daydreamer3469 · 3 months
Stop omg?!
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Cardcaptor Sakura magazine covers from Nakayoshi magazine circa 2023.
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daydreamer3469 · 3 months
Can anyone tell me what kind of art style this is?! And the who the artist is (I can’t find the original poster)! Please and ty! (^_^)
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daydreamer3469 · 3 months
this is so cute omg????
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daydreamer3469 · 3 months
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daydreamer3469 · 3 months
it looks so good!! Ice cream mochi is my favorite but it's so expensive for so little product. </3 T-T
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daydreamer3469 · 3 months
Forever a Shinsou enjoyer!! 🗣️🗣️
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New Horikoshi sketch featuring Shinso and Monoma
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daydreamer3469 · 3 months
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daydreamer3469 · 3 months
Looking back on all my drafts on here, I was so cringey a year ago ( ̄n ̄)ゞ(Send help, im not okay.)
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daydreamer3469 · 4 months
Levi x Fem!Reader
Summary - Levi is gone, what shall you do??
Content Warning! - Illness, Prostitution, Throwing up, Perverts, Blood,
Authors note! - I wanted to write a little story so my blog didn't look so empty, you know? Anyway, this is my first post, and this will NOT have a part two because it sucks! + Found the art on pinterest, I'm not sure who the artist is sadly. (I started writing this a whole year ago, I finally got back on Tumblr to finish it, but not really.)
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You had no idea what to do, and you were doing worse than ever. You weren't physically fit, and you certainly weren't cut out for stealing. It's not like you knew how to do it in the first place. Levi never taught you anything.
You sat in an empty, but spotless, house. You were in the habit of cleaning; it was practically rent when you lived with Levi. So, at least you had the cleanest house in the underground!
Oh how you miss him...
You obviously missed Farlan and Isable, but Levi was special. You knew him for a longer time, and he saved you. He even kept saving you, providing you with food and care, but not for free. You knew a great deal about medications and illnesses.
Your mother was a doctor, a good one at that!
Though, she was at the brothel when she wasn't treating patients. She met Levi's mother there. They worked together and were good friends. Your mother took you to her work since she couldn't leave you at home all alone. Fortunately for you, you didn't have to witness any of the dirty work; you just had to hear it.
Levi was ill and pale at the time, while you just appeared only slightly better. When your mother worked, you were in a small practically empty room with one bed; you had always assumed it was an extra room they very rarely used.
But you and him always sat in that room, on that bed. In almost complete silence, just the occasional sounds of the ladies working.
You were both just too shy to start a conversation but the company was nice. Though to you, it felt like you silently knew each other.
So when Levi's mother became ill, your mother was quick to offer aid. She visited the Ackerman's house frequently, bringing medication and other supplies to try get rid of what was slowly killing her friend. She took you there with her, not that you mined. You enjoyed getting to see your mother at work. You wanted to be like her, so you observed and watched.
As a result, you got to see Levi more. He didn't go to the brothel every day as you did, only on occasion. So it was nice to see your silent companion more often. It was also adorable to witness him do his best to assist his mother.
He was definitely a mama's boy.
But sadly, your mothers care wasn't enough, Levis mother came to realize she was wasnt going to make it. She asked that your mom stop coming to her house and wasting her medication on a lost cause.
No one even knew what illness she had.
Your mother grieved for a short while, but she had to keep going.
You didn’t see Levi for a while, it made you sad but you had hoped he was doing alright.
After a while your mother was killed while in cross fire from a few gangs fighting. It devastated you. You were now all alone, in the poverty stricken streets of the underground. The only thing you had going for you was your knowledge on medicine.
One day you were in some alleyways looking for scraps of food, anything was everything to you at that moment. You were in your early teens and vulnerable.
“Hey pretty thing, what are you doing here digging through garbage, don’t you think you’re to cute for that?” Your eyes widened and you quickly turned your head to the sound. Unfortunately for you 2 older guys were standing in the alley way, looking at you like you were prey.
You gulped and stepped back, getting ready to run. Only for your back to hit a wall.
You were cornered.
“I-I… leave me alone!” Your eyes were wide with fear, you didn’t know what to do, or what to say.
“I like them scared!” One smirked evilly while walking towards you. As they got closer the more you lost hope. You could’ve done something, fight, or at the very least try to run. But you were too scared, every bone in your body was frozen, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even fight, you were so sickly and malnourished, you were practically skin and bones.
You closed your eyes as they got closer, trembling. You waited for something to happen. Getting grabbed or even stabbed, you didn’t know. But you waited.
Though, it never came.
You heard a noise but didn’t dare open your eyes. Until it stopped, you were breathing heavy but you could still hear footsteps getting close you. You peeked a eye open and gasped slightly when you saw a familiar face.
“L-Levi?!” Your eyes widen in shock, you couldn’t believe it. You thought you would never see him again. “Are you okay?” He looked concerned while scanning your body, a faint look of relief washed over him.
He looked better than the last time you saw him. His face was healthy and his body too. Unlike you.
You blush from embarrassment, he’s doing so much better than you were. “Yah I’m okay…” you look up at him again, he was cleaning the blood off his knife. But the most noticeable thing was the cut on his arm. Your eyes widen again.
“Your arm!” You rushed over to him and looked at his arm closer. You didn’t care about the situation anymore, you just wanted to treat the wound. “Oh it’s fine, nothing deadly.” He spoke while eyeing the wound.
"Kenny will be pissed though…" He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "It might get infected! Then you'll have to amputate it… or even... you'll get sick and die!" You rattle on about the various possibilities.
While you were talking, you missed the expression of fawness in his eyes, or was it familiarity? Whatever it is it helped him relax, now letting you hold his arm to examine it.
After a little pause, you elevate his arm above his heart and instruct him to keep it there. He looks at you puzzled, but he does what he is told. "We need to stop the bleeding, uhhhhh… um this could work!" You lean down and begin ripping the bottom of your tattered dress.
You begin wrapping it around the wound and tying it tightly. "That should be good until you get some water to clean it with.." You take a step back and sigh confidently at your work. He glances at you, baffled, then at the makeshift bandage.
"You didn't have to do that, it would have been fine…" he mumbles and lowers his arm. "Keep it up! It slows the bleeding!" You scold him but start coughing. You clear your throat and resume speaking more gently. "It's not that deep so no dangerous blood loss should happen." You smile gently and look him in the eyes. "Thank you for saving me Levi, I'm forever in your dept." 
He looks at you for a moment; no one in the underground was this nice and kind. In his perspective, you were oddly nice to him.
"I-It was nothing… no need to praise me." He mumbled and glanced down to the ground. It felt awkward since you didn't know what to say. "Well, I'm glad to see you're all right. After… you know… I was always worried about how you were doing." You blushed because this was the most you'd ever said to him. You were quite shy.
He didn't say anything and just stared at you. You assumed that making small chat irritated him. "I'll stop bothering you now," you said as you began to move around him, smiling. He just stood there watching you walk out of the alleyway.
"Hey," he spoke suddenly, making you turn towards him. "I want you to meet Kenny..."
That's how you officially met; he practically took you under his wing, if that's how you want to put it. He looked after you, fed you, and even comforted you when you had nightmares. Even when Kenny left, he made sure you could eat.
Through the years Levi managed to start a gang. It was small but the people were trust worthy and good at what they did. You were only really close to Farlan and Isabel other than Levi though. All the other members treated you well and with respect they sometimes even saw you like a little sister.
Farlan was like a sweet big brother, Isabel was like a sister you could gossip to. You’d stay up at night just talking about things like what you’d do if you were above ground, or how the boys (Farlan and Levi) were so annoying sometimes, but most importantly you talked about boys~ she even knew about your little crush on Levi, she wouldn’t stop teasing you ever moment she got.
Which is why it was so devastating when they went missing. The remaining gang searched for them for a while, not allowing you to go with them though, no matter how much you protested.
After a month of looking, all hope was lost. Some of the gang stopped looking and tried to get back into the swing of things without their boss. Some even kept looking, for your sake.
But no matter how long it takes or how dark the path may become, you will never lose hope in finding Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle. You refuse to believe that they're truly gone, clinging to the memories of your nights spent whispering dreams and secrets. Every day you search for clues, driven by the love and camaraderie you shared. The streets you walk, the shadows you pass—they all hold the promise of reunion. One day, you will see their faces again, hear their laughter, and feel their presence beside you. Until then, hope will be your guiding light, unwavering and steadfast, leading you back to your family.
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