ksmsaidit · 2 years
Race, Gender, and Politics
I enjoyed reading the different articles in this week's #MCO335 learning materials. It is always interesting to see different perspectives on topics and learn more about different cultures, backgrounds, and identities. It can be frustrating trying to relay the importance of certain issues to people online, especially those who purposely troll or are willfully ignorant. As James Baldwin said, “To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage.” Dealing with and seeing other people's entitlement makes me appreciate my people and ancestors even more for what they went through and sacrificed. I appreciate the freedoms I enjoy now, but I am well aware of the fact that this country is not equal. Those who don't meet societies physical standards are discriminated against. I hope that in the future, I and others are able to dismantle this oppressive system so that we and future generations can enjoy an equal life. #MCO335
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ksmsaidit · 2 years
Black Twitter allows everyday black people to serve as gatekeepers for the news and information needs of a plurality of black American experiences — with coverage, perspective, and consideration not found elsewhere. Findings #MCO335
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ksmsaidit · 2 years
Black Twitter allows everyday black people to serve as gatekeepers for the news and information needs of a plurality of black American experiences — with coverage, perspective, and consideration not found elsewhere.
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ksmsaidit · 2 years
This video shows the importance of Black History month and can provide insight on how long the Black community has fought against the same racial injustices we face today. #MCO335
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ksmsaidit · 2 years
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The black lives matter protests are extremely monumental in our history. This photo is relevant to our topics this week due to the “Our Lives Matter” sign in the background. It should say “Black Lives Matter” but instead the artist most-likely chose this phrase to make people who are offended by BLM feel comfortable. #MCO335
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ksmsaidit · 2 years
This LA Times article talks about how majority of African Americans say that race shapes their identity. “Understanding the way race informs daily life is protection for a lot of Black people,” is the quote I resonated with. #MCO335
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ksmsaidit · 2 years
This LA Times article talks about how majority of African Americans say that race shapes their identity. “Understanding the way race informs daily life is protection for a lot of Black people,” is the quote I resonated with. 
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