from her mother, and her mother before her.
“Oh golly... I’m getting off topic. I’m sorry.
“ A-as for the blush, I will have to look into it when I go to the store next. Thank you for the suggestion!”
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Poppy have you ever worn makeup before?
“Hello, Undernet! I hope you all are doing well today.
“I’ve actually never worn makeup! I don’t think it would look very good on me. My only facial features are eyes and mouth. I worry that eyeshadow or eyeliner might look too gaudy with how large they already are. Any sort of lipstick would look odd considering the placement of my mouth.
“Needless to say, I have thought about it before, but I always thought I would end up looking like a clown if I were to do so.”
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OOC: Inbox Empty
Echo Mun: The inbox is empty. If you have any questions or comments for Poppet, please send them in.
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Blog Move!
Due to certain circumstances (IE: Bones can’t handle two different accounts) I changed Papyrus’ account to a side-blog!
The old blog is @sunrisegator-deactivated
Please follow @sunrisegator
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How are things going with your recovery? Are you able to use small amounts of Blue Magic at all?
“I’ve been able to use my blue magic for house work and taking care of myself for about a month now!
“I try not to lift anything heavier than myself, and I don’t carry things inside my hollow anymore. Hopefully that will all change when I finally get to see Dr. Greenburg again. I’m still not cleared for any real ‘manual labor’ nor, erm... Other activities.
“I will admit, I am rather sad that I couldn’t go back to work before it closed, but my health is more important after all. I know several staff would have had my head if I tried going back before I was cleared.”
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How is DJ the snail these days? Is he getting along well with his 'dad'?
“Yes he does! I know I was so worried at first, but things couldn’t have gone better. We try not to take him out of his habitat very often, and when we do, it’s for a very short amount of time. The last thing we want is for DJ to dry out! He’s doing so well.
“We moved him into my side of the study. There’s no need for us to have more than two end tables when we only have one bed, so I used one of my old ones to set him up on and store all of his things underneath. Maybe in the future I’ll get a smaller one just for blogging, so you call can see him.”
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So did you end up going to the candy shop? :3 It's good to treat yourself sometimes.
“I plan to stop by while David is taking his exam. There are a few things I want to pick up. A few treats for me, and a few surprises for him. Although I do believe he will pass this time, whether or not he does, I want him to know how proud I am of him. Sitting in the study for hours at a time after spending even more hours at the law firm. I don’t know how he does it, but he does! Let it never be said David isn’t a hard worker.
“That aside, I miiight have gotten something extra special from the rest of staff at Element for him. The restaurant's official last day is this Saturday, and with David already taking his exam, I don’t want to stress him out too terribly much on top of that by taking him to a busy dinner. However, that is all I’m going to say! The last thing I wish is for the surprise to be spoiled!”
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Well I'm really happy for you guys! Did you do anything to celebrate the move-in, or are you just taking it easy?
“We did celebrate! Gregory, Penny, and Jack helped up us move my things from Snowdin to the apartment. What we couldn’t move here, we moved to Penny’s home. As our way of thanks, as well as to celebrate, we got some take-out from the Chinese place David and I went to once on a date.
“A-after our friends went home, well... David and I celebrated a bit more by ourselves.”
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