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Forest Guardian by JJcanvas
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1. Save up lots of money
2. Wait till the temperature hits 42 degrees Celsius.
3. Spend all your saved up money buying a truckload of ice cream
4. Park it in front of your house
5. Jump into the ice cream and wait for a miracle
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Day dreaming at work is good for you.
 So you are having a really boring day at work, eh? You look through your window and see clouds floating by, birds preening themselves, dogs snoozing on the road and people strolling leisurely.
You think there are so many places in the world that you could be at but you are not. We all need money. Money to travel. Money to eat, drink and be merry. Money to look good. Money to buy high fashion. Money to buy gifts for the people we love. We all need our jobs. And we all can’t be at the Polar Park in Norway cosying up on this couch while watching the wolves pass by everyday of our lives, right?
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This is the moment when day dreaming comes into the picture.
You hear your colleagues yapping away to glory? Just day dream about your next vacation at Bora Bora.
You have files piled up on your desk? Just day dream about that perfect dress/suit from Zara you would look so good in.
Your phone’s ringing off the hook and you want to cry out loud for help? Just day dream about all the alcohol you’ll be drinking and the food you’ll be gorging on at your next club night out.
Your boss is giving you butt loads of work? Just day dream about the perfect date you’re on.
You have to update horrendously detailed reports on the project you’re working on? Just dream about hiking through the Inca trail in Peru.
You can’t keep your eyes open after a heavy lunch? Just close your eyes and dream on! :)
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It’s Just Like Ancient Egypt
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Ten things that will instantly cheer you up
1. Bubbles
2. Stars
3. Puppies
4. Pillows
5. Ice Cream
6. Paper planes
7. Flowers
8. Funny memes
9. Amusement Parks
10. Hugs
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Those big innocent eyes look at you with so much love. You go to pet him while he is sleeping. He wakes up and looks at you with a bright gaze like he just saw a magnificent shooting star.
Unconditional love. So real so true.
His wagging tail greets you everyday. So grateful for his round velvety bed and his warm soft mink blanket. We call his blanket “paw-paw” cos its got paws all over it. So much better than the cold hard road he slept on. He expresses his love for you by pawing you.
Sometimes he holds you with both his paws. He doesn’t let go.
Belly rubs. Never ending belly rubs. They lead to toothie smiles. And blissful expressions. You disturb him in his sleep and he always smiles. You know you’re lucky to have a smiling dog in your life. Smiles are infectious. They make you smile.
Pawing always makes you smile.
Dogs are divine.
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He Regrets His Mistake
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Me - An animal lover, still eats meat
You - A vegan, missing out on the tastiness
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The Key to Happiness
The key to happiness is to stop thinking about the dark things that have happened in the past, the things that could have been and the constant worries about the future. The key to happiness lies in the now, what is here and what is in front of you.
We are not designed to be happy all the time. But feeling sadness, disappointment, anger, helplessness or confusion is all a part of being happy. Being happy is not about numbing yourself to all your feelings. It’s about being quite alright with these emotions and keeping it together. So give yourself a tight hug and thank heavens that you are alive and happy! 
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just trying to find reprieve amidst the storm
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New series: animals that are not to be fucked with
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