dionysusbabe · 6 months
Don’t worry !! I know I need to post something soon !! But in the meantime I’ve been slowly using twitter more and more ! Feel free to also follow me there (no pressure ! ♡ )
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dionysusbabe · 10 months
Ding Dong!! New chapter of Secrets Of New Hanover just dropped over on my A03!! Go! Read! Feast! it's longer than usual
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dionysusbabe · 10 months
new chapter of God Of Silence has been posted on my A03, if you wanna check it out my handle is the same there as it is here :D
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dionysusbabe · 10 months
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: God of War (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kratos (God of War)/Reader, Kratos (God of War) & Reader Characters: Kratos (God of War), Mimir (God of War), Atreus (God of War), Freya (God of War), Odin (God of War), Thor (God of War) Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Romance, Trauma, Rage, Trust Issues Summary:
A Goddess who can't recall her power or true name finds herself in the care and companionship of a young boy and his father. The man finds himself unbelieving of her words. Untrusting of her past. Yet she only says what she knows, begging him to understand. Over their journeys together, she uncovers who she truly is, and Kratos finds himself understanding new things he wished to be kept hidden from himself.
This is an X Reader fic with Kratos, there will be NSFW and fluff but I'll give a heads-up before any of that occurs. This takes place post-God of War and pre-Ragnarok.
please keep in mind my knowledge of Norse Gods isn't that extensive but I do as much research as I can before posting or updating, if you have any tips please comment them and let me know how I can improve this for better accuracy.
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dionysusbabe · 10 months
Show of hands, who wants an izzy x reader fic................ ough..................
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dionysusbabe · 10 months
I've orphaned my GTAV x Reader fic, Torn Apart. Head to the orphans page on A03 to see my note on it. I love you all :(
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dionysusbabe · 10 months
Good Morning!
Hi all ! I'm back on this silly little platform and plan to start writing again soon. Feel free to request something and chances are I'll probably do it (I love writing, plsplsplsplsplsplsplspls give me anything ♡). Tags are the fandoms I'm confident writing in ♡ Love you !
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dionysusbabe · 3 years
House, shut up.
this is a small oneshot I wrote because I had this scenario stuck in my head, hope you enjoy!
“You look through every text book we’ve got and you find me the diseases that cause these symptoms ASAP.” House states with seething boredom as his cane smacks the whiteboard beside him with words scribbled on it to a point where the lines were barely legible. 
“You find me everything common, uncommon and everything that has the same probability of,” he pauses in thought before quickly coming back to his team. 
“Cuddy walking in here and telling me about my balls.” House states proudly as if he had stated something that has zero chance of occurring ever. His team who sat, disgusted, looked away from their mentor who stood like he just conquered Rome before his ego quickly deflated by the sound of the door opening. 
In stepped Lisa Cuddy, her curly brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, loose strands draping down the sides of her face. 
“House, your ball.” She states angrily, throwing the large red tennis ball into the man's chest. He catches it with his free hand before scoffing and looking around at his team before locking eyes with Cuddy once more. 
“I can assure you I have two-“
“It was in my office. Why were you in my office?” Her words became exasperated and full of pure defeat, dripping from her white teeth with a searing hint of annoyance. 
“I was looking at a patient's file.” House states plainly, knowing full well how many confidential codes he broke as well as the fact that he was lying. He was scrolling through her search history on her private computer and recently bought items that put more money in Daddy Bezos’ pockets. 
“Why weren’t you in your office?” House asks cockily, an eyebrow raised in full arrogance. His team's eyes move from their superior to the woman in the room. She was also their superior, though they had a little more fear and knowledge of House than her. 
Cuddy scoffs and looks at the ceiling before her eyes land back on the man as she folds her arms in front of her, jutting her hip in a feeble attempt to seem cool and unfazed that House had a demand to know her plans for the morning which lead to her tardiness. 
“I had a meeting to attend,” lie, her calendar was free, not even a gyno appointment booked. “And it doesn’t concern you. You have clinic duty, 1,478 hours worth, to be in fact. Get to it.” She states before walking out of the room faster than House could retort a snarky comment. 
“Okay, get me a disease that has a probability of me actually going to the clinic today.” He smiles a shit eating grin at his swarm of ducklings before limping his way to his desk, presumably to call a doctor who hadn’t met him and beg them to take over his clinic duty as his leg was “agitating” him though it was sheer laziness that made House grimace at the thought of dealing with sniffly noses and paracetamol prescriptions, not his leg. 
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dionysusbabe · 3 years
can u do kissing headcannons for our favourite man,Trevor? :)
Why yes of course I can!!!!
Trevor Philips. The most emotionally unavailable man this side of… well, the world. Trevor can very easily be someone who shuts down any conversation that goes deeper than small talk, though, when it's with someone he finds vaguely attractive or interesting, he’ll annoy the absolute shit out of them until they give in and tell their whole life story. 
Once you get to know him and he gets to know you, Trevor can become clingy and will always have some part of his body against you at all points in time. If you agree to take this further with him, there are a few styles of kiss that you will earn out of Mister Philips. 
Sad or upset
When Trevor is feeling rather down or is having a rough day mentally, his hugs will be reserved unless you allow him to hold you close and tight and his kisses will be sparse. When Trevor feels upset, he prefers to be by himself, though needs someone nearby. Sitting on the couch with him is more than enough. When he kisses you in this state, it will be short and sweet. His cracked lips would only briefly press against yours and as soon as he pulls away there's a deep sense that he needs more affection, more time, a deeper kiss though he can't bring himself to kiss you for longer, worried that he’s too much for you. If you kiss him for longer, his eyes will close and you'll be able to hear a soft whimper from the man as he melts into your touch. Handle this man with care. 
Happy and/or manic
Manic Trevor is beyond astounding. In moments where he is filled with love and pure joy, his hands will always be around your waist, through your hair, on your thighs or even sometimes around your throat (see next para for more ;)). In these small moments every 5 minutes (at least), he will be attacking your lips. It will start as a small peck against your lips, slowly growing into a deeper, longer kiss. One that radiates need and desire. One that expels pure joy. Trevor Philips is absolutely not one to shy away from PDA and will show the world how much he loves you with just a kiss. Next one is NSFW-ish
Oh. My. God. When Trevor’s in a mood, he won't waste his time with light pecks, oh no, it's biting at your bottom lip, it’s kissing you deeply. Trevor’s hands would snake up and down your thigh. His tongue would be occupied with establishing dominance between you both. Oh don't you DARE attempt to take over, he’ll pull away quickly as punishment and will force you into a submissive way. Trevor’s kisses will go from coordinated and planned, teasing and heated to purely sloppy and pleading though still full of lust and affection. 
Angry Trevor is not to be crossed. If you're with Trevor while he is mad, Jesus Christ are you in deep shit. Sure you act as a way of calming this manic down, but it can be tough. One of the main ways that Trevor calms down is by spending time with you and being affectionate with you, but if he's super pissed, he’ll attempt to quickly calm down so he doesn't hurt you, which leads to a kiss. It will begin with quick kisses followed by mumbles of anger and remarks, then, it will lead to pinning you to the wall and kissing you deeper while gripping at your hair. Now if this didn't work to calm him down, he’ll begin to shift into the more… risque side of things. Next one is slightly NSFW
Trevor will tease you. It's inevitable. When he does so it will most likely be in the early stages of the Horny phase, let's be honest. When this is happening his kisses will be light. He’ll nip at your lips and kiss you in such a way you could swear he's stealing your life, and you'd let him. Though his kisses would be quick. Extremely. Quick. As soon as you'd whine from being left hanging, he would smile, hum happily, and watch you melt and beg for more from him. That's what he lives for.
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dionysusbabe · 3 years
Grand Theft Auto Headcannons
Ive got some Unholy Trinity headcannons for you all! enjoy~
Love language
Quality time. Sit down and watch a movie with him, walk in the park, lounge by the pool, hell love it all. As long as you're around him he will always find himself deeply in love and so full of serotonin and dopamine that he will sometimes be unable to take his eyes off of you as he admires everything about you and this moment, wanting to snapshot it forever.
Gifts. Now, hear me out, this man absolutely hates receiving gifts, he despises being the centre of attention (he almost punched a waiter who was about to sing happy birthday to him when he was 12), but giving gifts is his way of saying ‘I love you.’ He feels like sometimes his words aren't enough and will absolutely shower you with compliments, but when he hands you a (not so) delicately wrapped present, you can rest assured that man would go to the ends of the earth for you.
Physical touch. Trevor Philips is a very touch starved man. Sure, sometimes he puts a bullet directly into someone's skull if they touch so much as his arm, but, if he cares about you, he will beg and plead for a hug or for you to simply hold his hand. This does, however, mean that he will 100% be hugging you any chance he gets, or will constantly have his hand in yours or snaked around your waist. If you ever seem uncomfortable or ask him to stop, he absolutely will. His love language may be touching, but he would never make you uncomfortable. 
Best date ideas
Movie night. He’ll invite you over for a movie night and will let you pick any movie you want, though, keep in mind, he will have his mind less on the plot and more on small things like lighting, cinematography and continuity. Sure, he’ll try to hold his tongue on some of these things but sometimes he can't help but blurt out what's bothering him. If he ever goes silent while watching a movie, he’s most likely watching your reactions and admiring you again. Either that or you've actually captured his interest in the movie (which is extremely hard to do, so congrats!)
Stargazing on the hood of his car. Franklin’s always been fascinated by space and stars, something about the greater beyond calls to him. Start him on a conversation about stars and you will NOT hear the end of it (though he will profusely apologise after). Combine stars with the next best things, you and cars, and you've got the best evening this boy could have ever dreamt for. Franklin will tell you about every constellation he can see and will lay right next to you so you can see what he sees. If you glance at him, you’ll see how the stars reflect in his eyes as they’re filled with childlike wonder, either that or he’ll have his gaze settled on you as he admires how you absorb the night sky above you both. 
Shooting range. It's not unknown that Trevor enjoys guns and shooting, something about the sound and feel really hits differently for that man. But being able to share his love with someone he cares about is the best thing ever for him. If you were to go to a shooting range with him, he would spend half the time with his arms wrapped around you from behind as he teaches you how to shoot or helps you steady your aim and the other half of the time would be spent challenging you. If he wins, he will NOT live it down and claim that you are paying for ice cream at the pier. On the other hand, if he loses, he will claim it was for some reason done by the hand of god, pout and demand you still pay for ice cream at the pier (though he will absolutely cave and end up paying for it). If he ever does lose one of these challenges, it's because he spent most of the time admiring how you aimed, stuck your tongue out, and then squeezed the trigger. 
What’s their sleeping position?
Michael prefers to sleep on his back, occasionally shifting to his side where he faces towards the door. He once stated that “it helped align his back” which may be semi true, but you know deep down (and so does he) that it's really a last minute grapple for a sense of stability and manliness in his life. A form of dominance. He finds laying on your stomach or side to be inherently feminine, and though he explains that there is nothing wrong with that, he doesn't want to portray himself as feminine in any way, shape or form. 
His back with one arm outstretched for you to lay on and his other hand resting behind his head. Franklin will forever try and keep you close so he will always have one arm around you while he sleeps. When he’s sleeping alone he will put a pillow over his arm where you usually rest as a way to calm himself down and will pretend that the pillow is you (he uses the one you usually sleep on so it smells like you too, which he adores).
It changes. Trevor sleeps on his back when you're around and lets you sleep with your head on his chest, that's on a good night at least. On a bad night, if you're with him, hell wrap his arms around you and hold you tight until he can fall asleep. If he’s by himself on a good night, he’ll sleep on his side and hug a pillow, imagining it's you. If it's a bad night by himself he either won't sleep, or will sleep on his side in a fetal position with a pillow squeezed between his arms and legs. 
What’s something they like that may be surprising to others?
Trains. Ever since he was little, Michaels has been into trains. Thomas the Tank Engine was the show that calmed him down from meltdowns when he was little and every year up to his 13th birthday he would always ask for something related to trains. If you rummage through his closet, there's a box labeled “EXCLUSIVE” in bold black sharpie which is filled with old birthday cards that have train paraphernalia on them. Bring up trains around him in private and he will pull up pictures on his phone and ramble on for ages. Bring up trains around others and he will glare at you until you shut your mouth. 
Stars. Since Franklin was a boy he's always had a deep love and connection to stars and the deeper beyond. Something about the abyss calls to him on the daily. When he was a kid he would draw pictures of himself in rocket ships that would always be pinned to the fridge. When he was 7 he got his first telescope. He used it every single night and still does. His favourite constellation is Cassiopeia and his favourite star is Alpha Pegasai. 
Model cars. Something about those tiny wheels makes his little brain go brr. Trevor enjoys occupying his time by doing models, model cars are his favourite. If he doesn't have something to do he will end up picking at his skin until it bleeds, so he picked up model building. Ever since then his closet has been stacked with boxes that are separated neatly into two piles. “Complete” and “Unopened”. There's a special shelf in his closet where his completed model cars sit. Bother him while he's building and he will punch you in the jaw, its his favourite thing. 
How they are in the DEED
Michael is rather a selfish lover. He tends to forget about his partner's needs through the deed itself, though afterwards will ask and prod if you're okay, if you enjoyed it ect. If you ever say that you didn't feel complete afterwards, he will promise you he’ll make it up to you next time, though if he keeps up to his promise you'll never be certain. 
He can be kind of needy through the deed. Being a switch is tough work. He will either be on top of you or will be doing whatever you request of him. Franklin is a rather even lover, he’ll do whatever it takes to please you while also making sure he, himself, is pleased. Franklin will constantly be asking if you're okay with what's going on throughout and will, beforehand, ask if you have any boundaries. 
You're going to need a safeword. Trevor will make sure you are pleased before him, sometimes he will even go without finishing himself just to see you squirm and melt under his touch. If you have boundaries, he will push them, though as soon as you say the safeword he will stop and make sure you're okay without hesitation. He just hopes that goes the same if he ever needs to say the safeword for whatever reason. 
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dionysusbabe · 3 years
Hello hello~ here’s a list of games/shows I’ll write about!
- bobs burgers
- Spider-Man
- Detroit: become human
- Parasyte
- Rick and morty
- house md
- sailor moon
- the evil within
- Cyberpunk 2077
- any Disney/Pixar film
- rdr2 (I haven’t played rdr1 yet however I do know the story so feel free to ask but I may not be exacto on it :) )
This list will always be changing~ feel free to ask about any other show or game too!
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