Hero’s headspace ★
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digitalpastel · 4 months ago
Hello Charlotte characters - comforting you
A/N : hello hihi ^-^ I hope you like this :3 If you want more characters, just let me know !! My requests are open !! Also please note that I wrote this with in mind that the characters care about you <3
enjoy :D
Charles Eyler
When Charles wasn't around Anri, he was most likely hanging out with you. Though he was much of a loner, he appreciated your company. So when you didn't show up at school today, Charles felt a bit concerned.
He may appear as a simple minded boy who didn't care about others, but your absence bothered him. You also hadn't replied to the messages he had sent you in the morning. Growing anxious, Charles had decided to take a walk around the building to try and get his mind off things, even if he knew it was hard for him to not let his worries get the better of him.
As he wandered around, Charles didn't pay close attention to his surroundings. That was until he felt a buzz on his phone. It was a message from you
[Name] <3
meetup usual spot ? feeling unwell
Charles rushed to the classroom near the library, the place where you two usually hangout. He frowned as he got in the barely lit room where he found you, head backed up against the wall as you struggled to breathe.
Charles rushed to your side, not wanting you to be alone. As he sat down near you, he began whispering
"(Name), what happened ?"
but your lack of response made him worry further, though he didn't want you to see him getting angry, in fear it could aggrave your state. Despite his social awkwardness, Charles breathed in and held out his hand to you. It was the only way he knew to comfort someone.
Since you could barely move, Charles took your hand in his, rubbing circles inside of it. Calmly, he began speaking again
"You aren't alone (name), I'm with you, I'm right here"
Charles and you spent a while in the classroom. Between your tired sobs, you managed to tell him what had been upsetting you. He listened and gave you some advice, also while reminding you that he was with you. Still holding your hand, Charlie offered to take care of you for the day. You accepted his offer hesitantly, not wanting to burden him, but he made sure to erase your doubts as fast as they had formed. As you two spent the rest of the day together, the young boy felt satisfied knowing your state had gotten better. He had done something good today.
Charlotte (yellow ribbon)
You didn't know her but that didn't matter to her. The second Charlotte had seen you cry outside the school, she had rushed to your side, providing a comforting presence.
You two had never spoken before, you barely knew her but the warmth she radiated was enough for you to not turn her away. Hesitantly, she took your hand to bring you to the nurse office. Your hand in hers, you could feel her nervousness, yet, on her face remained the cutest smile, as she only wanted to reassure you.
"You're (name), correct ?" you couldn't talk so you softly nodded and Charlotte understood. When you arrived there, she carefully sat you down before taking both of your hands in hers. Looking into your eyes she told you
"I'm going to try a trick I've been taught. I need you to breathe with me, okay ? When I take your hands up, breathe in, when I bring them down, let the air out."
And so it began, Charlotte made you do a breathing exercise you hadn't tried before and surprisingly, it was working a little. Maybe it was the lack of loud noises that made you feel better, or maybe it was a certain white haired girl.
As time passed, you began regaining control of your senses. Feeling grounded, you smiled warmly at Charlotte, who grinned with a sparkle in her eyes. She took you in her embrace and hugged you tightly
"Let's be friends (name), okay ?"
You nodded softly as Charlotte dragged you to the rooftop, not wanting to leave your side for the day.
Charlotte (Q84)
Charlotte Wiltshire did not care about anything or for anyone. She was bored out of her mind, pissed off at her classmates and all the members of the house. She hated this life.
Barging in her room, Charlotte shut the door with a loud sigh, complaining about her day. Nothing was fun anymore and even the white society activities weren't keeping her entertained enough. She felt awfully alone, though she didn't care. Charlotte Wiltshire didn't do friends.
But then you came along. Your stupid face and your stupid smile often distracted her, like you were the only thing in this white world that wasn't boring. Charlotte Wiltshire didn't do friends, but you existed. Sure, she didn't understand the proper concept of a friendship, but your company usually kept her entertained, like she enjoyed learning about you.
So when she found you sobbing in her bedroom, her anxiety went through the roof. It wasn't the first time she saw someone cry, of course not. With all she had done, she had enough of seeing people's tears and their pleas as they begged for pity. It annoyed her further.
However, for some odd reason, the sight of you made her heart sank. She didn't know what it was, but she wasn't enjoying seeing you in such a state. She walked up to you
"(Name) ? What's up ?"
but you couldn't answer, the overwhelming fear you felt was only growing as she came closer. You didn't want to bother her and you knew how she was. This wasn't going to end well for you.
Except she sat beside you and gently pat your back. She hummed as you looked at her surprised. Charlotte was unbothered, she just wanted you to turn back to normal. She played with your hair as you sobbed into her arms. Not saying a word because she didn't know how to express herself, the young girl simply held you close.
Eventually, you fell asleep on her. Despite her rough nature, she didn't have the heart to wake you up. Spending the night by your side, she assured herself that you were alright.
Vincent (C)
There wasn't much of a purpose in C's life. His days were generally spent walking around the terrifying school he had to attend. He tried his best to avoid other students, as a fear of being contaminated overwhelmed him.
C was in the bathroom washing his face, seemingly attempting to remove any ounce of "dirt" he could have on him. He felt disgusting. Though he stopped what he was doing when he heard the door open. With his heartbeat increasing, C was afraid. He hoped it wouldn't be one of his bullies, as he had just gotten beaten up.
Vincent was relieved when he realized who had walked in. You were one of his classmates. You were polite and you had never picked on him. Sometimes, you had even sat together, though had never had a real conversation, both lost in your own world. He appreciated your presence.
So when he noticed the tears coming down your face, he approached you carefully.
"Are you okay with being touched at the moment ?"
you nodded and he placed his hand on your back, rubbing it in a comforting manner. He brought you to the sink and helped you wash your face. You had never been so close to him. As he helped you calm down, he admired the details of your figure, taking in every single one of them, like he never wanted to forget.
Once you were better, you were able to properly explain what was going on. Being rather anxious himself, C gave you some much needed advice as he also offered to become your friend, which you gladly accepted. He didn't speak much, but he was great company.
He was playing a beautiful melody on the piano, every note he made seemed to come from inside his soul. Caught up in his passion for the instrument, Aiden had forgotten that time was passing. Alone in his own world, he could only care about the song he was playing.
That is until he heard a sob, almost quiet, like it wasn’t supposed to be heard. He calmly stood up and began questioning himself as to where the sound could come from. After all, Charlotte was at school and the others were busy experimenting. His worry began to grow as his mind wandered around. He wanted to help the sad soul that chanted muffled cries, the sounds reminding him of when his dear Witlshire was younger. 
As he walked around the house, he finally found what he was looking for. The sight worried him slightly : you were alone in a dark room, crying repeatedly and seemingly struggling to breathe. Aiden came to your side calmly. He wanted to be a reassuring presence for you. He began speaking softly :
“Dearest, can you hear me ?” 
You softly nodded, your eyes closed as your head fell back against the wall
“Very well. May you give me your hand ?” He asked gently
You didn’t reply, barely moving your arm as he reached to hold it with a comforting warmth. Aiden held your hand as he spoke again
“I’ll wait it out with you dear. Let’s breathe together” 
Your head was heavy and your vision, blurry. Aiden could tell it was growing hard on you. He needed to ease the pain. He asked you 
“Dearest, could you tell me what is troubling you ?”
You shyly nodded. It was hard to speak properly between sobs, but slowly, your heart race went down and you came back to your senses, allowing you to share your nightmare with the butler. He listened patiently, making sure you knew he was listening attentively. Once you were done telling your story, Aiden was looking at you kindly. He made you promise to tell him if it were to happen again, as he wanted to be there for you. 
As you were feeling better, Aiden offered for the both of you to go play piano together, to which you agreed. As your hand was still in his, he kissed it before bringing you to the music room with a smile. 
The young man was rather focused on his laborious task. Huxley had asked for his help in the laboratory once more, and of course, he had obliged. Completely absorbed in his work, he hadn’t realized what time it was until he was done.
It was near midnight when Bennett finished his tasks. He knew his work wasn’t entirely finished though, as he spent all of his time in this lab, but he decided to go out for a bit to entertain himself. 
Passing by the TV room, Bennett was surprised to find the room was in the dark. Usually, the television would stay on. Intrigued, he came in and instantly felt like something was off. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but he felt he needed to do something. He moved further into the dark before spotting a familiar figure behind the couch 
“HAH ! Found you !! Are you playing hide and seek with Charlotte :D ?” He spoke enthusiastically while showing his cute grin
The silence he was met with made him realize what was wrong : you were feeling unwell. 
Panicked, poor Bennett didn’t know what to do, as nobody had really taught him how this stuff works. Except he really wanted to help you out. You always made sure to greet him in the House and your presence made him feel warm inside. He wanted to bring you the same joy you did. 
« Cheer up (Name) !! Wanna hear something funny that happened today ?? So basically.. » 
As he fanatically ranted about one of Huxley’s employees falling into an acid flaque, his cheerfulness managed to distract your mind for a little while. He spoke to you with such intensity that you momentarily forgot the situation you found yourself in. 
Bennett knew he had to do more however. He wanted to be enough for you and he promised himself to try his hardest. So once his story was done, he invited you to hangout with him 
« It’ll be super fun!! » he said
The problem is, as much as you wanted to spend time with him, you felt awfully weak. Realizing that you couldn’t bring yourself to move much, Bennett spoke again
« We can do that later !! Hmm what could I do to make you feel better [name] … » 
Bennett stayed silent for a while as he tried to form a coherent thought to help you. 
All of a sudden, he exclaimed 
« I’ll be right back !!! »
He sprinted off the room and came back so fast you swore he was teleporting. With a huge grin on his face, he offered you a stuffed bunny 
« Here !! You can have him ! He helps me when I feel uh.. you know ! »
His kindness warmed your heart and made you smile back at him. His heart pounded in his chest : he was so happy ! He had done something good, something to be proud of !
« Thank you benny :p » you told him with a sly smile
As your sorrows slowly went away, you and Bennett spent the night watching TV and taking turns parenting the stuffie
the end :p I hope you enjoyed !!!! Hello Charlotte is one of my most favourite games and I really like the characters :3
@vinxle I hope it entertains you :D
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digitalpastel · 4 months ago
ill post the reasons why i know c is autistic when i have energy
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digitalpastel · 4 months ago
idk why but i love c from helchar 2. specifically helchar 2. idk he's just the best and i want to hug him
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digitalpastel · 4 months ago
pov: you tell them you're sick (like me hohoho ! *christmas noises*)
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digitalpastel · 4 months ago
Welcome to pastel space
a comforting warmth welcomes you in ★
haii ^-^ I want to use this blog to talk about my interests and connect with others who also like what I’m into !! I am someone that thinks and talks a lot, I fear I have a lot to say so I decided to share it with the world !! Please be kind :]
my interests mainly consist of
Hello Charlotte
The Legend of Zelda
The Nintendo franchise
Hunter x Hunter
video games in general
Console modding
Pastel things
I also used to be an avid fanfic writer.. so I may or may not come back with content for the fandoms in which I am in
if you are in these fandoms and are looking for an active mutual, well you’ve found the right person !!
if you have any requests, please feel free to ask or to dm me so we can discuss them :3
I hope this will be a nice journey :p
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