phill-art · 5 days
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Commissions open!!
I was commissioned to do this diverse character group adventuring through the Underdark. Here's a brief description of each member in the group:
Here’s the a brief description of the group!
race: Half Orc 
class: Aberrant Mind Sorcerer / Mastermind Rogue 
personality: Calculated and Brooding.
race: Aaracokran 
class: Way of Astral Self Monk / Barbarian 
personality: Humble and Lawful Good. Likes to fly and do back flips.
race: Half Elf 
class: College of Whispers Bard 
personality: Joyful and Hopeful. Protector. A ghost hand comes out of his gloves and usually hovers over his hands as he plays.
race: Tiefling with spiral horns and tail 
class: Homebrewed Circle of Hells Druid  
personality: Defiant jokester. 
race: Dragonborn with wings
class: Homebrewed Way of Dragon Heart Barbarian 
personality: Rageful when fighting. Curious and reckless. Breathes blue icy flame. 
race: Warforged (think ultron design ) 
class: Echo Knight Fighter / Soulknife Rogue 
sex: Male 
personality: Egotistical and Argumentative.
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phill-art · 11 days
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Commissions open!
Here's the character I did:
Race: human
Sex: Male
Personality: All business, no emotion. Confident. Master of his craft. This is a character the PCs cannot hope to best when they first meet him.
Age: 40s
Height: 6'0"
Weight/Build: Muscular
Hair: Unseen
Eyes: Unseen
Skin Color: Unseen
Weapon: Large, heavy two handed sword being wielded one-handed. Simple sword design, nothing fancy aside from its sheer size.
Clothing: Black iron armor from head to feet. The campaign is a Conan / 1st Ed D&D inspired swords and sorcery game, so the armor design should be relatively grounded in construction. The helm should be completely enclosed with an eye slit that cannot be seen into. The only ornamentation should be the attached logo (the symbol of the mercenary company that employs him) worked into the center of the breastplate, and should be about 4 inches tall. 
The black elements in the logo should be raised higher than the rest of the breastplate, and should be painted a deep crimson. 
The lack of visible human elements should make him feel extremely intimidating, almost alien.
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phill-art · 12 days
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Commissions open!!
Here's the character I did:
Face: The character should be a female Aldarin human (Aldarins are essentially Romans, so quite dark tanned skin), Facial structure-wise, wide jaw between 25 and 30 years of age. 
Hair: with long brownish-blonde hair, braided as per the reference photo. 
Build: her body showing her as quite muscular (lots of exercise walking around the city in heavy armour!).
Outfit: They are better funded than The Legions, so their roman style armour is made of iron and steel rather than bronze. The skirt part of the armour comes down closer to the knees, as would the tassles/baltea (dangly strappy bits). Include the Emblem of Permadecio on her chest armor. 
Outfit color: Black and a dark navy. The shield worn by them would be a much larger shield, more in line with traditional Roman scutum. 
Shield: This shield would be the same blue and black as the armour, with the Permadecio emblem on it. The eye of the emblem would be centered around the boss with the pupil being the boss itself.
Cape: On her left shoulder, the one not decorated with the gryphon design, she would wear a shoulder cape. This is currently fashionable in the present Aldarin era. The cape would come down a bit past her knees, but only cover her shoulder and that side of her body (added references for this). 
Cape color: The cape would have a silver lining, a black exterior, dark navy/blue interior, and maybe some blue patterning along the black (feel free to play with this design!). 
Footwear: She should be wearing roman style sandals which come up about half-way to the knee. Again, feel free to play with the design of her outfit a bit, keeping practicality in mind.
Belt and belt items: On her belt, she would have a waterskin, a coin pouch, a clip pouch for carrying food rations, and a pair of vials with healing drafts inside (these would appear a magical red in colour). Not all these need to be visible in the illustration, just listing what she has to let you decide what can be seen. She would also have a scabbard for a gladius, a Roman shortsword. She might be wielding the gladius, or have it holstered, depending on the pose you go for.
Overall colour: Blacks, greys, dark blues, navy, silvers (if you think any other colours might work here, feel free to experiment!)
The Permadecio emblem is a white eye with two feathered wings protruding from behind it. The intent is to state “we are always watching”, with the wings referring to the speed at which they move to help their clients. The pupil of the eye might be silver or a dark navy, depending on where it sits. 
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phill-art · 16 days
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Here's a labyrinth commission I did for a Dungeon Pack. I really wanted to make it feel old school and classic!
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phill-art · 2 months
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Commissions open! This is my art of a DnD storm sorcerer!
Client's description:
Race: Technically an air genasi, but in this game setting, she looks remarkably human aside from her hair floating from time to time.
Age: 16-17
Height: 5’7
Body Build: The girl is thin, having spent many of her formative years on the streets. She has a boyish figure, a bit smaller than average in the chest area. 
Skin: Skin tone lies somewhere between fair and tanned.
Eyes: Grayish blue
Hair: Hanna’s hair is a honey blond. One side shaved, with the other side left long with a few intermittent braids. A light curl to her hair. A peculiar trait of the character is that a few strands of her hair tends to float in the air of their own accord. (The picture I’ve placed is a rough reference. No designs in the sideshave, though. Doesn’t have to be exact to this, obviously.)
Attire: So I know most artists don’t want to take clothes from other artworks directly, and part of the fun of this is that she’s going to be buying a new outfit. So I’ve put down a few other images with a general style of clothing that I would be leaning towards for her. Color palette would be teals, deep blues, grays, blacks. Just something with several belts and pouches, and preferably a coat of some kind. Not going for sex appeal or anything extremely flashy or sparkly. Practical above all else, but something that looks well made.
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phill-art · 3 months
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Commissions open!
This was idea I had for a Magic the Gathering card. The Goblin Tank! "It'll blast you into next week. When it gets there next week."
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phill-art · 4 months
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Commissions open!
This is my art of a DnD Dragonborn Cleric!
Client's description:  Nardaan
Race: Silver Dragonborn
Class: Tempest Cleric
Sex: Male
Personality: Grumpy but good natured. Some anger issues but trying his best.
Age: Mid 20s (same age as Luke)
Height: 7 feet tall Weight/Build: 200lbs? Athletic but not bulky. Built maybe like a hockey player
Hair style: short Mohawk of fins kinda like official silver dragons
Eye Color: blue reptilian style eyes
Skin color: silver (little more pale silver under the eyes like silver tears)
Items/weapons: robe of eyes but the eyes look more like stars and the cloak is navy worn more like a cape with a hood. Circlet of intellect (chain linked not a rigid crown). Warhammer (back end of it has a lighting style trail and a wrist strap like thor) Shield top half is plain silver but the bottom half is the depiction of a storm
Top: priest suit of navy lined with silver with the white strip fir a priest collar being silver sitting underneath silver half plate lined with blue with storm patterns. Left arm is about as armored as the reference. The right arm has no armor on it but the left is coated in it. The symbol of talos rests on a necklace over the plate
Bottom: Shirt and pants are navy with silver trim. Pants are same as reference (seeing as that is nardaan). same navy and silver pants that stop just before his haunches with a tail 
Footwear: barefoot, just dragon talons 
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phill-art · 4 months
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My art of a Root Monster!
This was an original idea I had for a monster that could be used in DnD or Magic the Gathering, or anything like that.
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phill-art · 4 months
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My art of a snow mage with her armored snowman warrior!
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phill-art · 4 months
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Commissions open!
This is my art of a DnD Aasimar Cleric!
Client's description: race: Fallen Aasimar
class: Cleric
sex: Male
personality: i get like edgy vibes from him
age (what they look like in human years): mid 20s
height: 6'1"
weight/build: average I want him head to toe in armor
hair style/color: I'd want him to have a full face helmet
eye color: Pupil-less white. not glowing or anything though if you even see his eyes in the drawing
skin color: grayish purple
items/weapons: mace and shield. I want the Mace to have a grinning skull as the head and i want it to be all metal.
shield: an embroidered sphinx on it, a human head lion body and eagle wings
this is my description of him when he first meets the party "standing before you an Aasimar with dark metal plate armor and a horned full face helmet. His pupil-less eyes staring at you. You can tell he's seen some shit. Holstered at his waist you see a mace with a grinning skull as the head. In his off-hand you see a metal shield with a sphinx emblem on it some. Hanging from his back you see a lit lantern with a black candle that burns with a green flame."
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phill-art · 4 months
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Commissions open!
This is my art of a DnD Bugbear Paladin!
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phill-art · 5 months
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Commissions open!
This is my art of a female warrior!
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phill-art · 5 months
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Commissions open!
This is my art of a DnD Dwarven Beer Golem
This was an illustration for a DnD Alcohol Golem Guide!
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phill-art · 5 months
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My art of a DnD human kid knight standing on the corpse of a beholder!
Shout outs to all the parents that get their kids involved with D&D! I think it’s so important to encourage imagination and creativity! Yes, it’s very impractical to have a kid in full plate, but that’s kind of the point, fun over realism. This is her short story: This young knight was part of a family of knights. They ventured far and wide, taking high paying work from various villages. As they traveled to their next destination, they came across a Beholder hive. They fought ruthlessly to escape, but Alaina, the youngest daughter was the only one that survived.
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phill-art · 5 months
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My art of a Sea Demon!
I hope to inspire DM's when they are creating their campaigns! I could see this monster giving a DnD group a real challenge!
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phill-art · 5 months
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Sorceress' Might!
I had an idea of an entire castle coming to life as a monster, so I made this!
Commissions are open! Feel free to DM me!
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phill-art · 5 months
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Commissions open! This is my art of a DnD Tiefling Wizard!
Here's the description of the character:
race: Tiefling
class: conjuration wizard
sex: male
personality: he is a shy and reserved person. His backstory to help inform you of his personality and stuff is this: Grew up in an orphanage. The orphanage was well funded and well ran. He wasn't mistreated at the orphanage by the staff. He was picked on by the other kids because he was different. Part of that was being a Tiefling, and he also is very smart, so the kids picked on him. There was one incident that caused one of his horns to break. Because he was ostracized by the other kids he spent his time reading a lot. So where he is at now, he is nervous around other people, not confident in himself at all, and very shy/reserved.
age: 19
height: 5' 9"
weight/build: slim and frail
hair style/color: unkempt, black, shoulder length hair. Hair where if he was leaning forward like reading a book or just having his head down his hair would cover around his face almost like how a hood would.
eye color: yellow
skin color: red/red-orange
items/weapons: nothing in particular other than his spell book and a bag for it
clothing top: wears glasses, has nice-ish clothes. Nothing extravagant though. I attached some reference pictures, but I'm open to your interpretation.
clothing bottom: same as above
clothing bottom: leather boots. He has human feet, not hooves. Other than that, see same answer as above.
pet: barn owl is his familiar
other: see reference image for his horn style, but one of the vertical horns is broken off. See reference images for tail. His tail is not super thick is the main thing.
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