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cosmic-blogs 2 months ago
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This was not to be,
This was to be,
In disbelief I believe.
I believe in the bewilderment
Fate brings.
Don't go down my heart
Don't fall on your knees and surrender聽
To the mute
To the deaf
To the stirrers.
To the pullers
To the thiefs
Eyeing your soul聽
Do not love to the point,
Where you begin to cherish
A mediocre unlived life.
Let yours be a story,
A story everyday
To tell your older self,
When no one is there.
There is no one now,
They are inside their lives,
Where is yours?
Reclining idly in their languid chapters,
Or humming a marching beat in your own.
Never deride the聽
excellence of yourself in your past,
To fit into the mediocrity of聽
someone's existence in the present.
Don't fight for another so hard that聽
you end up fighting to be聽
a mediocre version of yourself,聽
for another's comfort.
There is a sun resting in your heart
And eclipses tied to their fist.
Be who you are,
It takes you far.
Not what you need to be,
It does not let you see.
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cosmic-blogs 2 months ago
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.A thinker needs
Freedom, from another's hunt聽
And control.
A thinker,looks at a bird pierce
the woolly clouds,
And learns about the mighty sky.
He marvels at the bird's
Search for a forever home.
In a vast expanse that holds
Impermanence of seasons, in聽
its dome.
He feels the rain shimmer,
In the partial sun
He sees its glistening colours,
And marvels at how the rainbow聽
Is owned by none.
He watches the bird in flight
His eyes moistly crease,
at the beautiful dance
the wings do,
With undulating breeze.
He cries, at the beauty of an eagle's soar,
He sees how it defies gravity and its own聽
Its massive wings holding such power,
In every sweep, his heart fills.
He wonders how the world looks,
to a hawk's lone eyes,
from the top of mighty trees old.
And he dreams of beautiful flights.
Over snow capped mountains
With their haunting cold.
Their silver mist and metallic wind.
a thinker needs to sight a bird
And his mind shows him an entire,
Different world.
A hunter sees the bird聽
He needs to snatch it from the skies.
He catches it, traps it, cages it,
He聽 looks at it in awe,
And rips its wings to see how it flies.
But he thinks of himself聽
As curious not cruel.
After each rip he bandages the wound.
Calms the bird with whistles and crumbs.
He only wants to know how it flies
And sings.
With honey coated arrows聽
He will pry open its beak,
And teach it,his own language聽
And then, all secrets, he wants
The bird to speak.
He will push and push for the bird
To spill what the little bird
Does not know.
It is just its nature to聽
Sing and fly.
And now the bird hates its gifts
Because a hunter聽
found out about them
And made it cry.
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cosmic-blogs 3 months ago
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In the heart break
Of petals,dropping
To the ground,
On the first day of
A jolly spring.
In the sounds of broken sighs,
Between jokes told by a friend.
In the breathlessness of pain
Behind a deep inhale
Of a perfume.
In the beating of two heart
Tied in an embrace.
In the stare of vacant eyes
Looking for a face.
In the abject absence of company,
Even when surrounded by smiles.
In the solo ness of grief
That sits like a cawing crow
Upon a hill.
In the basking of heat,
On a scorching summer day
In the barrenness of desert
Wishing for a tree.
Sits silently
The maze of healing
Waiting in the forest of pines.
I miss it
And so do you.
In the rush of every day
Sentences and crimes.
No one taught us,
The answer was
hidden between the
Unsaid lines.
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cosmic-blogs 4 months ago
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I understand enchantment.
I know fairies by name
They hide in the
Lavander hues of daisies,
Playing scented games.
I have met elves.
On nights when moon
Bled silver slivers
On fireflies.
A little girl pigtailed
In red ribbons
The colour of dried roses
reading in the library,聽
Her eyes deep as sea.
She looks like me.
Star dust聽
Falling from her fingers.
On the glossy pages
Of folk lores and
Fluffy stories.
Fluttering her eyes聽
Like waves, holding
Creased newspapers, folded into
Into mighty ships,
Worded paperboats with
Headlines for masts
Bobbing up and down
In the ripples of her oceanic mind.
I saw her and her world
So real.
You may call it imagination聽
I know it was not.
She fought with ogres聽
In broad daylight聽
And her fairies clapped
With dainty fingers
In pretty lace gloves.
Their delicate wings excitedly
egged her on.
Their soft lilac feathers
Smelling of lavender songs.
Wisps of grass聽
In glossy books,
Hiding their tiny forms.
Cheeks blushing from
Warmth of golden sun
Sparkles on their dainty feet
Scattering as they run.
I lived with them
In my pig tailed years.
They showed me beautiful caves
With golden orbs.
And diamonds so soft
Round and clear
Like a translucent tear
I know magic
Because there was some.
You cannot teach me otherwise.
I have known enchantment
Not for a few moments,
But for years.
Inside聽pages of
Library books,
Was that beautiful world
I lived in
For long ,as a little girl.
0 notes
cosmic-blogs 5 months ago
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Knives in the back
Have felt to me, like wings.
Every twist, deeper in,
Felt to my mind
As a feather, pushing聽
Out of my skin.
I am happy i thought it to be so,
Or i would not have walked
Or survived
This far, alone.
I walked in the hope,when
The wings become strong
I will take off.
The knives got sharper
And hardened my back
And I, believed
The story I told
My mind.
My wings were growing聽
Wider and stronger.
I felt finally one last聽
Gut wrenching twist.
This knife has been the sharpest
The hardest betrayal of all.
I think my wings are ready.
I think this time
I will fly the farthest.
So so far away
Further than
Any night or day.
Far far away, as far
As the eyes can unsee
Even further from
All that was me.
I have gone missing
And I don't know how to return
My wings only know
How to take me further
There is no one tethering
Me to the ground.
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cosmic-blogs 6 months ago
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I wear life on my soul,聽
as a badge of honour.
For it taught me well, to say,
I am not a cynic, I am not a stoic.
I am not a saint, I am not a sinner.
I am not a blank canvas.
I am not your mirror.
No part of me was for you to claim.
Wholly or partially.
When I disposses all, finally,
having been with you does not聽
become a crime.
It could not have been any different聽
The power was never yours or mine.
I don't belong to anyone
Yet I am not unclaimed.
I am no one's glory
I am no one's game.
I wasn't born unfree of risks.
Nor was I meant to be safe.
I am a portal
That brings life to life.
For it to fold however it may.
In love or in strife.
Be it a tragedy or a game.
I was not the shoulder,聽
you could rest your blame.
I am as fiercely my own.
As the love I know to give.
I am as breathless to a gasp
As I am death, to the need to live.
I shine more in utter solitude.
Than in the company, of a hundred one.
I see through disdain disguised
As platitude.
So I seek to renounce eclipses
You hide behind the sun.
I have known ecstasies
I have known grief
But I am neither a rejoicer
No am I a mourner.
I am,
that is all.
The same at this end
As in the corner.
And this life I wear upon my聽
soul as a badge of honour.
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cosmic-blogs 6 months ago
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Its been a while,聽
we have not sat and talked.
A train of events paused for a moment
And then chugged away,
聽we did not ask it to stay.
There are conversations waiting their turn,
standing mutely by the window,
Looking out at what could have been.
It has been a while,聽
we havent looked at each other's eyes.
There are stories聽
they have been meaning to draw,
When they find the time.
Their paint sits dry.
The lashes spiked, stare at the easel
Let us meet, let love not be the reason.
The cold winter afternoons have returned,
聽back from their lonely journey.
They stand outside the window,
looking for us, where they had seen us last,
not knowing that ages have past
Since we waved them bye
and went our solitary ways.
Come by if you miss me sometimes
cheer me up, make me smile
Come sit by the window
Let us have tea
Its been a long, long while.
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cosmic-blogs 6 months ago
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.I have to go and聽
get my pinch of happiness.
I do that every day.
It loves to play hide and seek.
It runs amok, untamed聽
I have mastered the game.
The good thing is ,it never tires
Neither do I.
I know where its favourite hiding
Spots are.
Most of the time.
Especially on gloomy winter days.
On a day like a lonely
Mountain peak.
It hides in the wedge
Of my window.
A drop of condensed steam
Rolling down like a tear
Upon a cheek.
I wipe it off, with all聽
My gathered gentleness
And the glass clears,
Like the uplifting fragrance
Of a hundred flowers.
It hides sometimes聽
Inside the pages of a book.
And as I search for it
Page after page,
In the mystery聽
Of an unsolved crime.
A beautiful story
Unfolds the creases of my mind.聽
It waits for me behind the last page.
And when I finish the tome.
It slides out and hugs me tight.
Sometimes it rides on the back聽
Of a butterfly.
Polka dotted and purple.
With a need to just be beautiful.
I chase it with giggles聽
My fingers stretched out聽
In a pinch.
Between my thumb and forefinger聽
Is all the space it needs.
Whether it is me turning a page聽
Wiping a glass pane.
Or looking to grasp its wings.
The measure of space聽
In between my pinch
Is all I need,聽
To seek the bigness of happiness聽
That likes to hide聽
In little things.
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cosmic-blogs 6 months ago
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I am making a home,
Within myself.
And it is tough.
As I grow older
And winters become rough.
I worry if the foundation,
Is strong enough聽
To hold up
All versions of聽
me, from all pasts聽
If my walls should聽 be聽
stark and high.
Or have聽
More windows
To look at the stars
The night casts.
If i will be able to
Withstand impending rain.
Now that I know,
Joy is a momentary flash flood,
Upon a barren desert of pain.
I acknowledge the worry
Hold it close
And tell it to rest.
I want my home
Within me
To be a sanctuary.
A place to rest
When I return
From adventures of life.
I want to walk from room to room
And in the vaults of my heart
With a song upon my lips
For the beauty聽
That I may find.
I want to welcome
Reluctant love,
To feel, finally at home.
I need to clear out spaces
For gardens with butterflies.
I want a waterfall of giggles
To wash away all grime.
I want a heart shaped home
With bricks, of gratitude
And a roof, of everything enough.
I will put soft warm lights
Outside the door.
The kind that make,
The lonely feel safe
From harshness of glare.
I will build my home
Inside the vales of gentleness,
Where the breeze,
On a warm summer afternoon聽
Will be much needed
Respite for my friends.
I have to be gone for long.
Into the聽 frightening silent,
wilderness of self.
To pick out pieces of beauty
From dangerous woods.
To gather and to rake.
To draw out a map
And a plan for
My home shaped heart,
To house all my goods.
I have the strength,
I have to remind myself聽
As I pave the path back
To myself.
I will make my home
Within myself,聽
From silver curtains聽
Of full moon nights.
And the quietning that comes
From a dawn about to break in love.
Even if takes all my will and
The聽 milk of my bones.
It is the hardest thing聽
To make,
I know,
Because I have to do it alone.
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cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
The storm meanly growled
As it rolled down in a hurry.
Impatient, needing to vomit out
Its rage.
The wind howled at the last
evening star as it scurried
to hide in the folds of dark.
Reprimanding menacingly
its audacity to even want to
Stand its ground.
You and I sat huddled in a hug.
In a circle of clutching embrace.
The more the storm tore,
The more it ripped
The tighter you bestowed upon
Me your grace.
You and I.
I glued my skin to yours,
Tightly shut my eyes
And held on to you for life.
You and I.
My heart raced.
Our bodies teetered.
Skin turned blue underneath
Our fuss.
The rain lashed down.
Stinging, big, violent rain drops
Bullets spluttering in rage
We squealed half in pain
Half in joy.
You and I.
In the center of the storm.
Looking to hide in its eye.
There is something terrifying
About a storm
When you be alone.
Something doom like
Ominous, grey and absolute.
Quite the same as loneliness.
Surrounded by so much chaos
Yet incapable of feeling itself.
But with you wrapped around me
I felt the insane joy that came
From teetring on a thrill
Defying gravity and its horrors.
You and I.
I felt everything.
I felt the shivers of ice.
I felt the pounding windforce.
I felt the arrowtips of black rain.
I felt the needles piercing my veins.
Every sensation, an acute knife tip.
The billowing, the screeching,
And the night digging its
heels in to stay longer with itself.
You and I.
Like I, clinging to you as does vine.
Complete on my own, just as the vine.
Like absoluteness of a half,
Complete in itself,
If you can stop your needy, wanting mind.
But whole, full bodied
in your shelter.
Like leaned on strength.
You and I.
Keeping the vine upright.
With your pillared fierceness.
Giving its roots your ferocity.
Against havocking
madness of this storm.
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cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
On some sleepless nights and starless skies
you burn
Inside the restlessness of my eyes.
My sleeplessness
Takes a form.
It becomes you.
And I fight it
Like I didn't fight you
When you wrapped my days
With cloaks of injustice.
I fight it but it wins.
So I stay awake trying to forget you.
There is smoke trying on your shape,
In vain
Inside my evaporating memory
My eyes sting
With moments
I got to spend with you.
Bloodied, red, intense.
Bursting veins.
Moments and only moments.
Not the life they could have been.
If you had taken time out to look
And made me feel seen.
I could not have
the lush forest
Only some autumn trees.
Snatches of life, lived with you
Through rose coloured glasses.
When everything looked like a rainbow
Oh what a folly!
I need to unremember
All that I am beginning to forget.
Let thoughts of you
Disappear like mist
Or like
Handful of fractured rainbows
Splattered inside of me.
I try hard
I struggle
I try retrieval
I try regression
Only so I can remember
Not you
Before you
Who I used to be.
42 notes View notes
cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
The bees got listless
And annoyed.
The flowers
To no longer care for colour.
And the bees were blinded
by grief.
They drooped over flower beds
Like procrastinating promises.
Wilting like lost hope
Upon parched petals.
Why is spring for a day
And winter like old age?
They petulantly complained.
Why does the old man
Sit on a chair
Like it was his permanent grave.
As dirges get together and sing.
Where are the flecks of youth
That he had in spring?
I looked upon the horizon
And the sun's lips shivered
In apology.
It would not be able to keep
The grey, looming clouds at bay.
As in the sky.
As in life.
The fleeting spring
Upon a hill folks cheeks
And the big muffler of winter
Waving in the breeze.
I stood there shivering
Wondering which way to go
Whether to follow the sun
Or to gather in the warmth
Of fireflies.
The grey of the skies
Crafting into my origami bones
The chill in the wind
Painting my face.
Fear became a person in
my head.
Bone dry and undead.
Ghoul of uncertainty
Wanting to be paid.
What do I do
Oh what do I do.
With this day of judgement
And its fevers and chills.
Just then
You opened the door
You called out to me
And you let me in.
And you unhooked
The big grey coat
Warm, big like an embrace
And gave it to me.
It hugged me tight
That big, grey coat
And set the spring in me free.
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cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
Amplified music.
Fire drizzle.
Red, warm chilliflakes.
Her drink, cold,
Frozen in time.
She walks defiantly
Against all will and fate.
Towards all that now is hers.
Only to give it all away.
Her heart is in the vales
Beyond seven seas.
Her body swaying,
To the seduction
Of a homegrown backyard.
Afterall the music is amplified.
Unfazed she walks.,
Daring the vapid white faces
To match her red brown nakedness.
Daring with a laugh.
To touch her carnal, flaming heart.
Afterall the music is amplified
And the bees are busy
Dropping honey
On her kissed, wet lips.
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cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
May we know
Spectacular journeys
Unplanned and winding
That arrive at unending horizons.
Just beyond the hill of poppies
On the other side of the shore.
May we know the difference
Of such, from
destinations promised,
On leaflets
With hurried, arrivals.
To glossy walls and better beds.
May we know.
The lone travellers.
Trudging to behold.
Their back packs filled the world.
And those some, with
Companions many,
But no hands to hold.
Standing together
looking at different things.
May we know.
That sickness remains sickness
Under polish and grooms.
That healing comes from
sitting barebodied
with wounds.
May we before
We opine on everything
Have more of self belief.
There is so much blame
From the ones that did not win.
And such little shame
From ones committing sins.
May we know.
What makes the doubter quiet
And the arrogant scream.
Why the gods be silent
While prayers plead.
What be bravery.
In its definition new.
But only a fear with a trigger,
erupting on cue.
May we know.
There is too much courage
For battles too small.
And too little for
bigger wars.
There is too much celebration
For victories too little.
And no applause for heroes unsung.
There is comfort
In instant nirvana
Doled out from charlatan chairs.
And deafness for wisdom.
That comes from wear and tear.
May we know. Oh my love
May we know.
There are too many kisses.
Too much touch.
And such little connect.
Too much concern
And such little care.
There are too many songs
none play to the end.
Too much to watch
And nothing to fend.
May we know.
There are too many dreams
But too little sleep.
In a world that billows
The homes have shrunk.
There are too many twists
And no redeeming turns.
There are too many prayers
But where be awakenings.
The louder the chants
The deeper the sins.
May we know.
There are too many lovers
That love too many.
At the slightest ruse.
There is love too intense
That dies with ease.
Right at the alter of I dos.
May we learn to feel
What is behind this flesh and bone.
In the quiet of our sense of self.
May we know.
To claim
Our own integrity
In the sea of faces of
Egos, colours and creeds.
May we know.
In this wonderland filled with
Collapsing humanity.
How to first be truly human.
May we know.
May we know.
May we know.
All we have is now.
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cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
I don't wish to be present in this moment
I want to experience it, either as an anticipation
Or as an afterthought that reminds me yet again
How exquisite every moment is
Whether I am present in it or not.
Right now, this very second is my
Longing from another time living itself out,
Surreptitiously in my awareness of
Not wanting to be aware.
Right now is also the very moment
I am going to long for at the crossroads
Of time's afterthought
I will look back and feel this very second
Carouse inside the memory of my cells
I don't wish to be present in this moment
But it's very presence
Is my future and my past.
The two moments in time
The beginning and the end
Unquenching the
thirst of my present
That makes up my entire life.
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cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
I am made of words.
Words, that I utter
Out of care
Or out of rage.
And the ones you
Say out aloud
And put colour on the outlines
Of my otherwise blurred body.
Words you spew
Words you rue
Words that make me chaste
Words that bring me down from grace.
I become your words
Even before i have uttered mine
To flesh myself into an identity.
I am nothing till you
Say out my name aloud.
When you do,
I get a form.
Words tell me who I am.
If my skin be the discolour of arrogance
Or the colour of warm fleshy patience.
Would I become your words
If you say them back to me.
Thin, large, nimble, lazy
Cold, caring.
Shackled or free.
Mean, quiet, reflective.
Cynical, bright, dull,
Or anything else
You want me to be.
There are colours
You put on me
To make me visible
So you can see me
As you want to see.
I am your words.
As much as I am mine.
The blush on my face
Has the sound of rustling roses
Hesitating to bloom as you
Mumble out a desire.
And my breath has the wickedness
Of your whispered confessions.
Like a song about a lover
Pretending to be a prayer.
I am also made from the delicate
Songs of my pregnant mother.
Of her carressed admonishing of her belly
Where I hid inside
And also the sound of her lullabies
I become sound of gasps
On frisky mornings.
Padding softly.
Through cold december air
Or the sighs
Of absent lover,
On a starless night.
I am what you speak of me
To me or to my foe.
What you define me as
Behind a closed door.
I too am what I say
Not what I don't.
The unspoken is invisible.
You will never know me
Or see me
Because there is much
I never say.
But when I speak I
Bring myself into existence.
My tongue
Traces an outline of me
Upon your psyche.
When I cease
My words will vanish.
You will forget my face
That was once so audible.
My smile that heard itself
Upon your lips,
Will melt into the deafness of ether.
But one night when
You pull out the memoirs.
My cells will come back to life.
The words on that piece of paper,
That tumbled out from my heart
Will hold you, oh so tenderly
And with each word
I will come back to life.
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cosmic-blogs 3 years ago
Smell of pepper and peeled raw mangoes.
Their skin white and taut.
Tense in anticipation of a salty touch.
Tingling on the tongue
Like the very first sensation of love.
Crushed green chillies ,
Laying with their belly split.
On a bed of their baby seeds.
Oozing fire,
Their trysts hot and ready to spill.
A secret baby
Bawling before being hid.
As the mixture churns like rumour mills.
The green raw mangoes,
Tangy and crunchy
Whisper them out in glee.
Old grannies too awake
To stay asleep
Dubious men and their
Chatter incessant,
With harlot keeps.
Little pepper dots,
Sharp and wicked.
Looking for a fight
For another round.
crushed garlic cloves,
Smelling of iron smelted.
Vie with chilliflakes
On a pungent battle ground.
Lemon comes bounding,
All yellow and ripe,
And splits into two.
It rolls and squeezes,
Its tangy saltiness
Into the brew.
An added twist to
An already twisted tale.
The smells are at war,
In the little mixie jar.
Fumes of odors strong and heady,
Like a night of lovemaking full,
Of perfumed juices.
Waft around the house.
As my sour spicy chutney gets ready.
Bit by bit.
A little envious green,
An angry red,
Furtively, like words
Unspoken on a tell tale bed.
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