crushthelivingfluff · 4 years
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Oscar Belikov aesthetic. Rose and Dimitri’s son.
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crushthelivingfluff · 4 years
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Mila and Ana Belikova aesthetic. Dimitri and Rose’s daughters.
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crushthelivingfluff · 4 years
Romitri children headcanons
They’ve got three kids: Oscar, Mila and Ana
Oscar is basically Rose in Dimitri’s body, like the teachers think he’s just this quiet kid who loves to read but actually he’s a little devil and lives his life in detention, once set the school on fire while practicing his fighting technique not sure how but that’s just the Rose Hathaway genes for ya
Mila is a moroi that they found abandoned near their house as a baby, she’s Dimitri through and through, she loves to read and fights like a demon, specialize in fire (which uncle Christian loves) and wants to be a guardian team with her younger sister Ana
Ana is the baby but only by like a year, doesn’t leave Mila alone (Mila doesn’t mind), she’s loud and dramatic, once beat up a moroi three years older than her because he said Mila wasn’t actual her sister (has no regrets), fiercely loyal and doesn’t know the meaning of the word calm
All of them speak better Russian than Rose but she’s trying her best man
Oscar has a best friend, Alek, that basically becomes their fourth child. His mother and father ignore his existence and make him a ward of the school, so he just spends every single holiday at Rose and Dimitri’s and they have bunk beds in Oscar’s room so he’s got his own bed and clothes and he’s their kid
All the kids end up taller than Rose, this annoys Rose to no end and its a good job she loves them 
They go for family trips to Russia so the kids can see where Dimitri grew up
People assume that the kids mischievous streak is all from Rose but people closest to them know that they are both to blame for unleashing the chaos that their kids are
All of them have long hair because ‘we wanna look like mummy and daddy’
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crushthelivingfluff · 4 years
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Death is part of life. Without the one, it is hard to have the other.
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