croggle · 7 years
Nice work there, Croggle looks so happy and cute and everything is so polished 😍 thank you so much for your effort 😊 and the same goes to you, the best of luck with your creations too.
Your stuff is really cute, so much effort too... I'd totally be down to redraw your logo for you!!
First of all thank you so much for your kind words. This really means so much to me. I really put a lot of effort and love into everything I do.
Even though I am quiet fond of my logo as it is now I still would like to see my logo being redrawn by you if you really want to.
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croggle · 7 years
Your stuff is really cute, so much effort too... I'd totally be down to redraw your logo for you!!
First of all thank you so much for your kind words. This really means so much to me. I really put a lot of effort and love into everything I do.Even though I am quiet fond of my logo as it is now I still would like to see my logo being redrawn by you if you really want to.
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croggle · 7 years
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Zombie Unicorn
Omg. It's finally done. I've been so undecided for quite some time but now it's done!
Look at it! Look at it's creepy fluffyness and his sparkling tail. Look at all the details like the spine and the ribs. Look at the mane that looks so chaotic. I can't say that I've ever been so proud with something I made before. I'm proud that everything came together in my head and it looks almost as good as I pictured it. It all adds a little bit to that creepy fluffy and special look that the zombie unicorn has now.
Some information about how I made some of the details: The swollen red eyebags are made of felt and handpainted with my brush pens from faber castell. The same goes for the costal arch and the eyes. For those I also used a circle of black yarn to make that spooky looking black part of the eye. I "embroidered" some scratches and scars with red yarn. For the tail I used sparkling yarn and black yarn and cut out threads of the same length, then bound them together in the middle. This middle part I sew to the butt of this fabulous unicorn :). If you've read the posts before you know that I was uncertain of how to pull the tail of... but I think I did a pretty okay job.
So, that's that, another finished project :). And there are more to come, so stay tuned ;). At the moment it gladly is occupied with buttercookies but as soon as it is done with them... I'm next :| So I ... uh... gotta go :D
Have a croggle day :)
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
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Makkachin from Yuri on Ice!
Look at cute little Makkachin. I made the poodle yesterday to keep me busy at the 1st of August - a national holiday in Switzerland and my parents and one of my brothers celebrated it together. Inbetween the meals (we brunched together and later on we barbecued - yumm) we took breaks and one of those breaks I spend doing him. I hope you enjoy him and his two cute little "daddies" :D. He didn't take up all that much time. He was done in merely 2 hours or so. That's all for now but I'm working on many different projects at the moment which is why I'm not all that active at the moment :).
Have a croggle day.
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
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Cute flower child
Since it has been quite around croggle for the last few weeks due to stress at work I just wanted to drop by to show you something my mother made some time ago: namely a magical flower child she made with the help of this pattern.
My mother found the pattern to be well written and would recommend you to make your own cute little flower child :). As you can see it’s also transformable which makes it even cooler! You can either have the full flower child or “just” a basket with flowers :). It’s so cute! A truly remarkable amigurumi :)
Have a croggle day ;)
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
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Spring and Bees
Hey guys!
Did I ever tell you just how much I love spring? And bees? If I didn’t, you know now. In the 4 months of this year I got to crochet hella lot of bees.
There’s first the bee bear. He’s - nomen est omen - a mixture between bee and bear. This is because I always thought that bees looked a little bit like little flying bears. That’s also the reason why the body is mostly inspired by the bee and the details - like his paws and his ears - are based on the bear.
There is second the keychain bee, that I made, inspired by this tutorial from allaboutami. I found it to be immensely cute and had a yarn skein still lying around that I didn’t know what to use on (okay… it still didn’t take that much.. so it’s still just… lying around but it’s not the only one so it’s not lonely :D and I’ll use it… sometime…) If you got a little bit of spare time on your hand you can give it a try and make your own little keychain bee :).
The last two bees are surprise kinder eggs. As you know I really like making them. As for that very reason there’s this quick tutorial on how to make them ;). Enjoy!
Bee Kinder Surprise Egg - Pattern
Yellow and black Schachenmayr Catania
3.5mm crochet hook size
Wool needles
Black pearls
Upper part
Use yellow yarn
round 1: work 6 sc in mr (6)
round 2: *2 sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (12)
round 3: *1 sc, 2 sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (12)
round 4: *2 sc, 2 sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (24)
round 5 - round 9: sc in each sc around (24)
fasten off
Lower part
Start with yellow yarn
round 1: work 6 sc in mr (6)
round 2: *2 sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (12)
round 3: *1 sc, 2 sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (18)
round 4: *2 sc, 2 sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (24)
round 5 & round 6: sc in each sc around (24)
round 7: use black yarn sc in each sc around (24)
round 8: use yellow yarn sc in each sc around (24)
round 9: use black yarn sc in each sc around (24)
round 10: use yellow yarn sc in each sc around (24)
fasten off
Wings (2x)
Use white yarn It’s fairly easy to make the wings. Make 5 chains. At second chain from hook make 2 dcs and then two hdcs. Then fasten off. When you’re done making the both of the wings, attach them to the back of the bee.
Antenna (2x)
Use black yarn
As for the antennas you got to make 5 chains. At second chain from hook start by making 1 sc in each remaining chain, so 4 in total. Fold the antennas in half lengthwise. Use one of the two threads from the start or the end to sew together the middle part: work your way to the other thread.
First apply the eyes to the upper part. I’d suggest using pearls. I used pretty tiny ones this time but you can also use bigger ones like I used for the bear.
Then apply the antennas on top of the upper part but surely in one line with the eyes . This way you can be sure that not everything will be out place once you’ve positioned everything. Then glue the upper part to the kinder egg. Use the wings to hide the color changes in the back. Apply them right there. When you glue the lower part to the kinder egg, be careful to adjust the lower part according to the upper part. We wouldn’t want our bee to be unproportional, or would we?
Well, that’s about it. Enjoy your cute little fellas :). As always I’d be happy to see your results and well… if anything isn’t clear you can always ask me :).
While we’re at it I’ll tell you some amazing stuff about honey bees. A bee alone is responsible for 1-2 tea spoons full of honey. Over the timespan of a few weeks the bee not only takes care of cleaning and building the honeycombs but also looking after the nymphs, guarding the beehive and last but not least collecting everything to produce honey. A bee approximately has 1 million neurons and there are about 20'000 bees in a bee hive.
There are many common misconceptions about the bees. Like that the collector bees or scouts or whatever are men. No. None of the male bees are working. They are having sex and die right after or if they still live in autumn they get banned to die in the cold. Also honey is not bee puke per se. A bee has two different stomachs. One for the honey and one for the digestion. They sometimes lead part of the honey into their stomach if they are low on energy but no whatsoever little part of stomach acid gets in contact with the honey in the “honey stomach”.
And what about queen bee? The bees got a queen and yeah only the queen can lay eggs that will result in either male or female bees (the workers only manage to lay eggs with male bees). BUT the beehive is no monarchy. It’s a democracy. When the old queen bee flies out from the old beehive with some of the workers to look for a new home they are all deciding on a new home. To put it simple: The new home depends on how many bees want it.
Oooh and also, when most people refer to the bee, they mean honey bees. All bees produce honey but the honey bee is capable of producing more honey than she’ll actually manage to consume over winter “break”. Bee keepers have been known to make use of that since… like… ever :D.
Gosh… there is so much more and I hope I didn’t scare you off :). I just wanted to show a little bit of how much I love bees and how amazing they are.
Have a croggle day, bye bye :)
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
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Our new mascot: Croggle, the hamster
As promised the post about our new mascot :). There's the crocheted version - yes I got around to make him, omgsoproud - and the logo my mother and I made with combined force.
As you might have realized we've changed a little bit about our general design and we have a logo now too: A hamster. So no, it's not a bear or even a guinea pig, although I like both of them too.
Everything started in 2014 and I know that I haven't done much blogging inbetween the years. I really am trying to change that and I think one can really see that I post more frequently. It's always been a little bit stressfull but I've come to enjoy life more compared to when I began working on croggle and I'm trying to relax too. That's a huge plus because I'm not always overthinking everything. That surely was draining my energy.
The story about our new mascot isn't really spectacular: My mother and I wanted something cute and unique, something that's not already common in the crochet community. We were thinking about what a croggle could look like. What croggle meant and how we could show that through its appearance. We were thinking about a magician dragon... But even though dragons are pretty badass and can have their vulnerable and cute sides too, I don't think people would neccessarily think of a dragon as being cute, despite the magician part, that's – come to think of it – more mysterious than anything cute-related, don't you think?
So we've looked at patterns of amigurumi that just might be able to inspire us. We wanted to adjust them but then we wouldn't have been unique anymore. For a long time we didn't have the slightest clue what would have been the perfect idea for a crochet logo and even more so a mascot. But then – on a rather short note – we found an animal that's not only cute in our opinion but considered cute by many, nice to look at and with little bits of modification, even unique: A hamster. Because my mother's actually more the colourful type the hamster evolved into a pretty rare and uncommon type of hamster: A flower hamster.
I've always had hamsters back when I was still a kid and yeah I think they really left an impression on me.
So say hello to our cute little hamster Croggle. I know it's a little bit overdue but better late than never. For all you wondering out there, what croggle really meant, because I never got around to actually explaining it: croggle is a word that's kind of a mixture between crochet and giggle. It's also describing that happy feeling that you have when you work on something crafty, so it doesn't neccessarily mean that you have to crochet to feel it, it just means that you're getting all enthusiastic and happy after working in a creative way. And now it's even a really rare kind of flower hamster too ;).
My mother and I are planning on opening an online shop sometime in the future. We don't know just when that will happen but we'll keep you posted.
I wish you a nice and croggle day.
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
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Hey guys!
It's been a little while! I've arrived back in Switzerland about two weeks ago and have moved to my new appartment in Berne. It's been a little stressful ever since and I'm still not fully done with unpacking all of my things and building all the furniture, let alone all the organizational stuff *sigh*. And I didn't have much time to crochet either ;(.
That doesn't neccessarily mean that I'm not enjoying myself. Since I had my birthday on the 30th of March in Finland away from most of my family but my mother we all got to celebrate it together last weekend. I've had a blast with my whole family. Amongst other things I've even been gifted crochet respectively craft-related stuff! That includes tons of yarn (in total 25 skeins of yarn I still don't know what to use on :D), beautiful stitch markers, a measuring tape and a totally adorable crochet hook that's apparentely antique :). It's top is made of nacre and formed like a flower or something. The hook itself is really tiny and superfine. I don't know if I'll ever actually crochet with it but it's a beautiful collectable for a crochet addict like me :D.
That was just a short little update to show you that I'm alive and well. As promised I'll be giving you details about our relatively new mascot and more awesome projects that are in the making.
I wish you a croggle day.
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
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Easter special: Rooster and chick
My mother and I finished yet another set of amigurumis for Easter. I know there’s still a bit until it’s really Easter but we wanted to show you our roosters and chicks and the pattern to go with it, so you’ll be able to recreate them.
Ready? Set… GO!
Red Heart Lisa white, orange and yellow, respectively any color you’d like for the baskets. As you can see we used green, rose, orange, red, blue and violet.
3mm or 3.5mm hook size. Depends on how tight you crochet. My mother needed the bigger one.
glue, red felt and eyes
How to - Rooster
Base lower part
Use white yarn.
work 6 sc in mr (6)
2 sc in each sc around (12)
*1 sc, 2 sc in sc* repeat 6 times (18)
*2 sc, 2sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (24)
6 rounds: sc in each sc around
Do NOT glue it to the kinder surprise egg until the very end. You’ll need to sew the wings to this part.
Base upper part
Use white yarn.
work 6 sc in mr (6)
2 sc in each sc around (12)
*1 sc, 2 sc in sc* repeat 6 times (18)
*2 sc, 2sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (24)
4 rounds: sc in each sc around
Do NOT glue it to the kinder surprise egg until the very end. You’ll need to sew the spout to the upper part.
Use yellow yarn. Work 4 sc in magic ring. Sc in each sc, then fasten off again.
Wings Rooster
Use white yarn.
7 chains. First work in the left side from hook, then in the right side. Starting at second chain from hook: 2 sl st, 1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 2 dc in 1 chain.
You’re done with the left part of the chains. Then you can work everything into the right part of the loops: 2 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 2 sl st. fasten off
Details - jowl, comb, eyes
Above you can see a picture with the rough forms that you’ll have to cut out of red felt and glue to your rooster in order to complete him. Needlessly to say they aren’t original size, you’ll have to adjust them to the size of your rooster.
You’ll need to glue number 1 – the jowl – starting at the first row on the lower part in the middle. It must be right under the spout that you sew to the last three rows from the upper part.
Number 2 – the crown – will be glued to the head. Do so right after you’ve sewn the spout to the upper part of the body. Make a line of glue about the length of your crown starting at the upper part of the spout in the middle.
Number 3 is the red part behind the eyes. You’ll need to cut it out two times. Wait to glue them on until after you’ve sewn the spout to the upper part of the body. Glue it on so that it connects to the spout from both sides. Then glue the eye onto the rounded part at the right, respectively at the left part of the red felt (look at picture for reference).
How to - Chick
Base lower part
Use orange yarn.
work 6 sc in mr (6)
2 sc in each sc around (12)
*1 sc, 2 sc in sc* repeat 6 times (18)
*2 sc, 2sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (24)
6 rounds: sc in each sc around
Do NOT glue it to the kinder surprise egg until the very end. You’ll need to sew the wings to this part.
Base upper part
Use orange yarn.
work 6 sc in mr (6)
2 sc in each sc around (12)
*1 sc, 2 sc in sc* repeat 6 times (18)
*2 sc, 2sc in 1 sc* repeat 6 times (24)
4 rounds: sc in each sc around
Do NOT glue it to the kinder surprise egg until the very end. You’ll need to sew the spout to the upper part.
Use yellow yarn. Work 4 sc in magic ring. Sc in each sc, then fasten off again.
Use orange yarn.
For the wings of the chicks we used this pattern from lilleliis. Even though it’s a duck in the pattern, I think the wings are perfect for the chicks :).
Use any color you’d like. Now as follows: magic circle, *chain 4, 4 dc, chain 4. slip stitch* repeat part inbetween the two * twice, join to the first chain made with a slip stitch. Leave long ends. Close magic circle and then wrap long end tighly around the middle to form the bow.
For the basket we used this pattern from crochetit. In my opinion it’s absolutely adorable and perfect to place your cute little roosters and chicks in it.
Choose any color you like.
Tip: When you’re done with everything and want to glue the body parts to the kinder egg open it afterwards or before you do so. Because if you don’t the chance is there that you won’t be able to open the egg in the end. That’s not what we want since one of the advantages of kinder eggs is the hidden space it has. You can fill it with sweets or something like this. So this is perfect as a little Easter gift.
I don’t have any problem with you sharing this pattern or selling the products you’ve made with it as long as you give the respectful credits meaning you mustn’t remove the links to the originators of parts of the pattern as well as to croggle (which in this case are more than one or two - given that my mother and me both work on these patterns - because we’ve used parts of patterns from others to fullfill this work). So it’s also not a problem if you reblog it here but please just take the fact that I worked on writing this pattern just to be able to share it with you guys into consideration. It takes a lot of time to just write a proper tutorial for even an easy amigurumi. Thanks for your understanding.
I hope the tutorial wasn’t to hard to follow. If you got any questions don’t hesitate asking. We’re happy to help if anything isn’t clear. Have a croggle day and naturally a splendid Easter.
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
Caterpie is watching you...
Just dropping by to show this short video I made a few months back when I finished caterpie... I always do this aggressive kind of motion - like my amigurumi is about to pick a fight - multiple times during the working process... My mother is pretty much irritated by it... Thehehe. I don't know why I do it but it's not the same without it. Maybe that says a lot about me and my behaviour when working. I should most likely keep an eye on my stress level :D... nah.
Have a croggle day :)
Daughter on the move currently waiting at the airport in Vantaa for her flight to Amsterdam ^^
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croggle · 7 years
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Hello there!
Since our stay here in Helsinki is almost over, I’m writing a brief review. The world championships are over and the rightful winners are: Yuzuru Hanyu, Shoma Uno and Boyang Jin (whichs short program I liked best out of the three). At this point I really wanna mention just how much I loved Jason Browns free program… this man is a real artist and not „just“ an athlete. For a moment everyone was quiet in the hartwall arena watching this pure work of art, mesmerized by it. He’s like a fairy. Elegant and fragile and just a pure beauty. Wow. A skater I was also really amazed by was Kevin Reynolds. His short program was thrilling but so was his free skate. He had some flawless jumps there and his movements were just so fluid and beautiful. My mother said that his skating style somehow ressembled Scott Hamilton’s a bit. It was really exciting and I enjoyed every moment of the world championships.
I’m also happy for Yuzuru that he became world champion 2017. May I point out here, that Yuzuru Hanyu is very much like Yuri Katsuki? He’s really shy and modest, he may stumbles or falls when being under a lot of pressure but his movements are amazingly beautiful and unique. I love how he - just like Yuri in my opinion - plays with the music and feels it. What’s also a funny coincidence: both Yuri and Yuzuru „failed“ their short programs but have shown a perfect performance in the free program. Yuzuru as well as Yuri also have a… really impressive fan base. Wow. Just… wow.
Needlessly to say I’ve also crocheted a bit with what few yarn skeins I had. I only made kinder eggs because I managed to finish them before the end of the holidays so I could work on bigger projects back in Switzerland. I finished a bear, two bees and a pooh bear that was – not surprisingly – inspired by the fact that Yuzuru always takes his pooh bear to the competitions. The only thing left to do is glueing the eyes on.
My mother and I went to sea life as well as sightseeing and shopping. Amongst other things I bought a scarf - I most likely won’t be wearing it ever because I prefer the cashmere scarf from my grandmother that died two years ago - that’s really colorful and soft and a Moomin bag chain. Moomin is kinda popular around here. He’s as well-known as Barbapapa in our area.
So yeah… that’s about it… tomorow or actually today as soon as I go to bed I’ll go back home to Switzerland… I’ll move into my new apartment - so it is possible that I won’t be that active in the next two weeks or so - and face whatever future throws at me… Or something less dramatic :D. Oh and before I forget… In the pictures above you can also catch a glimpse of our new mascot that’s also been visible in our relatively new logo :). I’d like to write more about him in the following days so stay tuned for that. Also tomorow or so we’ll release a short and easy pattern for Easter so keep your eyes open for that too.
Thanks for your attention. I wish you a croggle day :)
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 7 years
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Greetings from Helsinki!
As most or even all of you figure skating fans might know, the world championships are currently hold in Helsinki in Finland. Last year I watched Yuri on Ice - the beautiful figure skating anime - and was deeply inspired by it hence I crocheted Yuri and Victor though not in partner look but in the outfits I liked best.
My mother - that's been a big fan of Scott Hamilton for decades - was delighted that I took an interest in figure skating too and we've talked about it, how Scott Hamilton was an icon, how she prefered his style over many others because of his fluid movements and how - most importantly - he won several times at the world championships. One thing led to the other and we saw that the next world championships would take place in Helsinki. We weren't sure if we could afford it but we really wanted to go... To cut a long story short we've bought the tickets for the flight and the shows, booked a stay in a hostel and well... actually travelled to Finland.
My mom and I are thrilled to be here. I think Yuri and Victor are happy to be here too. We'll definitely make the most out of it and cheer for all these great figure skaters competing against eachother.
For all of you being here too I hope you enjoy your stay here as much as we do.
I wish you a croggle day!
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 8 years
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Toan from Dark Cloud
Yet another doll I finished some time ago! Toan from Dark Cloud. A Dungeon Crawler that was first released in 2001 on PS2 and then got a remake for PS4 (oh God, I love this game). I played the version for PS2 when I was way younger and then forgot about it. I often thought about it but I didn't know the name anymore and then I forgot about it again. My brother was looking for some 'old' games on PS-Shop recently though and we found many of the games again we loved playing back when we were still children. Needlessly to say I bought it and played it again.
For all of you not knowing the game: I highly advise you to try it out. It's definitely worth your time. About the background story: There's a boy named Toan. His village gets attacked and completely destroyed or so it seems. Only the major and himself are left behind whereas all the other villagers are missing. An old mysterious man gives Toan an Atlamillia (that's the blue thing on Toan's glove by the way) with which he is able to open Atla, big brown orbs in which parts of his village are. He needs those to reconstruct it. You - the player - can help him form the village the way he or she wants. So it's a mixture of RPG and Dungeon Crawler. The gameplay is pretty good and I'm rather sure you'll dig it.
That's all I want to say for now. I hope you enjoyed this little post and maybe just maybe you'll even try this game out. I'm pretty sure you won't regret it.
I wish you a croggle day
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 8 years
Decisions, Decisions
When I decided to join a crochet along again I wanted to make sure to go all the way. Not like the last time. Or the time before that. So I try to avoid the block roads ... like decisions. I hate decisions. That's one of the reasons why l love CALs. You just have to crochet, not to decide what. Ok, there are a lot of crochet alongs and you can't join all of them. So l had to decide which one to follow. Or which two. Ok it's three, but that's it - definitely. After that is decided l am one happy crocheter and there is just one or two more questions: What colors should I chose? What yarn? What hook? Yeah, l know, I overthink everything. But it's really that important, right? So colors. When I don't think about colors and just start crocheting it gets rainbowey. Yeah, I know. This isn't even a word. But it's the truth anyway. So rainbowey it is. No thinking, just look at the pattern and decide with which of the seven colors to start ... hahaha Yarn ... hmm ... that's a no brainer now. I decided only to use Red Heart Lisa. I love Red Heart Lisa. It flows just through my fingers and over the hook to become fabric. Maybe a little bit of Schachenmayr Bravo. But only a round or two. Can't hurt, right? Just that beautiful green, that warm yellow and maybe that bright blue. Ok. That's it. I'm good with making decisions now. I think l will keep you posted how it goes with my life as a crocheteer Mom
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croggle · 8 years
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The short story of the little caterpillar and the apple
Once upon a time... There was a cute little and veeery hungry caterpillar that was desperately looking for a home. On its journey it found an apple and it found it to be so breathtakingly beautiful that it believed there could have never existed anything like it before.
It made its way to the top of the apple. It not only smelled plain sweet but also sour. And it had a strong and beautiful color: A red like the little caterpillar had never seen it before.
Driven by hunger it looked at the inside of the apple. It was hollow. Someone had already taken an important part of the apple. A part of its heart. It couldn't hide its disappointment. The feast it had hoped for was destined for someone else... But maybe... maybe it had found something more important? Maybe it had finally found a home.
"Fear not", the caterpillar said "I'll replace that missing part of yours and make you whole again." It entered the inside of the apple. And it felt that it was were it truly had to be.
"Because you're beautiful even if you're broken.", it said to the apple as it made itself comfortable.
And if the apple didn't rot away the caterpillar still fights the urge to eat it everyday. - The End
Funfact actually: Caterpillars are more interested in the apple tree's leaves than in its apples. But if they were interested in the apples I'm pretty sure they'd accept them for who they truly are too. Or eat them because they're so delicious... Both is fine.
I hope you enjoyed the story about the little caterpillar. I've finished this project a while back - and sadly never got around to actually take photographs and stuff - to try out something different and well I think it turned out quite cute.
I wish you a croggle day
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 8 years
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Maka from soul eater
And finally it's done! Not the doll itself but writing a post about her. I really meant to show her to you as you might have guessed from the hint in the post about Excalibur I wrote some time ago. I finished her in december but I started her last year in March I think... or later? I'm not quite sure but I know it's been some time since then.
Sadly I didn't write down how I made her but that mostly wasn't neccessary. For the doll itself I used this tutorial for a laloopsy doll. Needlessly to say I didn't use the hair part or the dress part. I improvised a lot when doing the clothes hence the lack of notes on how to do so. Maybe I can whip up a nice tutorial about how to make clothes instead... who knows, who knows.
I hope you still enjoy my little Maka here. She took quite some time to finish and I'm more than happy with the result.
I wish you a croggle day!
Daughter on the move
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croggle · 8 years
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Murmel, the little marble
Hey my friends. I'm addressing you on a rather sad note again.
'Murmel' - or marble in English - one of my beloved guinea pigs died all of a sudden about a week and a half ago. I wanted to make her a little amigurumi just like I did for the cat.
She's never been the healthy type and she's been rather tiny but in the last few months she's eaten so much and she was so eager to live that I've almost forgotten about that. My father's been a little bit suspicious the whole time but I thought it was alright since she really seemed healthy and agile. Then she died being only two years old. I know they don't get to old but two years is young even for a guinea pig. She has a very strong mother too so the odds were good for her being healthy. I am thankfull for the time I had with her though so that's that.
She was one of the little babies that were born here, grew up here and died here. With that she has a special place in my heart with me being her human guinea pig mother and all.
Her mothers been a smooth-coated guinea pig and her father's been a Swiss Teddy (that's a thing alright). Due to that she had smooth fur but also long and voluminous as well... I'll treasure her as the cheeky and funny guinea pig she was... Rest in piece dear little marble.
Have a croggle day my friends
Daughter on the move
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