21 - he/him - pictures, doodles, notes, and whatnot - mostly for friends
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things i discover as a gay man #726
hair putty WILL help contain your massive eyebrows when you want to put foundation over them
it will be too strong for both your makeup remover AND cleanser, so you'll have to separately shampoo your eyebrows before bed
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*twerks* oh im *twerks* so sorry *twerks* this is *twerks*just my *twerks* new stim *twerks*
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It’s eighteen degrees and sunny when you decide to embark on a post dinner walk. Just a week prior, you were cowering away inside, hiding from the ice storm raging on outside your window. But, the darkness has lifted now. The power has since returned and the last peaks of snow melted away. Old ladies are raking away at their gardens, clearing the debris to make way for a new season of blooms and foliage. They greet you as you pass, remarking on the beautiful weather. A handful of dog owners tighten their grip on their leashes as they attempt to make small talk. One inquires about the age of an unfamiliar dachshund. Many others catch your gaze; a couple of new parents pushing a showy pink stroller; a pair of established evening walkers; a solitary black cat trotting across the street. They’re strangers in a new world to you now. Hopefully this is the first walk of many.
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hike 01

date: april 10th, 2023 (afternoon)
length: 1.8km
time: 35mins
weather: 16°C and sunny, the nicest day we've had so far, a bit breezy
lots of fallen branches and trees from the recent storm
surprising amount of snow left, the trees must be shading it
many full flowing creeks here
excited to see what vegetation pops up in the summer
a few chickadees and a small woodpecker spotted
<3 pointed out the aspen trees to me, i can't tell them apart from birch
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Take The Yass Pill
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they are so pretty i love them so much
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he is a tortured soul
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he eat the lasagna
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he do a little cookin
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world's #1 blur
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twi twi twi !!!!!!
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he sees you
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drinking coffee every day and being dependent <<<< drinking a couple coffees once every week or so for a special powerup
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in my rebirth era
(remembering i have tumblr and also doing dishes)
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