cryokxsss · 12 hours
I've read a few kirisaya fanfics where, for the sake of Powerful Babe Sweeps Young Maiden Off Feet, Sayaka is portrayed and brilliant but lacking formal education. And this made me realize how crucial being educated is to Sayaka's character. NOT intelligent-- educated.
Sayaka is The Logical Girl. She is also extremely intelligent and competent. These things do not necessary assume a formal education, but the fact still stands that Sayaka Igarashi cannot be Sayaka Igarashi without one.
Prior to meeting Kirari, she was on a one-track road to academic excellence as her only goal. Be the BEST student at the BEST school, and success will follow. Her characteristic need to be the pinnacle of whatever arena she has decided to compete in was developed as a competitive nerd. Her stark worldview of pass/fail with no in between was cultivated on a mindset of straight A's where she could constantly objectively track her own performance. Her willingness to enact terrible things on her peers is facilitated by the lack of connection she has to them borne not from shyness (which would preclude jumping to be on the stuco), but from a simple lack of interest in anything but her work.
She Asked To Work For Kirari So She Could Study Her.
Prior to Kirari, Sayaka's worldview could only be shaped by obsessive, competitive dedication to being an effective student. And if being a student wasn't her number one goal, she wouldn't have had anything to do with Kirari-- someone dangerous who opposes her fundamentally, and therefore she would not have had anything to gain from besides a learning opportunity. Her dedication to being the best student is the avenue by which she could become dedicated to being the best secretary. But having the time as a student is necessary, because if she actually operated on logic, intelligence, and competence alone she wouldn't even be in the show. She'd be offscreen staying the hell away from all the lunacy of the main plot.
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cryokxsss · 4 days
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I had an artistic vision
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cryokxsss · 4 days
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just some renders i made for the fest :3
im on team past btw anyways im gonna go back to being dead lmao
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cryokxsss · 10 days
Art art arttttt art art art messing aarrooounnnddddd
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cryokxsss · 10 days
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cryokxsss · 15 days
The monthly sayaka appreciation post everyone
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They Made her so pretty on the ova my pretty girl <3
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cryokxsss · 17 days
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im thinkin so hard about alice madness returns rn O_O
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cryokxsss · 20 days
Sayaka: You smell like weed
Midari: I am weed
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cryokxsss · 20 days
Kirari: truth or dare?
Sayaka: truth
Kirari: how many hours have you slept this week?
Sayaka: dare
Kirari: go to sleep
Sayaka: I don’t like this game
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cryokxsss · 20 days
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cozy killers
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cryokxsss · 21 days
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do u still care abt them….
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cryokxsss · 23 days
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cryokxsss · 26 days
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Bad art... Woahhhh... Ugh.
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Art really isn't for me that much, is it?
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cryokxsss · 27 days
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Positively radical, Flamberge
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cryokxsss · 27 days
Sumire: When manga characters say “❤️” out loud… I wish I could do that.
Ann: You can! Just put a little love in your voice! Smile even when you’re talking on the phone! People will hear it and know!
Futaba: Moan.
Makoto: “Less than three”.
Sumire: *sighs*
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cryokxsss · 28 days
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cryokxsss · 28 days
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