diggsboomerwang · 10 years
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Guys! I jus' found the perfect video to show ya'll how Mick looks when he puts on his puppy dog eyes. Look at this:
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Yep, pretty much. And I'm one stubborn bastard so I ain't gonna let off until ya swear to nibble on a scorpion, mate. Oh by the way, did ya know that the original Mirror Master and me once picked up a transsexual lady in Thailand? That was a wild night, lemme tell ya that, kid. Never drink and cruise, unless ya can handle the morning after. I actually swore to not tell anyone about that one, but since Sam's not around anymore.. Shit happens.
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   DiggerDiggerDigger—!  OKAY! 
     Jeez…   is your goal to make me choose Scorpions over your sex-talk? 'cause, you know.. we could do it like this..   you cook the creepy thing, and eat it— while I watch.      Watching someone eat it, is almost just as bad as eating it yourself.. ..at least for me
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Dude with Sam Scudder and Riddler on your past date list (as far as dudes go) I thought you'd be into skinny guys?
Mate. No, this ain’t how it works.First of all: Me an’ Eddie never officially dated. We had a few rolls in the hay and some fairly erotic rolling around in heist-money (that was fun by the way) but that was it. He’s dating himself as far as I know. He cute as fuck, but also narcissistic to the end. Even Sam wasn’t that self-absorbed despite havin’ mirrors as his gig.And Sam an’ I had a thing when I was still in my ‘Wait, what do you mean bisexual? No. I’m totally straight. I just occasionally have a dick in me face or elsewhere. No biggie’-phase. If I had gotten over that quicker I would likely have dated a bloke again after we lost ‘im. Or at least flirted with guys as well.And last: I’ve been around the block enough to make it a carousel and I don’t care about weight that much and never did. As long as they’re not extremely ill because of it who gives a damn? (And as long as they’re not scary big ladies. *cough*AmandaWaller*cough*)When I got heavy for a while, it was because I was depressed an’ fucked up. Mick is heavy because he’s pretty much always been a heavy bloke and it suits him. (Well and he likes food. But hey who can blame him? Food’s awesome.)
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Special message for the (test) husband:
I'm all about that bass, darlin'.
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Alright after me daily task of horrifyin' anklebiters it's time for some fresh air with the puppy. Being old ain't quite as bad as I suspected. Hehehe.
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Kid ya have no idea. That wasn't even the start of it.
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Ya haven't lived until ya've spanked a booty that would make waves for several seconds after ya hit it. Scorpions soundin' better yet?
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Okay Whoa whoa whoa— Too much info, old man—!     I didn’t need to hear that.    unlessit’saboutMark; I don’t wanna know anything about any of you guys bodies, 
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Just so ya know: That's the same exact thing I said about eatin' dicks 30 years ago and look at me now.
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Enjoyin' Mick's Hot Rod like it's breakfast.
I'll turn ya into a scorpion conoisseur yet.
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   Nhnheh! … Not funny—
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   … Godddammit, Digger
[breathes out and bites lip]  … No. I’m so not going to eat scorpions.  I’d rather die.
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Ya jus' challenged a determined Aussie retiree rogue with too much time on his hands, kid. Prepare to be stuffed with scorpions instead of dicks fer once.
Why does it sound like you’re trying to make me eat it    there’snowayinhellthat’sgonnahappen
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Don't be a wuss, kid. I mean ya yanks eat stuff like fried cow brains. A lil' cooked or grilled scorpion ain't gonna hurt no one. It's pretty much like eatin' a tiny lobster with a long tail.
Easy peasy, mate!
All ya gotta do is to cook ‘em to make sure they ain’t poisonous anymore. Then ya can jus’ snack away. Not worse than eatin’ prawns if ya ask me. 
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
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flyingambulist replied to your post:... What's with all the Gotham folk I'm suddenly...
You should try getting decked by Aquaman
Haven't had the 'pleasure' yet. But I bet it was wonderful. A+ experience.
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
... What's with all the Gotham folk I'm suddenly spotting around?
I swear if the Big Daddy Bat comes around I'm outta here like a dingo faced with a farmer's shotgun. That guy hits like a bloody wrecking ball.
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Easy peasy, mate! All ya gotta do is to cook 'em to make sure they ain't poisonous anymore. Then ya can jus' snack away. Not worse than eatin' prawns if ya ask me. 
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
George just ended up nodding sagely, well, as sagely as he could manage at least. "Well, I kinda know what ya mean. Sometimes Sam got in a weird mood and wouldn't stop fussin' with me hair. Then I'd end up with pigtails or even worse, braids."
When Digger spotted his son in the current predicament, he had to fight a giggle. “Son, ya look very pretty. The beard bows are a bit too much though, aren’t they?”
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