boargrill · 2 days
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ready for the oven
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boargrill · 15 days
gender neutral compliments:
you look lovely today
i really enjoy spending time with you
what's that perfume? no way, you're really not wearing any?
you should come over for dinner sometime
so glad you're here! i was just about to start cooking, hope you don't mind the wait
i've been saving this wine for a special occasion and i think this is it
let's get you out of those stuffy clothes shall we?
you've got such a nice body. i mean it, i can barely take my eyes off you
now put up your arms like this... good
hey stop wiggling. it's messing up my knots
seriously stop. it's making me hungry. I won't even last until prep is done at this rate
there we go!
damn you're big. i really hope you fit in my oven
mmm, looks like there's just enough extra space for a little stuffing. don't worry, I'll be gentle
i saw that face! don't be shy, I'm glad to see you enjoy yourself. now let's get you all filled up
i love the way you jiggle. all that fat's gonna make you real juicy when you're done
you look so good with an apple in your mouth. it's like you were made for it
you know i stocked up on all the top rack spices just for you. You'd definitely taste great regardless but i'm not about to be cheap with such a fine cut of meat
look at you glisten like a holiday ham. the rope's even digging into you like that - it's not painful, is it?
didn't even try to trick me into untying you. you're really into this aren't you. aw, there you go flushing again! it's okay, this is between us
actually, do you mind if i take a picture? you just look amazing like that. see?
glad you agree! I've had my eye on you for a while, you know. For a bit there i was afraid someone else would get to you before I got my chance. you have no idea how damn tasty you look
you're really lucky. not to toot my own horn but I'm a pretty good cook. a lot nicer than some of the others, too. the thought of a cutie like you in their hands... ah, I don't mean to bum you out. you're in my care now, and I'll make sure to treat you right
alright, just a few more garnishes to add. oh, almost forgot! i meant to add some more veggies to the pan. they'll taste great after cooking with your fatty meat. um, that doesn't bother you, right? me calling you fat so much? it's a compliment, really. you're the best tasting prey out there. the cutest, too
there's that flush again! I'm not just saying that you know. you really are beautiful
hey now, what did i say about wiggling? come on, don't act so embarrassed. you can't tell me you never noticed the way i looked at you. i thought i was embarrassing myself with all that pining
damn, it's making you jiggle again too. i could watch that belly move all day, i really could... your tits, those round arms... ah, im drooling. you're too much. i don't think I've ever seen prey as perfect as you
look, I'm almost done. I know I've been talking your ear off, and you've been so good, I'm just gonna take the apple away for a second so you get to talk. that okay?
okay. the oven's preheated. just gonna slide you in - oof, heavy. no, don't get all apologetic, didn't i just say - there you go
it's a low heat, should be comfy. with your size it'll be a while until you're all cooked up, but in the meantime I'll be taking you out every half hour for basting. uh, i think that's about it.
see you then
i love you too.
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