sunny the brelly!!
13 posts
in short: i hate s4, and i hate fivexlila.
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
i wish we could have seen more of victor playing violin. it was such a huge plot point in s1, and the white violin scene was iconic af, but then we never see victor playing it again.
i would understand if victor was so traumatised that he refused to pick it up again, but in s4 he tells abigail he has a "love-hate" relationship with it, so if that's the case, i wonder why he doesn't seem to play it at all.
idk i just feel like the violin really suited him and it's sad that we don't see it again
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
when i hear the name "dolores" i have such mixed reactions because on one hand i'm reminded of darling dolores from tua; but on the other, i'm reminded of dolores freaking umbridge from harry potter
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
awww omgg i NEED this 😭😭
day 82 of waiting for steve blackman to release an official announcement declaring that s4 was just a silly lil prank and that tua actually ended at s3
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
day 82 of waiting for steve blackman to release an official announcement declaring that s4 was just a silly lil prank and that tua actually ended at s3
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
ooo yeah, you have a point!! with so many fives in one place, it MUST have been paradox proof.
of course, then only the problem of trusting himself too easily remains lmao
reasons why tua s4 is a fever dream pt. 2
here's pt.1 first:
alr, now for more.
[12] where is sloane???? hello????
[13] where is raymond???????? where'd he go????hello again????
[14] alr correct me if i'm wrong here- - luther gets no update in his power - diego gets no update in his power - allison gets so much of an update that she doesn't even have to speak or say "i heard a rumour" to do what she likes??? - klaus can levitate now (from the comics, i believe) - five's update is that he now has access to the timeline subway thingy - ben grows tails randomly?? - viktor gets no actual update, his powers just turn orange for some reason - lila shoots lasers out of her eyes now??? how is this at all related to her original power (mimicry)?
like- the inconsistency???? and can we talk about how overpowered allison becomes?? she doesn't even need to say "i heard a rumour", which was literally the basis of her power. in s4 all she has to do is glare at someone and she can control them mentally and physically??? like holy shit, do the writers even realise how powerful they made her? it makes zero sense that they lost even after a power like that.
why did they even give her such a big update in the first place when she does nothing substantial with it??? (of course, she saves klaus, but you know what i mean.)
[15] klaus in the graveyard- why isn't he haunted by any spirits (except the dog) when he's literally trapped where they thrive? and before anyone says that reginald taught him to overcome his fear, that was SIX YEARS AGO. there's no way realistically that klaus is still immune after not having his power for 6 years.
[16] wtf even was klaus' side of the story?? that old richard "dick" guy???? a random ass woman shagging him???? also the random ass woman immediately believing without question that klaus has been possessed by her former bf's ghost??? who even came up with that scene???
[17] with regard to klaus, they did him completely dirty. while everyone is running around trying to stop the cleanse, find ben etc, he's gotten kidnapped (AGAIN) and spends most of his time buried alive...
[18] (credit to @blorbos-shoved-ina-drawer for this point!) isn't it weird that five walks into a diner full of alternate versions of himself, sits down calmly, listens, and follows everything they tell him to do? what happened to paradox psychosis??? what happened to "i don't trust him" -"but he's you" -"exactly!" ??? he couldn't trust a single version of himself twice (both in s2 and s3) but he immediately trusts several versions in s4?
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
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ok, my phone cam quality is really bad. 😨
but anyway. my drawings of five! i quite like how it turned out, but im gonna ignore the face because i seem to be getting worse at drawing faces every passing day.
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
reasons why tua s4 is a fever dream pt. 2
here's pt.1 first:
alr, now for more.
[12] where is sloane???? hello????
[13] where is raymond???????? where'd he go????hello again????
[14] alr correct me if i'm wrong here- - luther gets no update in his power - diego gets no update in his power - allison gets so much of an update that she doesn't even have to speak or say "i heard a rumour" to do what she likes??? - klaus can levitate now (from the comics, i believe) - five's update is that he now has access to the timeline subway thingy - ben grows tails randomly?? - viktor gets no actual update, his powers just turn orange for some reason - lila shoots lasers out of her eyes now??? how is this at all related to her original power (mimicry)?
like- the inconsistency???? and can we talk about how overpowered allison becomes?? she doesn't even need to say "i heard a rumour", which was literally the basis of her power. in s4 all she has to do is glare at someone and she can control them mentally and physically??? like holy shit, do the writers even realise how powerful they made her? it makes zero sense that they lost even after a power like that.
why did they even give her such a big update in the first place when she does nothing substantial with it??? (of course, she saves klaus, but you know what i mean.)
[15] klaus in the graveyard- why isn't he haunted by any spirits (except the dog) when he's literally trapped where they thrive? and before anyone says that reginald taught him to overcome his fear, that was SIX YEARS AGO. there's no way realistically that klaus is still immune after not having his power for 6 years.
[16] wtf even was klaus' side of the story?? that old richard "dick" guy???? a random ass woman shagging him???? also the random ass woman immediately believing without question that klaus has been possessed by her former bf's ghost??? who even came up with that scene???
[17] with regard to klaus, they did him completely dirty. while everyone is running around trying to stop the cleanse, find ben etc, he's gotten kidnapped (AGAIN) and spends most of his time buried alive...
[18] (credit to @blorbos-shoved-ina-drawer for this point!) isn't it weird that five walks into a diner full of alternate versions of himself, sits down calmly, listens, and follows everything they tell him to do? what happened to paradox psychosis??? what happened to "i don't trust him" -"but he's you" -"exactly!" ??? he couldn't trust a single version of himself twice (both in s2 and s3) but he immediately trusts several versions in s4?
[19] this was in s3, but why did sparrow ben have drawings titled jennifer in his room?? does this in any way have relation to jennifer in s4? obviously, there was meant to be some connection but it wasn't addressed at all and ben didn't recognise jennifer either like what
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
mr pennycrumb was done dirty
!! og comics spoilers ahead !!
those who have read the comics know of darling mr pennycrumb- five's very own puppy <3
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i mean, just look at them, they're literally so sweet- a cold blooded assassin with his puppy <3
those who have only watched the show may or may not remember him as the little pup belonging to the receptionist at hotel obsidian. if you don't remember him, i don't even blame you, because he barely has a few minutes of screentime and is immediately consumed by the kugelblitz.
he may have appeared, but we were still absolutely robbed of mr pennycrumb.
in the og comics, he's introduced in "The Umbrella Academy - Dallas", in which the Hargreeves siblings go back in time to the JFK assassination.
throughout all the bloodshed and violence and general drama, five is seen taking care of his dear mr pennycrumb while pretty much ignoring the others completely :)
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the most disappointing part is that besides not even being five's dog, he immediately gets kugelblitzed and is gone within a few seconds of his introduction :(
steve blackman thinks five needed a love interest- and ig the point of that was to show five's soft, affectionate side. i don't think he realises that love isn't always romantic.
i think scenes of five showing affection to this lovely pup, taking care of him, placing him first in the midst of all the hullaballoo- would have been much more satisfying and sweet to see than whatever five and lila had going on in s4.
(i always seem to return to my hatred of s4 in every post i make)
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
so crazy how steve blackman made the executive decision to replace five in s4 with his weird boring oc named jerome who homewrecks and isn’t as cool as five and thought we wouldn’t notice
i sure am glad, though, that instead of participating in season 4’s activities, five was actually off being a retired old man, fishing… or doing crossword puzzles from the morning newspaper… or adopting mr pennycrumb …
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
yes. a hundred times yes 😭😭💖
i guess the only problem there would be with making this canon is that they'd have to use a whole new cast for an entire season basically (except five perhaps) and the og adult cast would have nothing to do
but god, i love this so much *ugly crying noises*
Alright, hear me out:
Post S1 AU where they don't end up in the sixties. Five successfully transports them all back into their 17-year-old bodies, on the day Ben died.
So Ben opens his eyes, and he suddenly realises something. He's sitting on his bed, a book in hand, and he can feel the sheets under him. He can feel the wall behind him, and the weight of clothes on his back.
He's breathing, not out of habit or because the alternative still feels wrong to him, but because he's alive. For the first time in thirteen years, Ben is alive again.
He hears the voices of his siblings, coming out of their own rooms, running up and down the stairs, and before he knows it, he's running as well.
He's out of his room and down the stairs faster than he's ever been, and then he stops all at once because he sees Allison, and Allison sees him.
She lets out a choked sound, hands flying up to cover her mouth. The next thing he knows, his sister is hugging him, and then Viktor, and Klaus, and Diego, and even Luther-
They're all talking over each other. Luther is asking if everyone is here, Viktor is apologising for ending the world, Allison is letting go of Ben to hug Viktor instead.
There is no shortage of tears, but looking around at each other, counting heads, they all realise pretty much at the same moment that someone is missing.
Five isn't here, Ben realises with the smile frozen on his face, just as Luther asks:
"Where is Five?"
"He was right there with us." Allison points out, "Between me and Diego."
And then they realise: They're all seventeen again. Five isn't here because when he was seventeen, he was still-
In the apocalypse.
Just then, there is a deafening thunderclap, noise and light accompanied by a sudden sense of deja vu because this has happened before.
They all run out into the courtyard just in time to watch Five come falling out of his swirling vortex of bright blue light. Except it isn't the scrawny little thirteen-year-old they they've come to know: it's a teenager who's too thin, dressed in rags, and groaning in pain as he pushes himself up on his knees and elbows.
Through long, dirty hair, he looks at each of them.
"Oh, good..." He rasps out, "I made it."
Then he drops back down in a dead faint. They manage to catch him, somehow, and start screaming for Grace.
Later, they're all standing around outside the infirmary while Grace, having reassured them that their brother is going to be fine, checks up on Five. The mission alarm goes off.
Last time, Ben died on that mission. This time, they all refuse to go. They have Ben and Five back, they know the truth about Viktor now, and for the first time in a long time, they all have each other.
They get a second chance.
This time, when 1 April 2019 comes around, the world doesn't end.
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
I remember liking Five Hargreeves so much because of how unique his character was. The nuances in the way he thinks, acts and actually feels inside. The tsundere vibes of “I love you and I will protect you but you will never hear it from me”. 60 years old man stuck in a kid’s body, all that rage pent up in a tiny body and a kid’s face. Five was an all in all very interesting character that lives in the gray area.
Then season 4 went and butchered that. He’s now a brooding character who decided to run away and get stuck in the timeline because he’s emo that his love life failed. Acting exactly like how a person in early 20s would instead of acting like the 60 years old man he is.
His dynamics used to vary depending on which siblings he hangs out with. Remember Season 1 Five with Diego? Season 3 Five with Klaus? Season 3 Five with Viktor? Etc etc… then boom in season 4 it is as if those dynamics did not exist. Lmao.
RIP to a well written, gray, nuance, and beautifully complicated character. Now destroyed, ripped into pieces, and burnt to the ground (literally).
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
jennifer- tua
jennifer as a character is really disappointing, imo. she rather reminds me of all the typical y/n fanfictions that i've had the misfortune to read.
first of all, of course, her backstory isn't even explained, she basically just showed up and no one even really asks why and how. how does she have durango? why was she in a random giant squid? what was she doing where she was in the original timeline before reginald shot her? no one knows.
besides, she's ridiculously unrealistic. jennifer has lived in that town since she was 6, and everyone in the town must, by now, be familiar faces to her. ben randomly shows up, interacts with her for about 15 mins, and she's suddenly willing to run away with him? and keep in mind that ben didn't know that she was jennifer, so jennifer didn't even know that she had a reason to run.
think about it- if a random guy that you've known for 15 mins suddenly sprouts tentacles, and the people whom you've known almost your entire life tell you to get away from him, realistically, wouldn't you rather trust them?
and then she willingly gets into a car with a whole bunch of strangers. really?
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brellynotes · 4 months ago
reasons why tua s4 is a fever dream pt. 1
ok so we already know that one of the biggest fuck-ups in s4 is five's character, but here's some other stuff that make literally no sense in s4-
[1] they didn't even explain jennifer's backstory??? ok, so she has this particle called durango- how tf did it get in her? why was she in a whole ass squid??
[2] victor's powers used to be blue and his eyes used to glow the last time i checked?? if the change in how his powers looks is because everyone's kind of getting an update in their power, why does he have zero reaction whatsoever?
[3] the way the rest of the family completely ignored the cheating thing?? all they said was "wow did not see that coming" like no one addressed the fact that it was wrong? and that scene of grace (if i remember correctly) saying "screw is spelt s-c-r-e-w" i mean wtf how are they putting humour into this scene? cheating is serious shit and they put in these "funny" one-liners which are meant to distract us from how lila and five fucked up
[4] lila's family too- there was just one (1) shot where the camera shows her family members looking surprised and then no one ever brings it up again? as an indian i can confirm that even if you said the world was ending, indian relatives will definitely want to talk about something as serious as cheating
[5] ben being all like "i've been thinking about you since i met you" and "we're connected" like bro how do you know that? what y/n crap is this?? i physically felt myself cringe at those scenes god
[6] literally who are jean and gene really and how tf did they know about the cleanse
[7] lila, who was in love with and married and had three kids with diego got bored of living a regular life with him but spending years with five and nearly dying everyday was apparently fine like did you see that shit-eating grin she had on her face all the time
[8] she doesn't even apologise for cheating?? all she does is explain why she did- and cheating isn't something that has an explanation.
[9] diego and five die without ever reconciling. well, to be fair, how could they? five acted like he was right to encourage lila cheating? this point is more sad than 'not making sense', but i just can't bring myself to believe that when family is such a huge theme in this show, they end up ceasing to exist while holding a grudge against each other
[10] why exactly did reginald keep his wife's corpse on the moon?? why was luther protecting it? what is this gabriel agreste ahh crap
[11] "you hate bracelets" "no i don't" aside from this scene being really dumb, i don't think lila hates bracelets? like, remember the bracelet she made in the asylum and wore through literally all of s2? the one diego took and kept for her?
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