brxkepoint · 3 years
Matching Ears
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(No Spoilers- i think)
You cry out as a body elbows your side. Your eyeliner gets smudged as you look to the side of you. Four people, including yourself, are trying to fit themselves into your very small bathroom.
“Could you guys some pushing and shoving,” You grunt out.
“Sorry, but I have to finish with my make-up!” Luz cries out.
Her furry otter onesie smashes into more people as she finishes slapping on black paint on her nose. Amity squeezes her body in between the two of you as she has to finish putting on her make up. Hunter shies away towards the tub, sitting on the ledge as he tries to wait his turn.
This year for costumes, you decided to be a fairy, more specifically tinker bell. Peter pan has always been one of your favorite Disney films, so tinker bell was obviously your first choice, but not only your first choice, but you always casually; not so casually dress up as her every Halloween. Luz is going as an otter, her fuzzy costume very apparent, but Amity and Hunters costume is one of the most interesting ones. 
They have been in the human realm for six months, and both have been obsessed with adventure time. So this year, Amity is dressing up as Fiona while Hunter is dressing up as Marshall Lee.
Re-doing your eyeliner, you finish your make up look. You step to the side, Hunter covered with gray body paint.
“You look stupid.” “Shut up, I’m not done with it,” Hunter steps up to the mirror, looking at himself as he sighs in slight embarrassment. His ears slightly droop as he turns towards Amity. With her usual stubborn self, she decides to do his make up, making sure Hunter gives Marshal Lee justice.
“Hold still, your eyes are twitching too much how am I supposed to put on your eyeliner??” Amity complains.
You laugh as Hunter whines as she finishes up. With everyone almost done, you look at your group as they all exit the bathroom. As you begin to leave, you look at yourself in the mirror.
Wig- Check
Outfit- Check
Make up- Check
Proud of yourself you glance at your face then towards your ears before you realize you needed to fix them. You grab some lash glue, covering the tips of your ear before pressing them together. You do that to both sides as you look at yourself. Perfect tiny points.
You leave the bathroom ready for your adventure out trick or treating.
Hunter’s eyes couldn’t stop looking away. Your costume looked amazing, even though he had no idea who you were supposed to be dressed up as, but the one thing he couldn’t stop looking at are your cute little ears. Without thinking his own hands would graze his own.
He couldn’t believe it, your ears matched his. A small smile crept onto the boy’s lips as his whole group of chaos waltz out of your front door and onto the streets of your spooky neighborhood.
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brxkepoint · 3 years
In Love
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(This is a comfort post)
Sitting in the woods you look at Hunter as his focus is somewhere else in the trees. You finally got to spend some time with him since he got back from his latest mission. His eyes seemed more tired as you could see his body relax into the grass.
He takes in a deep breath as his eyes are closed. He’s listening to everything around him. The calm noise of the birds keep him in peace as he could hear your calm breathing beside him.
His eyes open as his attention is on you. His vermilion eyes stare into your own (E/C) orbs as you could feel yourself lose your breath. Having him here after such a long time felt so surreal as you finally caught your breath.
“Do you know what it’s like to be in love?”
Hunter takes a moment to take in your question. It was so bizarre, and very unlike you. But, he still took time to think, coming up with an answer as you waited patiently.
“I, myself, haven’t ever experienced that,” he started, “but, I hear it’s like... I would say maybe like a complicated feeling? I’ve read books.. well stories about love, and it always describes it as this feeling of security I think. Like, it’s someone you care about, and want to get to know, and they always just seem to giveyouthisfunnyfeeling,andyourheartracesand-” Before he could continue he realized his words started to jumble up.
Silence clouded the air as you found yourself thinking.
“Does that mean I’m in love with you? Cause... I know this is dumb, but you make me feel safe, and loved. And everything you do always send butterflies around my stomach, and I find myself wanting to be by your side all the time... and even for the rest of my life at this point.”
Hunter’s face started to glow red as he listened to your words. The tips of his ears burned as he looked at your face. He would say your face was the same color of his, maybe even redder if he was being honest. without another thought Hunter sat up as he inched closer and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“I... I think I feel the same?”
Silence surrounds you once more. What did this mean? Shouldn’t you be bursting out with joy?
You started to cry.
He cupped your face as you wailed out. Panic started to settle in as tears ran down your face.
“D-Do you really?” “Yes... you stupid human.” He smiled.
You slightly laughed as you reached up hands up to cover his as he stilled held onto your face. You sat there, looking at him as he looked at you. Your guy’s feelings fly into the air as you could feel such a bliss with him.
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brxkepoint · 3 years
Take Your Time
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(Slight Spoilers i think)
Another mess up, of course. Hunter closed his eyes as he clamped his hand into a fist. Sweat is pouring down his forehead as Emperor Belos stands before him. He fixes his glove as Hunter is staring at his boots. Small specks of the dirt from the mines he was in earlier. The small key dangles on the emperor’s neck, the blue blood leaking onto his cape.
“I hate to see you act this way, Hunter. I’ll have to give you one more chance before reprimanding you for your actions.” His voice was cool as ice as Hunter shuddered at the thought.
“I won’t fail you again.” 
Belos only nodded his head before excusing our golden guard. Closing the doors, Hunter placed his mask on his face before striding down the halls. He made his way to his room, Lil’ Rascal following his movements.
Opening the door, his quickly entered his room before slamming the door shut as his cardinal swoops in. He leans his frame against the door as tears escape his eyes. Of course, of course he fails again.
He falls to the ground as small sobs leave his lips as he curls into a ball. He hides his face as more tears begin to fall. His whimpers almost hushed.
Without another thought, Hunter’s palisman flies through his window, gliding into the night air. His objective clear as he approaches the owl house.
Snores from Hooty were made aware as he shrieks in his sleep. Lil’ Rascal ignores it though as his wings cut through the air as he makes it to your window.
You were sound asleep, Luz’s body next to you as she kicks you in her sleep. You slightly wake from her actions before hearing a few clinks on your window. Looking into the direction of the noise, you notice the small bird, realizing who it was.
“Hey bu--” Your sentence was cut short as your body slips off the small twin mattress. You let out a small hiss as you quickly look back to Luz, making sure she didn’t wake. You sigh as you look back towards the window, creeping towards it.
Opening the window, the cardinal enters, flying onto your shoulder. 
“What are you doing here little buddy?”
Your finger grazes his chest as you give Lil’ Rascal some affection. With a small little purr from him, he shakes off your affections as he dives off of your shoulder, transforming himself into a staff.
He falls into your hands as you questionably hold the staff. With a swift movement though, your questions kind of get answered as he pulls you out of your window and into the night air.
“WAAA-” You hugged the staff as it rode into the forest, then town and towards the Emperors castle. Left and right Lil’ Rascal tugged you as you squinted your eyes shut out of fear. Before you even knew it you opened your eyes to find some puffy cherry eyes stared back at you.
“What are you-”
Before Hunter could finish his question, you were thrown into his room. The magical staff following as the cardinal transformed back into his bird form. He flapped his wings as he landed onto his make-shift branch Hunter made for him.
“I’m so sorry,”  You stated.
Hunter rubbed his head as you pushed yourself up. You took in his features, noticing his puffy red eyes. You reached out to help him sit up as he accepted your help. Hunter froze as he could feel your hands cup his face. Your (e/c) orbs looked at him with concern as Hunter stares at your face.
“What happened? Are you hurt?”
Hunter begins to tear up again as you watched. You pull him into a hug as Hunter holds onto you. His body shakes as you hum, holding him as he cries.
“I just- I just- I wanted to-” Hunter stuttered as you could feel his breathing become uneven.
“Shh, take your time. You’re okay,” 
He continued to sob, crying out all of his frustration. After a minute or two you could feel his breathing become more even as you helped him sit up. He wiped away his tears and snot as you sat there and waited.
“Are you feeling okay?” “Mhm.”
“Do you... wanna talk about it?”
You sat in silence, waiting for his answer as he continued to make himself more presentable.
“‘m sorry (Y/N). I never wanted you to see me like this” 
“You’re okay, you don’t need to apologize.”
He takes a deep breath in as he starts to form his sentences.
“I failed getting Emperor Belos the palismans, and to make up for that I thought I would go and find Titan’s blood. I’m... ‘m not sure why he needs it, but I just knew I had to get it for him. Kiki talked about some mines, and while I went to take it I got captured by those stu--” He glanced up at you as you, “by Eda and that cotton candy haired girl... I can’t remember what her name is, but to sum it up it turns out she had what I needed, so I fought her and stuff and got the key, but when I left the cave to give it to Belos, it turns out the key was broken, and all the titan’s blood I needed was gone, which meant Belos was going to kill me and I failed again and made him disap-”
His breathing began to cut short as you quickly snapped Hunter out of his episode, his body relaxed once more as he calmed himself down.
“In the end, I failed.”
“Hunter.” His looked as you with eager eyes as you looked at his features. He was torn and hearing those words come out of his mouth broke your heart. “What you did showed your loyalty to him as a coven leader, an ally, and as his nephew. If Belos doesn’t recognize your efforts, than he can just go-- you know what I mean. You shouldn’t have to base your worth on other’s validations or opinion. You are worth so much more than he can give you, and what you did was what you could do. You tried your best and that’s okay.” Hunter’s lips quivered as he could feel tears start to form. He quickly wiped them away though, not looking forward to crying in front of you again. You noticed it and pulled him into another hug. 
“I’m sorry that he made you feel like this, and I wish I could just undo all the trauma he’s given you. But I want you to know that I see your efforts and that you are valid.” “Okay.”
You smiled as you tried your best lift him up onto his feet. He complied, silently laughing at your efforts.
“Let’s get some sleep.”
Without another word you lead Hunter to his bed, his frame falling onto the mattress as you laughed. You tucked him in as a child, Hunter weakly refusing your efforts. 
“Good night Hunter.” “Good night (Y/N).... thank you.”
“Of course.”
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brxkepoint · 3 years
His Voice
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(There might be The Owl House Spoilers) -----------------------------------------
Sitting on the grass in the boiling Isle, your laugh mixed with another as giggles escape. Ten years old, and you found yourself wandering around this new world, and a you had found a young boy who was willing to help you get home.
“... I wish I could stay here with you forever,” “Me too.” ---------
“Luz, why are we on a pirate ship again?”
You were washing the deck, your knees getting soaked as Luz dumped another bucket of water mixed with cleaner. The hand held brush scraped the deck as peers mocked the two of you.
“We have to get that reward! How else is Eda supposed to survive and get her apple blood,” Luz pleaded.
You sighed out as the captain walked out onto the deck. His gaze swept across the crew as the bounty lay behind him. 
“Alright crew... Are you ready to slay the selkidomus?!” He shouted.
Luz and all of the other crew cheered as you groaned out as the captain glared at you. You swiftly began cleaning once more as Luz was beaming. Within seconds a loud groaned echoed around the ship as the beast swirled around the ship. Everyone yelled as they went to grab any weapon nearby. Luz used her magic, almost capturing the beast.
“Follow that beast!” The captain yelled
Smoke covered the base of the ship, the deck muggy as a figure popped out of the nowhere. They swiftly grabbed 
“Is that a ghost?”
“No, we’re being robbed!”
“C’mon (Y/N)! We got to go get the bounty!”
You were swept away as Luz used her glyphs, creating an ice block to ride. Fire starts to erupt from her palms as you hold onto the ice for dear life. We moved swiftly through the sea, but as we wooshed through the water, the heat from the boiling sea melted the ice quite fast.
With barely any surface left, you and Luz arrived to land, stumbling onto the sand as the thief stood before us.
Eda’s features become present as turns towards us.
“Luz, (Y/N)? What were you two doing on that ship?”
“You two could’ve been killed.”| Within seconds the water formed around us, a huge fist forming as it slammed itself onto the sand. A figure appeared out of it, being quite thinner than most of the emperor’s guards.
“That can still be arranged.” Steam was escaping through the mask as the figure held a small cage in their right hand as a magic staff stood in his left hands grasps. Of course, Eda and Luz were on edge, but you couldn’t help but find yourself entranced with his voice. It seemed so familiar, yet you couldn’t quite put a face on it.
“Hello criminals, what’s about to happen should be relatively painless, if you do what I say.” Luz and Eda stayed on guard as you were just thinking into the depths of your memory. Where have you heard that voice before? It was so familiar, and snarky, and dreamy, and you just had to know who it was.
He continued speaking, Luz and Eda countering what he had to say as you just listened to their conversation. His jokes, and his vibe just was so recognizable to you.
“I’ll do it.” Luz replied.
She picked up the sword that the golden guard created. She trudged her way towards the cave as Eda argued with Luz. You followed behind them, walking with them. Focusing on the two, you finally started to tune back into the situation at hand.
“How are we going to slay the beast.” You spoke out.
Luz was climbing onto an abandoned ship, the sails and poles still intact as Eda followed her.
“We don’t have to kill the Selkidomus. It’s a passive beast, and hasn’t harmed anyone.” Luz groaned as she continued to climb, but soon fell onto the floor of the cave. The selkidomus was nearby as Luz went to hide into a small cave covered by vines.
Luz cried out as Eda and you quickly followed. Finding Luz, a small cub of the selkidomus was present, and a plan was concocted. 
You could see the golden guard was watching the entrance of the cave, messing around with king every now and then.
“Wait, he has king??” “Weren’t you paying attention?” Eda complained.
You ignored her comment as you signaled to Luz. The shadow of the beast was perfect as Luz pulled the dummy out far enough to create the illusion. Eda helped as you moved the beast around like a puppet, creating the perfect fight scene between Luz and the selkidomus.
After the fight was over, you could here a muffled response as Luz yelled out to him. Luz looked back to you and Eda, giving you guys a thumbs up as she held the cage that held king.
“Thank you for your service,t you can find your own way home... and try to stay out of trouble. The emperor  is not a merciful man, BYEEE!”
He teleported away, a red trail following his exit as you stared towards where his figure once stood. Luz went to congratulate Eda as you zoned out. Maybe you would see him again... soon.
So, I’m not too good at writing. The Golden Guard / Hunter is my new obsession right now, and I’m trying to find out and get into the right mood of writing him. He’s a bit difficult since he’s new. Anyways, enjoy! :)))
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