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ditadaydreams 2 days ago
Head over to @kpfreesepoetry for prose and spilled ink
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ditadaydreams 2 days ago
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I was really digging this stippling method I tried earlier today on my little shroom sketch
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ditadaydreams 2 days ago
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Figure/anatomy sketches from today
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ditadaydreams 19 days ago
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random sketches in my notebook from november
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ditadaydreams 20 days ago
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character sketch from my notebook, pretty sure I followed a tut for this one btw
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ditadaydreams 20 days ago
Should I organize the tabs on my website by medium or by subject matter? Like, if you were a visitor to an art site, how would you want to be able to view an artists various works from over many years?
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ditadaydreams 22 days ago
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ditadaydreams 26 days ago
This post is a very long rant about Generative AI. If you are not in the headspace to read such content right now, please continue scrolling.
It has come to my attention that a person who I deeply admire is Pro-AI. Not just Pro-AI, but has become a shill for a multi-billion dollar corporation to promote their destructive generative AI tools, and is doing it voluntarily and willingly. This person is a creative professional and should know better, and this decision by them shows a lack of integrity and empathy for their fellow creatives. They have sold out to not just their own destruction, but to everyone around them, without any concern. It thoroughly disgusts and disappoints me.
Listen, I am not against technological advancements. While I am never the first to adopt a new technology, I have marveled at the leaps and bounds that have been made within my own lifetime, and welcome progress. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models certainly have their place in this world. Right now, scientific researchers are using advanced AI modeling to discover new protein configurations using a program called Alpha-Fold, and the millions of new proteins that were discovered have gone on to the development of life saving cancer treatments, vaccine development, and looking for new ways to battle drug-resistant bacterial infections. Machine learning models are being developed to track and predict climate change with terrifying accuracy, discover new species, researching new ways of dealing with plastic waste and CO2/methane, and developing highly accurate tools for early detection of cancers. These are all amazing advancements that have only been made possible by AI and will save countless millions of lives. THIS is what AI should be used for.
Generative AI, however, is a different beast entirely. It is problematic in many ways, and is destructive by its very nature. All the current models were trained on BILLIONS of copyrighted materials (images, music, text), without the creator's consent or knowledge. That in and of itself is highly unethical. In addition, these computers that run these GenAI programs use an insane amount of resources to run, and are a major contributor to climate change right now, even worse than the NFT and blockchain stuff a few years ago.
GenAI literally takes someone's hard work, puts it into an algorithm that chews it up and spits out some kind of abomination, all with no effort on the part of the user. And then these "creations" are being sold by the boatload, crowding out legitimate artists and professional creatives. Artists like myself and thousands of others who rely on income from art. Musicians, film makers, novelists, and writers are losing as well. It is an uphill battle. The market is flooded right now with so many AI generated art and books that actual artists and writers are being buried. To make matters worse, these generated works often have inaccuracies and spread misinformation and and lead to injury or even death. There are so many AI generated books, for example, about pet care and foraging for plants that are littered with inaccurate and downright dangerous information. Telling people that certain toxic plants are safe to eat, or giving information on pet care that will lead to the animal suffering and dying. People are already being affected by this. It is bad enough when actual authors spread misinformation, but when someone can generate an entire book in a few seconds, this gets multiplied by several orders of magnitude. It makes finding legitimate information difficult or even downright impossible.
GenAI seeks to turn the arts into a commodity, a get-rich-quick money making scheme, which is not the point of art. Automating art should never be the goal of humanity. Automating dangerous and tedious tasks is important for progress, but automating art is taking away our humanity. Art is all about the human experience and human expression, something a machine cannot ever replicate and it SHOULDN'T. Art should come from the heart and soul, not some crap that is mass produced to make a quick buck. Also developing your skills as an artist, whether that is through drawing, painting, sculpture, composing music, songwriting, poetry, creative writing, animation, photography, or making films, are not just about human expression but develop your brain and make you a more well rounded person, with a rich and deep experience and emotional connection to others. Shitting out crappy art and writing just to make a quick dollar defeats the entire purpose of all of that.
In addition, over-reliance on automated and AI tools is already leading to cognitive decline and the deterioration of critical thinking skills. When it is so easy to click a button and generate a research paper why bother putting the work in? Students are already doing this. Taking the easy way out to get a grade, but they are only hurting themselves. When machines do your thinking for you, what is there left to do? People will lose the ability to develop even basic skills.
By the way if any tech bros come at me you will be blocked without warning. This is not up for debate or discussion.
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ditadaydreams 27 days ago
Very rarely do I like digital art, but when I do, it gives me goosebumps.
Also this is giving aot ending vibes, the girl and her dog!
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Journey Through The Remains by Jeremy Paillotin
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
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Dita (b.1996) Nude Woman #3 2018 Watercolor on paper
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
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Dita (b.1996) The Start of Samhain 2021 Acrylic on paper
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
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Dita (b.1996) Self Doodle #2 2022 Ink on paper
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
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my pops found this while cleaning out the wood shed. i musta made this when i was probably like 5 or 7. clearly my love for art is long held haha.
i just love the creative confidence i had back then too, i mean "i am an expert at drawing" would never come out of my mouth today sadly. oh the carefree self love of children
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
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a drawing i made for my kiddo based on VERY specific instructions hahaha
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
from my 2021 "Emotions" series. i started these emotions/prompts (i would ask the same series of questions for each feeling) after suffering a SA and going through emdr therapy. series still in progress. i hope to find and post more from this period, as well as start on some new, more positive, emotions now that i am in a healthier place. never thought id get there, but finally feeling like myself again.
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Dita (b.1996) Grief 2021 Watercolor and ink on paper
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
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Dita (b.1996) Nude Woman #5 2019 Watercolor on paper
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ditadaydreams 5 months ago
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quick little lip sketch from my journal
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