music-holic · 10 years
Just making yourself an even better person~ I'm certain they will be appreciated.
Sounds fantastic to me~ I’ll give you some sandwiches to bring along as well. And don’t worry I’ll make them non-spicy.
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Guys! I jus' found the perfect video to show ya'll how Mick looks when he puts on his puppy dog eyes. Look at this:
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music-holic · 10 years
I understand you are having some trouble with sentient music notes at the moment, but once things have settled down a bit I have another batch of knitted things to donate. Just don't tell anyone I have been knitting at work. ~flamingbeau
You are a fantastic person, and your secret is safe with me. 
I'll come by and get them tomorrow on my way in, how does that sound?
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
Special message for the (test) husband:
I'm all about that bass, darlin'.
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
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music-holic · 10 years
You're far to kind~ I won't be by until around lunch, but if you have it ready to go then I can grab it and Digger to go drop them off~. You're going to make some people very happy when a cold snap hits. Especially as cold as it's been.
If you’d pick them up that’d be great. I’ll make sure to pack everything so it’s not a hassle to handle and of course lend you my personal little pack mule helpful partner.
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music-holic · 10 years
Hart, I have a lot of knitted stuff to donate. James mentioned it'd be best to ask you where they would be needed most. ~flamingbeau
I know a few places~ I'll send you their addresses if you want to drop them off, or I can pick them up Saturday when I go in~.
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flyingambulist · 10 years
[Text] James, today when I got up from the couch, I CREAKED. Thought it was the door at first but Digger was busy in the kitchen. I'm scared. ~ flamingbeau
[Text] you're so old lol
[Text] okay no that was mean lemme try that again
[Text] Welcome to being old :P
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diggsboomerwang · 10 years
This is EXACTLY how Mick looks when he wants me food. I swear to god.
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music-holic · 10 years
[text] That's good to hear! I thought you looked your happiest when you were still meditating
[text] I'd strongly advise skipping out on Fury though. I've heard things about that one that you probably wouldn't enjoy
[Text] Digger is recovering from his concussion. And I have started to regularly meditate again since Billy gave me a bit of a friendly nod in the right direction. It helps with staying calm even when I see the forbidden thing. ~ Mick [Text] We’re planning to go out to eat tonight since it’s been a little while. Maybe actually hit a cinema even. I haven’t watched a movie on a big screen for at least 10 years. ~ Mick
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music-holic · 10 years
[Text] Just wanted to let you know that Madrigal is settling in nicely. She gets along with Trudy really well. ~Mick
[text] Good to hear!
[text] How are you two doing?
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music-holic · 10 years
[text] Absolutely!
[text] You have to promise to make sure they stay warm and safe and fed
[Text] Fair enough. You see it’s about Digger. He’s concussed and I’m supposed to keep him awake. But I’m rather exhausted myself. ~Mick [Text] Do you think you could send a few of your rats over to wake us in case we fall asleep? Just for one night. ~Mick
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music-holic · 10 years
[Text] Hart I have a favor to ask. ~ Mick
[text] Being friends with James for so long has trained me to not completely agree until I know what the favor is
[text] What can I do for you?
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flyingambulist · 10 years
Go buy a suit big guy, you're hired. Or at least a button-up.
I still say suit you'll freeze your little fireballs off if they're sticking you on my floor.
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music-holic · 10 years
well, thank you Mick... definitely a pick me up. 
But hey now, you don't look bad, and trust me on this you just missed out on my phase of very bad clothing choices. 
It totally is. You can wear anything and look cute. When I wear some things that are shaped unfortunately I look like I got knocked up 6 months before or like I was wrapped in sausage casing..
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music-holic · 10 years
At least you have the figure for mom jeans. I'd look like I was pregnant. ~flamingbeau
I'm going to take that as a compliment. I think.
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