12 posts
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blxck-joker · 7 years ago
Manga Coloring Tutorial
Hello! I’m going to be showing you how to go from this:
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To this:
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I’m know not the best at explaining things so feel free to ask if you have any questions!
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blxck-joker · 7 years ago
Big ass gif tutorial
It’s been a while since I made a coloring tutorial, and I thought it would be useful if I made a full tutorial on how I make my gifs. I will go over: 
how to screencap
making your gif in ps
coloring that gif
putting subtitles on a gif
saving that gif
you will need
a hd copy of the episode/movie you want to gif 
potplayer (or kmplayer)
a version of photoshop (I use CC)
a sharpening action 
A psd or patience to color your own gif
end result:
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Everything will be under the cut. Warning: this will be picture heavy and text heavy. English is my third language so there will probably be some mistakes in here.
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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playlist psd .01 -
for notes and editing help - please see READMORE
all text is editable – fonts used – keep calm / ailerons
psd in sections for ease of editing
black and white option
please like or reblog if you use! ⇒ download
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
how do you make the icons I have been wanting to make some for a bit but I don't exactly know how to make them
I’ve never done a tutorial before, so I hope this all makes sense to you, there’s a very long tutorial under the cut, mostly because I wasn’t sure about your pre-existing photoshop knowledge. 
Anyway, I’m going to be showing you how to make this icon, from the ‘The Defenders’ set that I’m working on: 
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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let’s go, bring it on!
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
✨  LIT MEME  ✨
I decided to start a new literature meme (which I will probably never finish) which is inspired by this ya lit meme. 
ten series or books
nine quotes
eight friendships
seven otps
six minor characters 
five protagonists
four deaths
three endings
two antagonists
one author
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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Countdown Challenge - ACOWAR [5/8]
april 16 - april 22: favorite otp
Elain x Azriel; Elriel
azriel the large, depthless cobalt stone that graced the back of his gauntlet
elain the silk skirts of her cobalt dress whispering over the parquet floor
quote by @propshophannah
countdown held by @fcyre and @highfaerys
tbh I have no idea what was I doing with this. this was totally rushed.
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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Countdown Challenge - ACOWAR [4/8]
april 9 - april 15: favorite antagonist
High Lady Amarantha, Hybern
If you can, tell me in the comments or tags which is your favorite header.
The last one was self-indulgence. Forewarning: below includes me fangirling about Amarantha because she would be one of my favourite characters under different circumstances. Possible abuse tw.
Because I don’t know how to express my lowkey need for her AU where she isn’t under Hybern’s thumb and can live with Tamlin. Like seriously. Everything - everything - is Hybern’s fault.
Note: I just find potential in her to be a decent character if she was born in the Courts or smth, and not in Hybern. That’s it. I am in no way condoning her actions.
Also note: This is by no means book-factually correct. I’m relying on the wiki because I lent my book to my senior. Question - did Hybern conquer Prythain before or after the war? Bc I’m taking after.
Here are some headcanons
Amarantha was the King of Hybern’s daughter. As you probably know, the King is abusive and shitty af, in the way that he doesn’t care about her at all. As long as she didn’t interrupt his court or poke her head in his business, she could kill herself and the King would still be glad.
Her mother was a lesser Fae the King courted when he was younger. Little is known about her except she is not alive anymore.
She loved her sister. Her sister did not deserve the life like the Fae from Hybern. Her sister dallied with the human slaves.
She was so, so cunning then, and her power rivalled any other Fae, save for the King. Her mind control was quick and sharp. She used it to get snacks from the kitchen and humour her sister, but more often that not, she heard whispers and saw glimpses of what her father’s court was like.
And it poisoned her.
If something didn’t go your way, force it to happen.
If someone pisses you, kill him.
If you don’t get what you want, throw a fucking tantrum.
Kids learn how to read and speak. Amarantha learned how to court and wield dark magic. She learnt how to burn her enemies until the only thing left were their bones, and build a throne of crown out of them.
But Clythia was innocent. She loved her, the way Clythia could make her smile when the overuse of magic gave her headaches and blurred her eyesight. She loved Clythia because she was strong and stubborn and she believed that the world could be better, even if Amarantha didn’t.
She loved her because Clythia was the only family left.
Then the war came. The King noticed Amarantha’s power, and she rose to become his greatest general. She was on the ‘kill all humans’ side, but Clythia loved a mortal.
To please her father, or to save her sister?
Amarantha spared the couple. She spared them, as long as she could. But then Jurian killed her.
Jurian killed her. And when the war concluded, she went into a blind rage and butchered him.
She went into a blind rage and conquered Prythain, because how dare they live and be so happy when Clythia was dead.
[Somewhen in between the Rhysand-Tamlin butchering occurred.]
She saw Tamlin before. She doesn’t remember when. Her life before Clythia’s death was blurry and unreachable.
But she saw him, and she decided I want him.
So she was getting him. But Tamlin angered her, and in a fit, she tore out Lucien’s eye. But she needed Tamlin, so a masquerade ball it was, because ‘maybe if he doesn’t see me, he might like me better’.
Tamlin rejected. She screamed, cursing the Court to wear the mask for eternity.
But by the Cauldron. Tamlin had to be hers. She offered to lift the curse, but he rejected by saying Clythia had preferred a mortal to her, and he felt the same because she was a monster.
So what? She was a monster, and she was going to show him how much.
She created the Blight.
She, with that twisted but oh, so sharp mind rivalling a daemati’s of her, tricked the other six High Lord to give her their magic. She was now their dark Queen.
But was she happy?
Rumours started going around saying that Tamlin had a human lover. And no, no, no, no one could be with Tamlin. She had made sure of that, with his stone heart.
She tried to kill that girl, without angering Tamlin. She put Tamlin in a trance, forever standing beside her, forever staring helplessly passive.
She gave the girl a riddle. The answer was impossibly elusive because only she knew what it felt like.
Love. Cruel, twisted, love.
But the girl won still. How, how, how? She snapped her neck, tried to snap every single bone in  her body. But the girl whispered, love.
And the spell broke.
And Tamlin killed her, in the same fit of rage she used to destroy everything.
But with the last wisp of her magic, she swore that she would forever haunt Tamlin.
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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self-challenge ya lit meme [1/?]
favourite first series book [1/?]
The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers
This is definitely not one of my better works, I know, but I needed an excuse for procrastination. TSSOH features innocent Lucy [surname], whose boy friend just broke up with her. Brokenhearted, she would do anything to get him back. So she joins the cult of girl-witch that has magic in order to get the magic and whatssit.
At first I thought this was a standalone thriller and was like hell no, I really like this book. But there’s a second book, Book of Love, and according to Goodreads, it seems to me that the second book is bad. But whatever, because I never have any good tastes in the first place and I’m reading it.
Also Weingarten is amazing. My favorite standalone is written by her and I did not know that until I Googled her name.
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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Countdown Challenge - ACOWAR [3/8]
april 2 - april 8: favorite female character
Amren, Night Court/Otherworld
There is no one female character that really appeals to me, but I find Amren rather interesting. I need to know what is she and what world is she from. I headcannon that in another world, her form has no gender, or that’s she a boy, but the words were from a song so heh. I also HC that she looks asian, because ToG witches do and I associate them with each other.
Crazy - 4Minute (rapping is on point, go listen to it)
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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Countdown Challenge - ACOWAR [2/8]
march 26 - april 1: favorite male character
Kallias Claus, High Lord of Winter Court - Modern AU
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blxck-joker · 8 years ago
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Countdown Challenge - ACOWAR [1/8]
march 19 - march 25: favourite court
Winter Court - Modern AU
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