cxgvs · 4 months
"did i tell u this already?" we are in a timeloop and i am in love with u tell me again
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cxgvs · 2 years
Hi, I just wanted to say I read your post. It may not be much, but someone is listening. Sending love ❤️
🥺🥺🥺🥺 omg i dont know how long ago this message this is bc i dont expect anyone to know my personal account let alone read my thoughts but :(( im crying thank you anon
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cxgvs · 3 years
can i just say…… Mono in general is so beautifully written? I think i havent found songs so relatable? Songs so beautiful it comforts me with each word? Shushes all my pain and worries?
I am so helplessly in love with Kim Namjoon.
Like literally.. bc yk i’m actually the kind of person who doesnt give so much attention to my insecurities (but i have them ofc) its like… im that type of person who was always smiling? I’m that friend who would always joke and make everyone laugh..
And this might sound fake but im that friend that makes everyone smile but when its me whos sad.. no one is there for me? (½ figuratively speaking)
&& its like i got conditioned that i cant be sad over trivial things? –
like i cant be “sad” bc im the happy friend, the carefree/happy go lucky friend. its like i cant feel down or smth.. so its like i cry or feel sad alone? I dont usually show it to ppl when im sad. and like i push back my own insecurities just so i can still be that “happy” friend
then so.. hearing “moonchild” from Mono is just so refreshing??? Its like i can finally let all those insecurities and the anxiety free.. and that its okay to feel them? im free to feel pain.. free to cry.. free to feel sad? &&& that it always okay to priority yourself first?
*SIGH hahahaa idk emo hours [open] i guess??? 😅
but still thank you Namjoon.. i-i really appreciate you and your lyrics.. t-thank you. 👉🏼👈🏼
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cxgvs · 3 years
hey so its literally 1:33AM and officially workday / monday already but im here, writing again, like i have something so important to document lmao
so tonight its actually fathers day, yea? we went to my grandfather's grave to greet him too and then when we went home idk i just started being sad
was it bc i miss Tatay? was it bc i saw some hs pictures? is it bc its monday already and i have to face another week of crippling anxiety by my job?
idk but fuck this is tiring
also i hate how my journaling is literally so random??? like, sometimes i write offline then i write here like, i want my thoughts be collated yk (idk just a random thought very out of topic)
i still have 5 weeks? or 6 weeks for my job lmao im counting the days my contract gets terminated
why am i so scared to just resign instead of waiting for my contract to end like a fucking coward i dont understand myself either
i keep on whining i dont wanna work but continue to wait out the days for it to end like bitch make up your mind
sigh idk im a mess lol
pretty sure when i read this again, id be fucking confused haha
stay alive
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cxgvs · 3 years
hello its me
hmm idk why i wanna write something here tho yknow i think tumblr d worded to my same gen tumblr moots ...
maybe one day when i die, my friends & family will find my blog and just /know/ you know but lmao theyre probably just gonna find my yn fics hahaha
anywayyyy back to the real reason why i wanna write here...
i find it scary im having these kind of thoughts lately i dont know if its because of my job? (maybee? its actually the only reason i see rn?) bc honestly... im doing fine in all other things..
friends? theyre okay.. we talk and meet up if this lockdown permits (yup 2021 and still in lockdown)
family? we're good as well.. im happy theyre healthy and well (hope it continues like that for a long time)
me? well.... i guess the problem starts there lol idk i keep having these thoughts bout wanting not to wake up from sleep yk lmao and it actually stems from not wanting to go to work with the role that i currently have ....
maybe im being ungrateful rn but i really feel like its not healthy for me to be in this role.. its too pressuring, gives me anxiety.. and i know im only a month in but do you really have to be in a situation longer for you to say that its toxic for you? toxic for your mental health?
honeslty idk i feel kinda bad that im prioritizing my mental health over earning like putting myself first is something so bad lol i feel so guilty about feeling this way
and i feel that im unfair bc my family is working so hard in different countries, working their asses off, literally one have to caught the virus (theyre ok now tho) but still work
and im here,,, being a fucking baby,, whining about how THIS is the worst situation that i am in lmao
but they just dont get it,,, maybe i was mentally unstable right before all this happened (my job) and now its triggering these thoughts out of me and seriously i have never wanted to feel this way, i swear.. i didnt want to feel so broken,, so weak,,, i dont want to constantly ask for help,,, show signs that im emotionally & mentally drowning,,,, its just so hard to be living this way..
i didnt even realize that I'll go to such extent of wishing i dont wake up from my sleep
but at the same time, im fucking terrified this "life" will last longer you know?
you know how in books/universe beliefs that what you want to happen will be jinxed if you keep thinking about it lmao
im so so terrified about it like,, what if i really wanna die but end up living 100 more years lol
like bitch i dont wanna live so long if im this unhappy.. i dont want this life if im just constantly insecure about everything, how im literally fucking depressed and unhealthy..
and im so fucking sick hearing about "you can change this for yourself" "live life/change your life for you" "youre the driver of this life" bullshit like BRO DO YOU THINK I DONT KNOW THAT
Like ok man i KNOW i can change my life but at this fucking moment???? i cant???? and its difficult to just wake up one day and feel inspired and be full of energy in a mental state like this???
yall r so fucking stupid if you also think depression is being so skinny, eating less, looking stressed and fuck bc depression is also the opposite.. like honestly?? i dont fucking look depressed but look at me now tho?? haha
im overweight, i dont look sleep deprived, i still eat, and i still sleep.. im here but sometimes im not here you know?
whats worse is that depression here is being so downplayed like its just "drama"& not a real fucking disease,, i have relatives who would think - they've been thru worse and that YOU feeling sad and depressed for them is just whines and worthless drama and that youre just overreacting like you dont have a fucking right to feel that way just because theyve been thru "worst" lmao ok bitch do you want a fucking "not depressed" award
well fuck im sorry my generation have to deal with your fucking trauma bc you let it out on us just because we're younger and you dont have any idea that the shit youre putting us thru is actually YOUR trauma???? like fuck
im just so tired of this unhappiness.. i miss my old self,, the better me,,, i miss my passions,, the things that make me happy,,, bc right now, i can only do so much and still feel this way..
i can paint and sing all day but it wont bring me back the same energy, the same joy it brought to me before - and i miss that...
why do i have to be this way? i just wanna be happy..
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cxgvs · 3 years
hey so its 4am on feb 15 rn and idk my mood just kinda 📉📉📉 yknow and idk.. ive saw pictures from my highschool and felt sad lol
but actually i spent vday with my sis (bc her date ditched her last minute) so we kinda ate out just for the sake of valentines
and suddenly realizing that if it werent for her date being cancelled, i'd be home alone and eating gimbap yknow? would i even survive my thoughts on this day if i spent it alone lol
but anyways... my mood rn isnt the best and yknow its kinda sad knowing you dont have that special someone u can talk to at random parts of the day.. kinda sad how im sad rn and i cant talk to anyone rn.. ya feel? im here writing all of this down like SOMEONE would really read this? lol
idk.. anyway valentines is a social construct made by capitalists and i absolutely loathe how i am a victim of said capitalists and how im getting myself FEEL this sad mood just bc of this day ugh gross
thats all
happy valentines i guess
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cxgvs · 4 years
i hate dreaming about people then end up missing them the moment i wake up... its like so manipulating in a way hahahaha
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cxgvs · 4 years
Sad... just sad.
It's so draining to be like this.. i dont know what to do...
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cxgvs · 4 years
“I think part of the reason why we hold so tight is because we fear something so great won’t happen twice”
— unknown (via hatin)
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cxgvs · 4 years
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cxgvs · 4 years
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cxgvs · 5 years
And maybe you're just
another bad habit,
that I'm struggling
to let go of.
This might hurt me. //ma.c.a
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cxgvs · 5 years
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cant sleep, homesick.
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cxgvs · 5 years
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cxgvs · 5 years
“I know—better than anyone—that once someone’s made up their mind to leave you, there’s nothing you can do to make them stay.”
— Terra Elan McVoy, Being Friends with Boys (via wnq-writers)
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cxgvs · 5 years
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cxgvs · 5 years
“Everyone deserves a second chance but not for the same mistake”
— (via hatin)
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