cottage trainer
28 posts
He/Him / 18
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cottage-trainer · 4 months ago
I indeed want to be B00PED!
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BOOOOOO(p)!!! 👻
Reblog if you want to be booped! ♡
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cottage-trainer · 4 months ago
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cottage-trainer · 4 months ago
25 post milestone!
I did not think I would get here at this point. This was mainly from reblogs and I will not mind any B00ps I get.
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cottage-trainer · 4 months ago
B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p! B000p!
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cottage-trainer · 4 months ago
I would love to be spammed with B00ps. SEND THEM IN!!
Since the booping has returned, reblog if it's okay to spam you with boops!
I wanna be polite and not spam random people without permission , ,
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cottage-trainer · 6 months ago
I at the time of reblogging this only have four followers on Tumblr and I have technically 14 subscribers on my youtube channel but I subscribed to my channel with a different youtube channel that is also mine so for proper ones I have 13. nervous laughs
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cottage-trainer · 6 months ago
Odd drawing... Again.
another thing I made while playing around with the tools and the such. I don't have any specific name for it but if anyone who is seeing this has any ideas, feel free to put your suggestion in the comments of this post or even reblog the answer. I don't mind.
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cottage-trainer · 7 months ago
as for mine for my blog name is g - and that is it as it eliminates 98% of my name. Man. That is unfortunate. My name before the challenge was cottage-trainer.
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Man. I guess my name is .
Or if we're going for my actual name.....
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cottage-trainer · 7 months ago
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this is just a random piece of art I made yesterday. I call it "the mist of anger and darkness" as I was looking at it during the making of this post I saw that if looked at right, it kinda looks like a brain but I promise you that I did not intend that to happen. I thought it looked cool so here we are. If you have a blog series going on and wish for me to see any of your characters reaction to this thing then feel free to either reblog and show the reaction or make it be a separate post and just tag me in it. Either way I am fine with it, just, if you are doing a separate post reaction mention me in the post. It is just so I can know about it and make a character response to it or whatever.
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cottage-trainer · 8 months ago
Are you sure that you aren't the anon that sent the previous ask?
Would anything have changed if the past Anon knocked before entering?
"I would have come to the door and been more polite, so yes it would have been different." ((the text of the mysterious orb would be yellow but if it would not be in a drawn post it will be an orange unless I am wrong here and yes, I would have made it so that if the first anon had knocked first then the mysterious orb would be way more calm and polite sounding. Thanks for the ask. That was a good question. Bonus, if you have a character that you want featured in the series then either, describe it in the ask and what it is asking, doing etc, or at the least make it easy to find if you already draw it as it would help if I had a reference and I will my best to draw it. If I mess up then I apologise in advance and beg for forgiveness. Long message over, hope you like the response. Extra, don't be upset if it takes a while, somethings take longer due to procrastination or just how hard it is.))
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cottage-trainer · 8 months ago
Would anything have changed if the past Anon knocked before entering?
"I would have come to the door and been more polite, so yes it would have been different." ((the text of the mysterious orb would be yellow but if it would not be in a drawn post it will be an orange unless I am wrong here and yes, I would have made it so that if the first anon had knocked first then the mysterious orb would be way more calm and polite sounding. Thanks for the ask. That was a good question. Bonus, if you have a character that you want featured in the series then either, describe it in the ask and what it is asking, doing etc, or at the least make it easy to find if you already draw it as it would help if I had a reference and I will my best to draw it. If I mess up then I apologise in advance and beg for forgiveness. Long message over, hope you like the response. Extra, don't be upset if it takes a while, somethings take longer due to procrastination or just how hard it is.))
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cottage-trainer · 8 months ago
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Well, well, well. I didn't think that he (the mysterious orb) liked singing, let alone wham but to each their own. ((I like wham too but I don't listen to it that often.))
Wake me up before you go-go.
Don't leave me hangin' on like a yo-yo
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cottage-trainer · 8 months ago
House tour when 👀
You see the mysterious orb gain a mouth and he seems to be smiling in a rather creepy or evil way. He says
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((the purple numbers are only to show which order you read them in. Other then that, ignore the purple numbers))
he seems to want to do a house tour but is reluctant. So far no-one knows the name of this mysterious orb... If you want to know just ask about it.
((the out of universe explanation is that I am not good at art enough to make sceneries like interiors of houses yet. It will come just I need to practice and not let procrastination get the better of me.))
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cottage-trainer · 9 months ago
Who’s the trainer of cottage 🧐
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"He is currently out collecting berries, herbs and the such. He said that he would be back in about 2 hours but it has already been 4! I hope he is okay." the orb had explained and had quite a concerned tone at the last sentence. Perhaps there is more to the orb that we currently know of and since the start he was speaking telepathically. The mysterious orb is still available for questions.
(This is getting interesting... I look forward to seeing what others or possibly the recent asker ask next.)
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cottage-trainer · 9 months ago
my biggest fans updated (as of 09-06-2024)
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@jet-the-hedgehog comes first, then comes @pokemon-ash-aus and finally comes @ask-the-royal-absol. I will only show the top three biggest fans. For now.
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cottage-trainer · 9 months ago
my biggest fans updated (as of 08-06-2024)
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Well this is interesting, for a bit my only biggest fan was @jet-the-hedgehog. Now it is @pokemon-ash-aus! I welcome it all the same.
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cottage-trainer · 9 months ago
you feel a force pull you inside and you hear the door close then the voice that is coming from the mysterious orb says
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"I just... Didn't want this location found. Or at the least kept away from people who would do bad deeds. I protect this house almost all the time so I acted on stress. Sorry again." the voice was very apologetic and seems to be calmer.
The mysterious orb is available for questions!
(I am sorry for not making any updates for a while! Both burnout and procrastination hit me one after another. :( so bad for everyone when a Tumblr artist can't update his art.)
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