dffdls · 3 years
Written for @drarrymicrofic prompt 'Star Crossed'
To my wonderful beta @rockingrobin69 who always fills me with wonderful feelings when reading my writing. ❤️
"Of all the bloody stupid things — so I'm not allowed to touch anyone then?"
"Well, I've broken it down to the one you love most," Granger states, matter-of-factly, flipping through pages of parchment covered in neat writing. "Might have to go around touching people so we can break it."
"You want me to just start touching everyone to figure this out?" Draco crosses his arms over his chest and sneers.
"She's not saying to molest anyone, Malfoy, just to give a simple handshake or brush fingertips." Potter says simply, sitting with his head in his hand looking bored. The pages Potter is turning in the giant tome in front of him are crinkling; the noise grating Draco's ears and nerves.
He leans over where Potter is sitting, hand creeping to stop the abhorrent turning of the book's pages.
"Think a punch to the jaw could do the trick — just to get you out of the way? You know, two birds, one stone and all that?"
Potter looks up and holds Draco's gaze and smirks. Draco wants to smack it off his face.
"How about a handshake? We never have given each other a proper introduction." Potter says mockingly, eyes narrowed and Draco watches him stand and put a hand out to shake.
Draco grabs Potter's hand harshly, wanting to squeeze until Potter's bones break — but the pain ricochets through his arm as soon as his fingers brush Potter's skin. He cries out and pulls his hand away, clutching the throbbing appendage close to his chest.
He glares. Potter stares and Draco hears a muffled Merlin, help me from Granger behind him.
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dffdls · 3 years
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на русском здесь - вк
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dffdls · 3 years
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dffdls · 3 years
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A Halo of Fairy Orbs by the AMAZING @penguinanimagus
Go check out this phenomenal story written for HD Wireless 2021
Draco Malfoy has been dead for fifteen years, but the Black Family tapestry doesn’t seem to agree. Upon returning from long years abroad, Harry discovers that his old rival might still be alive, and his rekindled obsession leads him to Malfoy Manor. There’s a mystery to solve, and Harry is chasing a thrill he hasn’t felt since sixth year.
He needs to know.
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dffdls · 3 years
Angst Prompts
“We don’t have to pretend anymore.” “Yes. Yes, we do.”
“I should’ve been there for you.” “But you weren’t.”
“Do you still love me?” “I don’t know anymore.”
“I don’t want this to be the last time.”
“I don’t want to see you hurt.” “But you hurt me.”
“Please don’t let me lose you.” “You never had me in the first place.”
“I won’t forget you, but I can’t forgive you.”
“You’ve changed.” “We’re supposed to.”
“I’m only human”
"Who have you become? I don't know you anymore."
"You promised to wait for me. But you left me behind. Again.”
"I don't want us to be strangers again."
“There’s nothing wrong with falling in love.”
“Why can’t you just let this go.”
“I think we’d be better off alone.”
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dffdls · 3 years
does anyone else kind of.. enjoy spoilers ?? like they're sort of a relief because then I know whether or not something is worth investing in watching or reading or not
I'm not gonna be disappointed if it doesn't turn out how I want plus I'm not going to fast forward and skip through large parts of it to find out what happens, which I'm embarrassed that I do I just don't have the patience
Is that just a me thing or do other people do that too? Is that an adhd thing?
I just do way better watching things if I already know the entire synopsis and can predict kinda when things will happen like landmarks in a movie that help me through
Please tell me this is an actual thing and not just me
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dffdls · 3 years
hey kids if ur parents are abusive, dont be surprised if they suddenly change all their behaviors when u finally move out, if they start acting very nice and never even allude to all those times Before when they were treating u bad. this is a form of gaslighting and if u plan to keep distant from them as an adult, this may well be the defining characteristics of ur interaction w/ them. it’s tough to navigate this, because u will almost definitely wonder: was i abused? listen… when u sit in ur own home someday, maybe w/ a loved one, and things feel good, and the past feels far away, ur abuse was not made up. ur parents really did those things, and whether or not u want to keep them out of ur life or form a new dynamic w/ them, that’s up to u. but never let them make u believe they were always good to u.
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dffdls · 4 years
But just because you're strong and resilient doesn't mean you never need someone to be there for you, to take care of you.
— Tammara Webber
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dffdls · 4 years
your psychological abuse is valid even when you think someone else's psychological abuse is/was worse than yours.
you are in pain, you deserve to feel good and you must not put aside your feelings because you feel like they're nothing compared to someone else's.
you matter. one of abuse's main jobs is to make you think you're worhless. well I'm here to tell you otherwise. I'm writing this because i too struggle with it. you matter. your voice matters. your feelings matter. your whole person matters.
you will be heard. you will heal. you deserve to live.
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dffdls · 4 years
You should not have to prove how badly you’re doing to receive empathy, compassion, and care. You deserve to be heard, even when you don’t appear to be falling apart.
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dffdls · 4 years
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💘 trans men are real men 💘 💘Your gender identity is valid 💘 💘Trans rights are human rights💘
Art by Liberal Jane
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dffdls · 4 years
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trans women are real women
art by liberal jane
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dffdls · 4 years
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Non-binary people are valid.
Art by Liberal Jane
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dffdls · 4 years
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Follow me on Twitter for more vampire nonsense
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dffdls · 4 years
Harry: I'd love to have a bakery
Draco: I think that's a terrible idea
Harry: Why? I bake really well, you say so!
Draco: You'd give breads for free if the clients are too nice
Harry: That's why I have a rich husband, so I can give people free cakes
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dffdls · 4 years
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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dffdls · 4 years
9 year old me: mom you’re beautiful!
My Mom: no, I’m ugly. The ugliest. I’m a horrible pig of a person
Other people: (to me) you look just like your mom
Me: so I’m ugly
My 9 year old: mom you’re beautiful
Me: thank you! I don’t always see it very well in myself though because my brain lies to me a lot and tells me I’m ugly even though I’m not. But I can’t be ugly because we look a lot alike and you’re beautiful. My brain is just a bully 
My kid: that’s right! We’re BOTH beautiful!
​Me:​ yes we are!​​​
And that my friends is called thinking about how your self depricating words can hurt other people around you. I can’t see that I’m beautiful most of the time but I can acknowledge that the issue is my ability to see myself in a positive way. 
But calling myself ugly just hurts the people who love me. It could even convince my kid that they are also ugly and further the cycle 
And sometimes it’s really hard just by saying “I’m being mean to myself because my brain lies a lot matters
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