codemeintorelevance · 2 years
Hi (pathetically)
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
Look I’m not gonna lie: yuck
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
I put the fragile in supercalifragileisticexpiallidocious what do you do
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
Some people walk around with too much fear 😞
And some walk around with far too little.
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
Gardening is dirty, gardening IS dirty like you just have to accept that nature isn’t #cleantok scrubby daddy
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
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Phrenologists were something else. Clark you seem an absolute delight to be acquainted with. (Unless.. he wasn’t a serial killer or anything right?)
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
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Phrenologists were something else. Clark you seem an absolute delight to be acquainted with. (Unless.. he wasn’t a serial killer or anything right?)
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
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Phrenologists were something else. Clark you seem an absolute delight to be acquainted with. (Unless.. he wasn’t a serial killer or anything right?)
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
If people don’t admit that alcohol is a drug so help me God I will pour an entire bottle of wine on their hair.
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
Thing I learnt recently is that if you take $100 from your employer, and they find out, they can call the police. You’ll then have a criminal record, it’ll almost certainly stop you progressing in some fields, might even prevent you from travelling.
If your employer withholds wages from you, and you find out, you can’t really call the police. If you do, they’ll tell you that you have to go through some ombudsman and maybe you’ll get it back (for a fee. You might need need a class action if enough people have the same issue).
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So it’s interesting how the criminal justice system is skewed more toward benefitting the wealthy and powerful.
It’s funny how what we define as ‘criminal’ is almost exclusively those acts which get under the skin of the rich and powerful. It’s almost as though the criminal justice system is a tool they use to control and discipline those beneath them (which I think is basically a Marxist perspective on criminology? Idk much about philosophy yet)
Another one (pdf): Poverty, Power, White-Collar Crime, and the Paradoxes of Criminological Theory
Social Class and Criminal Behaviour: A Critique of the Theoretical Foundation
This is good though (Victoria's wage theft laws)
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
From my time as an ag student, farmers would only ever call something a weed if that’s the species they didn’t want growing somewhere.
You could have a field of dandelions and as long as you want them, they aren’t weeds (and I think that’s beautiful).
dandelions deserve more respect than they get
you say “weeds” I say “widespread non-native edible plant and early-blooming pollinator resource that is not considered invasive because it behaves politely and does not cause deleterious ecological consequences”
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codemeintorelevance · 2 years
The something urge to simultaneously think your professor will email you saying your assignment is:
the best damn thing they’ve ever seen, holy wow you’re a prodigy omg blessed be
The worst thing ever wtf is wrong with you did you even read the brief???
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codemeintorelevance · 3 years
In a lecture today and the prof said “if anyone remembers dictionaries, not many people use them these days. But it’s essentially a book with potentially millions of words, in lexicographic (alphabetic) order” and then he explained how to use a dictionary.
It just hit me that there are generations (more than one now I think) who haven’t used dial up or wired telephones or old school calculators or lookup tables or analog clocks, or… dictionaries.
Is this what it feels like to fade into generational irrelevance?
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