cyberspiderblue · 2 months
shity back
hello, so I haven't been posting anything here in such a long time.
I havn't been in recoverey! I have just been alot more on instagram.
why am I writing here? well today I was at the mind doctor!! and they told my dad to watch me eating for the next few days. and I did't count today... But tommrow I will try to be back at it.
SO yea. I'm watching a video about balle, and ghaaaa I want to be down to 39 to fit into the balle weight tollrence. but today I was 43.1. so yea and after todays eating I will probly be over 43.5..
But now I will have to do better!
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cyberspiderblue · 2 months
Skinny peopl eat pizza if it's low cal!
Skinny ppl dont eat pizza!!!
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cyberspiderblue · 2 months
I made calorie tracker
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cyberspiderblue · 2 months
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ED movies/shows and books 🤍
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cyberspiderblue · 2 months
anyone whats a person to talk to instead of binging? I want to…. you also want to? comment?
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cyberspiderblue · 2 months
Reblog if you’re pro recovery because we love recovery, we’re just not ready for it
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cyberspiderblue · 2 months
Woke up as 42.7.
I feel like the scale be lying to me.
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
☆ Meet the Account ☆
Name: Cyber
Age: Soon turning into an adult, so no minors please.
Metrics used: Grams, KG, calories, meters, and cm.
Background of the account's name: Originally, I planned to name my account Cyber Spider. However, that was already taken, so I decided to incorporate my favorite colors into it. Therefore, a blue and red cyber spider was created.
Why start this blog: Honestly, because I have a main account where I can't post ED-related stuff due to friends following it.
Biggest fear: Beyond my ED, it would be being out alone late at night and hearing other people. certain types of men.
Typing quirks: :))))) and simple emoticons like XD or X-X.
Things I disliked: ED accounts of 13-15-year-olds or those with a k-pop ED aesthetic accounts.
Things loved: Animals and 2000s nostalgia. Basic, but hey. lel
Interests or fandoms: Too many to list; they're always changing.
Hobbies: Art and animations.
Something else fun: I'm a huge fan of Garfield. ( the cat)
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
TW Calories and self harm and dyslexia writing
gha ugh ghaaaaaa
So yea I'm on a diet and I went over by 300 caloires beacuse I wanted to be nice to my family and ughghghghghg. So I'm at 880 caloirs and I want to kill myself. It's not so much I know I KNOW.
So I have this one dinner racipe thats low caloirs and super SUPER filling and I hate HATE the feeling of food in my stomache and I can feel me being full.
I HATE IT. I can feel how every nrev in my body is on it's end wanting to dig into my skin.
Over all today I had an okey day. I ate this ine pice of candy and I was freking out in class about it. I could feel me wanting to cut my under arm. ( I never cut there btw just a leg cuter lol). I feel where I wanted cut and uggggh.
But the good thing was that it was only 14 cals. and Yippi. about that.
I sort want to buy some candy for the weekend just to show of my favoire low calore candys.
I have walked 15 000 stpes and later I will walk 3000 more. BUT I CAN FEEL ME BEING FULL I UGGGHGHGH
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
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This was 73 cals and I'm stuffed x.x
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
Gha I want to take more mealspo photo!!
But all the food I cook and eat isn't aesthetic looking. Here is my lunch yesterday to prove my point...
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☆☆☆Like wow how aesthetic. Put on your Pinterest bord☆☆
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
Bro this looks so high cal.
How I see this meal. Tw calories xD
Egg: 57 cals if its a small egg
Salmon: 127 cals if you just put into the oven with no butter nor oil.
Hot dog: if its a Hot dog then you can say that's around 127 cals
Total: 311 cals.
I looked at this mealspo and estimated very low. Its probably higher.
found this
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
Why is everyone so obsess with bikinis? There are other summer clothes as well? Like shorts and tanktops?
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
I still love to cook. Sounds dumb to some. But my ana has given me an interest in cooking. I cook dinner very day and that means I controlled how many calories I eat and how much others eat!
I like feeding my family more and fattyer foods to them.
Food tested the best when you control it
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
I still love to cook. Sounds dumb to some. But my ana has given me an interest in cooking. I cook dinner very day and that means I controlled how many calories I eat and how much others eat!
I like feeding my family more and fattyer foods to them.
Food tested the best when you control it
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
TW // @n0r3x!@
One binge won't make you fat, just like how one fast won't make you skinny. Get up brush yourself off and DO BETTER TOMORROW!
You got this gorgeous 💕
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cyberspiderblue · 3 months
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My dinner today (42 cals) looks like a meal inspo photo.
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