catnap-design-drafts · 6 months
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I haven't had a single thought in my head for the last few days. Just the wii song on repeat and a rubber duck spinning like it's in a microwave. Plus, it's been warm recently, and I feel like a plant desperately pressing a single leaf to a sun lamp. But I will be trying to get back into the critter shaped mindset
Edit: just realized I messed up Kittens ears and now I'm screaming, head in hands
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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I'm not dead! Yall, I'm ngl Butterscotch took so long compared to all the cats. Why dogs gotta be built like that. Can't make something vaguely dog shaped and say 'yeah good enough' because then it doesn't look right. Why can't dogs occasionally liquefy like cats do.
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
Alright so the poll declared that yall don't mind seeing the birds SO
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Here's the full sketch page
And I have 3 colored so far
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
I might not be posting those final refs sheets for a day or 2, I've been grabbed by a very strong urge to draw birds, and that's my life now.
On the other hand, would yall mind seeing said birds after I'm done with them? It would be 1, maybe 2 pictures, since I'm putting them all on one canvas.
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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The twins! Only 1 more nap and our dogday left wooooo
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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The bi-color pair is done! Wooooo, we only got 3 more mini naps and then our dogday left
So close
Yet so far
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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Woooo, the tabby's are done, ngl I was looking through name suggestions, and I had no idea what a Jackdaw was (bird like a Crow or raven), so thanks for that tidbit of knowledge
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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Imma be honest I've read this multiple times, and I am 100% still not understanding the prompt. This is probably because it's 1am, and I am very much not fully awake and aware
I also find the tag list very funny as I think my blog name makes people assume I'm a character ask blog lmao, this might also be the tired brain failing to comprehend. I think I should just go to bed.
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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2 more done woooooo, only like, 7 more (plus 1 dogday) to go
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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Thank you to everyone who sent messages with name ideas! Both of these Mini-Naps are named after shades of purple (though not always the correct shade of their fur)
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
I am sorry in advance 😂
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A friend and I were joking that bad and naughty toys get thrown in a massive washing machine and then hung up on a clothes line to dry and I couldn't resist
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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The final 2 named mini-naps. still have around 11 more unnamed mini-naps plus our 1 unnamed Dogday
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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After these 3, there are only 2 more already named mini-naps left to do
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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So, as I said, I have reference sheets done for some of the Mini-Naps, but there's still a lot left to do
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
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I probably should have expected this result
But yeah alr
Expect more DogDay in the future
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catnap-design-drafts · 7 months
Alright, so while the DogDay poll is going on, I'm going to be making some quick reference sheets for the CatNap plushes I've made so far.
I'm starting with the critters that already have names, which means that if you have name ideas or suggestions for the others, now would be the time to let me know!
(All un named critters have the #an un named friend tag for easier searching)
The reference sheets are mostly to help me keep track of what I have or haven't done pattern and color wise
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