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952 posts
Blorbo from the Cosmos - 24!- non-binary my little corner of the multiverse ♡
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 24 days ago
Have you revised your birth year if you don't mind me asking?
thank you and have a great day
Hi anon! I actually haven’t! I never considered it tbh, though I guess when shifting realities its technically revising the year I was born the adapt to that timeline? But in my cr, purposefully, no I have not :)
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 25 days ago
want to know about your void story pleassssseeeeeeeeeee
hi anon! I’m attaching a few posts Ive made in relation to the void to elaborate a bit on my thoughts on it and previous successes just to keep this short! Please let me know if you have any other questions after reading though 🫶🏼
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 27 days ago
Most shifters genuinely forget to have fun in their shifting journey like this isn't supposed to feel like ur math homework 😭😭
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 27 days ago
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 27 days ago
was watching a video on quantum jumping and saw this in the comments section
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to all my people with crazy circumstances, they don’t have to be yours, you don’t have to the person who went through all that. Align with your desired self, because you ARE living your desired life!!
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 27 days ago
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you can manifest anything in days, hours, even seconds.
you ever think about how you’re shifting realities right now? you just did it. again. and again. and. boom. there it goes. you’re not stuck in one solid, concrete world. you’re a flipbook of possibilities, and every second, a new page turns. the you reading this isn’t the you from five seconds ago. that version of you is gone. poof. never to return. god, i miss her.
so, why do people think manifestation takes time? time is just the illusion that makes reality feel digestible to our little human brains. but you don’t "wait" for things. you shift to them.
LOA isn’t about "forcing reality" like you’re wrestling fate to the ground. it’s about assuming you’re already in the reality where your desire exists. because the multiverse is infinite. every possibility is real somewhere. you’re not "creating" your dream life. you’re just moving to the timeline where it’s already true.
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you can literally manifest in milli-seconds. the second you assume something is true, you land in the reality where it’s true. the only reason it sometimes feels "slow" is because you keep doubting it, wobbling between frequencies like a radio that’s not quite locked in.
for example, you want your dream body? kewl. shift to the parallel reality where you already have it. no, i don’t mean work out for six months and hope for the best. i mean assume, right now, that you have it, and live as though you do. time is fake, and you don't need it. your cells aren’t checking their watches. you can wake up in two hours with the body you’ve always wanted, because why not? that timeline exists. people have done it. the only thing between you and that reality is the idea that it’s "too unrealistic."
and what’s more unrealistic? the concept of shifting infinite times per second through an ever-expanding multiverse of possibility, or the idea that one of those infinite realities just so happens to contain the exact thing you want and all you have to do is land in it?
anyways. "shifting" and "manifesting" aren’t two different things. they’re just two perspectives on the same mechanism. you shift every second, every moment, all the time. and manifestation is just deliberate shifting. picking the station instead of letting the static choose for you.
so, no more "waiting." no more "how long will it take?" because it’s already happened. the moment you say this is my reality now. congrats. you just shifted.
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   . . . you can read more about this here <3
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 28 days ago
A simple method to reach the void state.
1. Find a comfortable position (I personally lie on my back)
2. Consciously inhale and exhale as many times as necessary to relax
3. Relax
4. Focus on the darkness behind your eyes or imagine being surrounded by darkness/in a void (like eleven in Stranger things)
5. Be, exist
6. A mantra (optional) the mantra should arise from trust, faith and tranquility, not from lack, despair and anxiety.
7. Be aware of the void/ enter the void
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 28 days ago
Hello Everyone!
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I decided to compile a list of some of my favorite manifestations that I’ve gotten since I was last regularly active on this account. Feel free to send asks if you’d like me to elaborate on any of them, as I won’t be doing too much of that here :)
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Clear Skin
A no brainer, I feel, in the manifesting community. I was one of those kids growing up who got acne before anyone else, it was persistent all throughout my adolescence and into adulthood. One day I just got sick of all the burning, itching, dryness, oiliness, and overall feeling of how much I hated my own appearance. So, I gave up. I literally decided I did not care and if my skin was meant to clear up it simply would and I left it at that a few years ago.
Cue to now, I constantly get compliments on how smooth and radiant my skin is. People always comment on how it looks bouncy and natural dewy. Go figure
I’d always wanted tattoos but was scared to go alone and intimidated by the prices. I remember adding a few tattoos I was inspired by into my yearly manifesting Pinterest board (I can elaborate on this later if you would like) and sort of forgetting about it. Since then, I’ve had 3 opportunities with different friends and artists for cheap yet lovely flash tattoos. I’m currently working on a more detailed piece and simply waiting to manifest an artist closer to my house to do the job :)
Straight Teeth
A work in progress. I had a very unfortunate snaggle tooth and essentially zigzagging lower teeth as a child, went through the fun of traditional braces, and at the end of it my teeth never got 100% fully straight when they removed them. My retainer stopped fitting shortly after, and my teeth went back to a (thankfully not as bad but) similar state. I’d always been self conscious of my smile and it got to the point where I’d avoid opening my mouth at all for irrational fear of judgment. I was too old to be on my parents insurance and did not have the funds to pay treatment as an adult.
Lo and behold, through my job I was able to get name brand Invisalign for a fraction of the cash price and my smile (again, while still a work in progress) has never been better. Apart from the physical change through the aligners, Ive also manifested them to be whiter and healthier when they definitely weren’t before.
Tweaking Facial Features
I’m gonna just put them in one category, but I essentially tweaked my eyebrows, lashes, eyes, lips, and nose. Nothing super dramatic, sorry to disappoint, but I always thought they fit my face just not in the size they came in if that makes sense? I realized recently that my eyebrows are incredibly sleek and well maintained for someone who doesn’t take care of them more than plucking them every few weeks. My lashes (when curled) are way longer than they’ve ever been, my nose is the slightest bit smaller and therefore more complimentary to my face, and my lips are poutier and nicer than before (they’re always hydrated and plump). I also noticed my face chiseled out a bit, as someone who has always had a rounded baby face, but that could’ve also just been long overdue for my age haha
Nicer Hands & Less Body Hair
Little about me, I’m Hispanic. So, my genetics lovingly gave me an abundance of thick and dark body hair all across the way. I’m not here to tell you being hairless is better than not because it genuinely should be up to you personally, but for ME it is a sensory issue having body hair (I hate the way it feels rubbing against clothes or catching in things ugh). Tmi but even my hands were quite hairy, with my arm hair thinning yet continuing to about halfway up the back of my hand.
Soon enough, using the same “fine I give up” mentality, I noticed that (while still hairy lol) my hair doesn’t grow in as thick not as much as it used to. I literally looked at my legs the other day and realized it’s been probably over a month since I’ve shaved them but the hair grew in all sparse which is super unusual. Same with my hands, my fingers no longer look knobby and and scrawny like they used to, but they are quite elegant and I’ve actually received recent compliments on them which made me have that realization.
Ideal Hair
This one isn’t too dramatic as I’ve always been blessed with thick and healthy hair, but more so the fact that I dyed and cut it myself at home quite frequently and yet no matter what I do to it it remains as healthy and thick as ever. I alone made the attempt to go nearly platinum blonde at home, meaning I was using volume 30(?) developer by myself with zero experience on actually bleaching my hair (I dyed it often but always got the bleaching done at a salon). I think I did a total of 3 sessions within a two week time span where I left the bleach on about an hour per session and not only did it come out unscathed, people regularly ask me what salon I had it done at because they apparently can’t tell it was an at home job lol
II. Material
this one will be a fast round !
iPad Pro & newer iPhone with 513GB for a fraction of the retail price
Brand new gaming PC & ideal gaming setup
Brand new Docs
Ideal jewelry
Ideal closet staples & ideal shoes
A new car, partially gifted
Collection of amazing perfumes, all gifted
A diploma I definitely didn’t deserve because I should have failed it tbh lol
Fairy lights for my room, gifted
My perfect shades of makeup staples, all gifted 🫶🏼
Art supplies & kits, mostly gifted
A book I’d been dying to read, gifted
A random $2 pay raise I didn’t even ask for & that wasn’t due within that time frame (but am definitely not complaining about lol)
III. Miscellaneous
another fast round because I have to be somewhere and also my brain is blanking listing these out haha
The light is always green for me or about to turn green, this one never fails me and my friends/family all think I’m just really lucky 🍀
Even when I just rolled out of bed, I look amazing and even my panic lazy outfits look great
People are intimidated yet awed by me, I get a lot of people surprised when I’m nice to them and get told I always look busy and they don’t want to disturb my peace when in reality I just didn’t wanna talk to anyone haha. This one is important as someone who’s always had a “cutesy” demeanor who really dislikes social interactions
I always smell good, has saved me when I run out of the house and realize in a panic I didn’t use enough deodorant lmao. It sounds like a joke but I swear Ive even had people who I know to be brutally honest smell me and I’ve never been told I smell bad
Going to concerts, raves, and clubs (again, I was always socially awkward and didn’t have friends who were willing to do these things with me). On that note…
… a new friend group! I love my childhood friends but we are all a bunch of hermits and I really went through an era where I wanted to have fun and enjoy my 20’s, hence this new group of the loveliest and craziest people I absolutely love 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Trips to NYC & San Diego. Before I discovered manifesting I rarely ever left my city, let alone the state. The trips were everything I could’ve hoped for and I’m currently manifesting about 3 more this year!
Passing grades in classes I definitely didn’t earn them in 😬
Money, specifically money Ive saved. I’m not sharing the quantity just for personal safety reasons, but I will say I probably have more money saved alone than all my friends do combined
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So, there’s that! I’m actively manifesting many other things as well, specifically a new high paying job, my dream apartment in Seattle, and a significant other as I’m finally in a place where I feel ready for a relationship 🫶🏼 mark my words I’ll have a success post about these soon >:)
Let me know if you guys have any questions, and comment below your favorite manifestations so we can all inspire each other! -love, Blorbo
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
I have a sp from the gym, I have never talked to him but he is older than me ( I am a minor ) I was imagining a scenario with him romantic, together watching a movie. But I thought it wouldn't be logical because I have never talked to him, I don't know anything about him.
morally, I can’t encourage you as a minor to pursue someone who isn’t, which is what was implied in this ask. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you mean he is a few years older but still within an appropriate & legal age group, so in that sense I have attached a link to a similar ask for you to read.
ultimately it is your reality and I can’t stop you from whatever it is you choose to do, but as an adult I need to strongly emphasize to you that any good and moral person worth dating will not even consider dating a minor if they are over 18, and if someone older than you does show interest (especially if they’re aware of the fact you’re a minor) that is a red flag. an adult should not be attracted to teenagers.
Point blank. Period.
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
How do I get rid of logic, 3d and limiting beliefs? Because I want to manifest a good love life. And I also want to attract a lot of good looking guys but when I am in the same place as them I feel less or I see them very unattainable and it happens that they don't look at me. And I struggle with this constant fight, I will go for the first time to a discotheque where there will be hundreds of handsome men and I don't want to go because I feel that they will be unreachable, besides they won't look at me or they won't pay attention to me and they will to the others.
I’m going to provide you with my personal method that I used to do a complete 180 on my mental state but going to ask that, while I hope you take it with an open mind, you also take it with a grain of salt. Everyone is different in what works and what doesn’t, but for reference I used to be the most self conscious person who ever walked the planet. I’m talking literally trembling and hyperventilating at the idea of being perceived by other people, ESPECIALLY with the paranoia of them viewing me as lesser.
I replaced all hyperbole and negative statements in my head with a positive alternative in the most dramatic way possible. Some examples include:
“God I’m so stupid!”
“Ugh I’m so ugly”
“That’s so embarrassing!!”
See, these phrases are probably common for a lot of people when things go wrong. And how can they not be? We’re taught to be ashamed of our mistakes and compare ourselves to others from a young age, I didn’t even realize how often I said things like this and how much they were hurting my self esteem until I decided to make an effort to improve it. I’m going to sound silly and I’m sure you’re going to agree because I also thought it was ridiculous at the time, but every time I had a thought even remotely along those lines I’d stop, then switch to something along the lines of…
“God I’m such a genius!”
“Ugh I’m so incredibly hot!!”
“That’s so cutesy and quirky of me!”
The key here is to be consistent and say it as a fact, not sarcastically. You’ll probably think it’s stupid genius and feel stupid silly doing it, but the more frequently you do it, the more your brain starts to accept it rather than reject it. It’s a simple method of repetition that I guarantee will sooner or later start to feel true because it is.
Now, you asked how you can you can attract a good love life and create a positive perception of you so people will find you attractive. It’s going to be the same method, and for this I am going to ask you to focus mainly on your own mental health because at the end of the day your attraction to yourself is what matters most, but it’s going to be the exact same thing but on an external level. Example:
“He probably thinks I look weird!”
-> “he probably thinks I’m so hot”
“She’s looking at me & I look ugly today!”
-> “she’s looking at me because I look so beautiful today”
“They’re probably judging me”
-> “they’re totally admiring me!”
Repetition, again, is key. The more you state it, the more you believe it. Believing is the strongest tool you have as a manifester, and while you don’t even have to believe in the things you say or affirm or whatever, just believe in the science behind it because that’s what this all is at the end of the day.
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
"scientific" proof of law of assumption. Part 2.
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
How did you enter the void ?v
hi anon!
here’s a link to another response I made to a similar question! :)
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
hi everyone!
I’m gonna be logging off for the night, so I’ll leave my asks open until the morning then close them so I can get to the rest of the things in my inbox. Feel free to send any last minute requests, questions, etc and I’ll work on answering them over the next few days
Goodnight!! Happy shifting! 🌙
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
Helloo! 🎀 I totally understand disconnecting from social media because that’s something I do too and life can get so busy.
Have your beliefs changed regarding shifting or has something changed in your journey? Have you been shifting, do you have any new DRs or favorite experiences to share?
oh my gosh, YES. my beliefs have changed so much. Gonna get controversial for a sec because being away from medias regarding shifting (shiftblr, shifttok, etc) and allowing myself to come to my own conclusions through trial and error have really changed the way I view both shifting and manifesting in general. while many people see it as a method specifically to gain material and physical results, I personally view it as an internalized state that allows me to be open to tangible results through working on my own personal fulfillment.
This is not to make myself sound high and mighty, please don’t take it as me trying to sound better than anyone because of course you are your own creator and therefore the center of YOUR universe. MY universe, I simply see, is quite different from others who are within the shifting and manifesting community and that is okay!! I think the biggest thing is I no longer feel that yearning and despair for a physical result which is really common when you’re newer at this sort of thing. I accept what is and adapt it to fit my own narrative. Ive experienced a lot of change this way in both physical, alternate, and spiritual realities.
Nobody come for me but I actually don’t really focus on shifting anymore! 😭 NOT THAT I DONT BELIEVE AND DONT STILL DO IT WHEN I CAN MAKE THE EFFORT, OKAY??? I have actually shifted a few times since my last time on this blog and I promise to share those stories in due time <3 it’s just that when I FIRST discovered shifting I was barely 18/19 or so, focused on shifting for my y/n moment into shows and media from my childhood and teenagehood. I was a full time college student with all the time in the world, lost within an identity crisis, and without a speck of knowledge on what it is I wanted to do with my life (both in this world, and any other).
I am now a college graduate, paying my way through my second degree with a well paying full time job. I’ve gone to concerts, raves, events, and festivals. I’ve traveled many places I never thought I’d see between San Diego and New York. I am planning to move and start my dream life in Seattle, as well as actively pursuing traveling abroad. I have less time to focus on shifting for “the plot,” and my manifesting and shifting is saved more for daily things like the assumption I make true that I’m always on time no matter how late I leave and that the light is always green when I need it on the way to work lol.
Have I given up on those realities I dreamed of as a teen? No, of course not. I’m more confident than ever I’ll see the ones I never got to and will shift again to the ones I have. However, it’s not a pressing matter since I know I can do it whenever I want as long as I make the effort, so it sort of sits on the back burner. I’m fully in control of reality and no longer stress about molding it, because it molds itself for me 🙂‍↕️
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
hi sorry to bug you but i saw your post about having fully shifted and i had some questions!
when you got back to your CR, did the memories of your DR feel kind of vague and distant, like they had happened a long time ago? or were they still pretty fresh, like they just happened? i think i may have shifted unintentionally, but i'm having a hard time distinguishing between actually having shifted and just having a really vivid dream. i didn't think to do any checks while i was there, so now i'm all confused 😭
okay so this might not make total sense but bear with me because it’s a little hard to describe so I’m hoping you’ll understand what I mean
In that moment, it feels like I just snapped back into focus after zoning out and become a little confused because “wait a second, I was just doing X, what did I miss?” sort of when you go on autopilot doing a mundane task and you suddenly realize it’s been an hour and the sun is gone when you were just looking at the bright sky what feels like a few minutes ago. It’s that sensation where you’re so sure you were just doing something (and you were) but the brain hasn’t quite caught up to the transition out of it. That is how I feel about my shifting memories.
Afterwards, of course, they’re like any memories where I can recall them but they are now in the past. I know they’re memories because— me personally, as someone who frequently lucid dreams and astral projects— I am aware of the sensations of life that otherwise wouldn’t have caught my attention within a dream. I don’t remember breathing in dreams, the feeling of warm sunlight, the fabrics of clothes on my skin, nor the type of internal monologue I have on a day to day basis. It’s the little things that will differentiate your dreams from a shift, as in dreams the smaller the detail the less you’re likely to have noticed it.
the few times I have shifted, I became hyper aware of myself in the same way where I felt like I’d zoned out and suddenly I’m back in my daily life and it won’t even occur to me until later on that I shifted and that’s when I’ll start doing reality checks. I think I shift differently than most, though, as I’ve never shifted for long to a version of myself who was just waking up so it might be different in that aspect.
Hope this helps!! <3
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blorbo-from-the-cosmos · 1 month ago
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