Brain On The Box
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brainonthebox · 2 days ago
That moment when relatives don't "get" why you're frustrated in life, so you make a scorecard comparing their life to yours when they were your age.
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Unfun fact: I got an 8.
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brainonthebox · 3 days ago
Just saw the trailer for Titan Takedown. This is the only takeaway I require from it.
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brainonthebox · 3 days ago
I'll admit, the finale of Escape From The Bloodkeep is amazing! There were a lot of great choices made by the PCs, leading to plenty of jaw-dropping moments.
Overall, I'm still not ranking the show high. Ravening War was a touch better and held much of my attention throughout, but it's a close C+
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brainonthebox · 4 days ago
The only way I can retain some sanity from my recent so-called spa experience is to conclude that massage is part of the Allistic vs Autistic discourse.
What I believe these terms mean:
Massage - fixing muscle knots and pains
Non-RMT - someone who isn't registered, but still massages, as defined above
RMT - someone who is registered and studied massage at a school
A relaxating massage - "we will ease your muscle pain and won't go so hard that you'll be sore the next day", and/or "we have some frou-frou features to make you feel pampered."
What appears to be the Allistic definitions:
Massage - rubbing your skin with oil, in a non-sexual way
Non-RMT - we will never put enough pressure to reach your muscles, ever
RMT - the only people allowed to address muscles in any way, shape, or form
A relaxing massage - "we have some frou-frou features to make you feel pampered while we rub your skin."
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brainonthebox · 8 days ago
Kristen: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?
Fabian: You were putting it in cold water?
Kristen: Yeah? I thought for like. 5 years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process didn’t realize there was an actual reason.
Fig: You dont have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes?
Gorgug: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it?
Fig: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Gorgug: It takes less than a minute.
Fig: Bestie is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun?
Gorgug: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove?
Fig: Like seven minutes.
Gorgug: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like two minutes, less than that is you use a saucepan.
Riz, crying: You’re putting the whole mug on the stove? On medium heat?
Fabian: Everyone here is a fucking lunatic.
Adaine: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?
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brainonthebox · 8 days ago
Pretty fortuitous that Sokhbarr is carrying the crown in gas form, because if he were solid and the crown falls back into the Scary Volcano, the campaign would be a complete failure.
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brainonthebox · 9 days ago
Using druidcraft to snuff out a zeppelin flame is pretty frickin' genius.
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brainonthebox · 10 days ago
As overly quirky and emotional as these villains are, I gotta admit that them repeatedly winning over the eagles is a delight.
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brainonthebox · 12 days ago
It's kinda weird to be giving Escape from the Bloodkeep a second chance while I'm mentally in a bad place. Like I'm not giving it a proper second chance. I do have laugh moments, I acknowledge that it gets better after the ultra boring and kinda cringe first 45 minutes, but it's been a few days and I'm only 2.5 episodes in because my mind can only handle piecemeal (and barely at that). Hopefully, my mind will fix into getting into it more.
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brainonthebox · 12 days ago
Spitting facts. I don't really like FHSY, but Kalina was easily the best part of the whole season.
This is totally inspired by the fact that I just saw a banger Kalina edit but she is SUCH. A GOOD. VILLAIN. She doesn’t even have a physical form with which to harm people, and yet she is so genuinely horrifying that you forget that’s the case. It’s impossible to tell upon first watch when she’s lying or telling the truth in literally any scene. She delivers absolutely terrifying threats in such a calm and gentle manner, which almost makes the person she’s threatening feel trapped. Her demeanor is so chilling yet so soothing that you’re sort of left to feel like you should just accept whatever she’s saying no matter how mortifying it is. The table falls into silence so tense you could cut it with a knife whenever Kalina has a one on one scene with riz. She’s like the embodiment of tension. That feeling when you’re watching a horror movie and tensing up because you know that something is about to jump out of the shadows, that’s Kalina. God I’m obsessed with her. She’s also really hot but that’s unrelated to this post
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brainonthebox · 14 days ago
Much like The Seven, Rehka is best when her barbarian is having cool fight scenes rather than... everything else. 😅
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brainonthebox · 14 days ago
"Lava Mogs can keep fertilized eggs in their body and not gestate for centuries or millennia."
Me, having seen Burrow's End: Ah, yes, like stoats.
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brainonthebox · 18 days ago
Only a boomer would see me throw up from 2+ hours of crying and conclude that going to therapy is the SOURCE of the anguish, ignoring all of the anguish that is the reason for the therapy.
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brainonthebox · 19 days ago
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Keep your messaging simple:
“Trump fired everyone in charge of airplane safety, and a week later planes started crashing into each other.”
That’s it. That’s the messaging. Don’t get bogged down disputing Trump’s false claims. Just blame him, in short and repeatable sentences.
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brainonthebox · 19 days ago
Dad: I don't understand this half-time show. I don't get all this rap stuff. What's it even about?
Me: no idea, but I'll ask around.
*looks it up and explains the messages against racism, Trump, oligarchy, etc.*
My Dad, in an actual quote: "Well all racism is horrible. But you do know that black on black murder occurs presently way more than white on black murder. Just sayin."
Me: ...Is Whataboutism seriously the take you wanna have right now?
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brainonthebox · 19 days ago
About to watch Escape From the Bloodkeep.
I tried watching it, once, and found it super boring and gave up midway into the first episode. That said... I have a ranking system to conplete. Welp, if I can finish Shriek Week, I can watch this.
Send me strength.
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brainonthebox · 22 days ago
God, it's been years since I've watched Game of Thrones, yet it's taken until now to realize why Robert seemed annoyed that the whore he was with named their child Barra. It's for Baratheon. Just like how Lanna of Braavos is for Lannister!
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