dallonhart · 9 years
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Mark x kids: “Hi Uncle Mark.”
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dallonhart · 9 years
“You seem to be even more cocky when you’re drunk.” he mumbled amused. Watching Dalena call her father. he couldn’t help but laugh. Waiting for Dalena’s father to stop laughing due to Dalena’s drunken state, he looked at his friend briefly then began to talk to her father. “I don’t have to carry her right? What if she pukes on me...again?” he asked in a horrified voice, cringing at the so-called memory of looking after a drunk Dalena.
when he pulls away, arms reach out for his neck, leaving his side, wrapping themselves around him tightly, pulling him back to her, this time resting her forehead against his shoulder, her drunken need to be close to someone taking over. “i’m gross but that doesn’t change that i’m awesome!” she sing-songs the last word, releasing one arm to punch the air with achievement, “yeah, probably” as the thought ends, she fishes into her pocket for her phone, dialling her father with two quick swipes, putting the hero on speaker, loudly declaring her love when he answers, “dad! daddy-o! papa pietro!” and then she, without warning, shoves the phone into dallon’s face, “dallon thinks you’re going to laugh when you find out that i’m drunk and he needed to carry me home. help me prove to him that i’m right?” and, on cue, her father laughs, and laughs loudly.
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dallonhart · 9 years
Watching the other cause a fuss over his phone, that surely could easily be repaired, he had to hold back the laugh that threatened to pass his lips. “um, uh sure? I guess I’m free then?” he replied with an unsure tone. Still a little confused on the situation at hand. It was really just a phone that could easily be replaced, seeing as though he saw him pull out another phone out of his pocket.
“as in my heart has shattered into a million pieces. it’ll take forever to put back together-how will i ever go on?” he bends down to retrieve the now useless device, groaning at the sight of the cracks in the screen. “well, obviously there is going to have to be a funeral. you mind saying a few words for the eulogy?” nicolas pulls out a second phone from his pocket, already making plans in his calendar. “i need to send out invitations and i’m going to need a new suit…this is such poor timing. how do you feel about after class in two-maybe three-days? that’s enough time right?”
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dallonhart · 9 years
[ sms: dart ] sure! i downloaded some movies that we can watch, come over to my dorm? [ sms: dart ] ohhhhh, so that was a pick-up line. i thought it was a cute way of saying your good looking. pfft.
[ txt: pixie ☆ ] wait, if I come over would you have snacks while we watch the movies? [ txt: pixie ☆ ] oh.....you’re being awfully bold with giving me compliments princess
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dallonhart · 9 years
Song of the Day 5/31/12:
We Ain’t Them - Childish Gambino
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dallonhart · 9 years
Dallon had been a little bit more preoccupied the past couple of days. Meaning, his mind was a lot more hazier than normal. His body in a half asleep state as he aimlessly walked through the corridor, hopefully to get to his dorm to catch up on some needed sleep. He slammed onto another body, before hearing someone’s voice. Waking up from his half asleep state, Dallon silently stared at him fuss over his phone. “mirror image of your heart? Wh-what?” he asked confused, shaking his head a little to get rid of the drowsiness. 
it’s nick’s fault-these types of situations usually are. he’s walking down the corridor to the mess hall, lost in his phone, when his body slams into someone else’s. his beautiful, glossy, sleek, new phone slips between his fingers, drops to the floor, and shatters. what he has just witnessed is his child-his baby-fall to its death. nick stares, mouth hanging open in mortification. “my life,” he whispers, ignoring the way his voice cracks as he bends to pick up the phone. “just flashed before my eyes. no really-this screen is a mirror image of my heart right now.”
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dallonhart · 9 years
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blonde and blue beanie <3
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dallonhart · 9 years
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2015-06-03 so smart!! ©It’s Mark
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dallonhart · 9 years
Cigarette Song x Raury (Indigo Child)
“I can’t love you right …”
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dallonhart · 9 years
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how old are you
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dallonhart · 9 years
He doesn't know how or what was the reason someone decided to lock him in the closet. But he knew one things for sure, once he figures out where the damn lock to the door was he'd beat up his friend. Provided that he could see properly in the dark of course. 
Dallon’s hands were outstretched to try and feel for any familiar surroundings, until his ears perked up at the sound of a voice. Freezing in the middle of the room where he stood, he stayed quiet to listen to whoever entered the dark room. Listening to the person chant to themselves his brows furrowed. 
“Who’s there? And...the door is busted, so you’re gonna have trouble getting out.” he said in a icy tone, trying to walk around the room to get to the unknown person without bumping into things.
| hold me tight |
         (*) The classroom reeked of alcohol and smoke. The floor was littered with cigarette butts and red plastic cups. Sentences were slowly becoming slurred into an incoherent mess mixed with a dash of boisterous laughter. Alexa knew that if she stayed any longer someone was going to either force her to drink or take a puff of smoke– in this new form, she felt bolder and more adventurous, yes, but getting drunk or high was never going to be her thing. So while the others were still transfixed at the sight of someone drinking from the keg upside down, she made a run for it but no sooner than a few feet, someone was already on her heels. 
“How can you even run properly while drunk?” She muttered mainly to herself as she skidded past empty classrooms and laboratories, thankful for the newfound stamina in her male form. Though she weaved her way through the most complicated of routes, she was still unable to get rid of those following her so when she spotted the maintenance room at the end of the hall in the south wing, that was thankfully unlocked, she walked into its darkness as quietly as she could. 
“Please be gone. Please be gone. Please, please, please…” The words were like a prayer on her lips as she blindly walked into the pitch black room. 
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dallonhart · 9 years
Rolling his eyes, he pushed her head away from him a little “gross, stop yourself.” he laughed holding her close as they staggered through the streets. “to be fair, you were never ladylike the whole time we grew up together. So...your dad is gonna laugh either way when he finds out what happened.”
the alcohol patters through her system like the steps that she takes in a routined performance, flittering through her throat, down her arms and settling between her knees, wobbling her as she steadies herself against him, readjusting her weight without purpose, “i don’t remember but when i do, you’ll be the first to know!” and she laughs, loudly, ridiculously, right in his ear, putting her forehead against his cheek, “pietro maximoff would probably laugh at his eldest needing to be carried out of a party, how ladylike” 
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dallonhart · 9 years
Scoffing in slight disbelief at her reason. “and what point was that?” Steading her against his arms before she fell over. “Of course. Because you and I both know that your dad would kick my ass if I let anything happen to you.”
a drunken laugh bubbles in her attempt of a reply. alcohol had never been very good for her, two shots and she was done. “i had a point to prove,” she swallows hard, trying to find her balance, “i know perfectly well that you’ll come and save me, too”
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dallonhart · 9 years
Okay, so I know I haven't been active on here. I'm horrible, I know that. But if you ever want to plot, I'm mainly available on twitter for this muse plus the others. I’ll try to get to replies soon enough. 
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dallonhart · 9 years
luciferwilson replied to your post:
“No, no, it’s on the other one,” Lucifer said, reaching out to touch the other cheek – but instead of wiping anything (which was nothing) off, he simply slapped the male, and burst out into laughter.
Clenching his hand into a fist to refrain from punching Lucifer straight onto his jaw he let out a somewhat menacing chuckle. “I’ll give you 5 seconds to run before I kick your ass.” 
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dallonhart · 9 years
"Excuse me, but you’ve got a little something on your face there."
icebreakers / x
“I swear, if this is one of your stupid pranks I’m gonna punch you.” Narrowing his eyes as he brought his fingers to his left cheek, trying to find what exactly was on his face. 
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dallonhart · 9 years
"Stay still! I'm trying to stop the bleeding!"
icebreakers / x
Furrowing his brows, a slight hiss passed by his lips. “It’s not even bleeding that bad. You’re making a big deal over nothing. Honestly.” Okay, maybe it was him who should’ve been a bit more concerned. He was always the type to play soccer with such a competitive nature. So of course he’d suffer more than a few cuts and bruises. Nothing he couldn’t handle. 
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